
The red eyes that looked at them were full of animosity and a demented flicker of enjoyment. For this creature knew of the pain and destruction it would soon cause. Devastate's head was looking up at this beast, whose body was on par with a large brontosaurus.

Eyes of bloody red, a large gaping mouth which was curled into a crooked grin. Saliva fell from its gaping maw as its body shook in anticipation. The behemoth didn't like the looks of this, and his heart was beating painfully in his chest as he stood there.

Jaeger was looking at the giant in a stunned expression, the size of its head was large and its teeth were serrated as well as they were crooked. The hunting party was tasked in bringing back food, but instead they were face to face with a giant who was looking at them as if they were the meal.

Cripple was quickly looking at the beast with shaky eyes, her fathers scent was all over this monster. What probably scared her more to her core was that she was smelling her fathers blood on the mouth of this giant. Her body shook for she didn't want to believe that her father was gone, yet she felt like collapsing then and there from the heartache. She didn't want to think that, but her heart knew.

If that blood was her fathers, then where was he? She had to accept it as badly as she wanted to deny it, if her father was not here then this ugly monstrosity had killed her father with little remorse.

Scarface glanced back at the community wall, his eyes were slowly growing wide as the giant before them stalked closer. Its long claws were restlessly twitching as its large frame was exposed to them. The hunting party now could see the injuries that lay on the body of the giant.

Blood had ceased from the wounds, but they still looked to be fairly fresh. The extent of the damage on the massive predator was great, and were very deep in appearance. These wounds could easily be seen by every individual there, including Cripple.

"N-No way...", Cripple said this slowly as she looked at the wounds, for she was familiar to how her fathers bite looked. Her father had fought this beast, and at the cost of his own life.

She also took in account that her father lied to her, for he wouldn't of returned. All of her feelings and emotions spilled forth from her as she bit her lips. Her body was frozen in place as she began to sob. Just why didn't she make her father stay with her when she had the chance. Why did he do this to her?


In a split second the small hunting party moved quickly away, and Adder looked back as he roared this. They didn't expect Cripple to just stand there as the giant quickly closed in.

Devastate was about to run up but his eyes went wide as a large silhouette closed in. Cripple opened her eyes slowly when nothing happened, for the last thing she saw through her eyes full of tears was a large mouth opened to consume her.

"!?!", Cripple silently gasped as a large spinosaurus stood before her, keeping the giants mouth open with both of his clawed hands.

"Nice one, Smaug!", squawked Skyfall as he flew over head.

Smaug glared at the giant, at that moment the both of their eyes met. "Get away! Hurry!"

Cripple slowly shook her head before quickly running away, and as she looked back did she see Smaug roar loudly as he moved the mouth of the giant away from him before moving quickly away.

"Damn Devastate! I didn't expect this!", roughly laughed Smaug.

Devastate replied back sharply, "I will explain later!"

In that moment the hunting party ran back inside with Smaug not to far behind, and Scarface let out a roar of alarm to the residents of the community. Every single creature looked up in their surprise, before screams of terror could be heard as the side of the wall collapsed into a million pieces.

"EVERYONE EVACUATE!", roared Razzak as a herd of herbivores ran by him in their panic.

Confusion. Terror. Panic.

A once prospering community was now being destroyed and right before their very eyes. Ahnyx and Belle was quick to move the wounded out of there with the help of Wraith and Goong. Scalpmuzzle was trying to help out as well before looking at Gullet and making sure he was nearby.

Eden and Enyo were being protected by Swiftscale and Ebony as they followed after the fleeing residents of the community. The giants foot was upon one of the diplodocus, as it sneered with a creepy grin. The broken wall of the community had also gave a opening to the blind which were now quickly running into the safety of the walls.

As many ran so many residents were slowly beginning to fall victim to the blind.

Ruby was near Harmony as they both ran toward Swiftscale and Ebony. Nina was not to far behind as she looked around for someone else who she recognized.

A infant trike was stuck under the fallen debris of the community wall, and she was crying as the blind closed in on her. However, Ripper jumped in front of the beasts and faced them off one by one. Soon, he made quick work of them as he helped the little one out.

Amberhide was leading the many out, his eyes were full of tears for his dream was falling apart and right before his eyes. Razzak on the other hand was helping by protecting those who were stuck and or hurt. His strength and aggression toward his foes helped him in defeating the blind.

In a short amount of time, the community was fully overrun.

Skyfall was looking down as he flew, his eyes showed his pain as he took notice of bodies that lay upon the floor. The giant was making quick work of the other diplodocus as his massive jaws snapped off the large herbivores head with ease. The other bodies were of the residents who didn't make it out alive. All bodies were surrounded by countless blind, who took part in this attack.

The pteranodon looked out ahead at the party who were evacuating. This was all that they could do for if they would of stayed, many more deaths would of followed.

