Bad Luck

Amberhide looked at Hawkeye with a smile, his eyes showed great interest for the future ahead of them. "If we can grow things right away, our survival can't be denied. I know you will do a good job!"

Hawkeye merely nodded at Amberhide as he looked at Rain who seemed to be a lot calmer than she was before. He had promised her to not do anything to drastic and he was going to keep his promise.

"Also, there is a vote that will be occurring, do you already have your vote?", asked Amberhide curiously as he tilted his head to the right hand side.

Hawkeye replied with a simple shake of his head, this was the first time he had heard of a vote. "No, I just figured that a place this big already should have some kind of leader?"

Amberhide chuckled with a smile, "Well this is a new environment, we will be voting for our leaders. Everyone will be equal and vote of course!"

Hawkeye looked at Rain who looked up at him silently, she smiled softly and he of course smiled back but it was a weak smile. "I suppose I can vote, I will tell you later on who I will choose."

Amberhide nodded as he looked at every single individual who worked, they were big and small. The young with the elderly. Those who ate meat while others ate vegetation. "I hope to make a place where everyone is safe no matter who or what they are. To be honest we are a lot alike for we breathe the same air and we are all trying to survive. Why not survive together you know?"

Hawkeye looked at Amberhide silently, he watched him look at everyone with a smile that matched the great sun above. It was like the vast orb of light was giving Amberhide its blessing. Not many others thought like Amberhide, which was probably why so many were drawn to him. Hawkeye in particular didn't know what to say nor think, if anything he could somewhat understand how he feels.

By coming together, they could conquer anything in their way. Surviving together didn't sound so bad, for the lot of them knew exactly how to stay alive.

Of course there was plenty that would say differently, as well as spit at the idea of herbivores and carnivores working together. That was only cause so many creatures had different views, and they didn't want change to happen. To them carnivores and herbivores were destined to hate each other.

To see the two sides getting along made many scowl at the idea.

Hawkeye looked at Amberhide as he gave a little smile, "I guess I should go find some seeds?"

Amberhide looked at him as he nodded with a grin, "Good idea! If you need help don't be afraid to ask!"

Hawkeye nodded as he turned away, he looked at Rain who happily followed after him. That was enough to make him smile.

As the sky continues to move above the community, the many clouds began to cover up the light blue sky softly with a relaxing breeze. Bloodmaw lifted his large cranium as he looked at the two diplodocus who slowly began walking back to the community. The trees they had knocked down were steadily being taken to the community thanks to the many trikes that pulled them along. A few rexes carried some logs back with their powerful jaws.

Cripple smiled, for everyone worked together and by doing so did they finish fairly early. "I honestly can't wait to see Bloodmaw lead."

Scalpmuzzle merely laughed a bit while holding a few logs that he knew that he could carry on his own. "Calm down! He hasn't even won yet?"

Cripple gave a smile as she looked at him, she then looked at Gullet who was working very hard much like everyone else. Sure, he was not a adult but he sure had a lot more strength than when he was little. She honestly was glad that she adopted the little rex when she did, otherwise he would of died.

Cripple however took notice of others giving her a few weird stares lately, and it was probably cause she was taking care of a blind rex on her own. It was a little strange but she knew why they do it.

It was cause she wasn't a rex, she was a carnotaurus that and he was blind.

She didn't doubt that they were paranoid as well for many didn't like the blind. Cripple didn't let it faze her though for she loved the rex as if he was her own. Besides, she wanted to give the rex a chance to live.

Doesn't every single creature deserve a chance at living?

"Cripple?", asked Scalpmuzzle who took notice of her staring at the ground. She honestly looked like she had a lot on her mind.

Cripple blinked coming back to reality, she looked at Scalpmuzzle before smiling. "Hm?"

Scalpmuzzle gave a smile back in return, "You alright there?"

Cripple nodded at him she then looked at Gullet who was right at her side, he was very obedient and remained by her at all times. That and he looked comfortable being with Ahnyx and Scalpmuzzle. "Yeah just thinking about Gullet here. How much bigger do you think he will get?"

Bloodmaw smirked as he looked at Cripple, he answered for Scalpmuzzle who didn't seem to mind. "I would say that he is going to be about my height when he is fully grown."

Cripple smiled at him, "You think so?"

Bloodmaw nodded as he looked at Gullet who looked at them with curious eyes. It was like he knew that they were talking about him, though he didn't understand what was said all that much. Besides, he became very observant with Cripple and her gestures and he clearly did that with others around him as well.

"Yep, when he does get bigger you are going to have a handful.", chuckled Bloodmaw.

Cripple gave a light laugh back, she looked at Gullet and smiled. "I don't doubt that but hey I love him."

Gullet looked at Cripple as his head tilted, he then made a rumbling sound similar to a purr.

Scalpmuzzle laughed before looking at Devastate, he gave a smirk at the rex. "So I took notice of you being a little occupied here lately? Wanna talk about it?"

