On The Move

Some will argue that things happen for a reason, and if that was so then did that mean that all that death was suppose to happen. No, it was not supposed to happen. It was just that. That was how life was and we couldn't give up because of it. All that pain and despair was what will push us through to the end.

The many residents who had survived were now without a place to call their own. Just that feeling of hopelessness and fear would conquer us if we were to allow it, which was why we should not let it get the best of us. If we could succeed one time, we could do it again.

Amberhide was looking at all who had followed him, his clawed fingers were restlessly pressing against his chin in concern. His mind was roaring at him, telling him that they had to go but where would they go. His eyes blinked quickly as Razzak approached him, and the brute who had brought all together now looked lost.

"You alright?", huffed Razzak taking notice of Amberhide and how he was acting.

"Yeah...", was the only response he had gotten out of the notorious Amberhide who was always smiling.

Razzak didn't like seeing him act this way, and it was cause the community he had worked so hard on was gone. Though, it was gone they could do it all again. Lifting his large head, Razzak looked at each individual creature who was resting after the assault. The sight of them losing so many members could be seen in the numbers that they had. They would be needing more trikes in order to move trees around. Plus, they would be needing large herbivores to bring down trees.

Razzak didn't like the looks of everything, and his anger continued to grow. This anger was fueled by his frustration, and it was Amberhide who always had a way of calming him down. Amberhide however seemed to be going through a hard time, and it was understandable why that was.

"Where do we go now..?", asked Amberhide who looked at Razzak for some kind of guidance.

Razzak looked at him, his eyes slowly shifted to a gaze which was deep in thought. "We go out away from here. To a place where that ugly bastard can't follow us."

Amberhide was looking at those who were wounded, his right claws were lightly tapping against his left claws in his nervousness. "Where would that be..?"

Razzak stared at Amberhide silently before looking at those who were resting now. His stance was quite powerful and firm, while Amberhide looked down and out of it. "Far away in the safety of the mountains. Hell, anywhere that he can't go too!"

Amberhide nodded in silence, he trusted Razzak more than ever now. If any creature was experienced enough, it would be Razzak. "Okay."

Razzak looked at Amberhide before tilting his head slightly, "We will get through this." His tone of voice was somewhat kinder, and it was cause he was trying to boost the spirits of Amberhide.

Amberhide looked up at him before slowly nodding with a weak smile, he kept nodding as he closed his eyes. "Right. You are always right."

Razzak raised a brow with a smirk before turning away, "I will check on the others and once I do that we got to go."

Amberhide opened his eyes as he nodded, "Okay."

Razzak walked away to those who are resting, his eyes immediately hardened as he was looking around for any signs of danger. While Amberhide watched him leave, with his clawed hands together as he looked genuinely worried.

Ripper looked around him, those who he was supposed to protect were all looking down in their defeat and fear. This if anything affected him greatly, only cause he was the leader of them. He had vowed to Bloodmaw's grave that he would take over and follow through with the same views of the great leader. The fact that this happened, he couldn't help but feel that he had failed all of them.

As he walked he stopped and looked behind himself, that trike who he had saved was following after him. Her four feet were moving quickly as she ran after him before sliding to a stop to when he had stopped. His sharp eyes looked down in thought before turning around to look at her.

"Can I help you?", he asked.

The trike lifted her head and tail before snorting, though her eyes were still misty with tears. "No! Can't I follow my savior?"

Ripper tilted his head to her words, before smirking a tad. He looked her over, for she was properly healthy for her age. She had a black body and head, but her four legs were a brown color and that same brown was covering her mouth. Her horns were also healthy, for they were a ivory color. He also took notice of ivory colored feathers that were over her tail.

"I suppose you can follow me. You can also help me out if you want?", Ripper turned around as he walked and right away he heard the trike happily follow after him.

"I can help!", she snorted with her eyes of blue glowing with determination. "I can do anything you ask of me!"

Ripper looked at her silently with a small smile before walking on, and looking at the others in silence. "Alright that is good that you can help."

The young trike snorted loudly in her optimism, "Zorah can do anything that anyone asks of me!"

