Squaring Up

"What are you doing here?", growled Reza as she stood her ground. The maliciousness was very evident in her eyes, for this brute was someone who she knew as well as despised.

The fact that he was looking at her with a smile made her blood boil. She didn't know what he was up to but knew that it wouldn't be good. This brute was known as Hunter, and she knew him for he was kin to Crusher. Though, he was related to Crusher it didn't mean anything for he was completely different from her mate who was no longer living.

This went to show that though they were related, they could be incredibly different.

"I came to see you, after all it has been a while?", Hunter was slowly approaching her. The look in his eyes were very cold, and rather sinister. Reza of course didn't show fear, and when she stared him down did she bare her fangs as Hunter's smile grew.

"I don't have time for you, and I think it would be best if you didn't come any closer.", Reza's response was firm as a snarl erupted from her maw.

Hunter stopped and chuckled lowly in his jugular, he tilted his head as he spoke. "That hurts my feelings, after all I always liked you?"

A look of disgust appeared on Reza's features, and if anything this made her madder. Hunter had always had a interest in her for she knew this, and things became complicated between Crusher and Hunter quite quickly. Before they would butt heads a lot, and more oftenly than not the both of them would fight each other.

Crusher of course was the one who she fell in love with, and this infuriated Hunter in the end. Hunter also despised her son who was Adder, for Hunter thought he was weak much like his father. Reza merely snapped at him, "I don't like you. I never had."

Hunter merely stared at her, his eyes slowly looked her up and down as if scanning her. Just the fact that he was doing this made Reza growl loudly, she detested the way that he looked at her. Reza blinked however when she heard a masculine voice calling out for her. She glanced behind herself before looking at Hunter who scowled sharply.

Thank god she was not alone and Hunter was now seeing this, which probably explained the aggressive expression he was giving her. Reza only watched as Hunter backed away from her before turning around, though he looked back at her with a cold grin.

"I will be watching you.", rumbled out Hunter with a look of great interest.

As he left did a torvosaurus walk up from behind her, his upper and lower jaws had many scars from countless battles that he was in. Reza looked at the brute who stood tall and had a lot of strength on his side. This brute was quite trustworthy, and had been helping to keep the small group safe while they traveled.

The torvosaurus looked at her with a strong look, "Are you alright?"

Reza nodded in response before looking in the direction that Hunter left from. Hunter was a individual who was quite cunning, as well as he was strong. He was going to be a dangerous threat, for she knew that he would take each chance that he could get to get at her.

"I'm sorry for being away for to long.", Reza said this as she looked at the torvosaurus who was keenly looking in direction that Hunter had went in.

"It is okay, but it is never a good idea to go out on your own.", replied the torvosaurus.

Reza nodded as she looked in the same direction that he was. She however glanced at him as she looked at his scars. How she had met this brute was quite similar to how she met the others. Her small group were looking for a place to settle down and stay, she spoke of the community which gained a lot of attention.

This black striped torvosaurus was one of them, for he didn't hesitate to join the group as well as help protect the group. His underbelly was a white color, with sharp black stripes mixed in on top of a mahogany hide. Reza turned around to return to the group and the torvosaurus was right behind her.

"You may have forgotten but I can take care of myself.", Reza said this as she walked.

"I'm aware that you can, but sometimes it is best to rely on others.", replied the torvosaurus who had small black horns over both of his eyes.

Reza faintly smiled for a bit, he was also trying to protect her which was some what funny. At least he was trying to be helpful and she didn't mind that he wanted to help. Soon she came up on her small group who were all nestled down onto the ground for the night.

"Savagejaw is my name.", the torvosaurus looked at Reza.

"Reza, it be a pleasure.", replied Reza who looked at him.

The both of them were now keeping watch as the others slept.

The night was completely over the vast lands, the sounds of different creatures let loose their cries into the black night. There was so many sounds that mixed into one another, giving hint to the life that resided in this world.

A luminous glow came from the moon that was up above, and the sight captured Skyfall's attention as he continued to fly. He was also close to the ground, so that Smaug could easily follow him.

"Isn't the moon beautiful?", asked Skyfall as he flapped his wings in a steady rhythm.

Smaug didn't respond as he followed the over sized pterosaur, though he did glance up at the vast white orb in the sky. The sounds around them made the night seem rather dreary and unwelcoming.

"Did you hear me?", squawked Skyfall who looked back at the spinosaurus.

Smaug rolled his eyes silently, "Yeah, I heard you beak face."

Skyfall looked back sharply in his response to Smaug's choice of words, the pterosaur was so busy looking back that he landed into a over sized stump. The pteranodon had wide eyes, as he shook his head after the rough landing.

Smaug of course continued walking leaving the pteranodon behind. At his heels followed his lone pet who was actively keeping up with its master.

"HEY! WAIT UP!", squawked Skyfall as he scrambled to lift himself up into the air.

Skyfall eventually caught back up and was leading again, though he did give a good look at the spinosaurus who merely smirked. The both of them had been walking for quite sometime and they were going to keep going into the night.

The community was closer to the both of them now, and with luck they would arrive early that morning.

"Are you excited to see the community?", asked Skyfall who had a firm look. It would appear that he took great offense to Smaug yet again, though he was trying to push it aside.

