Fighting for Life

Reza was making sure that her group were all together and Savagejaw was helping her. The sounds from the ruined community were haunting, and rather ominous. This feeling never went away, and it wouldn't until they got further away from it. She was so focused on her own group that something moved within the shadows. The sounds of a harsh predator was approaching, which meant that they would be fighting for their very lives.

Reza's eyes shift to look at the side, and all in a instant did the hearing leave her. Savagejaw had his back to a vast open mouth which was inches away from grasping him, her eyes went wide in realization.

"WATCH OUT!?!", roared Reza as she ran forward toward Savagejaw. His eyes went wide before closing to the hit from Reza, his body about fell to the ground but he caught himself and was able to stand.

"REZA!?!", roared Savagejaw in pure and utter fear.

The sounds of the group came to life as the sky shook lightly from the hit, it was not long until the hearing slowly returned. Dull the pain was as Reza stood up, blood fell from the side of her left leg. Red eyes glared down on her like fireballs, as Reza glared back with her fangs bared. Savagejaw looked up at the large predator whose lips twisted into a sinister grin. Its size was formidable and intimidating like that of a unbreakable mountain.

"Get everyone out of here!", ordered Reza as she snarled.

Savagejaw looked surprised by this but he blinked as he noticed the other blind beast approaching. This giant beast had clearly made a pack with them and was now leading them into another feeding frenzy. His eyes shook for he didn't want to leave her alone to fight, but he could see that there was no time. The more time he spends waiting, the more the group will suffer and surely die.

Savagejaw nodded firmly as he ran, and the group followed him. Reza took a step back as the giant walked closer, like a monster it hissed loudly in excitement for another chance at blood.

Reza was familiar with her wound, but even that wouldn't slow her down nor was she going to let it kill her. She had fought for so many years, and she was not about to die though tempting the thought was. By dying she could be reunited with her mate who had died, but she was not about to die and leave her son. Besides, she wants to see this community flourish!

The others have survived and she was going to survive as well. Narrowing her eyes, she stomped her left leg which in turn stiffened her muscles. Reza opened her mouth and roared loudly, as she showed all of her teeth. She was showing these blind creatures that she was going to fight with everything that she has got.

Dull the sound was as the giant closed in on her, its eyes narrowing at the pitiful display of bravery from her. It was like this beast knew that it was going to win, and she didn't have the power to stop it either. Many have tried for the scars on its flesh proved that a lot of contenders fought their hardest to bring the monster down. They failed of course, for this monstrosity was still breathing and it was not going to go down without a heavy damaging fight.

Damaging meaning that one will die and the other will leave all depending on the wounds that they received during the fight.

The giant moved its head back before opening its mouth wide, its roar was wicked and violent like a unstoppable force as it shook the ground and sky. The blind who were following this large behemoth erupted into a fit of rage, as they all charged at Reza. A horde of deadly predators were closing in on her, but Reza did not cower. Rather, she roared back and charged at them with her heart pulsing powerfully.

Her fangs and open mouth met a muscular neck of a blind rex, blood spilled forth from the flesh she ripped from its neck. The body of the rex fell as it gurgled on the ground, as its legs kicked around.

Bite after bite again, Reza tore through each individual beast that came her way. Their numbers were indeed large, but her fighting spirit was larger. The fire that roared in her eyes continued to grow at each beast that tried having a go at her. She moved her feet, and thrashed her tail in an extravagant yet powerful manner. Reza slashed the thighs of each beast that charged at her, thus in turn caused them to collapse.

Those that followed after the animal would only then run into the downed beast and fall over it in a clumsy display. The blind though ferocious and full of rage, didn't think all that well in a fight. They only followed their instincts and would attack blindly at their opponents, never once do they even think their attacks through.

Even so, the blind were dangerous for they had a wicked bite to them along with raging strength. Not only that but in large packs they can actually overwhelm the most strongest of creatures who are conscious. It has happened before, lots of times. If one were experienced enough, they could actually survive a large horde and many others like it.

Reza knew this for she was experienced, which is why she was breaking them up and wounding others which would help her out in the long run. If they were already wounded they would be easier to take down, and they may even flee afterwards for the blind knew how to flee. If they took enough damage they would run away, it was cowardly but the blind didn't see it as cowardly. To them they saw it as a way to survive another day, though they do die of their wounds after sometime for they would get infected.

