The Dawning

"Ever since they came here, they have been rather hardworking?", spoke Cripple with a uneasy look.

Scalpmuzzle looked at her with concerned eyes, "I also don't like the way they act?"

Ahnyx looked at the two of them with interest, "I am sure it is nothing to worry about? They are new faces and it is hard to determine on who they really are just by first glance? Believe me, just give them some time?"

Scalpmuzzle looked at Ahnyx before saying, "That one? Ripper?"

Ahnyx tilted his head, "Yes?"

Scalpmuzzle looked at Ripper as he walked by, his eyes slowly looked down. "I don't know what it is but he is just so hard to read?"

Cripple looked at them as they walked away, all of them had been putting trees up. They even forced them to take a break, when really they weren't even that tired.

It was great that they wanted to help, but they didn't need to push them out of the way. Granted, breaks were good and all but they hardly done much since they came. The community was supposed to be done with teamwork, but Ripper and his crew showed off just a tad.

True, she didn't know them completely but they just gave off a vibe. She wasn't the only one either since Scalpmuzzle took notice of their actions as well.

Ahnyx looked at the crew in the distance before looking at the two before him who both looked uneasy. He just figured it was nervousness, after all this was a big deal. A community coming together, not once caring about the species. It was indeed a humongous change. He was certain that they would calm down after all the hard work was done.

"I'm sure things will work out? I have a knack for telling what may happen.", smiled Ahnyx in a cool way.

Cripple looked at him curiously before smiling, "I have been meaning to ask but are you some kind of elder?"

Ahnyx blinked sharply as he looked at her surprised, his face was quite priceless as well as it was humorous. "W-What?"

Scalpmuzzle looked at Ahnyx with a amused grin, he started snickering much like Cripple. Gullet on the other hand looked at the two of them with great curiosity.

"I'm sorry! It's just that you remind me of a elder! Elders have a great knack at knowing things cause they had been around for a long time.", giggled Cripple.

Ahnyx had a flushed face, he looked away with his right hand under his chin. "I'm not even that old...?"

Scalpmuzzle laughed a bit, "I guess mentally you are?"

Cripple looked at him with a smile, "I'm not sure? Are elders formal all the time?"

As Cripple and Scalpmuzzle talked, Ahnyx became extremely flustered. All this talk about him and his ways made him feel funny. He had to assume that they were teasing him, and that it was harmless fun.

A calm yet polite laughter emerged at their side, and the owner of the laughter was Amberhide. "I take it that you are doing well?"

Cripple nodded as she smiled, "Yes, we are taking a bit of a break. If that is okay?"

Amberhide smiled as he nodded, "Of course it is okay!"

Scalpmuzzle blinked before asking, "So when this community gets done? What will we do then?"

Amberhide grinned, as he replied, "We will begin choosing a few individuals to become the voices of our community!"

"A few? How many?", asked Cripple looking interested.

Amberhide looked at his fingers before looking up with a funny smile. "Three."

Ahnyx smiled coolly. "Three huh? Have you decided on who yet?"

Amberhide smiled at him, "I have already one chosen! He is a incredible warrior, he is the only one I know who can beat off a pack of blind all by himself!"

Scalpmuzzle looked impressed, "So what will he be as well as the others?"

Amberhide looked up to be in thought before saying, "He will be the voice of strength? Protection and Security will lay on him? The other two will be similar but on different subjects? Gathering and Production. Then Health and Immunity."

Ahnyx looked interested in the health one, "I suppose I can't join one?"

Amberhide smiled at him, "Oh trust me you are a candidate!"

Ahnyx looked surprised before smiling big, "Wonderful!"

Cripple looked at Ahnyx with a happy smile before saying, "Will it just be three?"

Amberhide blinked before leaning in and whispering to her, "That's a secret but I will tell you that the other one will be mainly on leadership. But that is still in the works!"

Cripple looked at him as she nodded, she looked at Scalpmuzzle who smiled. There was a good chance that he heard what was said.

Amberhide smiled at her, "I will be sure to tell you more on the matter very soon."

Cripple nodded, "Take your time!"

Amberhide smiled politely at her before he began walking away. "With how things are moving? This community will be up in just a few more days?"

Just hearing this made Cripple smile with excitement, much like Scalpmuzzle and Ahnyx. This community once it was finished will be the first of its kind, and there was no doubt that others will start appearing in the future.

It was not certain if all the clans would die out to be apart of these communities. But there was a strong guarantee that some clans will still remain.

That was only cause so many individuals have different views on how things should be run. They were more or less stuck in their ways as well as beliefs. Plus there was some herbivores who despised carnivores and vice versa.

The two different species has always been on that line of predator and prey. Such old wounds such as these would never heal. A grudge was definitely a challenge to fully get rid of.

Sometimes, that grudge will remain making the challenge to get rid of it even more difficult. Rather, it would be pointless. Somethings just couldn't be forgiven.

Scalpmuzzle looked at Gullet before getting up and walking back to work. Cripple looked at him before looking at Ahnyx with a tender smile. "See you later?"