Smaug gave a light shrugging gesture, "It is whatever?"

Skyfall looked ahead with a annoyed expression, and as he continued to fly ahead. Smaug looked around silently, for the night was heavy around them. The sounds of various creatures along with the white glow from the moon, made the world appear differently as if in a dream.

Skyfall and Smaug kept going as they were closing in on there destination.

As they closed in, there was another figure who was closing in or was rather already there. The heavy wounds were upon the giant as it stalked all the more closer to the community. Various blind carnivores immediately took notice of the presence of something large yet lethal.

The giant had a sick twisted grin, for the beast was standing a mere few moments away. Unaware to Razzak and his little crew, the giant had watched them fight some of the blind.

Rigor had stood out there for just a little bit, but unbeknownst to him he had looked in the direction of the giant. The massive carnivore was laying low onto the ground, with a bloody grin.

The giant would wait to make its move, and once it does will it make sure to cause great fear and panic into a community of creatures who were working hard for the future. As the beast waits, many of the blind moved away from it in fear and intimidation. Though there was constant movement from the blind, the giant did not make a move.

Dangerous eyes of red were focused on the great walls of the community.

As the sun slowly begins to rise, with it the sky would turn a bloody color to those who would soon fall at the monstrous appetite of the giant.

The community was completely unaware of what was about to happen that morning. Many residents of the community were sleeping, while some were beginning to wake up early to be prepare for the long work day ahead.

Razzak was already awake, his body looked at the many creatures who slept. He looked at some of the herbivores while looking at some carnivores. Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary, and so he continued to walk around while checking out the perimeter inside of the community.

Jaeger was also awake as he took notice of Razzak, he merely approached the brute who was already alert and focused.

"Sir, I would like to ask what we will be doing today?", Jaeger asked this while looking at Razzak.

Razzak snorted silently before looking at him, "I suppose you can go outside and see if there is anything that you could bring back?"

"Is it safe?", Jaeger asked this curiously.

Razzak was silent for a bit, he soon responded. "No where is safe in this world, but we can not simply stay inside and starve. I will find some strong brutes to help you guys out with hunting."

Jaeger nodded, as well as he agreed with what Razzak had said. They would be needing food, and though it was a risk to go outside with the blind so active they would have to go get food.

The herbivores were also supposed to be growing things, but they couldn't with how things were now. Jaeger looked at Razzak as he looked determined. "I will also be doing the same thing with the herbivores. I will probably help protect them along with a few others while they grow things."

Jaeger nodded again as he turned away, "I will get the hunting party ready."

Razzak nodded firmly while he walked away.

Jaeger soon left, his figure was walking to where Scarface was. He would be checking in on him to see if he would be able to hunt.

The sky was still dark, though it was beginning to light up due to it being fairly early. It wouldn't be long until the sun appears as it makes itself known.

Jaeger looked at Scarface who was asleep, but the allosaurus took notice of Jaeger's scent and stirred curiously.

"How are you feeling?", asked Jaeger.

"Eh, I've been better?", sleepily replied Scarface as he lifted his head while shaking it. "Why?"

Jaeger gave a faint smile, "We will be going out to hunt and I wanted to check in on you to see if you are able?"

Scarface looked at him before nodding, as he stood up. Thanks to Ahnyx and Belle his wounds were fairly better than they were. He looked at Gambit who was asleep with Wraith sitting in front of him. "I can."

Jaeger looked pleased to hear that before looking at Scarface silently, his eyes were looking at his wounds. They looked better than they did before, and that made him glad. After all, Scarface was a exceptional hunter and he could always rely on him.

"Don't push yourself to much, okay?", spoke Ruby who had awoken up from her sleep due to Scarface moving away from her.

Jaeger watched as Scarface smiled a bit at her, "Okay."

Ruby smiled back before looking at Jaeger who nodded toward her as he said. "I will bring him back, you don't have to worry."

Scarface looked at Jaeger with a smile before following after him, and as they left Ruby looked genuinely worried.

Soon many residents of the community were beginning to wake up, the sky was rather inviting though as the darkness waned thanks to the slowly emerging sun. As the community began to get ready to do some more work, there was one in particular who looked excited.

Cripple was quick to get up, her nose flared up due to the scent that she thought she was picking up on. It was heavy yet faint, and it made her heart skip a beat. There was no doubt that it was her father, for he said that he would return to see her.

Jaeger, Scarface, Devastate, and Jr were all walking out to go hunt. Cripple was quick to run up to them however with Adder right behind her.

"I hope you don't mind if I could go with you to see my dad?", asked Cripple excited.

Scarface smiled, "Not one bit."

The morning was proving to be a good morning however a low yet heavy sound caught their attention. The sounds were loud and gave hint to something large coming.

The sky was bright though it was some what dark in some areas, and Scarface picked up on something that made his eyes go wide. Devastate looked serious as he showed his fangs. Cripple on the other hand kept smiling before it slowly vanished as red eyes appeared from the distance.

"D-dad...?", was all that stammered out of her mouth.

Devastate growled sharply, "That isn't your father."

The hunting party stood still as a large dark figure slowly began to stand up, and as they watched the red eyes lift high into the air.