To Decide

Ahnyx looked at Goong in surprise, the word about the vote surprised him greatly. His eyes slowly looked at Scarface who was also surprised about the news also. This voting would be without a doubt a big deal, for whoever won would lead the community and the many others who lived here. Truthfully, it was exciting as well as it was horrifying.

No one knew what to say about it, but Ahnyx smiled at Scarface as he said. "Well you better get on the ball on who you want to lead?"

Scarface smirked lightly, "I will vote for Bloodmaw obviously?"

Ahnyx looked at him with a cool smile, "Bloodmaw has my vote."

Goong nodded with a smile of his own, "Bloodmaw does look like the type who would do a good job."

Wraith looked at them in silence, the talk of voting had obtained her attention. She looked at Gambit silently as he slept, as her thoughts went Ripper for a moment. Bloodmaw from what she remembered was already chosen as a candidate, and all of a sudden Malice went on the move for some reason.

This made her think about it more, and she glared for she didn't know who was the other candidate that Bloodmaw was up against. Something in her stomach told her who it was but was it who she thought it was.

Wraith looked at them as she spoke up, "Who are our choices?"

"Bloodmaw or a brute known as Ripper.", replied Goong as he looked at her.

Just hearing that made Wraith scowl sharply, she even bared her fangs as her stomach became heavy. Ripper was a candidate, how on earth did he get chosen for one. She looked away with a hardened look in her eyes, if Ripper were to win this community there was no telling what would happen.

Goong took notice of her reaction, "I take it you know the other candidate?"

Wraith looked at him silently with a glare, "I do and he is nothing but trouble. He also murders those who didn't deserve it."

Ahnyx looked at her with concern much like Goong who looked at her with a sympathetic look. Her voice became rather hurt in tone when she said the last part and leave it to them to notice that. Wraith looked away slowly with her eyes down as she felt that familiar squeezing sensation in her chest.

"Are you saying that he is a murder?", asked Ahnyx as he looked at her.

Wraith merely nodded as she closed her eyes.

Just seeing that from her made Ahnyx and Goong look at each other. Scarface looked at the two of them before looking at her in silence. "Maybe we should tell the others?", asked Scarface.

Ahnyx looked at him before looking at Belle who looked at him curiously, though her blue eyes showed worry. Bloodmaw was not a murder but Ripper was said to be one, and honestly no one knew what to say or do.

If Ripper were to lead then what would happen to the community. That was the main question.

"Let's wait and see? Who knows, Ripper may not get that many votes?", spoke Goong as he looked at Ahnyx.

Ahnyx looked at him with a light smile before looking at Belle. "Will you go and get me some more herbs?"

Belle nodded with a smile, "Yes sir!" She quickly walked away to get more herbs for Ahnyx.

Just hearing that from Belle made Gambit stir, he looked around confused before taking notice of Wraith who approached him. What surprised him most was that she softly touched his head. "Uh..?"

Wraith looked at him silently with a look of annoyance, "Shut it."

Gambit looked away with his eyes closed, and he couldn't stop himself from blushing softly at her touch. She was attending to him this entire time, and he couldn't stop his heart from beating fast. She was unlike any other raptor he had seen, and granted she was bigger than him but there was this side of her that was kind and protective.

She would never admit it though.

Gambit slowly opened his eyes as he turned to look at her, he froze up lightly at the fact that his nose lightly touched her chin. His eyes went wide as suddenly she jumped back from the touch which gained the attention of everyone else.

Gambit looked at her in surprise while Wraith had a hold of her chin with wide eyes. She looked away and walked away real fast without looking back. While Gambit jumped up only to flinch as he felt the pain shoot through his back. "Wait...", was all he could say in a pained voice.

Ahnyx looked at Gambit puzzled, much like Scarface and Goong who now looked at him in bewilderment. "Your kiss sent her flying.", teased Ahnyx.

Gambit looked at Ahnyx with a priceless expression, "I didn't kiss her!?!"

Ahnyx looked after Wraith as he looked at him, "Are you sure?"

Gambit nodded with narrowed eyes, "Yes."

Scarface blinked a few times before closing his eyes and laughing, Goong joined in with the laughter after a good second. As the both of them laughed, Gambit glared daggers at them with a embarrassed expression.

Ahnyx looked at Gambit as he smiled, "Regardless it was rather funny? I have never seen such a reaction like that!"

Gambit looked at him with a sharp look before looking in the direction Wraith had left in. He looked down silently with a frown, he felt bad for doing that to her. All he wanted was to look at her but instead he accidentally touched her and sent her running which was not his intention.

He didn't know what to do in situations like this, and his heart was beating extremely hard in his rib cage. He honestly hoped that she would forgive him for doing that, and he wanted to say sorry to her. "Where did she go?"

Ahnyx looked at him before looking out, "I don't know? She moved away pretty fast?"

Scarface blinked as his laughter stopped, the reason for this was that Gambit stood up. "Gambit? What are you doing?"

Ahnyx looked over fast and frowned looking serious, "What are you doing?"

"I have to find her, I need to say sorry.", was Gambit's response as he took a few steps forward.

Goong looked at Gambit now with a brow raised, "You can barely walk let alone run, how exactly are you going to go after her?"

