Inner Turmoil

What are bonds?

Bonds are something that was made with others, by making these special bonds. No one was fully alone.

As powerful as these bonds were, there will be a day that even they will leave. Thus, fully leaving one or more behind.

It was a vicious cycle as well as it was a painful one, but that was another thing that could happen in this lifetime of ours. In a way, that just meant that we were very different from our blind brethren. The blind beast that were hidden away in the vast amount of foliage, didn't even think or feel.

It was sad because they couldn't relate to us, but there would be a day that even they would 'wake up'.

The even sadder fact was that they wouldn't be able to see all the things that we had seen. They probably would even die right away, never once knowing what could of been.

It was sad but that was our life, though we knew little about it. Hell, so many changes were happening around us and many like us that we couldn't even imagine what the future would look like.


Cripple's eyes opened slowly as she looked around, the night air caressed her flesh as she woke. The only thing was, was that she was alone in a large open field. The community was no where to be seen, which left her baffled.

"Ahnyx? Scalpmuzzle?", she called out in the darkness with rather cautious eyes.

Turning her head, she heard a heavy sound of breathing and as she slowly looked did a large mouth erupted from the darkness as it completely consumed her.

"Ahhh!?!", Cripple's mind and voice screamed at once in unison as her body was quick to lift itself off of the ground.

Tears were heavy in her eyes, as her heart shook violently from the dream she had came out from. Her eyes and head looked around frantically, for she was making sure that she was safe and sound.

She saw the familiar safety from the community which was around her now, as the sound of howls echoed out distantly in the night covered sky. It would soon be the time to wake up, for the morning was not to far behind.

Cripple shook her head as her eyes closed tightly, the thoughts of her horrible dream was stuck within her mind. "Just another bad night..."

She opened her eyes lightly as she saw her friends all around her, who was asleep. Looking down at her side, she saw the rex who she adopted though her father was heavily against it at the time.

Gullet was nestled up beside her, for the blind rex had grown so use to her and her company. The way he acted toward her, really made her feel like that of a mother and so she could relate to Belle at this moment.

Cripple felt that same burn in her throat, for the thoughts of the dream still lingered within her mind. She even saw her father so many times as well as she slept, on that day when they first arrived at the first community. It was tormenting for her, for she would yell out for him to not leave her. To tell him what she knew now. How could her mind be so cruel to her?

If only he had of stayed with them, if only he had kept his promise.


Her father's words were always on her mind, and she could even sometimes hear his voice whenever she walked or kept to herself.

That day when the first community fell from its glory, the fact that she recognized the scars on the giant beast just made it worse for her. Her father would never return, and it was the fault of that giant monster.

Never had she felt so lost and alone, to make it worse she even felt that her mind was trying to make her feel guilty. She had to do something about it, so she could put it to rest. By doing so, she would have to kill that giant beast for it was constantly on her mind.

It haunted her much like it broke her down at the same time. Her father took it on and failed, to put her guilt to rest and to soothe her father's spirit she would have to kill the giant.

That beast was to blame for her father's death, so it had to be done.

Cripple stood up carefully, so not to wake up Gullet. Her feet moved away from her friends as she looked around for a certain brute. She was within the hunting group with Scarface, but she couldn't focus on hunting. Not right now.

She took notice of Razzak who was walking around the community with a powerful gait. His eyes were firm and relentless much like his fighting style. Approaching him carefully, she looked at him while he looked at her silently for he just now took notice of her.

"What are you doing up?", asked Razzak in a firm tone.

"I want to ask you something, If that is okay?", she asked him as she came closer to him.

Razzak tilted his head faintly, his silence was a dead give a way for her to continue.

"Is there a chance that you could help me out with some training?", she continued.

"Aren't you on the hunting party?", he replied back with a strict gaze. Razzak was so serious about his job now, that he hardly ever let his guard down. Every night, he would stalk around the inside of the community, making his rounds and keeping an eye on all those who slept.

"I am. I wish to be able to fight within your squad, but if that isn't possible then I will remain in the squad that I am now which is hunting.", she spoke back with respect.

Razzak cracked a bit of smirk, for her respectful tone made him laugh a bit. "Remain in that party of yours, but I will give you some help in fighting."

Cripple looked at him a little surprised but she nodded, for energy was returning within her eyes. "Thank you.", she couldn't help but smile.

Razzak nodded strongly, he continued walking around while looking back at her. "Come, let's secure the perimeter."

Cripple nodded as she followed after him, her eyes were very serious about this for she would be needing a lot of advice on fighting. She was strong enough to handle herself, but she needed to be stronger than ever in order for her to take on and kill the giant that haunts her mind at night.

She could not rest until she does kill this beast, once and for all.

As the sky was slowly changing in its colors, did many creatures begin to wake. Both sides were starting to wake up from slumber.

Reza was quick to try and find her party, the aroma of a new morning was quick to emerge and tickle her nostrils. She was following the scent of her group, and luck was starting to show itself to her for she found them. After sometime of searching.

"Reza!", huffed out a relieved Savagejaw as he saw her.

Reza nodded at him as well as the rest of her party who looked at her in their relief.

"I was starting to think the worst!", sighed Savagejaw.

Reza smirked a bit at him, "I got to much to do, I can't die yet!"