Just the tone of her voice, made Ripper smirk a tad. She had a fiery attitude and voice, which was common in all trikes. They were fierce fighters and were definitely stubborn. Ripper didn't doubt that she will grow up to be a hard hitter. The leader of the community stopped and he looked at Ahnyx from where he stood, with Zorah right at his heels.

Ahnyx looked up afterwards, his eyes were closed as he sighed. This whole entire time, he had been helping all who were wounded and he had finished giving Helm treatment now. He looked at Belle who smiled up at him, before looking at Helm in concern.

Helm hadn't said anything about hurting when they approached him, and he of course didn't fight the herbalist in wanting to treat his injuries. It was clear that he was going through a heavy loss, and the only thing that he had mentioned was about what had happened to Dingo.

"I will give something to help you sleep tonight, that is if you feel like you need it?", asked Ahnyx.

Helm looked at him before giving a shrugging gesture, he even didn't say anything in return.

Belle softly gave Helm a touch on his leg, and she had gotten a weak smile from Helm. She smiled faintly in response, "If you need anything you let us know okay?"

Helm nodded slowly before closing his eyes and sighing in a shaky manner.

Ahnyx soon smiled before walking away to check up on the others who may need help with their bruises. Belle was right behind him, with her eyes looking around for any type of pain from the residents.

Jaeger was standing there but his eyes soon caught sight of some other creature who was approaching. Ripper was walking toward him with a little trike eagerly following after him. Ripper was of course looking at the herbalist while he worked.

"He is working hard..."

Jaeger nodded at Ripper's words, "That he is."

Ripper looked at Jaeger as he said, "Course every resident here has been working hard. Then all of a sudden they lose their home."

Jaeger glanced at Ripper, his eyes soon eased into a gaze full of wisdom. "Shit happens. It ain't a paradise, not in this world anyway."

Ripper stared at him as he nodded, "Yeah, but I was supposed to be there for them. I even spoke of taking over where Bloodmaw left off."

"You're still here aren't you? You can still do that.", spoke Jaeger as he looked at all who were filled with fear. "What they need is a leader who can boost their spirits, a leader who they all can trust. As far as I can see it, you can lead them. Just don't be afraid too."

Ripper blinked a few times to the other male before looking outward to the residents who he was the leader of. His words felt strong and held a ton of wisdom. "Have you been a leader before?"

Jaeger chuckled at his question. "I have, though that was a while ago."

Ripper looked at him before he glanced down at Zorah who snorted out a smile. "I see. I may just follow your example, that is if I can?"

Jaeger nodded, "Go right ahead."

Ripper nodded back before looking serious as he walked toward the residents. Zorah was following after him, with a hyperness to her steps. While Jaeger watched him curiously with a faint smile on his maw.

Razzak had just now approached Ahnyx and Belle, but he blinked when he heard a voice came out from the middle of all those resting. Many heads turned to look where the voice was coming from, and their eyes landed on Ripper who was standing there looking strong and reliable. Hawkeye took a long look at Ripper with Rain sitting beside him.

"Let me be the first to say that we have been dealt a heavy blow. We have lost friends and loved ones who we may never see again. But I know that we can get through this together and those who we have lost wouldn't want us to give up. I know that things may seem difficult, but we still have each other."

His words flowed through everyone like the wind, and many creatures were slowly standing up to stand before him while he talked. Wraith listened to his words, before glancing at Gambit who nodded somewhat. Probably agreeing with all that he was saying.

"I want us all to have a moment to remember those who we have lost. I also want us to remember that they may not be here now but they are with us we just can't see them. Remember them, cry for them if you must, but know that they would be proud of us and what we will accomplish in the future."

Skyfall was perched on a tree, and he wiped his eyes slowly before shaking his head. Quite a few others were looking up, for they felt a bit better thanks to Ripper and his words. While Devastate and Smaug looked at each other with a new found strength in themselves.

Ripper finished his words and was rewarded with a good sound of clapping out of those who had stood before him. Jr being one who honestly felt like his father was at his side at this very moment.

Scarface was soon walking up to Jaeger afterwards as he tilted his head some, "Hey, are you ready to go?"

Jaeger nodded with a smile, "I am."

Scarface looked at him with a smile of his own before looking back at all who were up and about thanks to Ripper. "I guess you heard him speak huh?"

Jaeger nodded as he walked by him. "I sure did."

