The Parting

The pain was far greater than when his face was ripped off, this giant was far to powerful. After so many years of fighting and training, he was still not able to get his revenge. Now he was going to die, and his daughter will never know what happened to him.

He couldn't get up, and he couldn't see his daughter again.

She was never going to forgive him.

He couldn't help but smirk at the thought that he was going to die here, on what use to be his lands.

"You were always the curse that haunted me, and I'll see you again in the afterlife.", snarled the Evil One as he looks up at the large predator that had taken everything away from him.

The giant looked down at him, its head slowly tilted to his words before smirking in a rather nasty way.

The Evil One allowed his head to lay down upon the earth, he merely closed his eyes. If he was to die, he was going to accept it. Not once was he going to beg, he was not going to give this ugly beast the pleasure.

Seconds turned to a minute, and nothing happened.

What he did hear was the ugly sniffing of the large predator that had literally pummeled him. It was sniffing him, but why. Opening his eyes slowly, all that he saw was a mixture of color and red which came from the blood pouring down his face still.

The Evil One glared at the large carnivore as its large head looked up in a certain direction. When he caught on to where it was looking did he glare sharply.

It couldn't smell his daughter right?

If it had then things were going to be worse, far worse than simply dying there.

This curse of his wouldn't be his only problem, but it would become a serious problem to his flesh and blood as well. If this large predator was to head back to the community, his daughter would surely die. A feeling of fear went through his veins, which was a new feeling to him. Although, he had lost his mate a long time ago. He never felt fear like this one before.

His bloodline would surely cease if this giant was to go to where his daughter was.

Moving his head did he hear footsteps, they were walking away from him. This brute was really starting to get on his nerves. Though, his body protested against him. He still tried to get up, the ground below him was starting to take that faint red color due to the severity of his injuries.

Every inch of his body felt like he was torn to pieces, his wounds which were deep began to burn. The pain he felt literally went running to his head where his brain resides. The nerves were all alive with electricity, for the pain was just that great.

Every ounce of his being cried out. Begged for him to stop.

Finally standing up onto his feet, the light sound of blood dripping onto the ground occurred. His breathing was harsh, ragged even. He could see the giant walking away from him, his sight was very shaky as he stood there motionless. It was like he was afraid to move.

The Evil One was greatly injured, his strong body was not the same as it was. He definitely was not going to last much longer in this fight, but he had to do something to stop this ugly beast from getting to his daughter.

Her words however, they played within his mind.

All his life, he had survived great feats. He conquered and ruled in many fights. Not once did he think about others, but that changed the moment he lost his mate. His daughter was out there somewhere and he had to find her. It was a long process, and truth be told he was about to give up searching for her. But it was like life had different plans.

He found her, in the end.

She even looked like his mate as well.

He wanted to protect her, and at the very least teach her how to survive like how he had done. Cripple was his only child, and he wanted to keep her alive. Though it was very selfish.

Of course he was a selfish creature, he only thought about revenge and it took him just now to know that there was something far more important than revenge. His very bloodline was more important.

He slowly took a step forward and the pain he felt was far greater than any other. It was like he was stepping in fresh lava, and his skin was beginning to melt off.

"Where are you going!?!", snapped the Evil One. His bent lower jaw looked out of place, it was obvious that it was broken. "You scared of me!?!"

The giant slowly looked back at him, the red eyes of the beast narrowed at the battered form of the Evil One who was once looked up to as 'Godly'. What could he possibly do to stop this giant from going to the community. He couldn't kill it in the shape that he was in, and he knew this. The only thing he could do was stall it, but he wouldn't be able to stall it for long.

"Get back here!?!", viciously snarled the notorious Evil One. He was leaning on his good leg, for his right side had four large puncture wounds which came from the giants thick claws.

He watched as the massive brute turned around to face him, he stood his ground as he watched the giant approach him.

It knew that he couldn't do anything against it, that was probably why it was sneering in such a ugly way. The height difference between the two was quite incredible, for the Evil One was looking up at the much larger predator. Not once did he look away from the giant.

He stared into its red eyes that looked to be burning, the intensity of the burning eyes were like a wild forest fire. Even though the giant was missing a eye, he could still picture the eye looking at him with the same ferocity. "I can still fight!"

The Evil One did not back down, not once.

He watched as the giant lifted up its large clawed hand, and he kept staring as it brought its hand down. The Evil One did not flinch or look away, for all he saw at that moment was his daughter.

As always the time continues forward, the community was no stranger to it much like the vast planet which was their home. Bloodmaw was now the leader and the voice of the residents of the community. He was also properly treated thanks to Ahnyx who was a skilled herbalist. The fight that had happened earlier between Bloodmaw and Ripper was still the main topic of the community.

