
Thinking such thoughts would more or less jinx the night, and it helps to be positive but it was very hard when there was so many different lives at stake. Just a bit of damage could bring this community down and thus they would have to start all over.

Lockjaw looked ahead at the spinosaurus and Rigor, and it was very hard to miss that he was observant. Very observant. Just the slightest bit of movement would give hint to what to expect in the future. The blind beasts wouldn't make this easy, and he knew that which was why he had to become stronger than what he originally was. His family depended on him and his protection.

After a bit, he heard some commotion and he was not the only one who heard it. Rigor and the spinosaurus heard it to as they quickly ran ahead, Lockjaw was right on their heels.

It didn't take long for the three of them to catch up on what was happening, as expected the night was going to be a tough one. Titan and the other two of his team were delighted to see Lockjaw with his team. Four teen rexes along with three full grown adults were together in a pack.

The teens easily cowered at the sight of them, the adults on the other hand backed off after sustaining rather deep wounds upon their necks.

"You guys alright?", asked Lockjaw.

"Yeah, just a little roughed up.", replied Titan who had wounds upon the right side of his neck.

The spinosaurus hissed loudly as well as displaying his claws and showing off his size. This sent the rex pack running, for now.

Titan shook his head as Lockjaw approached him, "You clearly need treatment."

Titan smirked a tad, "I'm alright."

"Can't the blind detect weakness?", asked Rigor curiously.

Lockjaw frowned, "They can."

The spinosaurus looked at Titan as he said, "I think it would be a good idea to get treated. It won't hurt, besides we kind of need help out here."

Titan sighed, he looked at another rex and tyrannotitan who was accompanying him upon his team. "I suppose so..."

Lockjaw looked around cautiously before looking at Rigor, he had saw his speed earlier which made him a good choice to run into the community and get help. "You wanna help kid? Go tell them we need help out here."

Rigor blinked and nodded as a big smile came over his maw. "Yes sir!"

Lockjaw watched him run off rather quickly, he turned his attention on Titan as he said. "Come on, lets get you inside."

The moon was high in the sky, clouds slowly moved in front of the moon every now and then. Rigor had went in to tell the others that they would be needing help tonight. The chance was also high that they would be needing more help during the night, seeing that the blind beasts were very active during the late hours.

Titan walked inside of the community to be treated, and Lockjaw watched him go in. His eyes slowly looked outward to the bitter night that surrounded them. He had jinxed Titan and his team, that or he had a sixth sense. Either way, things always didn't go well and if they were going well it wouldn't last.

Razzak looked at Lockjaw as he walked out, his eyes seemed to be very intimidating. "Did I hear correctly? You need more help on night watch?"

Lockjaw nodded, "Yes, we have encountered two packs and I don't doubt that there will be more."

"I understand.", was all that Razzak said as he looked to the landscape that was covered under the blanket of the night. Shifting his head upwards, did he catch a good sight of the moon in between two clouds. "It has begun."

"What do you mean?", asked Lockjaw.

Razzak looked at him, "The walls are finished, which means the hard part comes into place. The community is still new as a hatchling, and in order to make it work we need to give it our all."

Lockjaw nodded at his words, he understood what he meant.

This place was far from done, they would be needing tons of food and water along with herbal care. The walls were finished but now they would have to be protected at all costs. The two diplodocus would be working on taking down more trees, in order to be used as replacements for the wall.

It was obvious that the only reason why the blind were so curious is cause they have never seen such a thing before. Also, they took the trees away from the blind and in a way they were not happy with them taking away the trees that they used as cover and so on.

Destroying things was one thing, but taking the land that the blind have claimed was another.

Territorial in nature, the blind didn't take to kindly to those taking what belonged to them. They would retaliate much like everything else that was on this vast planet.

Razzak looked at the moon one more time before walking inside, "I will get a few of those on the day shift to help you."

Lockjaw nodded as he watched him go, "Thank you."

Razzak looked back at him for a second before continuing onwards without saying a word. While Lockjaw returns his attention on his job of keeping the wall safe. In all honesty he hated to do that to those on the day shift, but with how things were going they would need all the help they can get.

The only thing that would come of this was that many wouldn't get sleep, that was the only concerning thing. With no sleep, many would become sluggish and lose the common sense to do the right thing. Hopefully, Razzak could find more to help them.

Rigor walked up to Lockjaw, his head tilted. "What now?"

Lockjaw snorted, "We keep that wall up."

Rigor smiled at him, he looked rather confident. "I know we can do it."

Lockjaw glanced at him silently, and he merely shook his head as he said. "Words are different from actions."

Rigor looked at him, his face showed he was up for any challenge. "I will show you!"

Lockjaw merely scoffed before looking at the spinosaurus who sighed at Rigor. "I never asked you for your name by the way?"

The spinosaurus blinked before shrugging, "Clade."

Lockjaw nodded, "Lockjaw."

