
As the moon descends back behind the many wild mountains and as the sun slowly begins to ascend into the familiar sky once more, many large individuals took notice of the approaching dawn. Another morning has arisen, which means it was time for more work on the community which was not going to build itself.

The sun was floating slowly into the sky and with it a beautiful color of faint red and purple into the sky. Another day was starting again for both the conscious and the blind. A mixture of large and small were waking up together in the community as they all shake the feeling of sleep off of them.

Gambit had dozed off after sometime, and was softly touched awake by a tiny hand. "..?"

Gambit blinked the sleep out of his eyes lightly as he looked at the leaf where his company was, or was supposed to be for she was gone. She must of snuck away sometime ago, and didn't let him know either.

She was definitely an odd one, but she didn't appear to be bad.

"Are you okay?", asked a shy voice as Rain looked at him with concern.

Gambit looked at her confused, "Huh, uh yeah? Why?"

Rain looked at him as she softly looked down soon afterwards, "I saw that you were with that black raptor and I got worried?"

Gambit tilted his head at the small herbivore, she showed concern for him all because of that mysterious raptor who had stayed near him all night. Course he blushed a tad, "No need to be worried, she just I guess needed a shoulder to cry on?"

Rain blinked hearing his response, she went quiet as she looked away looking a little uncomfortable.

Gambit raised a eyebrow at her, "Something you wanna tell me?"

Rain shook her head, "N-No..."

The raptor looked at this herbivore with a confused expression, and he wondered why she wouldn't tell him about what was on her mind. She walked away from him and he watched her return to another herbivore who was asleep.

Gambit didn't know who she was but she apparently knew that black raptor. Perhaps, they had a history. Though, he was curious he wouldn't pry into her business seeing that she didn't want to talk about it.

Shifting back to the leaf, he laid down on it and just as he did was he scolded by a familiar face.

"Gambit! You need rest!", whined Belle in a frustrated tone as she placed her hands on her hips.

Gambit looked at her before closing his eyes and looking away, he still felt betrayed by her from earlier. Belle seeing this reaction from him, made her smile at him as she shook her head, she looked back as Ahnyx walked up.

Ahnyx blinked taking notice of the herbal stash, and he walked over to it. The herbs that he had in his woven bag were all placed out upon a stump. They were organized and he noticed a few were messed up, he obviously could tell that they were messed with. "Did someone take a few herbs?", asked Ahnyx as he looked at Gambit who clearly jumped up lightly.

"Someone came by, said they couldn't sleep.", replied Gambit who then was lightly smacked on the head by Belle. "H-Hey!"

"You are supposed to be resting! Do I have to watch you!", scolded Belle who shook her finger at him.

Gambit looked at her with a frown, "Don't scold me! I can do whatever I want! Besides, what was I suppose to do? Ignore her?"

Belle let out a sigh, "I swear..."

Ahnyx chuckled lightly at the two of them, "It is okay, but you do need rest. Besides, we have a busy schedule today."

Belle nodded with a smile, "I'm on the case!"

Gambit watched Belle walk off to work and he some what smiled, she really had some serious determination on her.

Ahnyx smiled in a cool way as he begun to work as well.

The loud sounds of trikes walking outside along with a few rexes were approaching two diplodocus as they got ready to knock down some more trees for the community wall. Bloodmaw walked forward with Devastate and Grim at his side.

They watched the two towering sauropods work on bringing down trees easily with their large sizes.

"Impressive.", smirked Devastate as he walked further ahead.

Bloodmaw nodded with a smile while looking at Grim who seemed to be less impressed. "I suppose it will take a while for you to come to like it here?"

Grim nodded curtly, "I am just not use to working with herbivores."

Bloodmaw nodded with a understanding smile, "Just give it a little time."

Grim smirked lightly at Bloodmaw as he nodded.

Bloodmaw followed after Devastate with Grim right on his heels. As Bloodmaw walked forward to help with the trees, right behind him walked a individual who longed to have the community under his control.

Ripper walked after Bloodmaw by himself, the rest of his crew were starting to wake up and was ready to work. His eyes locked onto Bloodmaw and he smirked thinking about what he should say to him. May as well chat with him, to get a better understanding of the rex.

"Excuse me?", spoke Ripper as he casually walked toward Bloodmaw.

Bloodmaw blinked and looked at him curiously, he recognized him from when he was talking with Razzak. "How can I help you?"

Ripper looked at him with a all to friendly smile, as he said. "Oh I just want to talk. If you don't mind me asking? How do you treat your people?"

Devastate looked back at Bloodmaw for he was curious as to why he stopped. Grim on the other hand glared at Ripper from a little bit away as he watched him closely from where he stood.

Bloodmaw tilted his head, the trike skull on his cranium shifted lightly do the movement however. "I treat my people with respect. Why?"

Ripper looked at him with the same smile that never left his face, "Just curious, though I gotta say that well are you going to be able to run a community of this size?"

Bloodmaw narrowed his eyes, it would seem that Ripper was beginning to ask more questions than normal. Perhaps, this was his way of trying to learn a thing or two. "I believe that I can do it, I will of course work hard for those who are living here. We are stronger together, and there is no point in turning against each other over such a silly position."