Ahnyx looked at her smile with a cool grin in return as he nodded. "Of course."

Cripple smiled softly before following after Scalpmuzzle with a joy in her step.

The herbivore watched her leave with a smile, he then covered his face as he looked away. Here lately he has been staring at her, as well as enjoying their talks. He also found himself losing his cool around her, which was more than surprising to him.

Ahnyx took a deep breath, trying to regain himself. He soon turned around and began walking back to those who were recovering from their wounds.

Once arriving back did he take notice of that black raptor, and he couldn't help but stare at her. She had been there for quite sometime, and he didn't know if she was hurt or not. Honestly, he could ask her again but he didn't want to come off as impatient or rude.

Ahnyx looked over at Rain curiously and saw that she had fallen asleep right beside her companion named Hawkeye. He couldn't help but smile some at them.

How wonderful would it be for him to wake up and see Cripple still sleeping beside him.

Ahnyx abruptly blinked at his thoughts, he looked away with a embarrassed face. Now that was something unexpected, and truth be told it had been happening to him a lot lately. He would just completely zone out and think of her.

Ahnyx calmly shook his head as he took a breath, he slowly glanced at that black raptor from over his shoulder. He may as well ask if she needs anything, at least that would keep him from thinking about Cripple.

"Excuse me ma'am do you need anything?", he calmly asked looking at her.

He watched as she slowly looked at him, her hands were still playing around with that necklace around her neck.

"Wraith, and no.", replied Wraith looking away.

Ahnyx nodded, "I apologize, it just seems like you have a lot on your mind?"

Wraith sighed, and the way she made it sound was like she had given up on something. "I have a lot on my freaking mind. Lost someone, got treated like crap and then bam here I am!"

Ahnyx looked at her quite stunned before kneeling down slowly before her. "I'm not sure what I can say? All I know what I can say is that I'm sorry for all your hardships. Of course I don't know you, but I sympathize with you."

Wraith eyed him with blank eyes, her fingers ceased on the necklace that dangled from her neck. Why would a herbivore be nice to her when all she saw from them was food. "I don't want your pity."

Ahnyx looked at her with a calm expression, "I am not pitying you. I am just saying that I am here to talk. That is if you want to talk?"

Wraith looked at him before giving a rather unpredictable look. A look that no one knew what they would do. Course it didn't last long until Ahnyx blinked as he felt pain on the right side of his face. A thin yet deep cut appeared upon his cheek, and Wraith quickly stood up and turned away while running away.

Ahnyx watched her leave, he slowly stood up as he put pressure on the cut that he had received. He didn't hold any grudge against her, for it was clear that she had a hard time in life. From the looks of it, her appearance may have been the cause of such neglect and he felt bad for her. He honestly hoped that she would talk to him, once she felt comfortable.

The busy working of many individuals was a eye catching sight, and that was obvious as Bloodmaw and his clan were witnesses to it.

Thanks to Reza, she showed them the quickest way to get there.

Bloodmaw looked at the many different individuals with a stunned expression. Reza smiled at everyone for they all seemed to be taking it in, to them it looked like a dream, but it wasn't.

Bloodmaw slowly walked forward and he stopped once a irritator took notice of him and his clan. "Greetings?"

The irritator smiled big, "Hello, I take it that you are a clan?"

Bloodmaw nodded respectfully, "Yes, we had to move from our camp and was told that this would be a good place to call home?"

The irritator grinned, "Wow! A whole clan wanting to join! That's a first! Well, you are more than welcome to join us, all that we ask in return is if you can help us build? Also, I am Amberhide, it's a pleasure!"

Bloodmaw looked at him kindly, "I'm Bloodmaw, and I don't think that will be a problem? We will gladly give our help."

Amberhide grinned as he walked toward the half finished community, "Great! Let me show you all around!"

Bloodmaw smiled at him as he followed, much like everyone else following him.

Devastate looked at the herbivores and carnivores with interest, while Belle seemed to be looking at everything in pure amazement.

Jr smiled liking the looks of the place, and at his side was Helm and Dingo who seemed to be taking it all in.

Scarface looked at the walls before blushing strongly as Ruby asked. "Is there any possible way that we can have a wedding here?"

Dingo whistled loudly, while Swiftscale tried his hardest not to laugh. While Ebony looked at him with a cheeky smile.

Amberhide looked at her with a smile, "Sure, we can arrange for something special once things are finished! It will be our first wedding in the community!"

Ruby happily smiled as she hugged Scarface to her, who looked ready to die of embarrassment. Harmony giggled while Lockjaw looked at them with a brow raised. While their daughters ran around their parents from excitement of a new place.

Grim snorted loudly in disgust which made Jr smile at him.

Adder looked at his mother who seemed to have stopped crying, he looked at Nina who was talking to Reza about the place. It indeed was a amazing thing to discover, not only that but it looked like they were serious about safety.

The walls were much larger than the ones you would find in a normal clan. What was more surprising was the size of this place, for it could clearly hold many of individuals within.

This definitely was going to be a new experience for them, and they were all looking forward to it.