
The night was always a dangerous time, not being able to see much in front of you had always caused many deaths. It was astonishing really how well the blind could hide from view, but that went to show that they to had experience.

Ambushing prey was one of the best ways to get a meal, and they knew that.

For many years they had to learn how to survive, as well as finding out a good tactic to get food. They had went through many mistakes when hunting, but the more they did it the quicker they learned.

Sure, the blind were clumsy and they didn't think or feel like them but they had their ways. By living in this world, you come to accept that everything and everyone were dangerous.

Never become or feel cocky, for that will kill you.

The heavy sounds of footsteps were a noticeable sound, Gambit was in a out of conscious. He didn't know if he was alive or dead.

Scarface was the first to find Gambit after barreling out of the darkened bushes, the sheer size difference between him and the raptors were quite shocking. "Gambit!?!"

Scarface ran over to him, while the many raptors became skittish the moment Bloodmaw appeared. Swiftscale ran over to Scarface with a worried expression on his face. The sight of their friend laying on the ground in a puddle of blood was a heart wrenching sight.

Grim glared as he charged after the raptors, and the raptors fled. The leader of the raptors led his pack away, though he gave everyone a harsh rather aggressive glare from the darkness.

Bloodmaw stood beside Grim before looking back at Scarface. "Get him and let's go!"

Scarface nodded as he looked at Swiftscale who carefully picked up Gambit, he was in bad shape from the looks of it. Swiftscale held Gambit as he walked toward Bloodmaw, Scarface was right on his heels.

"They have been stealing.", growled Devastate as he looked at the large food stash. The behemoth looked at another stash that was nothing but herbs.

The raptor nests were full of eggs, and there was a good chance that the raptors were close by. Bloodmaw knew that they were, for the feeling of eyes on him was rather suffocating.

The trees had eyes, they always had.

Devastate looked at Bloodmaw who looked at him in return. "What are we going to do? They clearly have been stealing."

Grim snarled, "We kill them!"

Bloodmaw slowly looked at the eggs, the size of the nest were fairly large. Larger than most raptor packs that he had seen. "They have eggs."

Grim snorted loudly, "I say we smash them!"

Bloodmaw looked at him, "I will not do such a thing. Harmony and Lockjaw had experienced losing their children before, like I am going to do that to someone else."

Devastate looked at the nests, "But they are stealing, that is the same as someone sneaking into our camp while we sleep and slitting our throats."

Bloodmaw frowned, he looked at Swiftscale and Scarface. "Take him back, I am sure Belle can help him."

Swiftscale nodded as he carried a limp Gambit in his arms, and right behind him was Scarface.

Bloodmaw looked at the nests silently, he knew it was his call. However, he would never stoop so low as to step on eggs. The raptors were to blame, and necessarily the eggs were innocent. "Let's go back to the others."

Devastate closed his eyes but he nodded as he turned away. The behemoth respected Bloodmaw's decision.

Grim looked at the eggs silently before turning away as well, he was clearly upset about them not doing anything to the raptors. He wanted to punish them some how, for stealing was disgusting in his eyes.

His clan was worthy, more worthy than a bunch of worthless thieves. Be that as it may, he would follow Bloodmaw's command.

As they walked into the darkness, the raptors slowly walked out of hiding as they watch them depart. The darkness and the shine of the moon made the eyes of the pack of raptors glow.

The crickets continued their song on the night air, the moon rested high in the sky above the world below.

Swiftscale and Scarface made it back to the others, having ran there they made it back quickly. They didn't want to waste time, after all Gambits wounds were bad and if they didn't hurry then their friend may not make it.

Scarface looked at Belle who was panicking, she looked deathly afraid of losing a friend. She slowly looked at Ruby who was there to help her, which eased her down somewhat.

Ruby handed her herbs, as well as a comforting smile, this made Belle feel empowered as she nodded looking serious. She was going to save her friend, she had too.

Swiftscale looked at Gambit silently, his hands were fairly bloody from carrying Gambit back.

The wounds on his back were deep, and it was obvious that he was attacked by two toe claws. Two straight lacerations were on the center of Gambits back. The wounds would definitely leave two scars seeing how deep they were, and down the road it may cause problems for him.

Scarface looked at Swiftscale as he gave a light smile, "Gambit did say he liked to gamble?"

Swiftscale blinked before giving him a small smile in return, "He did say that didn't he?"

Scarface nodded as he looked down at Belle who was trying her absolute best in mending the wound. "Yeah he did."

Swiftscale smiled lightly before looking down at the raptor who was his friend.

The baryoynx probably had never had a friend that was a raptor before. He was almost certain that Scarface was kind of like him as well. Before all this started, and they were with Crusher things were different.

Raptors were always seen with other raptors, much like how rexes were with rexes and so on. Swiftscale was with two of his kind when he was in the clan of Crusher, he remembered seeing Gambit for the first time.

He was probably the only raptor that he saw who sat away from other raptors. Which was odd seeing that Crusher had quite a few raptors in his clan. Swiftscale honestly felt like talking to him one day but never found the courage to, and that was cause things were new.

Seeing different species in the same place was a big change to how things were. Now though, it didn't matter or more or less it shouldn't matter. They were very much alike for they breath the same air as everyone else. So what if they were different, they were still a family who was trying to survive.

