
The clan of Bloodmaw was walking in the direction that Helm saw the individual who had helped him and Dingo fight against a blind carnivore. To be expected everyone was on edge for no one knew who they were or if they were going to be kind or not. The thing about meeting someone new was if they were going to be trustworthy.

Survival was one thing but trust was a whole different matter.

Helm looked at the side picking up another scent, he recognized the scent but faintly. He looked at Scarface with curious eyes, for he was wondering if he picked up on the scent as well.

"I smell someone close by.", as if on cue Scarface did pick up on the scent.

Helm looked to be glad, that was cause he was afraid that he was leading the clan in the wrong location. He looked at Scarface as he asked, "Where is it coming from?"

Scarface looked in the direction, he shifted his head as he replied. "That way."

Bloodmaw looked at the direction before walking forward, it was not long until everyone followed. "Are we sure about this?", spoke Grim who was frowning.

Dingo laughed some what, "I doubt if she is a threat!"

Grim snorted loudly as he looked at Dingo, "You just met her! How do you know!"

Dingo looked at him with a smile, "I am sure of it! If she wanted to kill us she could of just walked away and let that blind brute kill us!"

Ebony looked ahead before smiling at Grim, "That is a good point?"

Grim frowned silently.

Nina looked at Adder curiously, she then looked before them as she tilted her head.

Adder blinked taking notice of a silhouette that happens to be walking toward them from the trees. The trees moved out of the way of the rex that was fully grown. Her hide was a light color of the bark on trees, as she holds various sized scars on her body from her head to the center of her back.

Bloodmaw looked at her silently in surprise, before long did he speak up. "Hello there?"

He watched as she slowly looked at the clan before her eyes stopped upon a individual. Curiously, Bloodmaw looked over his shoulder just like everyone else. He looked further stunned only cause Adder was staring right back at her.

"M-Mom?", stammered Adder in bewilderment.

"Mom?", questioned Helm.

A loud whistle erupted from Dingo before he laughed loudly. "I should of known! Like mother like son!?!"

Scarface looked between the two of them with wide eyes, much like Grim.

Nina smiled at Adder, "Well at least we found her!"

Bloodmaw looked at the rex before blinking fast as she walked by him so she could smile and chat with Adder.

"I'm glad you are alright.", smiled Adder's mother.

Adder looked at her with a ridiculously large smile on his face. "Same to you!"

Bloodmaw smiled at the two of them, for he was glad that Adder's mother was still alive and well. He wouldn't forget about what happened before, since Adder lost his father sometime ago.

Just thinking that however made him wonder if she knew of her mates passing.

"Guys this is my mother, Reza! She taught me quite a lot of things when I was younger!", spoke Adder with a good sized smile.

"It's a pleasure!", smiled Helm.

"Aye! Thanks for helping us out earlier!", laughed Dingo.

Reza smiled at the two of them, it was obvious that she knew them. "Of course."

"This is Bloodmaw and my clan.", smiled Adder as he looked at everyone that was around them.

Reza politely nodded at everyone before smiling at Bloodmaw. "How has my son been doing in this clan?"

Bloodmaw smirked, "He's been pretty helpful."

Devastate looked at them silently before glancing at Belle who seemed to be grinning widely. He also noticed that she had a flower tied around her neck with a vine. The behemoth looked at that flower curiously only cause he hadn't seen it until now. It was a white flower, and it blended in with her white feathers.

Swiftscale looked at Reza kindly, "From the looks of it? You can handle yourself well!"

Reza smiled in response, "I learned how to fight at a young age."

Jr smiled at her for she definitely looked really tough, "Hey fighting is pretty cool!"

Reza smiled at him as she nodded, "Yes it is."

Nina looked at her with respect, "I am glad you are okay."

Reza smiled, "I am not much of a quitter, so of course I am going to keep fighting."

Bloodmaw looked at her as he said, "We are trying to find a place for our clan. You are more than welcome to join us?"

Reza smiled at him in response, "I may tag along, that is if you don't mind?"

"Of course not!", smiled Bloodmaw as he turned around and began walking.

As the clan continued following after Bloodmaw, Adder looked at his mother with a smile, though his smile faded away the moment he thought about his father. She probably didn't know that Crusher didn't make it. The only thing now was when he was going to tell her. "There is so much we are going to have to talk about."

Reza nodded with a smile, "Of course. Oh, speaking of which? There is a large space being made into a community? First of its kind! That maybe a good place for you and your clan?"

Bloodmaw looked interested, "Really?"

Reza nodded, "Everyone is welcome including herbivores."

Ebony looked at her with a brow raised, she soon smiled. "We can give it a look?"

Harmony looked at Lockjaw who looked a little uncomfortable. "I am sure it will be okay?", she said with a reassuring voice.

"Don't think to much into it? Everyone will be helping each other out!", spoke Reza with a smile. "I'm sure things will work out?"

Eden and Enyo both ran around being the hyper youngsters that they were. Just about everyone in the clan held the cargo from the camp upon their backs. Swiftscale watched after Eden and Enyo like his life depended on it.

Ruby was happily talking to Scarface who was beside her as he listened, though he looked a little awkward.

