
The tall figure that was approaching was none other than Ripper, he was on the search for Wraith. She clearly was up to something, why else would she not of returned. He was convinced that he heard her talk to Malice that night. His sharp lethal eyes looked at the small area that was made to treat the wounded.

From the sounds of it, there was others there.

Ripper narrowed his eyes as he picked up a scent, Wraith's scent was definitely here and that was the indicator to check it out. "Wraith?"

The sound of a voice disrupted the air, and Ahnyx blinked looking up taking notice. Someone was looking for Wraith, speaking of her however she looked over in surprise before her eyes hardened some.

Gambit looked at her with concern, he didn't know anything about her and he wished he could be there for her more. He had done things that were horrible before, and he was certain that Wraith was not a bad person. She was just under a whole lot of stress, and neglect. Those two things didn't go well together, so of course she would retaliate against everyone else because of her abuse.

Rain shivered at the sound of the voice, she looked at Wraith slowly with clouded eyes. She just didn't want to see everyone die again, even though that was inevitable. Especially in this world.

Wraith stood up and she walked toward the voice, she showed no fear.

Ahnyx stood up with curiosity, though stopped the moment he saw Gambit trying to stand. "Please you need rest."

Gambit looked at him silently before turning his head to look at Wraith who was now out of his sight. "But..."

Ahnyx smiled in hopes of easing the raptors feelings, "She will be back I'm sure of it."

Gambit looked down silently, he laid his head down with frustration laced eyes. He closed his eyes hesitantly, and waited for her return.

Ripper frowned at Wraith the moment she was walking up, he shifted his head in a direction before walking away. He didn't want anyone hearing what he had to say.

The hustle and bustle of everyone working together around them was a unique sound. Having the chance to experience this was a rare thing, seeing that herbivores and carnivores were working together. To different eyes however, this would be a accident waiting to happen. Only cause the two different sides were always warring with each other to survive.

Would these two sides get along, and if so how long would it last.

Ripper stopped walking the moment that there was no one else around them, he looked at Wraith with blank eyes before he spoke. "What exactly are you doing?"

Wraith looked at him in a fearless posture, her eyes looked at his lethal ones that were a bloody red color. "I'm doing whatever the hell I want."

Ripper tilted his head slowly, "Oh, and are you forgetting that you are a part of us?"

Wraith frowned sharply, she made a sound similar to that of eating something rotten. "Why would I want to be part of you and your horrible crew!"

Ripper frowned, "Horrible? Are you forgetting that you are horrible?"

Wraith blinked at him and his words, she glared at him slowly as he continued.

"You are what you are, and nothing will change that. You are better off being with those that are like you, look like you. You can't seriously believe that them, those who are normal would ever accept you right?", Ripper's voice was eerily sincere as he spoke.

Wraith hissed out, "Don't you think that I know that!"

Ripper looked at her, he watched her close her eyes as she shook her head. She looked at him slowly and his eyes narrowed harshly at her.

"But I know deep down that you are more horrible than me! You killed Sawtooth! You did that in order to put your sick game into order! I know what I am but I know for a fact that I am NOTHING like you!", Wraith blinked as she was hit hard. The taste of the dirt entered her jaws and nose, and a familiar taste entered her mouth. Blood.

Wraith blinked as she was roughly turned around onto her back and as she looked up did she see Ripper who was over her with violently hostile eyes. She kept herself from wincing as she felt his claws sink into both of her shoulders.

"Listen, I will only tell you this once. You must kill those who are weak, if you are going to survive in this world. I did what needed to be done, and I won't hesitate to do the same to you.", Ripper's voice took on a more deeper tone. It was serious and could put fear into anyone, the thing was though that Wraith was not scared.

Wraith looked at him right back, "Likewise."

Ripper glared at her before smirking cruelly, he let go of her as he took his hands away. The gesture was much like he had touched something horrid and he had to stop touching it fast. "Consider this as a warning, I suggest you be careful with what you do in the future."

Wraith looked at the side as she spat out a bit of dirt and blood, she watched the brute get off of her and walk away. No doubt toward the others. She sat on the ground as her shoulders bled, the pain that she felt was nothing compared to her life. In all honesty she was numb to normal pain, and him trying to intimidate her was not going to do anything.

She knew that she was born a mutant, and though she hated her appearance she realized something. Death was far worse than anything else on this earth, and truth be told it was a common fear. She looked down as she scoffed sourly, she stood up as she dusted herself off. Her black feathers were a little dirty but they wouldn't hurt her.

Wraith frowned as she made her way back to where the others were, and Gambit. They were all normal and Ripper could be right, they would never accept her. But she would rather take her chances with them than with him and the others who she couldn't stand. Scarecrow was probably the only one that she could stomach in that little gang, speaking of which she may see go see Scarecrow one last time. She also didn't doubt that Ripper would be against that, somewhat.

