Coming Together

It just happened so fast, his father was fine one moment and then the next he was laying on the ground. His life was quickly leaving from his lips and he couldn't do anything.

The panic was real as he looked around in a frantic manner and screamed loudly. So loudly in fact that he could feel his throat beginning to rip in two.

"SOMEONE HELP!?!", his tone was as painful as the stabbing he was feeling in his chest. Jr was very scared for facing the blind did not compare to this fear that he was experiencing. He was literally terrified.

Many of the residents caught wind of the situation, and the sound of heavy feet rocked the ground as crowds began to form around Bloodmaw who was still huffing loudly for air. Sadly, all he was getting was a lot more blood than the air that he desperately craved. The sight of him was bone chilling as well as it was heartbreaking.

Ahnyx ran over frantically, he was not calm at all as he ran over with the herbs. The herbivore had tears in his eyes as he struggles to save Bloodmaw who was a gurgling mess. Amberhide ran over only then to stop with wide eyes, and Razzak came running pushing a few individuals out of the way.

When he stopped and looked at Bloodmaw, did his eyes narrow sharply in anger as well as disgust. The tension was real much like the shock.

Belle had a pained look as she looked up at Devastate who looked away slowly, even the sight of Bloodmaw didn't sit well with the behemoth. Every single individual were watching the painful display of Ahnyx trying to save Bloodmaw. However, when the herbivore lowered his head. Many knew of what was about to happen.

The desperate sounds of Bloodmaw trying to breathe began to become faint and the great leader began to slow his movements before going completely still.

This sight made Cripple cry much like Belle as Ahnyx stood up and looked at the others who were all staring in shock and disbelief. While others were beginning to cry, some brutes were lowering their head in their grief.

"How did this happen!?!", snapped Razzak.

"H-he just...!", murmured a heartbroken Jr who was staring at his father with tears running down his eyes.

The commotion gained more attention, one in particular was Ripper who was greatly shocked. He slowly walked through the crowd while looking at the deceased body of Bloodmaw.

"His lungs were to abused, he literally drowned in his own blood...", spoke a devastated Ahnyx who had tears brimming in his eyes. "There was nothing I could of done..."

Scarface looked at Ruby who was sobbing, and Scalpmuzzle was trying his hardest to calm Cripple who wasn't taking the news well. Gullet looked at Cripple while whining loudly.

Razzak looked at Jr and he took notice of his grief but he frowned saying sternly, "You were the last one who was with Bloodmaw what happened!?!"

Jr looked at him and he looked around at the many eyes on him, his eyes were completely soaked due to his eyes being full with tears. "I-I...", his voice was very hoarse.

Amberhide walked over he looked at Razzak who looked away, he then looked at Jr as he said sadly. "We will give him a proper burial, but please tell us what happened once you calm down okay?"

Jr nodded as he looked at his fathers body and those who had followed Bloodmaw began to walk up to Jr. They were trying to be there for him during this painful time.

Ripper was stunned as Amberhide looked at him, "Looks like you will be leading, I hope that is okay?"

Ripper slowly nodded while his sharp eyes remained on Bloodmaw who lays on the cold ground. Never did he believe that this would of happened, he couldn't get to Malice quick enough and now the rightful leader of the community was dead.

Now he was the leader of the community and he had no idea on what he should do. His views had changed at that exact moment and this made him look serious. Bloodmaw had a vision to be the voice of all creatures who live here, and to make sure that they were taken care of. Ripper was going to follow that example, he was going to put into action what Bloodmaw could not accomplish.

He just hoped that he could do it well so that Bloodmaw could rest peacefully.

The commotion was beginning to calm down though it was slow, and Jr looked at his fathers body in silence. Scarface looked at Jr as his eyes moved to the crown that the great leader wore.

"I think it would be best to let you wear it.", softly spoke Scarface as he looked at Jr.

Jr somewhat smiled though he looked at him, "I think it should go to someone else. Lesion in particular?"

Swiftscale softly patted Ebony as well as Jr as he nodded, "I think that is a good idea."

Gambit looked at the fallen leader with glassy eyes, the raptor had been crying and still was. Wraith looked at Gambit, she understood how it felt to lose someone that you were close too.

Death was so final and it could happen to anyone, it mattered not the size or gender. To die was probably the worst experiences to ever go through, for those who were close to those who have died was much worse. For they would have to say their final goodbye as well as grieve.

Dingo looked at Jr, his expression was kind. "He was a good friend and I know he loved us all."

Helm nodded in agreement, "He did to the very end."

Jr smiled at them before looking at Nina and Adder, for they were there for support. Those who were part of the clan of Bloodmaw were a family and a family always stays together. Through the hardest of times.