Clade gave a brief chuckle before looking at Rigor who seemed to be getting himself pumped. "Careful, you may pop."

Rigor squinted his eyes at him, "Pfft."

Lockjaw looked at the two of them before walking alongside the wall, "Come on. Let's do another round."

Clade followed along with Rigor who seemed ready to work.

The night shift was now working with those who were supposed to be on the day shift. Thanks to Razzak and Lockjaw things seemed to be in order. That just went to show that communication was key for survival.

Bloodmaw had opened his eyes when Razzak appeared, he had came over to get Adder to help with watching the wall tonight. Grim also volunteered to help , which was rather helpful. Every bit of help goes a long way, without help one couldn't survive all that long.

Bloodmaw watched his clan as they slept, since Grim was gone he figured on taking his place and watch everyone tonight.

The sounds of snoring was another sound that happened during the night, that was only cause the night time was meant for sleep. However, one wasn't sleeping for she had other plans.

Malice was working hard on the herbs that she had gotten, if she hadn't of pushed that raptor then everything would of failed. She looked the herbs over as she worked hard on making her poison that will kill the rex. Admittedly, it was a drastic move but she liked it. After all, killing others was such a thrill.

She looked at the herbs and smiled for she had successfully made the poison and now it was just a waiting game now. Malice would watch that rex and somehow, someway put the poison in the food or water of that rex. It would be a real struggle, but she liked very hard challenges.

Malice carefully wrapped up the poison in leaves that she had weaved together, she then tied the top with a vine as a smile appeared upon her face. She could never regret things, Hell she held little to no regret.

Her heart pounded and it was like she was hunting, and in a way she was. She was just hunting something bigger and very hard to bring down.

Malice carefully hid her poison into a hole that she dug up herself, she hid it there until it was the right time to go through with the plan.

At first glance, her poison didn't look like much but it was a powerful yet potent powder that when consumed it would cause quite a bit of symptoms. The most common one being that they would suffocate on their own blood.

Malice will admit, it was messy and quite painful but that was how she liked her poison. If anything that poison will kill a rex quite quickly, so that rex won't suffer for to long. Much.

Settling herself down she grinned as she lowered her head to sleep.

The calls of the night continued around the land, Razzak had stopped behind Amberhide who was standing by himself and watching the moon with a thoughtful expression. He looked over his shoulder at his friend, Razzak. "How goes it?"

"It is going well, just got done sending help to those watching the wall tonight.", replied Razzak.

Amberhide smiled at him as he nodded, "Good."

Razzak looked at the moon as well before saying, "That brute, Ripper."

Amberhide tilted his head, "Yes?"

Razzak looked at him with a frown, "Should we let him run against Bloodmaw?"

Amberhide shrugged before smiling, "I don't know him all that well but I do like Bloodmaw?"

Razzak closed his eyes grumbling, "He keeps pestering me, it is kind of annoying."

Amberhide smiled at him, "Then let him run! I don't think he will win against Bloodmaw though!"

Razzak looked at him before nodding, "I will tell him the news tomorrow then."

Amberhide nodded before looking at the moon again, he smiled big. "I honestly think that this will work out!"

Razzak nodded agreeing with him, "I don't have any doubts that it will."

Amberhide smiled, "Here's to the future my friend!"

Razzak lightly smirked before turning away, "I got somethings to do."

Amberhide laughed, "Have fun!"

Razzak stalked away leaving Amberhide to look at the moon by himself.

"Go to sleep already.", grumbled Wraith as she sits in front of Gambit.

Gambit looked at her with a expression that says, "I can't."

Ahnyx had gotten up to treat a rex known as Titan who had gotten hurt on watching the wall tonight, he was working hard on taking care of the wounds that the brute had gotten.

Gambit and Wraith were very lively as usual, which made Ahnyx smile lightly. To the therizinosaurus it was good that Wraith had someone to talk too.

Ahnyx was told of the herbs being taken again, Wraith told him all about it once he walked up. Gambit looked rather ashamed about it though, but Ahnyx didn't hold it against him. It was clear that Gambit wanted to help, and that went to show that he was a kind and caring raptor.

Wraith was furious and well she had every right to be, but she was a kind individual for she stayed with Gambit.

"All set.", smiled Ahnyx.

Titan looked at him, "Thanks."

Ahnyx nodded with a cool smile, "Don't mention it."

Titan left with his neck patched up, and Ahnyx watched him go as he moved to sort out his herbs. "If he doesn't sleep feed him a narcotic berry."

Wraith looked at Ahnyx with a amused glint in her eyes, "Wonderful! Give me one!"

Gambit blinked with a horrified expression, "No! Don't you dare!"

Ahnyx walked over with a smile as he handed the berry to Wraith, while Goong watched Titan leave before looking over with a smile enjoying Gambit's pain.

Wraith shoved the berry in Gambit's mouth, "Eat already."

Gambit made a sour face before laying his head down with a look that reads, 'I give up.'