Scarface smiled at him as he followed after him, and as they walked did they see every single creature help the other up. There even seemed to be a bit of laughter from some, and it was amazing what some words can do to invigorate the masses.

Ebony even seemed lighter as she approached Helm and gave him a hug around the neck with her own. Swiftscale was happy as he watched them, before looking at Eden and Enyo who were running around. Nina smiled at Harmony who nodded softly to her, while Lockjaw shook his head.

Adder looked at the difference of energy everyone had and he smiled, his eyes soon landed on Clade and Rigor who were helping out some to stand while talking in a lighthearted manner.

Razzak didn't even have to say anything for everyone was ready to go. Ahnyx walked toward Cripple with Belle right behind him. Belle smiled happily as Ahnyx gave a comforting hug to Cripple who of course smiled at the gesture. Scalpmuzzle and Gullet were glad to see their friend smile.

The looks of every single creature was a heart warming one, and it was hard to believe that there was a sense of sadness that had been there earlier.

It was not long until Razzak gave the call, and the many residents began moving. They all were moving together to find a new place to call their own. A new community that they will build up stronger than the first. The walk was long yet promising for they were introduced to new lands which were lush with life. There was many trails that they walked, and many forests that they witnessed.

Grim was walking alongside Jr who seemed a bit more relaxed. The both of them nodded to the other, as they continued forward. In the front were Razzak and Amberhide, with Ripper right behind him. Though, they had been walking for so long there was a sense of great energy among them more so than ever before.

Ruby was beside Scarface who was following Jaeger, and behind Scarface was Ebony and Swiftscale. The group of Bloodmaw still travel closer together now and it still felt like Bloodmaw was still among them leading them onward to greater lands and comfort. Skyfall of course was flying out ahead, being the voice of the sky and telling all on what he sees.

However, there was one who strayed a bit away from all those traveling for they were picking something up. The figure was that of a familiar white raptor, and Devastate took immediate notice of her as he walked after her. "Belle?"

Belle jumped as she held something in her arms, and that something was a egg. Devastate looked beyond surprised by the egg that she was holding. "What is that...?"

Belle was mindful as she kept her pretty blue eyes on everyone moving. "I just found it alone. I can't simply leave it can I?"

Devastate looked around as if searching for any creature who had lost an egg. He saw none, and there was a chance that the egg was left behind or perhaps the egg had lost its parents. His large cranium lowered to look at the egg, and the scent he picked up from it was of that of a raptor. Belle must of just found it then, and reacted out of the pureness of her heart. "Hm."

Belle was cradling the egg carefully as she looked up at him, "I can't leave it alone. So can I take it along?"

Devastate looked at her, before nodding. "Okay."

Belle looked extremely ecstatic to his words, she even pressed her nose against his which made the behemoth flinch and blush more than he normally does. His eyes watched her hold the egg as if it were her own, and he looked outward again to make sure that she was not being followed by the eggs parents. Wherever they would be.

After making sure that there was no one there did he follow after her. The sounds of the wind blew against their frames, lush the grass was as they stepped upon it. It was a new land that they have entered into, which meant more dangers.

As the day darkens, does Razzak finally tell them to rest. The many residents lay close together, while others walked around in order to protect those who were sleeping. There were many who were already sleeping, while others were awake.

Devastate looked at Belle who was asleep with the egg in her arms, and his gaze shifted to Smaug who was walking around in order to provide protection. Gambit of course teased Belle when she had the egg, but he got punished of course.

Gambit was glared by the behemoth, and smacked by Wraith. That provided a bit of fun, for Gambit had a way of making many laugh with his antics. Goong of course scolded Gambit, not that the raptor paid him any mind.

The group of Bloodmaw were actually asleep and the only ones awake were Devastate and Ahnyx. This just proved how tired they all were, but they had to rest in order to continue onwards upon their journey to find a new place for their new community.

Amberhide being in the front of everyone was already asleep, much like Zorah who was sleeping next to Ripper. Razzak on the other hand was still up going around and providing protection. Ripper looked around as he lay, the many herbivores and carnivores they had interested him.

He of course knew that they would be needing more to help with the new community. Ripper didn't even doubt that the rebuild will go well, but they would be needing a lot of help in order to accomplish it.