
All seems good with Ahnyx and everyone else who was recovering. The community was close to being done, which was good to everyone else who was living there. After the talk with Wraith however, Ripper was making his way back to the others of his crew. He meant his words, and he was not going to forget this. Wraith had made her choice and now she was going to suffer the consequences of her actions.

She honestly was going to pick those who were normal, even though they would hurt her again. The only reason why he wanted to rule the community was so that they all could live in prosperity. The fact that she went against him infuriated him.

Ripper smirked a bit, she would slowly learn the hard way of going against him.

"I'm going to go by for more herbs tonight.", smirked Malice as she casually walked up to Ripper.

Ripper looked at her as he said, "If you do keep in mind that Wraith is there."

Malice looked at him stunned, "What?"

Ripper frowned as he nodded, "No doubt she is going to intervene with our plans."

Malice growled angrily, she however blinked and smiled at him in a scary way. "Don't worry, I will not let you down."

Ripper looked at her curiously before smiling. She had something else in mind, why else would she say that to him. He nodded looking forward to what she has in store. "Very well."

Malice grinned before looking at the side, Impale was returning from his hunting pack. She took notice of how angry he was and she rolled her eyes slowly in annoyance. Ripper looked at him as he said, "What happened?"

"I was made a fool of!", hissed Impale.

Malice gave a look to Ripper that reads, "That wouldn't be the first time."

Ripper smirked a tad at Malice before speaking, "Next time, show them that you aren't a fool."

Impale nodded with a strong smirk before giving Malice a stern look. Malice of course returned the look right back.

Ripper looked at the side, he caught sight of Razzak and he merely walked toward him. "I will be right back."

Malice watched him walk toward Razzak, she frowned at Impale however. "What?"

Impale grumbled out, "I can't stand that guy!"

Malice raised a brow with a bored expression, "Why do brutes do this?"

Impale blinked and glared, "What!"

Malice sneered, "Why are you so dumb! Just get over it! Train up or shut up!"

Impale snarled at her before walking away huffing, "I can't stand females like you."

Malice hissed after him before looking at Ripper who was talking to Razzak in the distance.

If he was able to be another candidate, then that would be a good thing. Only cause if that rex were to die, then the next candidate would be chosen. She smiled in a haunting way, she was going to make sure that Ripper was to be chosen.

Malice blinked and took notice of Ripper who looked angry as he walked back to her, she frowned when she noticed his face. "That guy still being an ass?"

Ripper frowned, "Yes, but don't worry I will keep trying."

Malice looked at him and nodded with a smirk, "He will come around, just give him time."

Ripper smirked at her as he nodded, he looked at the others of his crew as he walked toward them. "Come on. We got to rest up for tomorrow."

Malice followed him with a smirk upon her maw.

The walls of the community were all about done, the few trikes helped in putting up the massive logs. They were helped by the rexes for they used their large craniums and strength to push up the logs. Devastate shook his head, having been one of the rexes to help put up logs. He blinked as he heard clapping and looked at the side to see Belle who was smiling happily.

The behemoth looked at her with a smile as he approached her, "What are you doing?"

Belle looked at him as she softly touched the side of her neck looking embarrassed. "I'm on break and wanted to see you..."

Devastate looked at her with a smile before looking at that flower around her neck. "Who gave you that?"

Belle looked at him curiously and confused, "What?"

Devastate looked at her neck and she looked down to where he was looking. She blinked as she smiled up at him. "Oh, Gambit gave it to me! It is a sign of our friendship!"

The behemoth looked upset about that, he hadn't given her anything and here Gambit was giving her things. He didn't know what she liked, but now he knew she liked flowers. If only he knew that first.

Belle looked at Devastate with a smile but she took notice of the look on his face. "Devastate?"

The behemoth blinked briefly as he looked at her, "What?"

Belle blushed a tad, "Oh I was wondering what was wrong? You made a face so I..."

Devastate looked at her with faintly wide eyes, he looked down with a bit of a flustered expression. Belle was becoming more aware of his facial expressions, and he wondered about that. Did she always stare at his face.

Belle nervously giggled, she looked down as she hugged herself. She remembered the talk with Ahnyx, and she frowned. She closed her eyes as she took a deep breath, she was going to tell Devastate how she felt. "Devastate?"

The behemoth blinked, Belle's voice changed which took him by surprise. She sounded so serious which was something he wasn't use to hearing from her. "..?"

Belle looked up at him and she stared at him strongly, even though her face felt like it was melting. "I wanna tell you that I l..." She immediately turned red, her body went into a small shaking fit.

"Belle...?", asked Devastate greatly concerned. The behemoth lowered his head to her, and he tilted his head. "Do you need to see the herbalist?"

Belle shook her head fast, she quickly took hold of the much larger nose before her that belonged to Devastate and gave it a small kiss. This was all that she could do to express herself, seeing that it felt like her heart was about to explode.

Devastate was stunned by this gesture from her, he stared at her with wide eyes. His eyes however slowly softened a great deal as he looked at her, Belle was looking down as she clung to his nose. Her entire face was completely red, and her body was shaking uncontrollably.

