Ties That Bond

The stillness of the night was always a rather tense time, but not tonight for Gambit. Now, tonight turned out to be a starting point for him to actually find someone who loves him. Or rather believe that she liked him, of course he was blinded by her charms and supposed gentleness. All males no matter how big or small always liked the feminine side of females, and that was probably a natural response.

Gambit couldn't really express himself well, seeing that he didn't know much about love. At the moment he was going off with what his heart said, and that was all that you can do in times such as these.

However, the heart can always be misled and blinded by the simple charm of females.

Gambit watched as she completely disappeared into the night, his heart beating faster than ever. Should he meet her again, or was he moving to fast. Such a simple and pure predicament that he was in.

Gambit shook his head as he winced feeling the pain in his back, he looked toward the leaf that he had been laying on and he sighed. He couldn't deny that he needed rest, and his body was telling him that now.

Shuffling toward the leaf, he collapsed on it by his stomach with his head over both of his arms. The raptor looked confused and annoyed, he was confused about his decision on meeting Rose again as well as hating that he would be laying around a lot.

Of all the times, he shouldn't of trusted those raptors, for he had witnessed first hand that they were more dangerous than any other conscious or blind individual out there. He should of known that it was a trick, and to be honest he was thankful that Scarface was nearby to catch the scent of his blood. If they waited any later, he may not of survived. Gambit looked at the others who were resting much like he was now. So many of them were hurt and were recovering, and that made him question the safety here.

Carnivores and herbivores were in the same place, which was a major surprise to him.

This place that he was in, he had never seen anything like it. He also didn't like others taking care of him, but it was something that needed to be done. In the shape that he was in, he wasn't going to help anyone.

Gambit listened carefully to the light soothing sound of the crickets, and as he closed his eyes did he try to go back to sleep.

A wicked smile was plastered on Malice's face as she ran away from the foolish raptor, in her hands were the herbs that she needed to put her plan in motion. She only had four of the herbs, but she would be needing more than that to take down something as big as a rex.

Malice slowed to a walk as she returned to her crew who were all sleeping. She looked at the herbs with silent excitement. Honestly, she was about to grab everything that she could from that herb stash.

But what happened was actually perfect!

She took a few and she would return the next night to get some more, and she didn't doubt that the raptor would help her again. Malice looked legit happy, for her plan would work. When Ripper had spoke of him not being chosen for a candidate, she was furious.

If she didn't do this, there was no telling how long it would take for them to gain control of the community. She had to do this, and if she didn't work for it now she would miss her chance.

Malice blinked however when she heard a sound, and she looked over fast to catch sight of different looking eyes. From what she remembered, there was a raptor by the name of Wraith that was within her crew.

"What are you doing.", spoke Wraith in a cold sounding voice.

Malice narrowed her eyes at the raptor whose eyes were glowing in the night as they stared at her. "None of your business."

Their voices were hissed whispers to each other.

Wraith glared, her clawed hands messing with the necklace that once belonged to Sawtooth. "You are doing something without letting anyone know."

Malice hissed at Wraith, "I said that this doesn't concern you!"

Wraith glared sharply, as she bared her fangs at Malice as her voice rang out loudly. "You WILL not tell me what to do!?!"

Malice froze up, she looked around taking notice of Ripper who was waking up. Her eyes hardened as she turned to face Wraith and blinked seeing that she was gone. "..!"

Malice looked at Ripper who stood up, she frowned as she thought about what she should say to him. "Ripper."

Ripper looked at her curiously, "What are you doing up?"

Malice frowned as she got ready to talk to him.

Wraith bolted away quickly from the others, and she unconsciously stopped however in front of the place where that overly nice herbivore worked. She blinked taking notice of a voice, it was obviously from a groaning raptor.

"...", Wraith curiously approached the sound and stopped taking notice of a raptor whose face was twisting in pain. She stared at him silently for he was clearly asleep.

Wraith looked down remembering the words from that herbivore, and to be fair why should she care about what he says or feels.

Wraith suddenly jumped as the raptor jumped up in a startled way. "..!"

Gambit had a little uncomfortable nightmare, and woke up fast from it. He unfortunately didn't sleep all that long thanks to that accursed dream. His eyes went wide however taking notice of someone else who was looking at him. Chills went up his spine, for they had scary eyes but yet he didn't feel threatened by them. "Hey?"

Wraith looked at him with uncertain eyes, "..."

Gambit had a awkward feeling go over him, his eyes looked at the herb stash as he said. "You need something for pain?"

Wraith looked at the herbal stash slowly before looking at him with only her eyes. "You need something obviously."