She was talking about having children, and this of course made him feel a little uncomfortable. Things like this should be discussed in private right?

Ebony was watching Eden and Enyo with Swiftscale, as she walked beside him.

Devastate looked at Belle silently being very curious, just who on earth gave her a flower. The behemoth glanced back at Gambit who was still out of it. Chances were high that he would be out of it for a few days.

Harmony and Lockjaw were walking alongside each other as they talked.

Things such as moves tend to happen, it was never a given if they were to stay in a place forever. That was why they were grateful that they had each other.

They wouldn't of made it this far otherwise.

"Mom?", carefully spoke Adder as he watched Eden and Enyo run by.

"Yes?", replied Reza as she looked at him curiously.

"Where have you been if you don't mind me asking?", asked Adder looking at her.

"Didn't your father tell you where I was?", she looked at him with a confused face.

Adder looked down as he replied, "I think he mentioned something about it? All I know is that he said that you went out to improve your skills?"

Reza smiled at his response, "I suppose that is true? I have been out on my own for a while."

The clan of Bloodmaw walked by the forest rather calmly in a orderly fashion, a view of a open field was to their right side where a bunch of blind herbivores grazed in the distance. The distant shine of the sun was down upon a few streams with a small herd of sauropods taking a drink from the water source.

It was surprising how beautiful the area looked, and that gave hint to how peaceful life can be at times. Survival was a constant ordeal, but life could also reward you with a good glance of its beauty and wonder from time to time.

"You know father didn't make it?", Adder said this slowly yet calmly. He had his eyes on the ground, he caught sight of his mother's feet that were on the ground. He walked forward but stopped once he saw that his mother had stopped.

Turning around did he wince faintly seeing his mother's face.

The look of pure pain was upon her expression, her chestnut brown eyes took on a glossy appearance. Adder looked at her with a look of sadness but compassion. "He didn't die in vain, according to what was said to me was that he died fighting."

Reza looked down in silence as she shook her head as tears streamed down from her eyes. Adder walked up to her as he looked at her silently. "It is going to be okay."

Reza slowly nodded as she softly sobbed, the pain of wounds or scars could never amount to a broken heart.

Bloodmaw glanced back over his shoulder and took notice of Adder and Reza stopping. He watched as Nina looked at Reza with eyes full of sympathy. Bloodmaw moved to a stop as he waited for them to catch up, it was not long until the rest of the clan caught on to what was happening.

Scarface looked at them and he frowned, he knew what Adder told her. Crusher didn't make it thanks to Baldur, that tyrant was no doubt burning wherever he was in the afterlife.

Speaking of Baldur, Scarface was still haunted by the images of the tyrant dying at the volcano. The sizzling of his flesh was a god awful sound, and he still hears it when he closes his eyes at night. Though Baldur was a evil brute, no one deserves to die like that.

Scarface pushed him into the volcano, but still he stood there and watched as the large tyrant died before his very eyes.

Why did he watch him? Perhaps, it was cause he wanted to see actual proof of him dying.

Of course a sight like that would haunt him, after all he didn't want to die like that. Scarface silently looked at Devastate, the scar on the behemoths neck was from Adder only cause Devastate somewhat helped Baldur overthrow Crusher.

He wouldn't tell Reza, Devastate has more than enough redeemed himself. Or at least to Scarface, he had redeemed himself. Besides, it was Baldur who was to blame for Crushers death right?

Scarface looked at Adder and Reza as they slowly began walking, and once they had done so did the rest of the clan continue to this journey toward the community.

Was this community going to be a home for them? That the clan did not know.

The sun was up high in the air, and the sound of working had continued on for sometime now. The community that was to house many species seemed to be getting done at a rather fast pace. Constant teamwork and determination were put into it, that it was apparent that the community would be done much sooner than expected.

Ahnyx looked at the walls that stood very tall before him, he looked at the many herbivores and carnivores working together. He looked toward Cripple who was taking a break much like Scalpmuzzle and Gullet.

He approached them in a cool stride, "You taking a break I see?"

Cripple looked at him and smiled, "Yep! How is being a doctor?"

Ahnyx smiled, "Well ma'am it is going well. I have looked at everyone's injuries and they should be okay with time and rest."

Scalpmuzzle looked at Cripple with a smile.

Cripple looked at him with a humorous frown, "Cripple!"

Ahnyx flinched as he looked down, his long clawed fingers were somewhat intertwined to show a flustered expression. "I-I apologize!"

Gullet tilted his head as he looked at Ahnyx confused.

Cripple smiled at him, "It is okay but please call me by my name!"

Scalpmuzzle looked at Ahnyx as he asked, "Why are you so formal?"

Ahnyx flushed more, "I just am is all...!"

Cripple giggled which made Ahnyx look away shyly, his cool demeanor clearly has been damaged.

Scalpmuzzle laughed before looking over at Ripper and his crew having seen them from the corner of his eyes, he watched them much like Cripple who stopped laughing and watched.

"Oh is there something wrong?", asked Ahnyx taking notice of the expressions on Cripple and Scalpmuzzle.

They looked uncomfortable.