To Provide

Scarface looked at Razzak as they walked, there was many walking around and working but his eyes landed on a familiar face that made him frown. The ceratosaurus from before, Impale was standing there waiting but the moment he saw Scarface did he glare. It was clear that Impale was part of the hunting pack that he was in.

"We will need food, everyone will be counting on us.", spoke Razzak as he looked at land outside of the community. "Let's work hard.", he added as he walked forward.

Scarface looked at Impale with a harsh glare of his own before following after Razzak and his lead.

Impale glared as he walked as well.

Razzak was leading the hunting pack to obtain food, which will be necessary for the community and its survival. With those who eat meat, they hunt. While the herbivores are gathering the food for their kind as well as preparing to grow things for the so many who live in this vast safe haven.

When the walls are finished and the community is done, will it make things easier for them to live. When one job is finished, many more will appear. That was a normal thing about life, everyone had to work hard to protect the life that they have.

Only cause they could lose it, in just a second.

Scarface looked around curiously, his eyes took notice of three more individuals that were in this pack besides Impale. The sound of the breeze moving the many leaves brought up a soothing wind.

Razzak looked at the side with the others behind him, the trees were around them for they walked a good ways away from the community. His nostrils flared up as he took in the muggy air, though it was the morning it was still fairly humid.

It hardly ever was cold, and the only chilly air that they get was when it storms.

Scarface looked at his side, he blinked looking at a mapusaurus who stood a good head taller than him. His eyes looked at this other brute who literally had very intense bite scars that were around his strong neck. "Nice to meet you.", spoke Scarface deciding to be polite.

His eyes narrowed however when he heard a loud snort from Impale who was behind him somewhere. The mapusaurus looked at Scarface with striking eyes of green, the coloration upon his cranium was red while the rest of his muscular body was a gray colored tone. "Agreed, I suppose we will be around each other a lot.", replied the mapusaurus in a deep gruff tone. It was probably cause of the severity of his scars that were on his neck that made him sound that way.

"Scarface is my name.", smirked Scarface.

The mapusaurus smirked back, "Jaeger."

Scarface looked at Jaeger with a respectful smile before blinking once Razzak spoke up.

"There is a herd of blind a little ways from here, stay vigilant.", spoke Razzak as he looked at the hunting pack.

Jaeger nodded as he walked forward, his green eyes alert for anything to happen. He however glanced back at Scarface with a small smile.

Scarface smiled back as he followed after him, the prey was identified and all that they had to do now was to bring some food back.

There was a fairly large herd of blind herbivores, who were taking advantage of the water provided to them by the world. Scarface noticed them, his heart raced in his chest as he hid in the foliage. Jaeger walked a good ways away from him, his eyes were already locked onto a large edmontosaurus who was some what much larger than he was.

In a flash, Impale dashed out and sunk his jaws into the side of the edmontosaurus who let out a cry of alarm. Jaeger dashed out and grabbed hold of the herbivore by the neck. Blood splattered after he delivered such a nasty blow.

Scarface ran up while the other herbivores ran away in terror, he latched onto the other side of the herbivore who was large and quite healthy. It was a daring move to want to go after such a large creature, but if they were large they could provide more food for the others living in the community.

Impale blinked, as he was knocked over by the wounded herbivore. As he hit the ground, Scarface hit the ground as well as a massive tail hit him. Jaeger held onto the neck for a second more before letting go, he watched as the herbivore hit the floor in a large thud.

Blood poured heavily from the neck thanks to Jaeger's bite. But the herbivore struggled to get up, it was disoriented and in a massive amount of pain.

Scarface got up as he shook himself off, he looked at Impale who got up as well.

Razzak stood there with the others who were supposedly in the hunting pack. It would seem that this was more than a hunting pack but some kind of exercise to see who worked better with who. As well as training them.

That was because Razzak said a few words, "Impale you are so impatient, while Jaeger you did rather well."

Scarface looked at him as he said, "And me?"

Razzak looked at him with cold eyes, "I got nothing to say, don't let that get to you however."

Scarface nodded as he looked at Jaeger who approached the bleeding out herbivore.

"Good catch though.", spoke Razzak as he looked in a direction and the others followed his directions.

Jaeger quickly ended the herbivores life, his lips bloody as he shook his head. "Not bad."

Scarface looked at him and smirked though frowned as Impale walked away after clicking his tongue.

Jaeger looked at Scarface for a second before saying, "I think you did good."

Scarface sort of smiled, "No need to say anything! I may be a good tracker and hunter but I still got a lot to learn."

Jaeger chuckled, "I suppose it couldn't hurt?"

"Take that back to the community!", barked Razzak.

Scarface looked at Razzak and nodded, "Right away!"

Razzak watched as Scarface and Jaeger both worked together to take their large catch back to the others. He then looked at Impale and glared, "Don't be impatient next time!"