The behemoth looked to be struggling to say something to her, and all that came to his mind was these words as he said them affectionately. "Do it again."

Belle froze up, her white feathers rose up a bit after he said those words. She looked at him silently before softly kissing his nose again, when she did so did he purr lightly in response. Belle honestly couldn't feel her heart, it was beating to fast. After she did so did she say super fast as her head looked down, "Iloveyou!"

To her there was a ringing noise in her ears, and the only thing she could hear was the beating of her heart. Belle closed her eyes as well, and she was afraid to open them. She opened her eyes lightly though when she heard, "I know, I love you too."

Belle looked down and then she looked up at him in surprise, he was looking at her with a smile and his eyes were closed. He looked genuinely happy, and that made her heart swell up incredibly.

Belle grinned softly at him, "Your smile is amazing..."

The behemoth looked at her as he opened his eyes to look at her. "My smile is nothing compared to yours."

Belle smiled at his response and Devastate smiled back, for a brief moment it was only the two of them together as they looked at each other. A voice from a trike however interrupted them, and Devastate gave Belle a good sized smile. "I'm about done so..."

"I will wait for you.", quickly replied Belle as she looked at Devastate with the sweetest of smiles.

The behemoth smiled as he nodded, "Okay."

With that he turned around to help finish up the wall of the community, and Belle watched him work as she obediently waited for him to finish with both of her hands in front of her chest where her heart raced.

Never had she felt so happy in her life, and it was probably cause she was finally able to make Devastate completely happy. The both of them at the start had a strange bond, and now that bond has formed some kind of love. She of course would never give it up for anything else on this planet. Belle wanted to be with him always, and it was a given now.

He loved her and she loved him right back. It mattered not if he was a rex and she was a raptor, her heart knew what it wanted. He wanted to protect her, and she wanted to protect his happiness. If that was what love was, then she was going to accept it fully.

Bloodmaw was laying in their land that they all picked in the community, Jr having returned from the hunting pack had a small look of discouragement. "Something happen?"

Jr looked at his father with a small smile, "Yeah, I apparently didn't do good on the hunt."

Grim snorted lightly, "Don't let it get to you."

Jr smiled a bit at Grim, "I have to let it get to me, how else will I get better if I don't learn from this?"

Bloodmaw chuckled, "Just remember, be patient and go for the neck."

Jr smiled looking at his father, and he lightly laughed at Grim as he nodded strongly for he looked like a overly proud older brother.

Bloodmaw looked at the side to see Swiftscale teaching both Eden and Enyo with a smile. Ebony was with them for the both of them were teaching them the same things that Jr and Lesion had learned when they were younger. Bloodmaw smiled at them as he looked back at Jr with a proud grin. "Don't give up, you will get it."

Jr nodded looking at his father firmly with a smile, the discouragement was gone.

Ruby looked over and happily ran over grabbing a hold of Scarface the moment he returned. "Baby! I missed you!"

Scarface looked at her a little flustered before closing his eyes, Jaeger refused his offer to stay the night with him and his clan. Jaeger had said something about joining next time however. "You clearly are going to miss me tomorrow huh?"

Ruby gave him a serious expression , "Of course! I miss my man when he is away!"

Bloodmaw chuckled while Jr sort of laughed, Grim on the other hand made a light disgusted sound.

Scalpmuzzle looked at them as he walked up with Cripple and Gullet right behind him, he smiled as he sat down. It was later in the day, and everyone was beginning to return from a hard days work.

Harmony was talking with Nina as they watched Swiftscale and Ebony teach Eden and Enyo. Adder slowly returned back which made Nina smile happily.

"The community is practically done, I won't be able to see you guys for a few days.", spoke Adder as he sat himself down with a smile.

"That is fine, just take care of yourself.", spoke Nina as she looked at her mate with a smile.

Harmony looked at Adder as she asked, "Same thing going to happen to Lockjaw?"

Adder nodded in response, "Yep. He will be back soon."

Bloodmaw smiled, "Thank you for letting us know."

Grim looked at everyone silently, it was clear that he was going to keep watch again.

Cripple looked at Gullet with a smile before looking up and taking notice of Ahnyx as he walks over. "About time!"

"I'm sorry, I just had to make sure everything was good back where I work.", smiled Ahnyx.

Cripple smiled, "It's okay!"

Scalpmuzzle tilted his head, "How is everything, Ahnyx?"

Ahnyx looked at him as he replied calmly, "It is okay, everyone else is recovering steadily and slowly."

"How's Gambit?", asked Bloodmaw.

Ahnyx smiled, "He's doing good! He is a real interesting raptor?"

Scarface smiled, "You have no idea?"

After he said that everyone began to laugh, the laughter gained attention of one dino who was walking up. Ahnyx took notice of him and he smiled, "Goong right? What brings you here?"

Goong smirked before saying, "That raptor is a pain in my backside."

Ahnyx chuckled as Goong smiled in response, the laughter picked up again.