Grim looked at Bloodmaw, his expression showed his pain. The great leader was like a father to him, and he was very strong in his beliefs to do good. He was going to remember Bloodmaw and all their time together.

Harmony and Lockjaw looked at Bloodmaw in silence, and afterwards did they look at each other while Eden and Enyo looked at their parents in fear. It was thanks to Bloodmaw that Harmony was able to put aside her revenge, and now look she was a mother. There was no words that she could say to express her gratitude.

Bloodmaw clearly took a piece away from many, and it was going to hurt more to share the news with Lesion.

Though, Cripple was not a part of the clan she immediately became close with Bloodmaw. Ahnyx and Scalpmuzzle she knew felt the same way as she did. They all looked at him with respect, kindness, and appreciation.

Bloodmaw would be missed terribly.

While the grieving of many came from the community, there was a powerful force slowly approaching.

Far from the community, a giant beast was slowly on the move. Behind him was the body of the Evil One who had a horrible looking wound from between his eyes to his stomach. Heavy blood poured from his body, and he laid there lifeless. The Evil One was Cripple's father and a beast who strived to protect his child, though knowing that he was not going to live.

His final moments were of his daughter, though his heart was heavy with regret. He had said to her that he would return but that would not be so.

It was hard to say if the dead have any regrets, and if they did they probably felt it in their final moments of life.

To live with regret was a horrible thing, and if one was to die while feeling the regret. Do they still feel that way in the afterlife?

Could they Rest In Peace?

That was something that many don't know about. The only ones that do know were the dead.

The sounds of heavy feet began to move, the giant was on the prowl for something. It would seem that the Evil One speaks the truth. This giant was a living curse that would not stop until reaching its destination. To have so much hatred for another being was probably the worst kind of curse imaginable. The Evil One had felt that hatred and it would seem that it passed on to the giant.

Hatred was like a horrible fire for it brought revenge, the intensity of the hatreds fire could melt flesh and bone. Revenge was something that no one should ever do, for if they do their hands would be soaked in blood.

Some would collapse from such a dark force, while others live for pain and misery.

The blind were merely that, they were literally 'blind'. All that they did was fight viciously to survive, fighting any beast that were in their way. They did not know feelings or the joy of living, all that they cared about was eating and reproducing to keep their kind alive.

Then there was the conscious of mind who were glad to be alive, and actually react to their feelings. They follow different views, and did things that they thought was right.

Who was more dangerous however?

The blind or the conscious?

Well it would seem that many would argue, but if you have been living for as long as we have do you see who is the most dangerous. The conscious. Some beasts who have feelings can really cast them aside, they could lash out at any living thing and not care about the consequences. They become so dark and so bloodthirsty that they make the blind seem like nothing.

No one is safe in this world of ours, but that was something that we have come to accept. The only thing that we can do was fight and live, and not at all let the darkness enter our hearts.

The community was blind to the upcoming danger, but they will discover it soon.

Jr watched as they prepare to bury his father, and the many who voted for Bloodmaw were there to see him off and say goodbye. Bloodmaw was not being buried outside of the wall, he was being buried inside of it under a tree that they have left. This tree was properly treated well thanks to all of the herbivores.

The two diplodocus were there as well to pay respects to Bloodmaw.

Clade looked at Rigor who was crying a bit.

"May you find the afterlife dear friend. Watch over us, like you always do from a distance."

The words from Amberhide was probably the best things to ever say over a fallen comrade. Amberhide must of known what kind of leader Bloodmaw would of been for him to say such words.

Belle softly laid a flower upon the grave after burying Bloodmaw.

There was a long moment of silence before a voice broke it.

"You were a incredible fighter and a very respectful being. Rest easy, I will take over with your mindset."

Jr looked over in surprise, and he had a good reason to be surprised. The one who had spoken was Ripper who was walking up to kneel down before the grave.

His words made many smile while there were others who looked away in great disgust.

"We will work together to make this place the best as it could be."

Amberhide looked at Hawkeye who stood up, and by him saying this did the many herbivores nod in agreement. Amberhide was shocked before smiling, he looked at Razzak who nodded firmly. Every single resident was nodding and voicing their agreement. Those who didn't however walked away, but of course they got looks.

If Bloodmaw was alive, he would of been happy to see a whole community coming together. The day which was once dark and dreary began to open up. It was not as dark as before, but instead it was light and comfortable.

"Rest easy father.", smiled Jr who had tears fall from his eyes. "We will take over where you left off."

After the burial did the many residents return to their jobs, and as they do they couldn't help but feel greatly empowered.