Scarface was with Jaeger and the rest of the party who were supposed to hunt. They were all following behind the others who had survived the attack. They continued to leave, with Amberhide leading them. Razzak was right behind Smaug and Devastate, and right behind him was Ripper who was walking alongside the young trike who was still sniffling loudly.

The community had lost many residents, those residents include all but two trikes, both diplodocus, several carnivores as well as several other herbivores. This loss was great, but the worst loss was that Jr left his fathers grave behind. There was also no telling when they would be able to return to the old community.

As they walked, many were moving along trying to find families and friends. Harmony looked at Lockjaw with a thankful smile, though she took notice of his leg for he was limping.

Clade was alright much like Rigor but there was one beside him who didn't look alright. Helm's head was heavily bleeding as he limped among them, but Dingo was not beside him. Ebony took notice of Helm and she practically ran to him bawling.

"Oh my god! Where's Dingo...?"

Helm looked at her with heartbroken eyes, and when he shook his head did Ebony get the message. Dingo didn't make it and she looked down as she cried. There was so many sounds of heartbreak and pain, for every creature had lost their home along with friends.

The pain continued to follow after them all like a cloak, and Ripper was feeling the worse pain of all. He was the leader and yet the community fell, and with it many lives of those who would not return.

Amberhide led everyone to another far off location, he then stopped to let the herbalist treat the wounded. Ahnyx was steadily approaching all who were hurt and was treating them, and Belle helped him in any way she could. Ruby also offered her help, as Wraith sat beside Gambit who looked down with a painful expression.

Hawkeye was sitting there with Rain at his side, his left eye was looking at many creatures who were crying or making sounds of despair. This pain he was hearing made him shake his head slowly, while Rain looked up at him sadly.

They had suffered a heavy loss and though they were all together, there were some who weren't even around. For it was like they took their chance to escape their so called home, that and they didn't like what was happening in the community. Ripper was the one who took notice of missing a few individuals. Malice for one disappeared after the death of Bloodmaw, while the rest of his crew were not even there.

Plus Fiend and Scarecrow had died in the attack, for he saw their bodies on the floor while he was trying to rescue the young trike.

Thrash, Razer, and Juggernaut were no where to be seen and this made Ripper frown in disgust. If they were to show up again one day, he may have a few choice words to give them.

Razzak was walking around the others while they were being treated. Ahnyx and Belle were busy treating the wounded, and Razzak watched them both work incredibly hard with a scowl on his face. Loss was something that happened and like loss, it effected many differently. The brute was clearly angry about the fall of the community, and he didn't even know what he should do with the anger he was feeling.

Swiftscale was comforting Ebony, for she had lost another friend. Jr watched the two of them with saddened eyes. Much like Scalpmuzzle who was comforting Cripple who looked unbelievably exhausted and heartbroken, and Gullet was beside her whining softly to her.

When the attack happened, Helm had told them that Dingo and him were both helping those who were trapped when the giant busted through the wall of the community. After the wall fell, a large part of the wall fell striking Helm in the head. Dingo seeing him on the floor, was quick to aid him.

Soon the giant took notice of them, and Dingo tried gaining the large predators sight. Helm slowly got up, and cried loudly as the giant slammed his unforgivable hands onto Dingo. Which of course, Dingo told Helm to escape while he still could. Like before, Helm was protected by his best friend who was like a brother to him.

Helm fled while he looked back, only to see Dingo's body being unmercifully pulled apart by the giant. Just by seeing that, tormented poor Helm. It left nightmarish scars upon his heart and mind, as he ran to safety.

No lone creature should have to see certain things, but in this world of theirs it couldn't be helped. Many living creatures die, and in the worst way possible. It was just something that happened and they had to live with it.

This just went to show that if they weren't strong enough, they to would die at the hands of the blind and heartless.

Jr looked at Grim who was okay standing at his side though Titan was no where to be seen, much like the green Rex who was known as Dread. Just how much more could they take?

They lost Bloodmaw and now they lost a member who was apart of their family such as Dingo. It was just so defeating and that defeat lingered on many hearts right now.

"So much happened...", sighed the behemoth who looked at the battered souls of the once prospering residents of the community.

"Yeah, and so many died.", scowled Smaug who looked at his lone pet who looked up at him.

Devastate frowned strongly, "This can't get to us, we will recover."

Smaug smirked, "Sure it will, though it may take some time."

The behemoth looked at Smaug, his eyes were serious as he said. "I will not let this happen again, I will kill that giant for all those who didn't make it."

Smaug looked at Devastate, his eyes could easily see that Devastate meant business. He gave a serious smile as he put up his right clawed hand and squeezed it into a fist. "Like I am going to let you have all the fun? Besides, I will not let you get the best of me! I to will take part in killing that massive beast!"

Devastate couldn't hide his smirk, "Good, don't won't you becoming soft."

"Pfft, I should be telling you that!", scoffed Smaug as a smile made its way to his lips.

Together, the both of them would face off against the giant, in hopes of easing the so many souls who died at the hand of the large predator.