Scarface looked at Jaeger curiously as the both of them carried their catch. It was a large herbivore but they could carry it upon both of their backs. "I take it you hunted a lot?"

Jaeger nodded with a smirk, "Yeah, I had a little family to provide for."

Scarface looked at him with a thoughtful expression, should he ask.

Jaeger glanced at Scarface and catching sight of his face did he smile some. "Don't give me that look. I don't have my family now, but I figured I should keep trying to work and live ya know?"

Scarface nodded at him, though it was odd but he was getting some kind of fatherly vibes from him. There was a good chance that Jaeger was older than him, after all he just gave off a lot of wisdom. "Are you okay?"

Jaeger nodded at him, "Yeah, I'm fine. Though, that don't mean that I stop thinking about them."

Scarface frowned a bit, he nodded as he looked ahead. Jaeger gave a light laugh, "Wanna tell me where you got them scars?"

Scarface looked at him funny, "I got them from a few blind except one."

Jaeger was interested, "Oh?"

Scarface nodded as he thought about his loved one, his mate in other words. It was a long time ago but when he first met her, he was head over heels in love with her. She was a much larger allosaurus than he was, but she had a nasty temper. Scarface remembered full well of her temper for she attacked him and gave him the scar in between his eyes. "My deceased mate gave me the scar in between my eyes."

Jaeger looked at Scarface surprised before chuckling some, "I see. Well, at least you have something to remember her by?"

Scarface nodded with a small smile.

Entering the community, the both of them took the dead herbivore to a large rex who was a solid dark green color with vines around his neck. Razzak had spoke of him, for he was the one to determine how long the food would last. He had that as a handy skill for he could tell just by looking at a dead corpse.

"We brought you this.", spoke Jaeger as lowered the herbivore to the ground. Scarface helped him of course.

The rex looked at the corpse with stunning gold hues, he nodded silently as he closed his eyes. "Not bad.", he spoke in a deep voice.

Scarface smiled before asking, "So how long will it last?"

Jaeger looked interested as he looked at the dead animal on the floor.

"By itself, about two to three days.", replied the large green rex.

Scarface looked at Jaeger after hearing his response, they would be needing a lot more which meant more hunting. A whole lot more. "I see thank you."

"Yep.", spoke the rex as he picked up the body with ease and walked off with it to put it with the others.

Jaeger smirked, "Good old, Dread."

"You know him?", asked Scarface.

"That was his nickname, according to what I have heard he is taking it easy and putting his fighting skills to rest.", replied Jaeger as he walked back to Razzak and the others.

Scarface followed him with his eyes locked on him, "How long have you been here?"

"For a while?", replied Jaeger with a smirk.

Scarface looked ahead, "I have only been here for a little while and well I want to give this place a try."

Jaeger looked at Scarface with a smile, "That is good, if you are going to stick around I may just hang with you for a bit."

Scarface looked at him with a smile of his own, "I guess that is fine? You seem like a good guy."

Jaeger chuckled, "You remind me a lot of myself when I was younger."

Scarface gave him a brow raised, "Do I make you feel younger?"

Jaeger nodded, "Yeah."

Scarface smiled as he said, "Be careful I may call you grandpa?"

Jaeger glared, "Don't."

Scarface laughed a bit while Jaeger smirked some, as they return to Razzak and the hunting party there were others working extremely hard.

Bloodmaw looked at Devastate as they continued to work on the community wall, the many trikes were focused on transporting the logs over to be placed into the ground. Grim looked toward the blind beasts that were still standing in the distance. From the looks of it, they were watching them closely.

The two diplodocus were now walking back after yet again clearing out more trees. Both of their steps were slow yet powerful as they walked. The morning had melted away for those who were working, and it never stayed long. It was about noon, for the heat seemed to have increased some from this morning.

Cripple looked at Grim as she asked, "You think they are going to attack?"

Grim snorted loudly in response, "Probably."

Cripple looked at the blind beasts in the distance, it was so eerie to watch them stare. She looked at him silently before walking after the others.

Scalpmuzzle looked at Gullet who ran after Cripple, he then looked at Grim as he said. "Come on."

Grim looked at him for a second before following after him silently.

Bloodmaw smirked as he saw everyone else coming back together, they had worked extremely hard today. He blinked however as one of the sauropods said, "See you tomorrow?"

"Definitely.", he nodded up at the large herbivore with a respectful smile.

He watched them leave only to smile at Cripple and the others.

"I would think that those herbivores like you.", smirked Devastate.

Bloodmaw chuckled, "You think that they would vouch for me?"

Cripple laughed, "Definitely! I would."

Bloodmaw smiled, he had shared the news with them about what Razzak said. It would seem that everyone had high enough fate in him that he could lead this place successfully.

"I won't let you guys down then.", smiled Bloodmaw.

As everyone continued to talk and rest for a while, there were others who had different things planned.