
"I think that is a good idea, we will move out right away.", spoke Bloodmaw as he looked at everyone in the clan. He was not going to destroy eggs, for eggs had nothing to do with the raptors and their stealing.

Of course the raptors would no doubt teach their offspring that stealing was necessary to survive. Every single parent was different, just like how every child was different.

This decision of Bloodmaw's made everyone nod, for they were on board with the move. It was not going to be easy, but everything was never easy. It never was.

Lockjaw frowned, it was hard to determine if he was on board with the idea or not. Perhaps, to him he felt like doing something rather than running away from a problem. Many have learned about the blind. Never should anyone run away from a blind beast, only cause they would hunt you down.

By running away you leave yourself open for any attacks.

Fighting and fleeing were the only two options, and the both of them were rather risky no matter what you choose. Sure, fighting guarantees that you will survive but you would no doubt get hurt.

By getting hurt you become weaker, and when that happens the blind could sense it. They will absolutely abuse that wound, until you collapse and then that was it. You loose your life.

"I will help Belle with Gambit.", spoke Devastate as he looked at Belle who smiled at him.

Bloodmaw nodded, "Get everything together. The quicker we do this, the quicker we leave."

Grim nodded as he stalked off toward the food stash, "I will pack up the food."

"Let me help you.", exclaimed Jr as he followed after Grim.

Bloodmaw looked at Lesion who walked up, Fiala was behind him looking around with concern. "I guess you guys will walk with us for a little bit?"

Bloodmaw nodded as he smiled some, "Yep, I suppose you can go ahead and say goodbye to everyone to while you're at it?"

Lesion smiled lightly, "I hate goodbyes though."

Bloodmaw looked at him with a smile. "I'm sure everyone hates goodbyes son?"

Lesion laughed a bit before looking around at everyone, his eyes softened as he did so. For quite sometime, everyone in the clan was like a family. It was the only family that he has ever known.

Admittedly, he missed those times when he was younger. He had no care in the world, and all that he ever thought about was being like Swiftscale for he stepped on a head of a blind carnivore. To him that was the coolest thing, and he was certain that Jr felt the same.

Lesion looked over at Swiftscale, then at Grim. He couldn't deny that he had incredible teachers, his father being one of them.

"You take care of your wife, she is going to be the one to support you.", spoke Bloodmaw as he smiled. "I don't doubt that you two will fight and have different views but know that you are stronger with her."

Lesion blushed a tad but he smiled shyly, "Oh yeah of course...!"

Bloodmaw looked at Fiala as he smiled, "She is a good girl, she just had a lousy father."

Lesion looked at her as he nodded some, "I know, I will make her happy. I will try no doubt about that!"

Bloodmaw chuckled before looking at Adder and Nina, "I owe Adder one."

Lesion looked at Adder as he said, "Same..."

If it was not for Adder, Lesion would probably be mad at his father and brother still. He knew that his father was doing what was best for the clan, but he felt betrayed. Like his father didn't trust him enough to do something on his own.

That feeling went away however, after all his father walked up to him and told him to bring back Dreadtooth's clan. He knew it was not going to be easy but he felt like he could do it.

Lesion wanted to prove to his father that he could do anything and everything on his own. Sure, he was a teenager but he had the teachings and strength to accomplish the task. He felt like he could do it, and why wait till he was a adult.

Lesion was ready now, though he was going to miss his family. That was a fact.

Lesion looked at Bloodmaw as he said, "I will help you guys move."

Bloodmaw blinked, "You don't have too?"

Lesion smiled, "I insist!"

Bloodmaw smirked, "Alright then."

Lesion smiled as he walked over to Scarface as he decided to give him a hand.

The night would quickly disappear, and the morning would come back up like it always does. The days and nights that pass by was a sign that time was still moving forward. Sometimes time would go by to fast, but it couldn't be helped.

As time flies by, the world without a doubt changes before them right underneath their feet. Sometimes it was scary to predict what the future would be like, but just about everyone couldn't help it.

The future was what everyone was working towards.

Would they be alive or ready to see the future though?

Belle looked at Devastate with a gentle smile, she was thankful that he wanted to help her. Gambit was upon the back of the behemoth, seeing that he was going to be out of it for a while. "Thank you for wanting to help me."

Devastate smiled toward her, his head lowered down close to her as he asked. "Do you have everything just in case something happens?"

Belle looked at him while looking at her hands, "I..oh the herbs!" Belle ran over picking up the herbs, her eyes burning with that fire. The same fire she had when she was attacked by Baldur, there was a good bet that she had this fire to save Gambit as well.

Devastate looked at her with a smile, he loved watching her change and better herself. She was working hard for the clan, as well as working hard for him. The behemoth was doing the same thing as she was, for he was working hard for this new clan as well as for her. Devastate had messed up with the clan of Crusher, and that would no doubt haunt him for a while.

But at least he could use that as a way to better himself and improve.

Belle looked at him with a apologetic expression, "I don't know how I feel about using you as a sort of cargo holder..."

Devastate looked at her with a brow raised, "I don't mind it, if it helps you out."

Belle looked up at him as she said, "You are a skilled fighter and well I can't help but feel like I'm abusing you. Is that odd..?"

Devastate made a strange snorting sound, he then closed his eyes and chuckled some.

Belle blushed softly as she looked at him. "..."

Devastate looked at her as he gave her a small smile, he then winked at her. "The day you abuse me, is the day that the world ends."

Belle flushed extremely hard and fast at him, she dropped the herbs before jumping and scrambling to pick the herbs up off of the floor. "Look what you made me do!?!"

