
Jaeger watched Razzak leave, his eyes then looked to Jr who he could see was easily shaken by the whole thing that had happened. He gave a comforting smile toward Jr, his cranium shifted in the direction of the herbalist. "How about we get patched up?"

Jr looked at him with a odd look in his eyes, he however smiled a bit. "Yeah."

Jaeger walked forward with Jr close behind him.

Lockjaw frowned as he looked at Grim the both of them were frowning, it was clear that they didn't like the sounds of going out there to deal with the blind. It was risky but it probably was the only way to settle the restless beast outside of the wall.

Adder looked after Jaeger and Jr before saying what was on his mind, "Have the blind ever been this aggressive before?"

Rigor looked at him with a face that was not surprised, "Hey, they are aggressive no matter what! It is like a common thing for them?"

Adder gave him a look, "Yeah but don't you think it is a little bit to much?"

Lockjaw looked outside with a serious glare, "They are definitely more disturbed than normal. They probably don't take to kindly to us moving in, that and the fact that the prey moved on they are now focusing on the herbivores who are here within the wall."

Grim looked at Lockjaw, he agreed with him. "I think so. If the hunting party didn't find anything out there, the blind couldn't find anything either."

Rigor looked fed up about it, "Why can't they move?"

Adder sort of scoffed at Rigor's face, "There is no such thing as easy, not in this world."

Lockjaw nodded at Adder in agreement, only cause survival with blind beast were never easy. Though, he was once blind himself, he knew how much aggression the blind can have after all he showed off his aggression before when he first met the clan of Bloodmaw. According to Harmony he was ready to rip heads off without hesitation, and it was Harmony who stopped him from doing certain things. It was crazy how things have changed since then, that and his views were very different from the ones that Harmony and everyone else had.

"Let's keep a eye out, no doubt Razzak will be wanting to talk to us.", spoke Grim with a strong look in his eyes. The rex was ready for anything, and it was apparent that they all were ready. They had to be.

Clade looked at Razzak as the brute looked at the hole in the earth, the sound of deep sniffing came from Razzak who took deep whiffs of the hole. Razzak had smelled the scent of blood mixed in with the earth, and a faint aroma that made his eyes narrow sickly for a second. The faint aroma of a dead body made its home in this hole before it was dug up. The question was though, whose body was it.

"What did you see?", asked Razzak who finally put his focus on Clade who looked at him.

Clade looked at him, he was ready to share what he saw. "We heard sounds, digging sounds. We came to investigate." Clade looked at the hole as he continued, "We saw two of the blind which were young, they cowered from us but that didn't stop them from taking the body with them."

Razzak looked at the ground, there was faint traces of blood around the hole. "Anything else?"

Clade looked to be thinking about it before blinking remembering what Rigor had said, "Oh, Rigor had mentioned about the body. He didn't know who it was but it was another ceratosaurus? That apparently shook him up seeing the body of another ceratosaurus that was dead."

Razzak looked at Clade with a long stare before looking back to where Lockjaw and the others were. He snorted which made his nostrils flare for a bit, his maw and fangs were still tainted with blood. "Let's get back inside, I got a few things that I am going to have to discuss with a few brutes."

Clade nodded, he soon followed after Razzak as they returned to the others who were waiting for their return.

Jaeger with Jr was walking up to Ahnyx and the others there which of course he was greeted politely by the herbivore herbalist right away when he stopped before him. Scarface looked quite surprised, seeing the wounds that Jaeger had. The allosaurus became more surprised when he saw Jr, his eyes were visibly wide. "What happened out there!?!"

Jaeger looked at him with a serious look, "We were ambushed out there by the blind. Lost two of our hunters as well."

Jr nodded looking down, "We didn't find anything to hunt, but the blind obviously gave hunting us a try."

Ahnyx approached them both, he had herbs in his hands. "Come here and let me take a look at the both of you."

Jaeger nodded in his thanks while Jr sighed a sigh of relief.

Wraith watched them silently with Gambit laying in a different place, he was still unconscious but seemed to be sleeping well.

"It would seem so? Perhaps, hunting outside is not a good idea?", spoke Ahnyx as he placed herbs upon Jaeger's wounds. "The blind sure did a number on you though."

At Ahnyx's words, Jr looked to be a little uncomfortable.

Scarface looked at Jr having taken notice of him looking away. "Are you hurt too?", asked Scarface.

Jr looked at him as he slowly walked over to him, he looked at his left ankle as he said. "It kind of stings a lot, I tried running away from the blind and ran into a small log."

Scarface frowned as he looked at the swollen left ankle that belonged to Jr. "You may have sprained it?"

Ahnyx looked at Jr as he smiled, "Don't worry I will look at your ankle in a bit."

Jaeger smirked as he toughed out the pain from the herbs going onto his wounds. "Don't worry, if it was broken you wouldn't be able to stand let alone run."

Jr looked at him silently before looking at Scarface who gave him a soothing smile. Just that smile alone made Jr smile, he however looked over as he saw Razzak who had now made his presence known.

Scarface looked at Razzak as well curiously.

"You better make sure you get them back on their feet.", spoke Razzak as he looked at Ahnyx. "The quicker they heal the better."

