
Razzak's form made many uncomfortable, Jr being one who looked down before glancing up at Scarface and Jaeger who both showed no fear. Impale on the other hand looked around, his eyes never stayed on one thing for to long.

"You are hunters, the lifeline of this community and you are acting like a bunch of rambunctious offspring.", growled Razzak who looked greatly annoyed.

Jaeger looked at the great brute with eyes full of wisdom, "I apologize for my comrades."

Scarface looked at Jaeger with a look of concern. "You had nothing to do with it though..."

Jr swallowed lightly before looking serious, "Impale was the one to start it. I know cause I was there and I saw it."

Razzak looked at him silently before looking at Impale with a serious glare, his eyes were not at all merciful. "Screw the community you say? Then perhaps your kind would be better off finding another place?"

Impale blinked at him in surprise, he looked down silently. "..."

Razzak looked at Scarface, "Take him to get treated, we will need him to recover."

Jaeger looked at Scarface as he shifted his head in the direction toward Ahnyx, "Come on."

Scarface followed after Jaeger, he however glanced behind himself as he saw Razzak walking toward Impale.

"You clearly don't understand why we have rules.", growled Razzak.

Impale was silent as he looked up at the brute, he glared at him silently before looking slightly surprised as he walked away. "Come with me I am sure your friend Ripper would like to hear what you have caused."

Jr looked at Razzak as he asked, "Do you want me to go hunt?" His cheek was bleeding but he felt like it wasn't to bad for him to not go hunting, he figured on asking him though to make sure.

Razzak looked at him with Impale slowly following behind him with his head down. "Yes, since we are down a few hunters. I expect you to work your hardest as well."

Jr nodded at him strongly, "Yes sir."

Jr quickly ran off while Razzak walked off in a different direction with Impale right behind him.

Rules were something that never happened before, so many of us who were sentient knew little about such things. The only thing that we knew about was how to survive, and that the more numbers you have would ensure your survival. Strength was another thing that we held on to, after all we all had to fight something that always stood before us.

But as expected, our world was changing and thus we had to adapt and cope with all the new things introduced to us. If we don't change, then there was a good chance that we would not survive.

"Ripper.", spoke Razzak in a serious tone.

Ripper looked at him curiously but blinked taking notice of Impale's injuries. "Is something wrong?", asked Ripper with a calm voice.

Razzak looked at Impale as he showed his teeth, "This comrade of yours attacked another hunter, he even spoke badly of the community."

Ripper blinked and slowly looked at Impale who looked away from him. "What exactly did he say?"

"Screw the community if I remember correctly? I have to also share with you some news that may interest you. We have agreed to let you run against Bloodmaw, that means many will vote between you two but I think you need to get your comrades under control first. That is just a friendly suggestion.", spoke Razzak in a harsh tone.

Ripper stared at Impale, his eyes were void of any emotion. "Right."

Malice glared at Impale as she stood behind Ripper, Juggernaut and Razer looked at each other in silence. Thrash glared a bit at Impale who looked down at the ground, he refused to look at anyone else for even he knew that he messed up.

Razzak walked away, and Scarecrow looked after him before looking back at Ripper who looked at Impale with angry expression. "What are you doing?", snapped Ripper.

"...", Impale refused to say anything.

"I am finally on board to be one of the leaders! If I win the vote then that means I will lead! The LAST thing I need is for you to be completely stupid and ruin this for us!", hissed Ripper who was beyond furious.

Impale looked at him, "Do you honestly think that you will win?"

Ripper stared at him, his hands slowly formed fists. "Do you doubt me?"

Impale was silent, the wounds on his face still bled.

Ripper smirked as he closed his eyes, "Say it, be honest with me."

There was a uncomfortable silence that fell over Ripper and his crew, no one said a word not even Impale who looked from side to side in a terrified manner.

Malice looked at Ripper as she said, "He's to scared."

Ripper looked at her with a smile, "Now why should he be scared?" He looked at Impale as he smiled some more, "It isn't like I am going to take his head off?"

Juggernaut looked at Razer before walking away, "I am going to work." Razer nodded following after the much larger brute, "Yeah, let us know what happens eh?"

Malice watched them leave before looking at Thrash who faintly flinched before walking off as well. In a matter of seconds, the eerie silence has chased everyone away and all that was left was Ripper, Malice, Scarecrow, and Impale.

Impale finally spoke up with a scowl, "I got fed up with that allosaurus! He said somethings to me that angered me!"

Malice glared at him before looking at Ripper who tilted his head.

"He angered you that much for you to say those words of going against the community?", asked Ripper who stared at Impale. "Just you saying that will hurt us when it comes to the vote? Do you realize who is at fault here?"

Impale flinched as he looked at Ripper who stood very calmly before him.

Malice smirked softly as she looked at Ripper, "What will we do with him?"

Impale quickly looked at her before looking at Ripper legitimately scared. "..!"

Ripper looked at her curiously before looking at Impale with a eerie looking smile across his maw. "I say we dispose of him, he is already a liability to us."

"Wait! You can't be...!", Impale froze up as his vision became blurry. His body collapsed on the floor, and to curious eyes it looked like he had passed out but in reality his throat was skillfully slashed.

"Take him and bury him somewhere, make sure no one sees you either.", spoke Ripper in a calm yet quiet tone.

