
For many years we have seen many things, danger being the most common. Sure, we survive but we have to fight in order to live. Frankly, it is the only thing we know. The community was indeed looking up, and the walls were finished but that did little to ward off danger. The size of the walls if anything attracted unwanted attention, that and the constant sound of knocking down large trees.

The night had fully begun, and the blind beasts were becoming restless as always. Lockjaw watched in the distance, he saw distant shadows of large creatures that roamed under the cloak of night. His nostrils flared up in aggression, his teeth drawn.

"Go get the others.", he spoke to another rex who was on watch with him.

The other rex at his side was a dark brown almost black in color with noticeable gray eyes. This brute was known as, Titan for his unnatural size differences compared to others of his kind. "How many do you think there are?"

Lockjaw glared, "Hard to tell, we have to be ready."

Titan nodded, he turned away slowly as Lockjaw stood his ground.

The sounds in the night were much higher than they were during the day time, and that was only cause you could hardly see anything in front of you, more or less beside of you either. Crickets were chirping at all sides, but that did little to hide the sounds that Lockjaw was hearing.

Bitter snarling and growling was much higher in tone more than that of the crickets soothing song.

Lockjaw's head turned to the distant right side of him, and his eyes narrowed.

He was once blind before this, if anything that helped in his survival to some degree. Lockjaw was a powerful predator, his jaws were like a iron trap for it was ruthless and unyielding to those he used it on.

Lockjaw glanced behind him as he saw Titan bring the others to him, for he knew a battle was about to happen. A common battle that would happen from time to time no doubt. The blind were curious, and since there was herbivores within the wall they were more interested in finding a easy meal.

And it was his job much like others on watch to keep them safe. After all he had his family here, and he had to put them first.

"Get ready, they are coming closer.", huffed Lockjaw.

"How do you know?", asked a solid black spinosaurus.

"I was once blind like them, I know what they are up too.", scoffed Lockjaw.

Which was true, he still some what understood what the blind beasts are saying. Though, it was a little hard to tell now since he has come to terms to accepting how everyone talks now. Admittedly, it was strange but he was getting use to it.

Titan looked outward before glaring looking very serious, "We spilt up and scan the walls."

Lockjaw nodded strongly with a unmerciful glare, "See anyone you don't know? Rip their throats out."

With that decided, they spilt up into teams as they did rounds around the whole community wall. The only downside was that the community was rather large in size, with great size like this was there a chance that a few blind beasts could break into the thick walls. Trees were tough and all, but blind beasts were idiotically strong especially when they were hungry.

Unlike those with a conscious mind, the blind beasts had to be careful with how much energy that they were using. It was a vital thing to be smart in times such as these, and if the blind do find a weak spot in the wall they will abuse it.

That was why those who were scanning the wall had to remember to tell everyone else about it. If they can tell them, they could patch it up before something bad was to happen.

Lockjaw was walking with two brutes, his eyes were alert for any kind of movement. Titan had his team go around the other side and they were to meet in the middle several times. It was very clear that this was going to be a long night.

"What's that?", hissed the spinosaurus who looked ahead.

Lockjaw looked over and he glared sharply, he saw a pack of three allosaurus who were biting viciously at a certain section of the walls. "Good eyes.", he complimented before running over. The three allosaurus all looked up having been noticed, their eyes took the shape and shine of the moonlight up above faintly. Their eyes vanished however as a few night clouds hid the moon faintly from view.

The three beasts ran away in terror, Lockjaw's size helped in that regard much like the spinosaurus who was rather massive in size. A ceratosaurus accompanying them frowned at the damage at the wall, his eyes of green narrowed. "If they keep this up, they will make a hole in it."

Lockjaw looked back at the ceratosaurus with a harsh look, "They won't, at least we know where they will be attacking."

The spinosaurus frowned as he watched the pack of allosaurus run off only to turn around and look back at them curiously. "They are watching us."

Lockjaw looked ahead and he gave a harsh look and smile, "Of course they are. We leave they may come back and try their luck again."

The ceratosaurus frowned as he looked up at the blind beasts who were watching them from a distance. "What do we do? Stay here all night?"

The spinosaurus looked at the two of them as he said, "I can walk around the wall, Titan will surely meet up with us at some point?"

Lockjaw nodded as he looked at him, "You do that, if it gets any worse we may have to get those who are on day shift to watch with us tonight."

The spinosaurus nodded, his black frame walked away from them. "See you in a bit."

The ceratosaurus nodded as he looked toward the pack who haven't moved a inch, his expression turned into a annoying one. "So frustrating."

Lockjaw looked at him curiously before asking, "You clearly are young huh?"

The ceratosaurus smirked, "I am, and I am pretty capable of doing a lot of things thank you very much."

Lockjaw merely smirked a tad before looking at the pack who remained where they were. "If they leave, we have to be ready for when they come back."

The ceratosaurus looked at the pack before saying, "I don't see why we can't chase after them and kill them."