Ripper frowned at him, his eyes narrowed. "If it is so silly then why are you going to stick with it? Why not drop out and save you the trouble."

Bloodmaw stared at him with the eyes of a strong yet compassionate leader. "I will not back down from the people, and if Razzak thinks that I will be a good leader then so be it. I will be the leader that everyone needs, and work my hardest to acquire peace. You should too."

Ripper frowned sourly as he silently walked off, under his breath did he mumble. "You don't know what I am capable of." His voice was hard to pick up and he made sure that the rex didn't hear him.

Bloodmaw watched him go before looking at Devastate and Grim who both looked at him in silence. "Let's go, we got work to do."

Bloodmaw smirked as he walked toward the trees that were now on the ground.

Devastate looked at Grim before following after Bloodmaw, while Grim looked toward Ripper with a harsh glare before following after his two comrades. Cripple smiled at Bloodmaw as she saw him walking over, Gullet made a noise in acknowledgement, while Scalpmuzzle smiled.

"I guess you are ready to work?", smiled Cripple.

Bloodmaw chuckled while nodding, "Yeah, while we are here Amberhide is talking to the others. Apparently, he is going to go ahead and set up jobs for everyone. In three days or so, this place will be done."

Cripple smiled, "I actually can't wait to see how everything looks when it is done."

Devastate smirked lightly as he walked over, using his powerful jaws did he pick up a log and walk away with it. Grim did the same thing, as Devastate. There was so much commotion, as everyone worked outside of the community did it attract curious eyes.

One of the diplodocus took notice of a few blind carnivores in the distance, that they spoke up. "Guess some of the wild beasts have taken notice of our work."

Bloodmaw blinked looking over to see that the sauropod was telling the truth, he had good eyes and with a longer neck he was able to see a whole lot more ground. "Keep a eye on them.", he spoke up as he looked at the massive herbivore.

The diplodocus responded quickly, "Will do."

Bloodmaw looked at him with a smile, and the gesture was returned by the sauropod who smiled back.

With the teamwork from everyone, they managed to pick up all of the new trees and began carrying them back to the community. The early morning quickly became noon, as every single individual worked their hardest.

Amberhide smiled looking at Swiftscale who has agreed to be the community teacher, which only means that he will be incredibly busy. Of course Ebony has decided to give him a hand in teaching the youngsters, which made the baryoynx happy.

Scarface was appointed in a small hunting pack with a few others, for Amberhide thought it best to try and get food. With a large camp of this size they need a lot of food and water to keep everyone going.

Razzak would be coming around later in the day, in order to search for those who could fight and keep peace as well as keep everyone safe just in case the blind beasts decide to attack the place.

Life was much like the blind beast for they were always unpredictable in their ways. One second they will decide to attack, the next second they would decide to not attack. Just one simple thing can and will set them off, which was why they were so dangerous.

With each wall that went up, the safety of the area increased.

This was clearly very hard grueling work, that requires a lot of strength and stamina. But with all of this hard work, the pay off was going to be great. To have tall walls to protect them, along with everyone working together. That dream to actually live in peace with no fear of dying was clearly in the horizon, but how long would it last. That was the real question.

Somethings were to good to be true, sometimes. And as everyone continued to work on the wall, others were being assigned jobs to start this community off well with everything it needs to keep up with everyone living there.

Harmony looked at her daughters who were happily playing and laughing around Swiftscale and Ebony. Lockjaw was watching his daughters as well before looking up to Harmony with a smirk. While Amberhide watches them with a grin, after a moment did he blink and look back to Razzak as he approached them with his thunderous feet giving him away.

Razzak looked at Lockjaw as he spoke, "How do you feel about being a protector?"

Lockjaw looked at him and slowly he looked at Harmony who stared at him curiously. "Depends? What will I be doing?"

Razzak smirked some, "You will be fighting for the people, more like a warrior."

Lockjaw nodded, "Sure, I have my family here."

Adder left Nina's side as he said, "Could I join that with Lockjaw as well?"

Razzak looked him over before nodding, "You may, you look like a strong rex."

Adder smiled as he looked back at Nina who smiled softly in return.

"Ya need scouts?", asked Dingo who smiled.

Razzak looked at Dingo before some what nodding, "I suppose."

Dingo smiled as he looked at Helm who smiled some in response, "We will be on constant watch."

Razzak nodded before speaking, "We will be needing more scouts then since our land is so large, so you have my permission to recruit more."

Dingo nodded as he walked away with Helm behind him.

Ebony looked happy that Helm and Dingo had work to do, but she blinked as Eden bumped into her leg and she smiled. Swiftscale softly picked up Eden who was giggling while Enyo looked restless cause she wanted to play more.

Razzak looked at Scarface as he shifted his head, "Come on, you and your hunting group will go out and hunt shortly. You also." He spoke to Jr who immediately got up and followed with excitement in his steps.

Scarface nodded as he followed after Razzak while Ruby watches him go with worried eyes.

Today was going to be insanely hectic and they all knew it, but it would all work out in the end.