The Candidate

The brute looked at Ruby and then shifted his gaze to look at the ceratosaurus. Impale met him with his own eyes, as he stood in a tough looking posture. Malice hissed loudly which gained the brutes attention, "I will admit! He is a ass, but please forgive him!"

Scarface looked at Impale with a angry expression, while Ruby looked at the massive brute before them.

"I can't help but feel like you don't understand the consequences of such actions.", spoke the brute with a emotionless tone. "You are acting like young teenagers who want to get a blind girls attention."

Scarface looked at the brute with wide eyes, while Ruby flinched to such words.

Malice looked at Impale quite angrily who looked away with a loud snort.

The brute glared before blinking as he heard footsteps, looking over did he see Amberhide running over. "Is something wrong?"

"Two brutes are fighting like pitiful teenagers. They should be putting that energy into something else, like working.", snapped the brute harshly while he stood tall with authority.

Amberhide smiled apologetically toward him, "I understand, I will get right on that!"

Scarface looked after the brute as he walked away, he glanced over to Impale who walked toward the dilophosaurus. For a spilt second however, the both of their eyes met. Scarface glared at Impale, while Impale glared back.

As he fully left did Amberhide sigh silently, "Boy..."

Ruby looked at Amberhide with a sad expression, "I am sorry about that..."

Amberhide looked at her with a kind smile, "It is okay, really everything is good!"

Scarface looked down, "We got in trouble, I shouldn't of pushed him."

Amberhide smiled at him, "Hey, if I was in your situation I would of fought too! Besides, I don't think you are to much in trouble!"

Scarface looked at him confused, "What?"

Amberhide smiled at him before glancing at Ruby, "I think that he tried to act tough but was moved by your passion for your lady."

Scarface looked doubtful as he looked away.

Ruby smiled softly before looking at Scarface, "Shall we return to the others?"

Scarface nodded, but blinked as Amberhide grinned leading the way. "Follow me!"

Ruby giggled following after him, while Scarface followed after her.

The movement of trikes and the loud footsteps of different rexes moving around made a great amount of sound. The two diplodocus wore large bones and trees like armor, with long palm leaves tied to their long necks. Behind them, many individuals carried the trees that were pushed over.

As they cleared out the trees, did it expand the size of land that the community would own. Bloodmaw looked at everyone working from where he stood, to be perfectly honest, he couldn't believe his eyes.

Reza walked up as she stood beside him, "It's amazing isn't it?"

Bloodmaw nodded, the wounds from the spikes that had hit him were beginning to take that familiar appearance of scars. Gambit really saved his life, and he owed the raptor greatly for it. "It really is."

Reza smiled at him, "I will be leaving the community for a while, I know a few who would love it here."

Bloodmaw looked at her curiously, "Oh, well be sure to tell Adder when you go?"

Reza smiled as she nodded, "Oh I will."

Bloodmaw smiled before looking out to the field as he asked, "What are they doing out there?"

Reza tilted her head as she looked over, "I believe that is where some will be growing things?"

Bloodmaw looked surprised, "Really? This is definitely unlike anything that I have seen."

Reza smiled a bit, "Herbivores believe that if you cut something down, you should replace it."

Bloodmaw glanced at her with a smirk, "I can't deny that."

Reza laughed softly at his words, "They will most likely grow herbs and such out there. This would of course lessen the danger if herbs and such are nearby."

Bloodmaw frowned, "Sometimes danger can't be completely avoided."

Reza nodded agreeing with him, "I know."

Bloodmaw was about to say something before a low voice broke the air.

"Danger is a constant thing. Yet, if we are afraid of danger all the time how can we grow?"

Bloodmaw looked at the massive brute who stood a good head or so taller than him. He looked like a rex with allosaurus qualities. "I suppose that is true?"

Reza smiled as she walked away, "I will be getting myself ready."

"Be careful, Reza.", smirked Bloodmaw.

Reza nodded at him as she smiled before she fully walked away.

"Tell me your name, brute.", spoke the massive brute who stood beside him.

"Bloodmaw.", replied Bloodmaw as he looked at the other male at his side.

"Ah, with that crown? You are a leader of a clan?", spoke the brute with a faint smile.

Bloodmaw nodded, "We are new here and I haven't seen anything like this before."

"It is a lot to take in, but believe me when I say that I am going to work hard in keeping everyone safe. I am the head of safety and protection, Razzak."

Bloodmaw looked at Razzak with a strong smile, "It is a pleasure to meet you."

Razzak smirked at him in return, "Would you be interested in being a candidate for the leader title?"

Bloodmaw blinked as he looked at him, "Wait you serious? Why all of a sudden? You don't completely know me?"

Razzak looked to everyone working, his smirk now a smile. "Do you have a allosaurus within your ranks or clan?"

Bloodmaw nodded, "Yes, Scarface is a good guy. He is also a excellent tracker and hunter as well. Why?"

Razzak smiled a bit more showing his fangs, "He fought with a ceratosaurus. The brute was starting to hit on his female, which in turn started a little fight. I like how he stood up for his female, not many would do that. I just think that you would be a good leader, after all it shows with your people."

Bloodmaw looked at him curiously though he smiled, "I am honored you would think that I am a good candidate for being a leader."

Razzak looked at him but blinked as another individual walked up behind them.

Bloodmaw looked back and blinked taking notice of a black brute who looked like a raptor though he looked completely different from a normal raptor. That and he was larger as well.

"Who are you.", frowned Razzak in a serious tone.