Devastate gave her a frown, "What did I do? You did that to yourself!"

Swiftscale looked at the two of them with a rather large grin, "They are a funny couple."

The baryoynx was picking up bones as he laughed at himself. He however flinched when Ebony stopped behind him and said, "Aren't we a funny couple too?"

Swiftscale looked at her with a comedic expression, "Wait are we?"

Ebony grinned cheekily at him, "I mean yes? You fell into the flowers that you wanted to give me remember?"

Swiftscale blushed at her, "You startled me though!"

Ebony laughed at him, "I couldn't help it! Your face afterwards was so freaking adorable after you realized what you done!?!"

Swiftscale looked away with his face hidden behind the bones. "...~"

Grim snorted loudly, "Ugh couples..." He said this with the food stash upon his back as he walked by with a disgusted face.

Jr laughed at Grim, "Hey, I bet you will find a pretty girl one day!"

Grim snorted loudly as he looked at Jr, "I don't want to hear that from you boy!"

Jr snickered loudly as he teased, "I bet you will cuddle up with a triceratops seeing how bull headed you are!"

Grim snarled, "Shut it!?!"

Bloodmaw looked at Jr and Grim with a smile, he was happy to see everyone else was in good spirits about the move. Being a leader was probably the most rewarding thing on the planet. It was difficult to lead but he felt like he was doing a good job.

Bloodmaw looked at Lockjaw who was standing in front of Harmony. He was curious as to what they were talking about.

As he approached, Lockjaw looked at him with a blank expression. Harmony on the other hand looked at Bloodmaw with a worried expression.

"Something wrong?", asked Bloodmaw.

Harmony looked at Lockjaw before saying, "I apologize for my husband."

Bloodmaw looked at her and he shook his head as he spoke, "Don't apologize. It is clear that he loves you and his daughters."

Lockjaw nodded as he looked at Eden and Enyo, "I do."

Bloodmaw looked at Lockjaw with a respectful look, "I don't hold anything against you."

Harmony looked relieved about that, "Thank goodness."

Bloodmaw smiled before looking at Lockjaw as he asked, "But I am curious though. Why did you say that? I mean destroying eggs would only make matters worse?"

Lockjaw looked at him silently, his eyes narrowed before he finally responded. "I don't think I could live with myself if something were to happen to my children. We lost them before and I don't think I could handle another loss."

Bloodmaw looked at him with great compassion. "I see. But like I said, you could have more and..."

Lockjaw looked away, "I know but if I loose another child then that is a sign that perhaps we are not meant to have them."

Harmony looked down at his words, while Bloodmaw looked greatly surprised.

It would seem that Lockjaw could be thinking that he is not meant to have anymore kids if they were to keep dying. It was very clear that after losing his kids once, it has affected him more than it did Harmony.

Every parent wants to have kids, at least once in their lifetime. That was something that everyone wanted, to have a family. If by chance that you lose that child, how would you feel. Honestly, that was a tough call for everyone had different experiences with children. Some were lucky yet gifted with children, while others struggled.

Bloodmaw has never lost a child yet, miraculously his two sons survived to be teenagers. But Lockjaw and Harmony must of had a hard time with having children. Why else would he feel so downhearted yet overprotective of them?

"I believe that the two of you were meant to have them. You both have two energetic yet beautiful daughters, so what you should be doing is giving them all the love. Besides, we are a family and you won't have to worry about loosing them.", spoke Bloodmaw as he looked at Eden and Enyo with a smile.

Lockjaw slowly looked at his daughters with a smile, while Harmony smiled softly in gratitude. His words would be remembered by them, for a leader was supposed to bring everyone together and make them feel that they are not alone.

Lockjaw looked at Bloodmaw as he smiled, "Thank you."

Bloodmaw nodded at him as he turned around and walked to the others. The camp was quickly cleared out, and with it being cleared would they be able to move out.

Once making sure that everything was packed up did the clan of Bloodmaw move out. As they all walked, the suns light was slowly coming up from the horizon bringing warmth to the vast land that was their home.

Bloodmaw was ahead of everyone else as he led them toward a new start for their survival. The clan however stopped once they caught sight of the familiar camp that was once led by Dreadtooth.

"I guess this is goodbye to everyone for a while?", spoke Lesion as he looked at everyone.

Swiftscale looked a little emotional as Ebony looks at him with a affectionate smile, "You take care of yourself, and you better remember the things I taught you!"

Lesion smiled as his gaze became a little misty with tears. "Of course!"

Grim looked at him with a smile, this made him seem rather brotherly. "You won't have any trouble."

Lesion looked at him and he smiled, "I don't doubt it!"

"Take care of my son okay.", spoke Bloodmaw looking at Fiala who smiled though she was blushing. "Okay! Please come by anytime!"

Jr walked up to Lesion as he struggled to keep a smile, "See you brother!"

Lesion looked at him with his lips twitching, "Yeah!" He looked close to bawling.

Dingo laughed, "No laughing little man!"

Lesion snickered lightly as he smiled at Dingo and Helm.

Lesion slowly looked at Fiala as she walked toward the camp, he however looked at Adder as he smiled. "Thank you for the talk, really."

Adder nodded at him with a smile, "Anytime."

Lesion looked at everyone with a bright smile before following after Fiala.

Bloodmaw watched him go with a proud smile upon his face.

Adder looked at Helm as he said, "You want to show us where you saw that female who helped you out?"

Helm looked at Bloodmaw who looked at him, "I don't see why not?"

Helm nodded as he pointed, "This way!"

With that the clan of Bloodmaw moved out.