
Dense the forestry was as the night settled down heavily upon the vast lands and peaks. The humid air flows freely upon the wind, for it was rather heavy which brought forth a muggy sensation on all who live here.

Reza was again allowing her small party to rest, for they were still on the move. Her eyes were focused on the vast tree lines that made up the forest floor, for she was searching for anything that would be considered a threat.

Savagejaw who she knew, had been working diligently on making sure her small group remains well with the proper protection for he would protect them. Reza was grateful for that and that allowed her to focus on returning to the community.

It had been quite a few days, for they had been walking this whole entire time. Reza hadn't seen Hunter either and that made her uneasy. Not knowing where he was always seemed to make her more uncomfortable than she normally was. He clearly was out there waiting for his chance to strike.

The sounds that was all around them were haunting, for the blind beast were more restless than ever. But that was how they were, they never had any motives besides eating and fighting with one another. Reza had seen quite a lot of things within her life, and she had fought many battles against the blind.

Though it hurt her to think such thoughts, she would oftenly think about Crusher and how they first met. She still was upset about his death, and some days she just couldn't believe it. What was done was done, yet she missed her mate more than ever before.

Reza curiously looked at the party that had been following her, and they were all sleeping soundly. She also took notice of Savagejaw, who was looking at something. Getting rid of her thoughts, she approached him while being mindful of those who were sleeping.

"What is it?", asked Reza with her eyes looking inside the dense walls of dark trees that surrounded them.

"I am picking up blood.", he spoke as he glanced at her.

Reza allowed herself to take a whiff of the wind, and her gaze slowly shifted to being a serious one. There definitely was blood but who or what was it from, did a creature meet a untimely end close by?

"I will wake the others.", Savagejaw took it upon himself to do that while Reza stared outward to where the blood was coming from.

The sensitive of noses could pick up the scent of blood for miles, while there were noses that were trained. Some creatures have been able to pick up the scent of blood and determine what or who they were. Reza had seen it before and she had been trying to do the same, though it took time. She was still trying to master this skill.

This blood was the same from others, and she allowed herself to investigate it. Reza was also cautious as she walked out, and being away from her party did she blink at a body laying on a rock. This body was small, and the brown plumage on their frame caught her attention.

It was a raptor but why were they on a rock, that seemed strange to her. Reza calmly walked forward and she looked at them, this was when she noticed that they were alive though barely.

Sensing movement, the raptor flinched as they covered their head. "P-Please don't hurt me...!"

"Easy there. What happened to you?", asked Reza as she looked at him. The sound of his voice was trembling and was full of fear. She was also looking at his injuries for they were deep, but the deepest of wounds were on his face and stomach. How he survived this long she didn't know.

"M-my pack was attacked and all of our nests were destroyed...", coughed the raptor. His mouth was tainted in his own blood. "They were relentless...!"

Reza frowned at this news, and she wondered firmly if the blind was to blame. Her eyes looked at the panic that was within the raptors eyes, and his very life was weak. That she could see. "Was it the blind?", she asked.

The raptor shook his head slowly before making a face full of pain, he looked at her silently as he coughed some more. Reza looked saddened by his condition for he wasn't going to make it. Who or what attacked him, she didn't know but she was more cautious than ever due to this news.

"Can you tell me?", she politely coaxed.

The raptor looked at her weakly before all of a sudden collapsing fully onto the rock that he was on. The familiar stench of fresh death slowly wafted up into the wind. He was dead.

Reza slowly closed her eyes feeling bad for the raptor who suffered a lot from his injuries. His adrenaline was used up that she could plainly see. Opening her eyes did she look at the injuries that were upon his body. There were obvious signs of teeth marks throughout his body, and they were deep within the flesh.

She couldn't fully tell which creature could do such a thing, but it must of had a lot of strength within its jaws to cause such horrible damage. Reza soon moved away from the body after looking over the wounds. She returned to Savagejaw and the party who was waiting for her arrival.

Not feeling safe about staying there, Reza decided to move forward with the party right behind her. She looked ahead as she heads in the direction of the community, not at all knowing that the community was overrun.

The darkness was as thick as tar but slowly it shifted in tone, the bright color of yellow and orange took shape into the sky as the early morning light shone throughout the land. Ripper was up already as he looked at the others who were beginning to stir from their slumber.

Razzak was still awake as he walked around, much like Smaug who looked out into the field of grass and trees. This area that they were in was very different from before, and the view of the mountains were high within the sky.

The many scents here were very different as well, for this was a place that they have never been to before. With every new territory came an even bigger risk, for danger was not to far behind. Amberhide slowly stood up as he looked outward before looking at Ripper who was looking around curiously.

