
For so many years, our lives have always been plain with nothing to gain. All that we ever did was do the same thing over and over only then to die later. We died leaving nothing behind, but now that has changed. Our whole world is changing.

But is this change good or bad.

The more we think about it, the more we grew scared.

The sounds of pterosaurs made their sounds known among the trees, only then to be muffled out by a new sound. A loud sound of strong wings flapping in the air, right above the so many trees. Soon the lands slowly changed, and the environment became a marshy wetlands.

Along with the wetlands came the odor of marshy water and mud. A clan made their home here, and the clan followed their leaders, Sharpclaw and Smaug.

Movement of large bodies moved about catching fish, while the many large crocodiles moved away from the large predators. The clan of Sharpclaw was made up of creatures who lived off of fish meat. Smaug would watch over the many who fished with a sense of pride.

It was hard to believe that this clan had changed, but they had changed for the better and it was all thanks to Smaug.

A brute who only cared about fighting rexes and getting stronger, now was leading a clan as if it was nothing. His eyes looked up however the sound of flapping wings caught his attention. "The hell..?"

Smaug blinked as a form landed on the ground close to him, its wings were very wide. The color of this large pterosaur caught the attention of many who were fishing in the swamp water.

"Are you Smaug?", asked the pteranodon.

Smaug blinked in light disbelief, for he didn't expect a pteranodon to speak. "Whose asking?"

The pteranodon had a faint smile upon his beak, as he looked at the spinosaurus who was looking at him. This pteranodon had a dark gray body, with bright colors of green upon his face. His crest was colored in the same green, while his beak was black.

"Please call me, Skyfall.", spoke the pteranodon who was some what snickering.

"Skyfall?", replied Smaug with a look that was not impressed.

Skyfall snickered again, his claws on his wings were moved to cover his beak. "Yeah, I kind of called myself that cause I kept falling instead of flying!"

Smaug tilted his head with a brow raised, "Right, well I am not in the mood to chat. I got work to do."

Skyfall opened his beak, as he squawked. "Oh! I actually came here to deliver a message to you! Razzak wishes to ask for your assistance with the blind!"

Smaug snorted loudly, "I don't know anyone by the name of Razzak."

Skyfall some what smirked, "Well, you don't know him. But, do you know of a rex by the name of Devastate?"

Smaug blinked and looked at the pteranodon who looked at him coyly. "Wait, Yeah I know him."

Skyfall couldn't help but close his green eyes as he snickered, "Devastate was the one to suggest you! But~ If you are to soft I will take my leave!"

Smaug's eyebrows twitched, it was clear that the pteranodon had gotten under his skin but not in a good way. "Excuse me? Gizzardface?"

Skyfall blinked and looked greatly offended. "GIZZARDFACE!?!"

Smaug turned around, "Fine I will go. Just wait for me."

Skyfall still looked upset as the spinosaurus walked away.

Sharpclaw raised a brow, "You sure you are going?"

Smaug nodded, "Besides, if I don't go I will be made fun of."

Cobalt sort of smiled, "Who would make fun of you?"

Smaug looked at her, his expression seemed kinder as he looked at her. "A certain rex."

Sharpclaw laughed which made Smaug growl loudly, he looked at Cobalt as she looked at him. "Well if you are going, please be careful."

Smaug nodded as he looked in the direction where the pteranodon was, he didn't like the idea of going especially since he would be talking to that pteranodon while they walked there.

After he had told Sharpclaw and Cobalt that he was leaving, he looked at his lone pet who was more than ready to accompany its master on this journey. Smaug looked at the pteranodon as he opened his wings and kicked himself off of the ground.

"This way!", chirped Skyfall as he flew slowly in the direction of the community.

Smaug blinked and then walked after him, his eyes were locked on the pteranodon as he left the clan. As he left, many of those who were in the clan spoke their farewells to him. After he had left, those who had stopped fishing resumed their task.

The community was slowly correcting itself, thanks to the leader known as Ripper. It was a big upset, what had happened to Bloodmaw. No one would of expected that to happen, and even though Ripper was behind it he was going to fix it. Ripper was going to do everything in his power to make this right.

If Bloodmaw could be strong enough to defend the inhabitants, he could do it too.

After everything that had happened, and though many were upset and grieving. The residents here were going to do everything in their power to make this work. Sure, they were different but that would not stop them.

Difference was strength. They will work together for that was what Bloodmaw wanted. Together they could do anything.

Ripper was going to do what was right, but he would need to talk with Malice. She had went over the line this time. He didn't want Bloodmaw killed for he had changed his mind, and something told him that she would of done this either way. With or without his help.

It was up to him now what would happen to the community. If it were to fall, it would most likely be his fault. By being a leader, you were responsible to help and protect those who follow you.

It was a heavy burden, but he was going to do it.

Ripper walked toward the space that he and his crew had used, and as expected they were there. But they looked greatly displeased.

"Oh look who it is! Mr. Goody!", scoffed Razer.

Juggernaut chuckled as he looked at Razer.

"Call me what you want, I will do what is right.", replied Ripper.