Scarface looked at Belle curiously as she sighed, her petite hands were bloody but she smiled softly. "I really tried! I am not a herbalist master but I think I got the blood under control!"

Scarface and Swiftscale both smiled, they were happy to hear that.

The sound of light yet familiar footsteps caught everyone's attention but it was not Bloodmaw but Helm with Dingo. They casually walked out of the darkness, though there was splatters of dirt and mud on them.

"Where have you guys been!?!", exclaimed Ebony running over to them with a worried expression.

Dingo laughed loudly, "Sorry about that! I guess we got a little sidetracked!"

Helm smiled, "We lost sight of the raptor from before but we met someone else."

Swiftscale blinked walking over, before he could say anything did Bloodmaw walk out of the trees. He looked at Helm and Dingo stunned.

"You guys alright!?!", spoke a shocked Bloodmaw.

Helm nodded with a smile before glaring at Grim who was more than angry as he snarled. "Where in all the seven suns did you two go!?! We had to deal with a mess all cause you two went out mud wrestling!?!"

Devastate sort of smirked, "Looks like they had fun?"

Dingo laughed loudly while Helm snorted, "We did not go mud wrestling! We lost sight of the raptor and fell down a muddy slope! We then landed into someone who was not happy with the interruption!"

Bloodmaw blinked, "Where exactly did you two go?"

Helm looked in the direction, "We went that way, we ran into a blind beast and got some help from someone. She was very powerful but polite."

Dingo blinked catching sight of blood, "Why do I smell blood?"

Swiftscale showed his hands, "Gambit got hurt, raptors came and more or less lied about seeing you two."

"Bunch of no good thieves!", growled Grim.

Helm looked at him with wide eyes, "Seriously?"

Devastate nodded, he blinked though as Adder walked up. "Wait? You met someone? She?"

Helm nodded while Dingo grinned, "She was a tough sheila! Ripped the tail off of a blind brute that I reckon didn't take kindly to us falling on him!"

Ebony looked at him surprised, "Really?"

Lockjaw looked at the food stash, "We may need to continue this talk some other time. We need to discuss the plan with these raptors."

Bloodmaw looked at him and he nodded, "Of course."

Adder looked at Helm as he said, "Could you show us where afterwards?"

Helm nodded, "Sure!"

Lesion looked at Bloodmaw as he said, "Lockjaw mentioned something about moving?"

Jr looked at him before looking at Bloodmaw, "I mean that wouldn't be a bad idea but wouldn't the raptors follow us?"

Bloodmaw looked at the woods, "That is the thing, whatever we choose it may not completely get rid of the problem."

Grim looked at him, "Either we retaliate against them or move."

Bloodmaw looked at him silently, and it was cause those were the only two options. He didn't want to fight against others, but sometimes it couldn't be helped. Surviving means that you had to fight in order to stay alive.

Lesion looked at the food stash, "I could say that you guys can come with Fiala and I? It is large and I doubt those raptors would follow you guys there."

Bloodmaw chuckled, "I suppose?"

Jr smiled, "Don't get all soft! Besides, this is your journey!"

Lesion smiled at him, "Hey at least I am trying to spend more time with you guys?"

Belle looked at Gambit who was asleep, he looked stable though his face showed how unwell he was feeling. "I don't think we should move Gambit in his condition? I am just a assistant of a herbalist but..."

Bloodmaw looked at her and he smiled, "If we decide to move, we will make sure we are careful with him."

Belle smiled softly, she trusted him much like how she trusted everyone else in the clan. She looked at Devastate who looked at her in a glance with kind eyes.

Harmony looked at her two daughters who looked up at her curiously. They were unsure of what they were talking about, though the words 'move' made them uncomfortable. Lockjaw looked at his family, his eyes slowly moved to look at Bloodmaw. "I don't want my daughters to get hurt. If I must I will deal with them myself."

Bloodmaw blinked looking at Lockjaw in surprise, he then smiled. "You won't have to face them alone. Besides, they have a nests with eggs and I can't simply bring myself to attack them."

Harmony softly gasped, while Lockjaw frowned upon hearing his words. He gave a adamant statement. "I understand, but I will do what is necessary to protect my family. You all may have your codes or whatever but I see it as a threat. I am thankful to you for giving us a chance to have a family, but I will not stand by and let these raptors have their way. Eggs or not, I will put a end to them with or without you."

These words from Lockjaw made everyone surprised. Of course Lockjaw has become conscious, but when he first joined he wasn't. He has different views from them, and everyone knew that.

But just hearing him say he would destroy eggs was just a little concerning. Everyone had different codes, and that was apparent. But there was some lines that shouldn't be crossed. Bloodmaw looked at him as he said, "Don't do anything that you will regret."

Lockjaw looked at him silently before glancing at Harmony who looked down with a saddened expression. His words no doubt hurt her in someway.

Nina looked at Harmony with a frown, before looking at Bloodmaw. "I think we should move?"

Hearing her suggest this made Harmony look at her softly.

Bloodmaw looked at Nina before looking at Lockjaw who had a serious look in his eyes. This was going to be a tough, no matter what he was to choose.