Settling In

Amberhide smiled as he showed Bloodmaw and his clan around, as well as not getting in the way of those who were working. "This place of ours will house many, and hopefully it will put a end to some matters?"

Bloodmaw looked at him curiously, "Matters?"

Amberhide looked at him as he replied, "Species judgement? I mean I know some people don't like differences? But we all are the same! I believe we can accomplish anything that is in our way together!"

Bloodmaw smirked at him, for it was clear that Amberhide didn't judge others on who they are or what they eat. They were all conscious and they all shared the same thoughts and feelings. He nodded at Amberhide for he admired him and his views. "I will admit, I am a little surprised by everyone working together. But you really have something here, and I want to be a part of this."

Amberhide smiled at him, "I'm glad that you want to be a part of this. Hell, I am always happy!"

Bloodmaw chuckled before asking, "How is this place and its layout?"

Amberhide smiled replying, "There is no specific layout. Just take a place that you like and make yourself comfortable."

Bloodmaw nodded at his response, "I think my clan would feel good about staying near each other."

Amberhide smiled as he nodded. "That is fine! Besides, I'm sure a lot of people will be moving around a lot? I mean they will make one friend and probably move to be near them!"

Bloodmaw chuckled before remembering something, "Oh, we have a wounded friend and I think he should be taken to the herbalist. That is if you have one?"

Belle smiled at Bloodmaw, while Devastate looked at him in silence.

Amberhide smiled, "We do. I can take him there?"

Belle looked at Devastate as she said, "He is sort of out cold?"

Amberhide blinked and he nodded, "Oh, well I will show you there if you like?"

Belle nodded softly at him, "Thank you!"

Amberhide smiled as he looked at Bloodmaw, "You can go and find a place for your clan. I will be right back."

Bloodmaw nodded at him as he watched Amberhide lead Belle and Devastate to the herbalist.

Grim looked at him silently, "Is this place good to you?"

Bloodmaw looked at Grim as he smiled, "I want to give this a try. It seems promising."

Jr smiled agreeing with his father, "Yeah, it is not everyday that you get to work with herbivores!"

Harmony looked at Lockjaw with a smile, "That and they are really trying to make it work."

Lockjaw looked at her before looking around, he was thinking about it.

Bloodmaw looked at everyone as he turned around, "Let's go see if we can find a place for us."

Adder blinked at his mother who was standing there, "Mom?"

Reza looked at him and she smiled, "Go ahead."

Adder looked at Nina before following after the others. Nina soon followed after him while looking back at Reza in silence.

Reza watched them go before looking around the community in silence. She looked at the herbivores as well as the carnivores in thought. This place was definitely the first of its kind, but she couldn't help but wonder what would happen in the future.

At the place where the wounded was resting, Amberhide smiled when he saw Ahnyx there. "I have another person who needs help."

Ahnyx looked over, his cheek was properly looked after as he looked at Amberhide. "I will help them."

"This is Belle and Devastate, the one upon his back is Gambit. They had a little scrap against some raptors.", smiled Amberhide. He looked at Belle who smiled at him in return.

Ahnyx walked over and smiled coolly at Devastate in thanks for he lowered himself down for him to carefully pick up Gambit. "My such deep wounds."

Belle looked down as she said, "I tried treating him, I'm still learning but I am not as good as Gambit."

Ahnyx smiled, "You are still learning, and I must say you did a good job."

Belle looked at him in surprise before smiling, "Really?"

Ahnyx nodded as he laid Gambit down on a large leaf that fits his size. "If you hadn't of, he may of died of blood loss."

Belle looked at him stunned, she blinked at Devastate who lowered himself down. "O-Oh we have some herbs if you need any?"

Ahnyx looked over and he smiled patting his woven bag of leaves on his back. "I have some, you keep yours."

Belle blinked at him in surprise.

Devastate looked at him as lifted himself up, "Yes, but we couldn't possibly ask you to use your own."

Ahnyx looked at him calmly, "Rest assured, I will get more if I need them. Besides, I couldn't possibly ask to use yours. Keep them, you never know when we will run out?"

Belle looked at Devastate, she watched the behemoth nod and say nothing else.

Ahnyx looked at the wounds on Gambits back, he frowned at such wounds.

Amberhide looked at Ahnyx as he said, "Call me if you need me!" He walked away with a smile.

Ahnyx replied with a "Thank you, and of course." while he began treating the wounds on the raptor. These wounds were very bad, and to be perfectly honest he was surprised that he was still alive.

Belle really did save him, though she was new at herbalism.

"Your friend maybe out of commission for a while.", spoke Ahnyx as he focused on the wound as well as applying herbs to it.

Belle looked at him worried, "How bad is it?"

Ahnyx blinked a few times before answering, "Fairly bad. These wounds are deep, and if you hadn't of treated him when you did. Honestly, he would of died."

Belle walked over, being careful to not get in the way. She looked at Gambit in concern, she watched as his face twisted in pain. Though, he was out of it the pain was fairly bad for him to make such faces in his sleep. "I panicked but I remembered of all the things that he did, I just used that as I treated him."