Fiend didn't seem to upset about it as he said, "It is better here than out there."

Razer scoffed again while Juggernaut snorted.

Thrash merely smirked, "You want to do right? What happened to that plan of ours? Ya know take over the community?"

Ripper glared, "You don't seem to realize that I am responsible for every single creature here. That includes you all as well?"

Fiend shook his head, "They don't care."

Ripper could only watch as Razer and Juggernaut walked off while Thrash followed. The rex known as Thrash rolled his eyes in great disgust.

Ripper closed his eyes before opening them and looking at Fiend. "Have you seen, Malice?"

Fiend shook his head, "I actually haven't seen her since yesterday."

Ripper frowned as he walked away, "Let me know if you see her."

Fiend nodded, "Gotcha."

Things were looking up as they all worked, and as the sky becomes darker in color do they stop. It was time to rest for the next hard day of work. Jr blinked however when Amberhide approached him, and he could only follow after Amberhide.

Coming to a spot that was in the center of the community, did Jr see Razzak and he knew what they would be talking about. Not to mention Hawkeye was there.

"Jr, I am so sorry about your father but we really need to know what has happened.", spoke a sincere Amberhide who turned to look at him.

"I understand.", replied Jr with his voice still a little hoarse.

"So what did you see? What do you remember?", asked a stern looking Razzak. He was not playing around.

"My father and I were talking and a female dilophosaurus approached us. She said something along the lines of celebrating?", Jr said this while feeling the pain in his heart.

Footsteps gained Amberhide's attention and he smiled at Ripper who was now walking up. "Ah, I am glad you are here!"

Ripper had heard what Jr had said, and he felt guilty. He shouldn't of agreed to do anything with Malice. "Are you just starting?"

"Yes.", replied Amberhide as he looked at Razzak.

"What did she give you two?", asked Razzak with his maw shivering.

Hawkeye looked at Jr, the herbivore knew that this was a painful topic for him. He felt sympathy for him.

"Pieces of meat? I ate mine and it was fine but...", Jr looked down with a saddened expression.

"You suspect she poisoned Bloodmaw?", asked Amberhide.

Ripper stood there, his heart was beating a million times a minute while he listened to them talk. How could he do such a thing. He wanted power and that was what he was after, but that fight with Bloodmaw changed his views.

Jr looked at Amberhide, "I guess that could be possible but why would she do that?"

Razzak growled, "For spite! She will pay for this with her life! This is murder!"

Amberhide looked at Jr as he smiled some, "That is all, you may go rest."

Jr nodded as he walked away. As he left did they continue talking behind him.

Razzak looked furious but he looked at Hawkeye, "So you are sure that a corythosaurus saw something?"

Ripper looked at Hawkeye, his expression didn't show his surprise. So when the two of them hid Impale's body outside of the wall, they were seen. It was one thing after another, was the world just out to get him.

"He is convinced that he did, he was jumpy and scared. They were hiding a body outside of the wall from what he believes?", replied Hawkeye.

"Why though?", asked Amberhide.

"Cause they wanted to hide it! They didn't want anyone to know!", snarled Razzak.

Amberhide looked down with a look of great concern and worry. "I just can't believe that so much is happening? It was going so well too."

Ripper looked at Amberhide, "Things like this happen. Don't worry, we can make it right."

Amberhide looked at him, "I guess. Just one thing at a time." He breathed afterwards.

Razzak looked at the wall, "I will run a check in the community walls. If any creature is doing something that they shouldn't, they will be punished."

Ripper looked at him and nodded, though he felt sick to his stomach. "Good idea."

Razzak looked at Ripper, his eyes were narrowed.

Ripper looked at him, he then looked at Amberhide as he spoke to Razzak. "Just make sure that you don't over do your punishments okay?"

Razzak snorted as he walked away.

Ripper watched him go from the corner of his eyes, he knew that he didn't trust him. After all Razzak came up to Ripper asking him where Impale was. He had every right to feel that way, and the more he thought about it the worser he felt. Ripper was going to do everything that he could to make things right. Hopefully, he could be forgiven for his actions.

"Okay guys, get some rest. The blind has been getting riled up lately and so we got to make sure we get enough rest.", spoke Amberhide as he looked at Ripper and Hawkeye.

Hawkeye nodded as he walked back to the herbivores.

Ripper on the other hand was looking down in thought.

"Ripper?", asked Amberhide.

"Yes?", replied Ripper as he looked at Amberhide.

Amberhide smiled at him, "What you said when we were burying Bloodmaw kind of stuck with me. I have no doubt that you will be a good leader."

Ripper sort of smiled, but it vanished as Amberhide walked away.

A good leader.

Ripper slowly walked away with a fire burning in his sharp eyes. He would be a good one, that was how he was going to atone.

As the inhabitants of the community were getting ready for sleep, the darkness came alive with many eyes. Lockjaw was keeping watch of the wall, his eyes were narrowed.

"That is more blind than before.", spoke Rigor looking outside.

Lockjaw growled, "This is going to be a long night."

The sounds of snarling were mixed in with the winds of the night, these sounds from the blind sounded more aggressive than ever.