Ahnyx nodded, "Don't you worry."

Razzak left after saying that, and as he left did Jaeger smile a bit. "I guess he cares?"

Scarface gave a little smirk as he nodded lightly.

Ahnyx smiled coolly as he treated the wounded.

The work for the community was done again for another day, however things were going to be a little more risky than normal. Razzak on the other hand had been walking around giving direct orders to not go outside of the community walls alone. The dangerous level was far to great at the moment.

Swiftscale was quite surprised by the news much like Ebony as the both of them stand beside each other. The both of them were tutors for the young, and Eden and Enyo were running around. The young sisters didn't know what was going on outside of the walls seeing that they were to busy playing together.

Bloodmaw looked at Devastate as the behemoth approached Razzak obviously wanting to get answers.

"What's going on?", asked Devastate as he tilted his massive cranium.

"The blind outside are being quite a handful, and that annoys me.", replied Razzak who glared.

The behemoth looked around as many began to talk about the news of the blind, news around here sure traveled fast.

"What are you going to do about it?", asked Devastate with his eyes firm on Razzak.

This question made Razzak look at him, his eyes were very scary. Unmerciful even. "I am going to find some worthy brutes who could accompany me in getting rid of our blind problem.", replied Razzak with a great glare.

Devastate smirked, "I suppose I can help and I have another one who may help, though he is in another clan?"

"His name?", asked Razzak as he quirked a brow.

"Smaug.", replied the behemoth who smirked. "I suppose he could help unless he hasn't gone soft yet?"

Razzak smirked, "I will be sure to deliver a message to him, where is he?"

"He's in the clan of Sharpclaw, and he is in a swamp land quite a way from here.", replied Devastate looking in the direction where Smaug was in.

Razzak looked in the same direction before looking at the behemoth, "I see, I will give out the word. Hopefully, he gets it."

Devastate nodded as he said, "When are we going to attack the blind?"

"Soon. I can't afford anymore delays, the quicker we get rid of this problem the quicker it is for this community to be fully complete.", replied Razzak as he nodded firmly.

The behemoth nodded, he understood him and why he wanted to rush. If it takes any longer and the community will never get done.

"Does this mean the voting is postponed?", asked Bloodmaw curiously.

Razzak shook his head as he smirked lightly, "No, the vote will happen as planned. We need a leader as quickly as possible."

Bloodmaw nodded in response, "I see."

Razzak smirked for a second more before walking away to share the news of the dangers outside elsewhere. The behemoth watched him go as Bloodmaw walked up to stand behind him. Not long after Razzak left did Ruby walk by them in a hurry.

"Ruby?", asked Bloodmaw a little surprised. "What's wrong?"

Devastate looked at her as well with confused look in his eyes.

"Scarface is hurt and I need to go. Bye!" quickly spoke Ruby not at all stopping, though she looked back at them when she heard her name.

Bloodmaw blinked before chuckling, Devastate tilted his head before looking at Bloodmaw with a faint smile of his own. "Still can't get over that they are together."

"Well believe it, though I find myself having a hard time with it as well?", smirked Bloodmaw.

The behemoth didn't say anything more about it as he walked in the direction of Ahnyx, he looked at Bloodmaw as he decided to follow him as well.

As things began to settle down despite what was going on outside with the blind, it would seem that somethings were beginning to pick up or so it appeared that way. Razzak had finally approached Ripper, and was asking him some questions. These questions were quite pressing which was to be expected, Razzak didn't seem like the dumbest of individuals. On the contrary he was very sharp.

"May I ask you something? Where was your companion today?", asked Razzak who looked at Ripper quite seriously. "He was wounded right so why was he not at the herbalist?"

Ripper looked up at him, his eyes showed nothing as he spoke though he smiled looking quite innocent. "He was wounded but he didn't want to go to the herbalist, he is quite picky on who patches him up you know?"

Malice was nearby when she heard them talk, she looked at Ripper and then she glanced at Razzak silently.

"Is that so?", replied Razzak who narrowed his eyes sharply at Ripper.

Ripper looked at Razzak with his smile remaining on his obsidian lips. "Yeah, Rose here is a good herbalist and he actually trusts her more so than strangers!"

Malice looked at Razzak as she smiled softly and nodded.

Razzak stared at the both of them before looking up, he looked at Juggernaut, Razer, Fiend, and Thrash who were settling down for the day after working so hard. "..."

"Why? What happened?", asked Ripper curiously as his voice took on a concerned tone.

"Found a body outside of the wall, a few blind dug it out of a small hole.", spoke Razzak as his eyes looked at the two of them.

"Oh? Who would hide a body?", asked Ripper looking at Razzak.

Malice was silent though she was looking between the two of them. She finally said, "Maybe an inexperienced blind tried to hide the body away? It happens you know?"

Razzak was silent, his eyes burned like lava as he thought about his next words. He began to walk away before saying, "Possibly. I will ask you some more questions later."

Ripper nodded as he waved after him with a harmless smile, Malice waved after him as well before sneering.

They had dodged a bullet this time or so they thought, an individual did witness them in the act of hiding the body.

Things were definitely going to pick up.