Savagejaw smirked as he nodded, "Let's go."

Reza nodded as she walked alongside her comrade as she led her party toward the direction of hope and prosperity. She didn't even doubt in the slightest that the community was done for. Reza believed that they moved on to find a new place for them.

How did she know this? Well, she was quick to follow their scent that they left behind. The ruined community was full of death and pain, but there was a scent of countless types which meant that they had moved on.

Reza was saddened that the community had fallen but that feeling of sadness was quick to disappear. It would of been a different story however if she saw all of those in the community dead.

She didn't and so she felt greatly empowered, they had to move on and find them wherever they were.

The future was worth fighting for, their very lives depended upon the community. As she led her party, she had a strong look of determination. Her eyes were focused ahead on the direction that they were headed now.

They had a long way to go, and so she couldn't waste any more of her and her party's time. While she led her party, was there a distant silhouette within the shadows of the trees. A brute who was determined to claim her for himself.

The sounds of the morning was quick to engulf the vast amount of land that was all around. Pterosaurs made their calls as they flew in the sky, calm the wind was as it moved against the large amounts of leaves.

Movement within the community started to emerge as many residents begun doing their jobs.

Ahnyx was getting himself ready to go and do his job, for he was the head herbalist here within the community. His eyes however blinked in confusion for he didn't see Cripple anywhere.

This made him look a little nervous, seeing that he was the one who woke her up at the same time he did.

Scarface was getting up and he looked at the herbivore with a questionable look. "Something wrong?"

Ahnyx jumped a bit, "O-Oh no! Just thinking!" He then walked away while fidgeting with his fingers.

Scarface tilted his head before going a bit red in the face as Ruby nuzzled the side of his neck. "Be careful out there sugar!", cooed Ruby.

Scarface nodded a bit as he lowered his gaze due to his embarrassment. "Yeah..."

Ruby smiled at him before looking at Swiftscale and Ebony with a greater smile.

"Devokus you watch over Loa, alright?", smiled Belle as she looked at her son who she took in. Though he was a rex, she showed great love to him much like her daughter who she adopted.

"Yep! I will watch her!", grinned Devokus as he looked at her before looking at Loa who was behind him and sniffing him.

Devastate smirked at the family that happened to appear before him. One moment he was with Belle and then this happened. Not once did the behemoth regret this, for he wouldn't change it for the world.

"We will watch her too.", spoke Ebony as she smiled. "She be to precious!"

Belle smiled before turning around and following after Ahnyx. "See you later!"

Devastate was also heading out, to watch the community wall.

Swiftscale smiled at Ebony and then at the little ones who he was responsible for. Zorah was still not happy about being away from Ripper, the young trike was that grateful to him. Eden and Enyo were lively as always, as they chased after each other happily.

Ruby was a great help to the both of them, and the youngsters all loved her for her sweet attitude.

Gambit was already moving toward Ahnyx and Belle with Wraith right behind him. He yawned loudly which made Wraith scowl a bit. "You're a head herbalist, take it seriously!"

Gambit flinched, "I do!" He frowned, "Sometimes..?"

That response didn't sit well with Wraith as she glared at him, which made Gambit frown as he walked further ahead of her.

Smaug was already outside of the wall, his eyes were sharp as he looked around. He turned his head to look at the others who were in charge of the community wall. His eyes narrowed a bit as he smirked, once he saw Devastate. "Ah, there you are."

Devastate scoffed out a smirk, "Still serious about beating me huh?"

Smaug smiled in a manner of knowing that he could, "I can beat you."

"In your dreams.", grumbled out Devastate in a bit of a chuckle.

Both of them stared at one another, though they were friends to some extent. They were still rivals deep down.

Razzak was quick to get their attention as he stood near them while looking out into the early morning. The blind have not been attacking all that much, but he still didn't drop his guard. "Keep watch for anything.", he spoke out seriously. "What ever happens, be ready for anything."

Smaug nodded toward him much like Devastate. Adder and Grim were soon to join them, for they all looked serious about protecting their home from harm.

Lockjaw was walking around the community wall with Rigor and Clade right behind him. The brute blinked however when he caught sight of something. His eyes went wide however when he recognized who it was, and he frowned seriously at her. "What are you doing?"

Cripple looked at him in surprise, she should of expected this. "Just keeping watch.", she was quick to reply.

She had been helping Razzak for a few hours, she spoke of returning to Scarface and her group but in reality she was actually trying to sneak out. She was that serious about going out and finding the giant so she could kill it.

Lockjaw frowned, while Rigor tilted his head at her. "Aren't you in the hunting party?"

Clade looked at her curiously as well.

"Yes I am. I just was looking around for my group!", spoke Cripple. "Got to make sure it is safe for when we go out."

Rigor blinked and smiled, "Works for me!"

Clade looked at Lockjaw who still wasn't convinced.

"Go back to your group.", spoke Lockjaw seriously. "Can't have you out here by yourself."

Cripple nodded as she made her way back inside, and Lockjaw watched her closely.

"She is okay!", smiled Rigor.

Rigor looked a little surprised as Lockjaw glared at him, at this Clade spoke. "You think she is up to something?"

Lockjaw nodded slowly with a firm look , "I do."