Ahnyx looked at her before saying, "He owes you his life. I also don't doubt that he is a good friend of yours?"

Belle nodded softly as she smiled.

Devastate watched them as they talked, he looked at Gambit silently before looking at Belle. "How long will he be out of commission? The only reason why I am asking is that he is a herbalist."

Belle looked at him before looking at Ahnyx curiously.

Ahnyx looked at Gambit as he replied, "Several weeks? He is fine for now, however he does have a fever. I will say this to both of you that I won't let him die, after all we can't afford to lose a friend." He looked at Belle with a cool smile.

Belle grinned at him, "In that case I will help! I am a assistant and I wanna help you!"

Devastate smirked at her as he turned around, "I will return to the others and give them the news."

Belle looked at him before saying as she waved, "I will see you later!"

Devastate looked back at her with a smile before walking off.

Ahnyx smiled as he looked at Belle, "We will get along just fine."

Belle smiled as she nodded, "Mhm!"

Ahnyx looked at the others as he said, "Come let's work hard today."

Belle nodded as she followed him, "Yes sir!"

Work was a tough thing to do, but a little hard work never hurt anyone. Of course it could hurt you though if you were not careful. The blind worked hard in surviving, while those with the sentient of minds worked hard in living and protecting those that they love.

Bloodmaw had found a place for his clan to rest in the community, though he noticed that Ruby and Scarface was nowhere to be seen. He looked around in confusion, where on earth did they go.

Walking around the half done community, Ruby wanted to find a place for their so called wedding. Scarface was against this however as he tried to stop her. The last thing he wanted was to be kicked out of the community.

"Ruby we shouldn't be exploring just yet!", spoke Scarface as he followed Ruby with worry.

Ruby smiled softly at him, "It will be fine love! Besides, I wanna find a place for when we get married!"

Scarface blushed lightly at her words, "We have time for that later though!"

Ruby giggled at him before somewhat bumping into someone, she blinked and looked at the individual before her eyes went wide. The feeling of someone's tongue touched her cheek. "..!"

Scarface froze up after seeing that, the guy was a ceratosaurus and he smiled coyly after he had done that to her. "Pardon me babe."

Malice looked at Impale with faint disgust. She will never get use to Impale and his flirtatious ways.

"Hey! Back off!?!", suddenly snarled Scarface who was baring his fangs.

Ruby looked at Scarface with her face red, never had she seen him so mad.

Impale looked at Scarface, he blinked looking at him having just now noticed that he was there. "Cool it pal. I just gave her a little smooch."

Scarface glared sharply at him, "You smooched my fiancée!"

Ruby looked at Scarface happily, his words made her heart race.

Impale blinked and laughed, "Wait really? How could she like someone like you?"

Malice hissed, "Let's go lover boy." She glared at Impale as she walked. "Our break is over."

Scarface watched as the ceratosaurus walked over to him, his eyes were harsh as he glared.

"Impale!", snarled Malice having now noticed that he was walking away from her.

"I think she would be better off with someone who can kill a rex. Can you kill one?", smirked Impale.

Scarface sharply snarled, "Yes! From the looks of it you can't find your ass!"

The two of them were gaining attention from others who were working, this caused a few of those working to stop. They were in the center of attention, and this further increased Malice and her anger. "Impale! Let's go!?!"

Impale's smile vanished at the words he heard, what exactly did he mean by that. It was obvious that he was ignoring Malice as he glared angrily. "What are you implying?"

Scarface smirked at him, "No lady will like you if you smell like shit, better clean yourself up."

Impale blinked and he glared as he opened his mouth, lunging. "You bastard!"

Scarface smirked as he ran forward and lowered himself down quickly, he watched as Impale ran into him and fell over him. The dirt on the ground went up as Impale hit the ground hard.

Scarface looked at him with a sharp grin before blinking and being grabbed by two arms. He looked at the owner of the arms and blushed lightly seeing that it was Ruby.

Impale glared at Scarface with unkind eyes as he stood up, he then looked to the side hearing a strong yet intimidating roar. He looked over and blinked taking notice of a large brute approaching them. His hide was a distinct color of dark red and orange, his chest and stomach were a light brown color.

The brute had hardened yellow eyes, and over his eyes rested two allosaurus like crests that took more of the appearance of horns. These horns were dark brown almost black in color as they cover his head going all the way down to his back. The horns that made home upon him looked more like spikes. His massive cranium looked like a rex much like his body, but he had the muscular structure of a allosaurus. He was very tall as he looked at them, his elbows and back of his feet had the same spikes that were on his head.

This brute's face looked different from any rex or allosaurus. He stared at them with harsh eyes. "Are you two fighting.", he didn't even ask this for it was like he knew what happened.

The others who weren't working quickly went back to work.

Ruby looked up at the brute, whilst she was still holding Scarface. "I apologize for causing trouble. You see I was looking for a good place to get married, and that guy there kissed me."

Impale stood up, he looked to where Malice was and he was met with upset eyes. This was not going to go well.