Gambit looked at Ahnyx who walked over to him, his eyes showed his annoyance as he was made to lay back down.

"I will go get her while you rest.", sternly spoke Ahnyx who glared down at the raptor who looked at him with a small glare of his own.

Gambit watched as Ahnyx walked away, which left Scarface and Goong with him.

"Gambit?", asked Scarface as he looked at the raptor who was his friend.

"Hm?", replied Gambit as he looked at the allosaurus.

"I'm glad you are okay.", replied Scarface as he looked at Gambit with a smile.

Gambit looked at Scarface puzzled for a moment before giving a small smile. "You are the one who saved me don't forget?"

Scarface looked at him as he kept smiling, "Still I am glad you are recovering...sort of?"

Gambit smirked with his eyes closed.

Goong looked at Gambit as he asked, "Who are you going to choose?"

Gambit looked at Goong confused, "Choose? What are you going on about dung?"

Goong looked at Gambit with a glare, "Don't you start this again boy!"

Gambit looked at him curiously before smirking, "Hey it is not my fault that..? !?!"

Scarface looked at Goong as he approached Gambit, and his eyes went wide as he got up. "Wait! GOONG!"

Before he could reach Gambit in time, Goong had body slammed Gambit. Goong moved away afterwards with a satisfied face upon his features. "I feel better."

Scarface limped over to Gambit who was out cold upon the ground with his leaf he was laying on was in pieces underneath the unconscious raptor, his eyes showed his concern as he looked at Goong who looked at him with a frown. "Don't give me that look he deserved it!"

Scarface looked over as Ahnyx returned, and behind him was Wraith who looked at Gambit in pure utter shock.

"What happened!?!", screamed Wraith as she ran over as she held Gambit up in her arms. "I was gone for a little while and you are already almost dead!"

Ahnyx looked at Gambit with confusion, "Indeed? What happened to him?"

Scarface looked at Goong who looked away acting like he did nothing.

Ahnyx was busy much like everyone else within the community and so was Bloodmaw as he helped the two diplodocus as they knocked down more trees. Devastate was with him as he pulled some trees back to the community to be used on the damaged walls. The many trikes were helping much like Cripple, Gullet and Scalpmuzzle.

"Are you excited about tomorrow?", asked Cripple.

Bloodmaw looked at her with a smirk, "Why on earth should I be excited?"

"Isn't the voting suppose to happen tomorrow?", asked Scalpmuzzle.

Bloodmaw looked at him curiously before smiling lightly, "I suppose but if I win, I win."

Bloodmaw blinked as he looked up at one of the diplodocus who lowered his head down to him as he said, "I'm going to go ahead and tell you that my friend and I will be voting for you."

Cripple smiled at Bloodmaw much like Scalpmuzzle, Bloodmaw on the other hand nodded at the large herbivore with a respectable smile. "Thank you."

The diplodocus nodded at him as he slowly walked forward as he begun knocking more trees down with his friend at his side. Bloodmaw looked after the two large herbivores with a kind smile, he then looked at Cripple as he said. "You think I have a chance at winning?"

Cripple nodded, "Definitely!"

Bloodmaw smirked before looking at Devastate who looked back at him with a tough smile. "Belle is voting for you and so am I."

Cripple looked ecstatic only cause so many others had said that they would be voting for Bloodmaw. To her she felt like he was meant to win. It was not everyday that a large diplodocus would speak of voting for a carnivore.

Bloodmaw looked at everyone with a respectful smile, he honestly didn't know what to say but what he could do was be the best leader for this community. If he were to win he would be confident yet strong, wise and powerful when necessary. Not once would he push anyone around, it mattered not if they were a carnivore or herbivore. They would be treated equally.

Bloodmaw looked at the work that needed to be done and he smirked, "Let's finish up and then we can talk about the voting."

Cripple nodded as she smiled much like Scalpmuzzle who went right to work. Devastate continued to pull logs over so that the trikes can take them back to the community where they would be used in the future.

Amberhide watched everyone work, his expression showed how happy he was until he blinked and looked at Hawkeye who was approaching him. "Can I help you?"

Hawkeye looked at him before speaking up, Rain was beside him as she looked at Hawkeye curiously. "I would like to help you guys out?"

Amberhide smiled softly, he looked at the leaves that were still on Hawkeye's crest. "That's wonderful and from what I can tell is that you use to lead a clan yes?"

Hawkeye nodded as he looked at Rain as he replied, "Yes, I led a clan of herbivores until some carnivores came and ruined it."

Amberhide frowned but he looked at Hawkeye with great interest, "Have you ever grown anything before?"

Hawkeye tilted his head before nodding, "Yes, why?"

Amberhide clapped his claws together as he grinned, "We need growers! If you can help us grow things you can be the leader of growth and production!"

Hawkeye looked at Rain who looked at him with a smile, he looked at Amberhide as he nodded. "I will see what I can do?"

Amberhide grinned more, "Thank you so much!"

Hawkeye looked at Rain who was close to him, she smiled softly as she looked at him. Hawkeye and Rain had talked before going to talk to Amberhide, it was still undecided if they would stay there but if things were done correctly then perhaps they could stay and make it work. Hawkeye would try to help them grow somethings, and maybe just maybe he could try and trust the carnivores here.