"I'm Ripper and just caught wind of your discussion.", spoke Ripper with a smile.

Razzak glared, "You better unhear all of that."

Ripper tilted his head, "How can I? You just said it out loud for me to hear? I also would like to talk about the leadership position?"

Bloodmaw looked at him before looking at Razzak who stared at him with cold yellow eyes.

"You think you would be a good leader?", asked Bloodmaw curiously.

Ripper looked at him with a smile, "Of course! My people and I have been working hard on the wall. I am also very strong and quite intelligent as well. I will happily say that I will work extremely hard to get the wall up quickly and efficiently in just four days time!"

Razzak looked away from Ripper, "Leadership is about the people, not about getting the work done in so little time."

Ripper looked at him silently, "Do you doubt in my abilities?"

Bloodmaw looked at Razzak who turned to look at him.

"I do.", coldly replied Razzak.

Ripper stared at him, he looked at Bloodmaw before walking away.

Bloodmaw watched him go before looking at Razzak curiously. "Is he really not capable?"

Razzak looked at Bloodmaw before replying, "I will say that he has a lot of determination and strength. I also don't doubt that he is smart, what we need right now is someone who can speak for the people and motivate them. Without that, this community will not be around for all that long."

Bloodmaw smirked, "Why don't you lead?"

Razzak smirked giving out a light laugh, "I wouldn't be a good leader. Besides, you have that air about you that many don't have."

Bloodmaw looked at him with a smile, he respectfully lowered his head. "I will gladly take the rank. When the time comes."

Razzak nodded as he looked at him with a great pride in his eyes. "Good, go get settled in. Once the community is done, I will share to everyone who is the leader."

Bloodmaw nodded as he walked away back to everyone else.

Razzak watched him go with a smile, it would seem he had made up his mind on who shall lead.

Unaware to Razzak or Bloodmaw, Ripper walked away to share the news to his people which of course didn't take it all to well. Upon the field as everyone was clearing out trees, Thrash glared. "Can't believe that stuck up bastard!"

Razer frowned, "What now?"

Ripper having returned picked up a tree with ease, "I'll think of something."

Juggernaut snorted loudly as he looked toward the community, "It is obvious that we will have to in order to gain this place."

Ripper and his crew were away from curious ears, though Malice frowned in silence as Impale worked. Wraith was no where to be seen however which made Scarecrow lightly worried.

Malice looked down before smiling in a venomous way, she had a idea and she was going to keep it a secret. "Don't worry, remember play it cool~"

Fiend looked at her with a brow raised, while looking at Ripper who smiled a bit. "Right, nothing has happened yet. He was talking about candidates, so we keep working and maybe just maybe I can become one too."

As Ripper said this, Malice grinned in a eerie way, he had no idea what she was planning.

At the place where the wounded were recovering, Ahnyx blinked hearing a sound, looking over he took notice of Gambit groaning loudly as he moved. "Alive are we?"

Gambit opened his eyes with a uncomfortable frown upon his face. "I'm still alive..?"

Ahnyx walked over to him as he kneeled down onto his right knee. "Yes sir, your friends worked hard in saving you. Belle for one saved you, though she knew little about herbs."

Gambit looked at him curiously before narrowing his eyes, "I'm dead."

Ahnyx tilted his head, "Why do you say that?"

"A herbivore is talking to me right now?", Gambit closed his eyes heaving a sigh. "I'm in the afterlife talking to a herbivore just w...OW!?!"

Gambit held onto his shoulder as he glared at Ahnyx who coolly smiled. "Don't pinch me with your long fingernails!?!"

Ahnyx chuckled with his right hand over his mouth, he then smiled as he looked over hearing excited footsteps.

"GAMBIT!?!", squealed Belle as she stopped in front of Gambit and she hugged his head tightly.

"Mmph!?!", muffled Gambit as he was being hugged by Belle who was hyperly squeezing his head.

Ahnyx looked a little concerned, "Uh, Belle we want him alive, yes?"

Belle blinked and let him go, "Oops sorry!"

Gambit looked at Belle like she was completely psycho but blinked taking notice of the flower that she was wearing around her neck. He looked away a little shy before jumping when he felt pressure on his back. "Hey!?! Sensitive!"

Ahnyx looked at Gambit as he moved his hand off of his back. "I know. Also, you shouldn't be awake. Go back to sleep."

Gambit glared at him, "No."

Ahnyx blinked calmly at him before looking at Belle, "Should I put him to sleep?"

Belle nodded with a smile, "Yes sir!"

Gambit looked at Belle betrayed. "What!?! How could you!?!"

Ahnyx chuckled at him as he walked over and skillfully popped a narcotic berry into Gambit's mouth. Belle looked surprised before smiling as Gambit eased down onto his stomach glaring. "Traitors..."

Belle laughed softly at him as she walked away to help the others, while Ahnyx shook his finger at him. "You took care of everyone of your friends, it's our turn to take care of you."

Gambit hissed out in a pout, "You ain't my friend."

Ahnyx looked like he was offended before chuckling walking after Belle.

Belle looked at a majungasaurus who was waiting for his turn for treatment, "Do you have any pain, sir?"

"Goong, and yes. I have a wound on my ankle.", repiled Goong as he respectfully smiled.

Ahnyx nodded getting out herbs to treat his ankle, but blinked as he heard Gambit. "Did I hear that right? Is his name Dung?"

Goong glared in Gambit's direction, "It's Goong!?!"