The ground was starting to stain in blood, and some bodies were laying on the ground from the wounds to their throats. Those who had collapsed were kicking as they try to get back up, which bought Reza time.

Stained her jaws were, of countless blood from the blind. Her fangs were bared and even they were bloody, as she continued to fight.

Reza turned her head to the side fast at a blind allosaurus, and she turned around delivering a powerful blow to its face with her powerful tail. Loudly a bone snapping out of place, made the allosaurus cry out and fall to the ground in a heavy thud. Reza was quick to avert her eyes to the other blind beast which was approaching, while the allosaurus screamed with its lower jaw dangling as it kicked up dirt from the ground.

The horde was beginning to weaken much to Reza's joy, yet she didn't show any signs of exhaustion. Her nostrils flared powerfully as her fangs remained visible as she stood her ground. Her head was low to the ground, and her tail was curled behind her in a intimidating display of strength and dominance. Her two clawed hands moved lightly upon her chest, though small she would still use them if she needed too.

A loud roar caused her to blink, and that was all it took for the giant was charging at her. The allosaurus with a broken lower jaw was brutally stepped on by the giant as it charged at her. The remains of the allosaurus was just a crushed predator dented into the dirt ground as blood pooled around the corpse.

Other blind beasts were either knocked into or trampled on, for the giant was running at her on all fours. The appearance of this giant was that of a savage animal ready to rip their foe into literal shreds. Red eyes were locked onto her, as it roared again violently with saliva falling from its mouth in steady steams.

Reza narrowed her eyes at the approaching beast, the other blind beast who were following the giant remained away from it. It was clear that these animals were afraid of the giant, and for good reason.

Was she afraid? No she wasn't.

Course that in itself could be a lie.

Every individual creature who was conscious were all afraid of death, it was a common fear that they all shared. Death was either so sudden and painless or it was slow and excruciatingly painful. Which kind of death would each have, that was unclear.

If anything else they all probably wanted to die in a valiant way, to die fighting for the ones that they love or want to protect. That was a death that they all wanted.

Reza knew that her mate died fighting, and that was how she wanted to die as well but not now. She had far to many things to do, and she was not about to die now. Her eyes sharply glared as the giant literally lunged its massive body at her, and she steeled her legs before springing out of its way.

Trees and other forest life crashed down loudly as the giant rolled into it. A horrid sound of hissing and snarling came out of the mouth of the large predator. Reza took on her familiar stance that she was in before, right behind her the blind began fleeing. They didn't want to be caught up into this fight, not with the giant so angry and aggressive.

It was just her and this giant monster now, which now the beast stood up with a few trees sticking into its flesh. Out of all that, this monster still has enough energy to stand up and smile its creepy smile.

Thrashing her tail, she snarled loudly. Her eyes were locked onto the narrowed red eyes that belonged to the savage that stood before her. Her eyes twitched lightly as the beast ran at her again, and knowing to change it up she stood her ground again. The giant was quick to lunge from the last time, and she was quick to dodge it again. After dodging it again, she didn't stop but this time she kept running.

The giant was fast approaching however, as the ground shook with each and every one of its steps. Reza didn't stop nor did she look back, she ran by the many trees which snapped loudly as the giant closed in on her.

Seeing something up ahead, she slid to a stop and quickly turned around as the large massive predator roared in its thrill of the hunt. Seeing that she stopped running, the giant grinned wickedly as it lunged at her again. This monster literally thought that it had won. The massive size of its body was covered in scars and random trees which made new wounds upon its muscular back. While Reza stood there with a fierce glow in her eyes.

At the very final second, she quickly turned around as her powerful tail hit the side of both of its jaws. The giant not expecting this, closed its eyes when it was struck.

The power behind her tail had enough momentum to knock the giant away from fully running into her. Reza was quick to turn around and move out of the way, as the giant fell off a rather steep hill like ditch. She watched as the large beast tumbled down on its stomach as its massive head slammed into the ground of the ditch.

A painful groan erupted from the beast, as its movements became still as it lay in the ditch. Reza huffed loudly before running away, not at all was she going to stand around and wait for it to get back up. She had a group to find, and a community to join back up with.

She knew that something that large did not die from such a thing, and in the deep corners of her mind she knew that the beast would get up and look for her as well as the others. Reza knew that but she would be needing further help to kill it, for she couldn't kill it alone.

That monstrosity was out cold which would buy her and the others time. Reza was quick to run into the safety of the shadows while following the scent of her group.