Course, it wouldn't be the last since he would still be in this place much like her.

"Be careful with what you do in the future."

Those words from Ripper replayed some what in her cranium, he would of course threaten her. She would be on guard from now on, after all she wouldn't give that guy the pleasure of killing her. She returned with her eyes on the ground and didn't expect the words from them when she did.

"Welcome back.", smiled Ahnyx as he took notice of her. He was looking over Hawkeye with Rain at his side.

Wraith looked at him with a awkward expression, she nodded silently before looking at Gambit who looked at her curiously. She blinked a few times before looking away, she looked over again once she heard Gambit speak.

"I knew you would be."

Wraith froze up not at all being use to this kindness, she slowly walked back to Gambit who immediately took notice of her shoulders.

"You're hurt!", Gambit's voice sounded very concerned.

Wraith gave Gambit a rather harsh look, "Be quiet!"

Gambit flinched a little bit, he looked down having been snapped at. "Sorry I just..."

Wraith closed her eyes taking notice of his face and let out a loud sigh, "My wounds are nothing compared to yours. So, focus on your own hide alright."

Gambit looked at her with a hard to read expression, he slowly nodded silently.

Ahnyx looked over at the both of them, "I will patch you up. No worries."

Rain looked at Ahnyx silently and then looked back at Wraith and Gambit. When she saw that look that Wraith gave Gambit, did it make Rain uncomfortably scared.

Wraith looked at Ahnyx as she sat down, "I am fine. I can take care of my own wounds."

Wraith took notice of a small yet familiar herbivore however from the corner of her eyes, she didn't look at her fully but she knew her from when Baldur was alive. Baldur and his little gang attacked her and her people, Wraith knew that very well cause she wanted to kill the little herbivore. She was also apart of that gang, and how on earth could she possibly forget that.

She didn't doubt that the little herbivore was scared of her, and she clearly didn't show that she cared. All that she should care about was about her and her own skin. Never should she have agreed to join Baldur back then.

But if she didn't she wouldn't of met Sawtooth.

The more she thought about it, the more annoyed she got.

Ahnyx looked over Hawkeye and his condition as he replied, "I see, well if you need me please do ask."

Wraith didn't say anything to him at first, as she looked up did she take notice of Gambit who was looking at her with very hurt eyes. She stared at him before saying rather distantly, "What?"

Gambit seemed really troubled to say anything, but after sometime did he say it. "Who hurt you?"

Wraith scoffed silently with closed eyes, she even crossed her arms. "No one."

Gambit frowned at her response, "..."

Wraith opened her eyes slowly, when she saw that he was still looking at her did she frown. "Don't worry about it! Worry about yourself."

Gambit looked at her as both of his hands clenched together in fists, "I know but I can't help but feel like I do."

Wraith looked at him genuinely confused, "What on a festering carcass are you talking about?"

"I just know your name, but I know that you didn't deserve to be hurt. You've been hurt enough and the thought of you being hurt still irritates me.", Gambit said this unconsciously as he looked down.

Wraith lightly did a double take toward the raptor who now lays before her like a pouting hatchling. She blinked once before closing her eyes and smirking. She moved up and gave his back a good hard pat that caused him to freeze up and yelp loudly. "GAH!?!"

"How can you say something like that in your condition. You big imbecile! You barely can get up and bite a rexes heel!", taunted Wraith rather negatively though there was a harsh smirk upon her maw.

Gambit looked at her with a agitated frown, "That doesn't give you the right to smack my back!"

Ahnyx looked at them from over his shoulder with a smile, while Rain looked greatly uncomfortable. As both Wraith and Gambit exchange a few words, did Ahnyx look at Rain with a positive smile. "Your friend is fine, I don't doubt that he will wake up soon."

Rain looked up at him with a smile, "Really?"

Ahnyx nodded, "His eye couldn't be saved, but the swelling is gone. It isn't festering as much as it was either. I will say it is a matter of time before he is back on his feet."

Rain looked at him with a overly excited smile, to just hear that news made her extremely happy. She unconsciously put up her hands to him which confused Ahnyx as he looked down at her. "..?"

Rain looked at up at him and she shyly put her hands behind her back as she giggled softly. "S-sorry I usually do that when I want to give hugs..."

Ahnyx blinked before smiling coolly as he kneeled down to her level, he even put out his hands to her. "I see, well I oblige."

Rain looked at him before happily smiling as she softly ran up to him and hugged him as best as she could. "Thank you so so much!"

Ahnyx carefully wrapped his arms around her as he nodded, "You are welcome."

Rain softly pulled away from the hug as she smiled at him.

Ahnyx stood back up with a smile as he walked toward his herbs, making sure he had everything ready for the next days to come.