Many spoke of the fight, and it will still be talked about until the end of time.

Amberhide was ecstatic about Bloodmaw being the leader, but that changed when Hawkeye approached him with the corythosaurus at his side.

"Do what now?", asked Amberhide who seemed to be a bit taken back.

"I-I saw something the other night.", repeated the corythosaurus who was still on edge.

Hawkeye looked at Amberhide who seemed to be processing the news. "Apparently, two individuals were outside the wall.", spoke Hawkeye as he looked at the corythosaurus who was a bit more fidgety than normal.

Amberhide looked some what shocked before saying, "Hold on, we need to tell Razzak. I am sure he would like to hear this news."

Hawkeye nodded while looking at Rain who was a little uncomfortable. The corythosaurus nodded, "O-oh sure! Whatever you want to do!"

Amberhide waved at them in a gesture that says 'Follow me', after that did he walk in the direction that Razzak was in. Amberhide knew where Razzak was, for they communicated well with one another. Hawkeye followed after him while also making sure that Rain and the corythosaurus was with him.

Most of the inhabitants were doing work, though there was some who seemed to be a bit to preoccupied.

Ripper looked around, he didn't see Malice anywhere. He looked at Thrash who was looking at him with a coy smirk. Just that face made Ripper frown some. "Where's Malice?", he asked Thrash seriously.

"She went off somewhere. Why?", replied Thrash who looked at Ripper rather differently from before. There was a hint of anger that lingered behind his eyes.

Ripper looked at him with his eyes narrowed, "..."

There was a good chance that Malice, Juggernaut, Razer, and Fiend were upset with Ripper losing. Thrash was also included in the mix. Ripper looked away, he then walked off. "If you see her tell her I wish to speak with her."

"Right.", replied Thrash with a sarcastic tone.

Just that tone made Ripper's blood boil. He knew how they felt, but how was he suppose to know that Bloodmaw was a incredible fighter. He underestimated the rex, that was for sure. Yet, Bloodmaw was a respectful individual. Just the fact that he helped him up after the fight, surprised Ripper.

Ripper just wanted to lead the community only cause he wanted the power, yet Bloodmaw was already powerful but he didn't take the rank for power but he took the rank in order to help others. That reasoning without a doubt increased Bloodmaw's strength. It had to of been. He clearly had a lot to learn, and besides he lost the fight but he was still rewarded for his efforts. Hell, he was assigned as a second in command which was not entirely bad.

Ripper looked around, he wanted to talk to Malice about changing the plan. Bloodmaw was a perfect fit for the community, which was very surprising. It surprised even him.

He at least wanted to see what Bloodmaw could do for the inhabitants, and by seeing what he does will he learn. As he continued to walk around and search for Malice, was he unaware of Malice closing in on Bloodmaw.

Bloodmaw smirked at Jr, the both of them were talking about Lesion. It was a heart warming discussion between father and son. However, in the shadows lurked a vengeful individual who had their eyes on Bloodmaw.

"Hey, when things calm down we should go see how Lesion is doing?", asked Jr who was smiling.

Bloodmaw nodded as he chuckled, "I would like that, I am sure he would like that too."

Malice walked up toward them, she had two slabs of meat in her hands. One of the meat was poisoned, and she knew which one was toxic. She smiled softly at both father and son, "Pardon me, I would like to congratulate you for winning. I got some meat if that is alright?"

Bloodmaw smirked, "That's nice of you."

Jr nodded as he smiled, he looked at his father with great respect and love.

Malice handed the both of them the meat, she looked back as if remembering something. "Oh we need a toast! Be right back!"

As she walked away did she smile cruelly.

Bloodmaw chuckled at Jr, for he was talking up a storm. "How crazy would it be that Lesion becomes a father?"

Bloodmaw looked at Jr with a smirk, the both of them were oblivious to the poisoned meat that Bloodmaw had consumed. "I actually want to be a...urk!"

Jr's smile vanished when he looked at his father slowly with wide eyes, his face was as pale as bone as he took notice of his father. Blood was pouring out of his mouth, and the look in his fathers eyes were scared. Very scared. "D-dad...?"

Bloodmaw's eyes began to change into a dull color, the life was literally pouring out of them as tears aggressively fell from his clouded eyes. "...!" All in a matter of seconds did the great leader of the clan of Bloodmaw slowly buckle to his feet. A loud gasping sound was smothered due to the blood pouring out of his mouth.

Jr looked horrified, tears quickly fell from his eyes as he watched his father collapse to the ground. The sound of his father gurgling loudly due to the blood was engraved within his mind. "FATHER!?!"

The pained cry of a son filled the air of the community, as his father lays motionless at his feet. "NOOO!?!"