Malice nodded as she looked at Scarecrow, "Want to help me?"

Scarecrow was silent before nodding, "Very well."

Ripper watched the two of them take Impale's body away, since it was early not many would know what had happened to him. If they were to ask then he would of calmly said that he died from his wounds. After all, wounds getting infected could easily kill the biggest of beasts.

Ripper calmly licked the blood from his claws, his eyes were closed as he calmly walked off to partake in his jobs for the day.

He was finally able to be a candidate alongside that rex known as Bloodmaw, the votes would then determine who would lead the community. Truthfully, he was looking forward to it seeing that Malice and him had a plan of their own. No one else would know of this plan, if anyone else knew of it then there would be problems.

Speaking of problems, Wraith came to his mind. She turned against him, and honestly he didn't care. She was putting her trust into others which would no doubt abuse her and turn against her.

Ripper looked at everyone who was starting to wake, and his eyes narrowed sharply. He would have to keep an eye on Wraith, the quicker he does so the better off he will be.

Ahnyx looked at Scarface in surprise, having walked up was he introduced to the allosaurus who had wounds upon his body. "My you got roughed up huh?"

Scarface nodded while glancing at Gambit who was asleep, "I am sorry to be a bother?"

Ahnyx looked at where he was and he smiled some, "Don't apologize? It is my job to take care of you. Also, your friend is doing better even though he is a handful?"

Scarface sort of smiled at him before looking at Jaeger curiously, "Are you going to go hunt? I think I will be alright?"

Jaeger looked at him before looking at Ahnyx, "Is he in good hands?"

Ahnyx looked at him and he nodded with a cool smile, "Yes."

Jaeger nodded before looking at Scarface, "I will check on you later then."

Scarface smiled at him as he watched Jaeger walk off, his eyes slowly looked at Ahnyx who was now looking over his wounds.

"Hunting is dangerous huh?", asked Ahnyx as he got his herbs prepared.

Scarface blinked before sort of smiling, "Uh, I guess though I got these wounds from someone else?"

"Oh?", blinked Ahnyx quite confused. "So you fought against someone? Was it that friend of yours who beat you up?"

Scarface made a funny frown, "No! He brought me here! The one who I fought with was a ceratosaurus who couldn't keep his mouth shut."

Ahnyx chuckled some, "Ah I see."

Scarface sort of smiled before blinking, looking at the side did he see Belle run up. She smiled in a apologetic way. "Sorry I am late!"

Ahnyx chuckled at her while placing the herbs upon Scarface's wounds. Each herb placed on him made the allosaurus wince in light pain. "Don't apologize, you had a reason to be late yes?"

Belle flushed lightly, "I-I guess?" She looked down at her neck, the flower from Gambit was still around her neck along with a blue flower which was a new addition.

Ahnyx glanced at the blue flower and curiously asked, "Where did you get that?"

Belle smiled as she looked at him, "Found it?"

Ahnyx chuckled as he looked at her, he looked at Scarface who was looking at Belle curiously. "I wonder if Ruby likes blue flowers?"

"Want me to ask her?", asked a happy go lucky Belle.

"N-No! You don't have to!", quickly replied Scarface who had a flustered expression.

Ahnyx chuckled as he kept on applying herbs to the wounds that were on Scarface. Each wound was different in size, with a few of them deeper than others.

Belle looked at Scarface confused but smiled as she looked at Ahnyx, "Need help?"

Ahnyx looked at her and he smiled, "I think I am alright, but check on Gambit for me?"

Belle nodded with a smile as she walked over to check on Gambit, she smiled seeing that he looked fine but jumped when she saw light movement at her side. Belle looked over fast and looked at Wraith who now took notice of Belle. "H-Hi...?"

Wraith silently stared at Belle before looking at Gambit in silence.

Belle looked away, her feathers were lightly ruffled due to her being scared of Wraith. She was much larger than she was, but she just gave off such a cold vibe. It was something that Belle was not use too.

"Gambit looks good.", smiled Belle as she looked at Ahnyx who nodded at her with a cool smile of his own.

Hearing that made Scarface smile, he looked at Gambit who was sleeping away. His eyes some what caught sight of Gambit's wounds on his back and he frowned. Those raptors really did a number on him, as his eyes looked at Belle who walked away from Gambit did he catch sight of another raptor who he didn't recognize.

Scarface looked at them silently before looking at Ahnyx as he asked, "Who is that?"

Ahnyx looked at him as he replied, "Wraith, she has been keeping a eye on Gambit."

"I see.", replied Scarface as he looked at Wraith curiously.

From the looks of it, Wraith looked to be very protective of Gambit. From how she was sitting, she was in front of him while sitting on the floor with her arms crossed. Scarface sort of smiled faintly at that, perhaps Gambit found someone who he could talk to.

Ahnyx looked over his wounds before smiling, "You will need rest but you should be okay. You are more than welcome to rest here."

Scarface smiled at him before saying, "Tonight can you let Ruby know where I am? She tends to worry and I don't want her to worry to much."

Ahnyx nodded with a smile, "Of course."

As everyone was focused on their own jobs, Ahnyx looked at a familiar face who walked up with a important message. "Hello Goong?"

Goong walked up with a smile in response before he looked at Ahnyx as he said, "Others are talking, the voting for the community leader will happen tomorrow morning."