Razzak stopped as he checked on the others for they were all getting up now. It wouldn't be long now, for they would be continuing onward on their quest to find a new place to call their own. However, Skyfall landed onto the ground after having been flying around for a bit.

"I found a place that may work out for us!", squawked Skyfall who looked accomplished.

Razzak looked at him silently, "How far is it?"

Skyfall pointed his clawed hand outward in the direction of the place of which he speaks of. "It may take a bit more time to get there. But I say it is a good start!"

Razzak looked in the direction of which Skyfall is pointing towards. His eyes narrowed for the early morning fog hugged the peaks that rest there. Snorting loudly did he grunt out, "Go over there and see. I want the full description of what you see as well."

Skyfall nodded before taking off into the sky toward the tall peaks, and as he flew away Amberhide looked at Razzak much like Ripper who seemed curious. "Well?"

Razzak merely huffed out, "We walk in that direction and decide when he gets back."

Amberhide nodded while Ripper looked at the peaks that were ahead of them in the distance. His eyes soon shifted to look at Zorah who was yawning at his side.

As the group began to move out, Cripple looked at the peaks in the distance and her first thought was of the Bellowing Heights. The same peaks who were introduced to her when she was just a teen. She remembered that clearly as she stared outward in her thoughts. Those same peaks were far away now but she couldn't help but think about them.

These peaks that they were walking toward, fascinated her but she couldn't help but feel bad about this. By going there, there was a chance that the giant monstrosity follows them and traps them there. She looked back silently as she felt her throat burn, and that was cause she was thinking about her father. That beast killed him and she couldn't just let that go.

Her father was an incredible fighter as well as tutor, and he showed her things that have helped her survive. That ugly beast killed her father and she just couldn't forget it, only cause her father would of been just like her. He would of fought on, never once surrendering and she was going to be the same way. Where ever her father was in the after life, she was going to avenge him.

Cripple swallowed silently with a fire deep within her eyes, for she was going to do the unthinkable. Thing was she couldn't just go back to the community, for it was overrun by the blind as well. Cripple would wait for the right time and she wouldn't tell anyone about what she was going to do.

Swiftscale was casually walking along with Eden and Enyo who were running around but his eyes soon shifted to Belle who was holding a egg. This definitely gained his attention for the baryonyx stared at the egg before saying. "What do you think the gender will be?"

Belle looked at him with a pleasant smile, "A girl hopefully!"

Ebony smiled at Belle and her excitement on this matter, for Belle looked like a genuine parent. Jr was listening in on the topic as the residents of the community continued onward with the early sun to guide them.

Gambit smirked some though Wraith gave him a sharp look. "Is the kid gonna call Devastate daddy?"

Belle beamed out a grin, "Of course!?!"

Smaug smirked as a loud baffled snort came out from Devastate.

Adder looked at Devastate with a smirk of his own, while Grim rolled his eyes. Scarface looked confused before going wide eyed as Ruby smiled at him as she said, "Kids are great you know! I want some!"

Scarface couldn't hide his embarrassment and shock which made a few laugh as they walked. The laughter was indeed pleasant, and it seemed like the laughter only got stronger the more they talked. Hawkeye looked back as they laughed before smiling at Rain who laughed along.

Gambit looked at Wraith as he laughed but his laughter stopped as he looked down after she smacked him on the head.

Swiftscale looked happy as he said to Belle. "I will teach the young one well."

Belle smiled at him for she was glad, while Smaug snickered at Devastate's face.

Soothing sounds of the early morning washed over them as they continued on their way toward a new possible home. It would take time to get there, but the laughter sure made all of them energized. It didn't take long for the laughter to reach the front of the residents. Amberhide looked back with a cautious smile while Razzak had a blank face.

Ripper smirked some for it was good to hear a bit of laughter, for it was better than feeling down. If the all of them felt down, then they wouldn't have energy to continue this long. The leader of the community really felt indebted to Jaeger, and he was going to pay him back for it.

Who knows maybe he could make Jaeger a second in command. Ripper was going to remember that, and once the new community was made he was going to put that idea into action. Hopefully, Jaeger would accept the rank and if he doesn't want it he was going to force it on him. Either way he was going to take it and he was going to like it.

Razzak looked up as Skyfall was returning and he kept walking as Skyfall flew over his head.

"Well what do you see?", he asked.

Skyfall gave him a confident look, "It seems good! Lots of land and water! I honestly think that it would be a good place for us!"

Razzak looked ahead while leading the residents forward, for that information was what he was waiting for. Ahnyx and Goong were right beside each other as the group continues traveling, though he looked back at Cripple.

Cripple seemed to be doing well, which made him smile. However, he didn't know what she was planning deep down.