Lockjaw frowned, that was what he wanted to do but he had to remember that if he does anything risky it may cause more harm than good. Besides, he was not about to die and leave his mate all alone to raise his children. If he was completely blind however, he would of rushed after them to no end. "We are supposed to keep watch, don't waste energy on just chasing them down."

The ceratosaurus looked at Lockjaw, he tilted his head as he did so. The rex before him looked so uncomfortable, and it was like he was holding himself back from doing something. "You say that yet you look ready to charge?"

Lockjaw scoffed with his eyes closed, "Old habits die hard."

The ceratosaurus blinked at him before smirking, his hide was a brown color with beige coloring upon his arms and legs. His horn shared the similar beige color. "Rigor is my name."

Lockjaw glanced at him, his eyes narrowed some. "Lockjaw."

Rigor smiled rather excitedly at him, he looked at the pack as he took a deep breath before moving his feet onto the ground. Kicking some dirt slowly behind him as he did so did he charge fully forward. Lockjaw looked at him curiously before looking shocked at how fast he was moving. It didn't take long before Rigor was close to the pack which took notice of him running at them.

Lockjaw slowly walked forward following after the young ceratosaurus, he watched as the pack ran away completely disappearing into the darkness while Rigor smirked in a triumphant way. His smile disappeared however as Lockjaw snarled, "What was that?"

Rigor blinked and he looked down submissively, "I just wanted to help is all?"

Lockjaw looked at him hard before looking up and not seeing the pack anymore. Rigor's speed clearly spooked them, along with him walking over probably finished the deal.

Rigor looked up at Lockjaw curiously, wondering why he was quiet.

Lockjaw looked at him silently before shaking his head as he turned back to walk toward the wall. "Whatever don't do that again."

Rigor tilted his head before smiling and running after him, there was a skip to his step. "Did I do good?"

Lockjaw huffed in response, "Did I say that you did?"

"You did just now!", exclaimed a hyper ceratosaurus who grinned big at Lockjaw.

Lockjaw rolled his eyes as he looked away from Rigor who was eyeing him with fondness.

Rigor's smile grew as he ran up ahead to the wall, he looked at Lockjaw waiting for him. "Come on! Say I did a good job!"

Lockjaw shook his head as he walked away from him, his massive frame followed after the wall while Rigor runs after him actively.

The pack was gone for now, but there was no doubt that they will return. Having caused damage to the wall, they will be back to try again. If they were to break into the wall, many individuals would be at risk. Lockjaw looked at the wall while looking around, Rigor was still right behind him looking very alert and active.

He had been quiet up until the pack showed up, why was it that he was trying really hard to get him to acknowledge his skills. Lockjaw didn't know him all that well, the only thing that he knew was his name.

Rigor smiled up at Lockjaw, "Are you going to be on night watch all the time?"

"Why?", replied Lockjaw not looking forward to the question.

"Cause if you are I wanna stay by you!", grinned Rigor brightly.

Lockjaw looked at him silently with a very uncomfortable look. "I may switch shifts..."

Rigor smiled optimistically, "I will switch too!"

Lockjaw glared, "No you won't."

Rigor closed his eyes as he smiled happily, "Try me!"

Lockjaw glared sharply at him before looking up and noticing the spinosaurus who was walking back with worry. Though, the worry subsided once he saw the two of them.

"You guys alright? I figured on coming back in case you need help?", spoke the spinosaurus.

"We...", spoke Lockjaw before flinching as Rigor spoke up hyperly.

"Under control! We scared the pack off!", smiled Rigor as he looked up at Lockjaw with wide eyes expecting him to agree with him.

The spinosaurus blinked fast a few times before walking by the two of them. "I kind of want to check still."

Lockjaw looked at Rigor with a tough look, Rigor on the other hand smiled at him as he turned around. "Let's go!"

Lockjaw sighed in annoyance as he followed after Rigor as he shook his head.

Reaching back at the spot, the spinosaurus looked around before looking back at Rigor and Lockjaw. "I guess you didn't need my help?"

Rigor smirked in a tough way, "Told you!"

Lockjaw looked at the spinosaurus, "I appreciate it, that just means that we can continue on with scanning the walls."

The spinosaurus nodded at Lockjaw before giving Rigor a look. "Keep it down alright?"

Rigor smiled at him as he nodded, "Right!"

Lockjaw frowned, it would seem that he wasn't the only one who disliked the young ceratosaurus and his energy. It was not a good idea to be loud during the night, but you couldn't tell others anything at times. They were going to do whatever they want, when they wanted.

Lockjaw looked out as he followed the two, it was obvious that the pack was gone but others could come and take their place. He knew that only cause the blind beasts hardly ever rest, especially if there was food nearby.

Rigor followed after the spinosaurus finally quiet for the time being, which was good.

Lockjaw looked ahead wondering if Titan has found anything, chances were high that him and his team were going through the same thing as they were. Who knows they may be having a much harder time than he was, it was hard to tell.