Gambit looked at her a little surprised before giving a tough smile. "Nah! I am...?"

He stopped suddenly as he watched her walk over to the herbs, she picked up two of them before turning around and walking back to him. Gambit looked genuinely confused as she stopped in front of him and began working on preparing the herbs. "Really you don't have to..?"

Wraith looked to be in a completely different zone, and she obviously didn't hear what he was saying. The only thing that she was thinking about was what she had learned from Sawtooth. He actually showed her some of his practices with herbs and honestly that was what made her happy.

By doing this he was still alive, mentally.

Unaware to her, tears started to form in her eyes.

Gambit blinked taking notice of her eyes being a little bit moist, and he frowned. Why did it look like she would break down at any moment. "..."

Wraith shook her head as she applied the herbs upon his back, she looked away afterwards as she began to walk away.

Gambit winced to the herbs that were being put on his wounds and he looked at her as he actually jumped up to take a hold of her hand. He blinked with wide eyes for he was expecting her to pull away from him, but he didn't expect her to turn around and bury her face in his neck.

She was so much bigger than him, yet her body shivered violently as she tried to control herself from crying. Gambit looked at her with kind eyes as he softly held her close. "Hey it is okay." He softly comforted her. Her grip on him hurt, but his pain obviously didn't match the pain that she was going through.

She was grieving the loss of someone close to her, he knew this for she immediately broke down. He had to guess that someone taught her herbalism, why else would she react the way that she did.

Wraith looked to be hyperventilating, she was shaking like she was about to bawl. She hugged this male with a tight yet painful embrace. Her mind flashed as she thought of Sawtooth and their times together. She didn't want to cry, she didn't want to be weak in front of anyone yet here she was being a weak pitiful mess.

She would never see Sawtooth again, and it fully sunk in.

Gambit softly petted her back, and when he did so, he noticed her flinch. This made him look at her with great sympathy. He knew how some were treated if they were different from everyone else. Those with mutations were treated poorly, for they were ugly and seen as a kind of omen to some.

She wore her abuse upon her body, why else would her body react the way that it did to a soft touch like a pet.

"I'm here for you okay? I don't know you but I am here.", softly spoke Gambit. He looked at her as she some what nodded.

"Oh and I won't tell anyone.", smiled Gambit. He tried to lighten the mood.

Wraith heard his words, and his voice. She didn't pull away from him, and it was cause she couldn't bring herself too. All that she could do was think about Sawtooth, and staying with this guy who didn't seem bothered by her showing weakness.

The moon was bright as it blared its light down below, everyone within the community were asleep except for a few who were still awake. Ripper looked at Malice in surprise, for she told him about what she was up too.

Malice had spoken about a raptor who helped her find the herbs and that she needed a few more to kill the rex that was chosen to be the leader. This news didn't seem to faze Ripper however, for he seemed to be on board with the idea.

"I say you do it. I won't tell a soul either.", he smiled.

Malice smirked evilly as she nodded, "I am glad that you are on board."

Ripper looked at the community as he said, "You focus on the plan, while I increase my bond with that guy who turned me down." He smirked as he saw Malice nod.

"I will do that. If this goes well, he has to choose

you.", smirked Malice as her eyes sparkled dangerously underneath the moon that rested high in the sky.

"Get some rest. We will need it.", spoke Ripper as he moved to lay back down.

Malice watched him as she smirked, she laid down while hiding the herbs that she had gotten.

As the night continues to let itself be known, Grim blinked looking at Bloodmaw who walked toward him and settle himself down beside him. "So how do you like it here?", asked Bloodmaw curiously.

Grim frowned looking at him, "I still don't feel comfortable here."

Bloodmaw looked around silently as he said, "Well it is still new, just give it time."

Grim snorted loudly in response, "..."

Bloodmaw smirked looking at Grim before lowering his head to rest. As he closes his eyes, Grim remains awake to keep watch of everyone else. The sound of the blind were steadily picking up as it becomes later in the night. Everyone was resting for the morning for more work would have to be done.

Gambit was still awake while looking at his company for the night, she simply refused to leave for she was resting on the leaf that he was using. He didn't mind it of course since he watched her as she slept.

He could tell that she had been through a lot, and with all that abuse and neglect did it make her harder for her to open to the world around her as well as others. Gambit felt like he could understand her some, for he to didn't want to appear as weak. Laying around was just something he didn't like doing, and he wanted to help others rather than not being able too.

Sure, he almost died but he wasn't dead yet. He was alive and he was going to work his hardest so others didn't die. Gambit sighed before smiling lightly as he watched her sleep, he honestly hoped that she rested well.