The behemoth blinked as he looked at Scalpmuzzle a little surprised. "What are you going on about?"

Scalpmuzzle gave a sneaky smile, "Did you go on a date with someone? You seem a little more happy than usual?"

Devastate did a deep sounding snort, he then looked away. "..."

Scalpmuzzle laughed a bit with his eyes closed, "Don't be like that! I am glad that you are having fun."

The behemoth refused to look at him as a light color of red appeared upon his features. Bloodmaw chuckled as he looked at Scalpmuzzle and Devastate he could sense that the two of them were getting along.

As they all settle down from another day of work, Lockjaw was still guarding the wall. Razzak had taken the hunting party out to do some hunting, which of course they were not back yet. This caused the brute to be more on edge.

Rigor looked outward, he was waiting for some kind of movement in the distance. "Sure taking a while huh?"

Clade being some what taller stood up higher, he was scanning the direction that the hunting party had went too. "They are probably having a hard time finding anything that they could hunt? I wouldn't be surprised since the blind were all worked up last night?"

Adder frowned, "Should we go check?"

Grim snorted, "Just wait a second. Give them a bit more time."

Lockjaw didn't like the looks of this, his eyes showed his frustration. He then looked to the side sharply much like Adder for a odd sound came from the distance along the wall.

Rigor looked puzzled, "What was that?"

Clade frowned as he walked, "May as well see?"

Lockjaw nodded following after him, Adder and Grim weren't far behind. The sound became louder the closer they got. Rigor scowled a bit for he felt chills go up his spine.

Clade stopped as he saw two blind rexes taking something from the ground in the distance. The sound that they were hearing was some type of digging sound, and apparently the blind smelt a easy meal but who would hide a dead body. Lockjaw glared charging forward, and the blind rexes being fairly young and inexperienced in fighting backed off but not before taking the body with them.

Rigor caught a glimpse of the body that the blind took, the head was similar to his own which made him shiver and scowl.

Adder watched as Lockjaw stopped glaring after the direction of the blind before approaching the hole in the ground. He looked at Grim who was at his side looking at the hole as well. The hole was oddly dug out quite differently from most graves, which was quite a interesting sight. The depth of the hole was quite small for it was like whoever dug up the hole wanted the blind to be able to dig it up and eat the body.

"Why on earth would anyone hide a body?", asked Adder looking confused.

Grim glared some, "Someone who didn't want anyone to know."

Clade looked at Rigor who was quite uncomfortable, "You alright?"

Rigor shook his head fast, "It was another ceratosaurus!"

Clade blinked, "Did you know the body?"

Rigor shook his head as he frowned, "No, but I don't like seeing others that are like me being dead. I should be use to it but I can't help it."

Clade gave him a understanding expression though he looked at Lockjaw who was walking over.

Lockjaw looked at the hole with his eyes narrowed some, "Has anyone died that any of you know?"

Adder shook his head, Grim glared as he said. "No. This looks to be planned specifically for us all to not know about it. Whoever made this wanted the body to be taken and eaten by the blind."

Clade looked down, "Should we tell Razzak when he returns?"

Lockjaw nodded, "Seems like to me we have a shady bunch?"

Clade looked back, he heard footsteps and he began walking back the way they came. "I guess they are back?"

Rigor followed him, "About time!"

Adder and Grim looked at the hole before walking back, while Lockjaw looked at the hole one last time before following after the others. As they returned to their post, they could see Razzak who had a fairly bloody mouth, this of course caused a bit of alarm.

"You okay?", asked Clade looking at Razzak who looked behind himself. Jr and Jaeger were behind him, and they were the only two who were with him. The party was made up of five, and now there were three.

"What happened!", asked Rigor who looked greatly concerned.

"An ambush happened, lost two hunters.", growled Razzak. "Never have I seen the blind so differently."

Adder frowned, "Differently?"

Grim looked out in the distance while Razzak spoke. "The blind seem to be more aggressive and it is probably cause of the noise we are making. That and we found little prey, which makes me think that we need to do a clear out of the blind in this area."

Jr looked to be a little shaken up as Razzak talked, he looked at Jaeger who had a badly bleeding side. Jr was fairly grateful for Jaeger coming to his aid, but he couldn't help but feel bad. He had gotten hurt all because of him, Jr looked down at his left ankle for it was slightly swollen.

Lockjaw frowned, "Guess that is what we will have to do. The blind ain't giving us any other options."

Clade looked at Razzak he looked at Lockjaw who nodded at him, with that gesture Clade spoke. "We found a body, behind the wall of the community. It was thinly dug up which makes us believe that some creature wanted the blind to eat it."

Razzak glared sharply, "Show me the hole!"

Clade nodded as he walked in the direction, as Razzak turns to follow him does he look at Jaeger and Jr. "Go get treated. You both need it." With that he followed after Clade.