Reckless Actions

After saying what he had, Lockjaw walked on ahead with Clade and Rigor behind him. He would have to keep an eye on her, and make sure she doesn't do anything foolish.

As Cripple walks away from Lockjaw, she couldn't help but feel slightly annoyed. But that was to be expected, due to them seeing to the wall and guarding it. Once she was away from them, and back in the safety of the wall did she look behind herself with a frustrated look within her eyes.

How was she going to get out there and kill the giant? Then her head was quick to think of an idea, and so she moved quickly in order to find the group in which she was apart of.

Seeing Scarface made her feel relieved, for she would be able to get out of here and accomplish what she wanted. That giant will be killed by her, and that was a powerful promise. However reckless it was.

"Okay guys, remember we work better together.", spoke Scarface with a smile. His eyes looked at Cripple with kindness as she walked up, which was returned by her for she smiled back.

The only thing was, he didn't even know what it was that she was planning. None of them do.

Scalpmuzzle was very eager, and he looked at Cripple with a grin. "Are you ready to go out there and hunt?", he asked her.

Cripple nodded as she looked at him with a confident grin. "Yep! Let's work hard for the community!"

Scarface chuckled a bit, as the allosaurus shifted toward the front in which they would be exiting from. He was leading his hunting group outside into the dangerous world which was full of the blind. The only thing was he was sure that his group will do well, he didn't even doubt them either.

Scarface was in the front, with Scalpmuzzle right behind followed by Cripple, Gullet, and Goong.

"Bring back a lot of food you guys!", spoke out Rigor who was smiling.

Just the voice made Cripple a bit uncomfortable for she could see Lockjaw again, though she didn't show it as she was behind Scarface who smirked a tad in response to Rigor and his happiness.

"We will try. Wish us luck!", was the response from the hunting leader who walked on with his group following him.

Devastate and Smaug watched them go, much like Adder and Grim who stood in front of the opening which leads into the community. They were all on guard for anything that dare threaten their home.

Clade looked at Lockjaw who had his keen sight on Cripple as she walks along with her group. For he knew that she was up to something. It didn't vanish either.

Scarface looked around their environment closely, the sounds of the early morning wind was a soothing sound. But with comfort, that could quickly change for danger was never to far behind. The blind were out there, and he knew this. The many trees had eyes, and this meant that they needed to be smart as they hunt for food.

Goong was looking around as well, he had quite a lot of intelligence and strength on his side.

Scalpmuzzle was very attentive in what he was doing, his nose caught whiff of a herd quite a bit away. "Do you smell that?"

Scarface nodded firmly with a smile, "Let's keep going."

Gullet was very good at picking up where the blind was coming from, and since he was blind he could easily pick up on sounds and scents that the blind made. It was very interesting to see a blind creature like Gullet turn against his own kind who were blind. But this was how powerful bonds were, and his bond was very strong with Cripple who he sees as a type of parent.

Gullet was a strong beast, though he was just a teenager now. He was very crucial to the hunting group, for he was their blind detector of sorts.

As they move further away from the community, did they all began to move forward in a very serious manner. The trees around them looked to be dark and ominous, only cause there was no telling what lurked within them.

Scalpmuzzle was very quick to look ahead and notice something, his eyes looked at Goong who nodded to him with a smile.

Scarface looked at the tracks which came from a blind herd, his eyes looked at Scalpmuzzle as he smiled a bit as well. The trees that they came up on were not as straight as the others. This meant that they were close to finding the blind herd that they were tracking together.

Gullet looked around with a calmness to him, which meant that there was nothing to worry about, for now.

Cripple looked around the trees and foliage, her heart was actually racing as she thinks about making a run for it. Her heart lurched a bit in her chest as Scarface looked at her and spoke. "Are you ready for this?"

His voice was very confident and his smile was very evident on his lips.

Cripple of course nodded at him with a smile, though her heart and mind were on something completely different from hunting. The look he gave her though made her feel some what bad. Seeing that they were all counting on her as well as each other to be successful in this hunt. They needed to hunt in order to provide for each other as well as the community.

Their very lives depended on it as well.

Goong walked ahead as Scarface nodded to her before looking up.

As they moved did Cripple follow, her eyes glanced at Gullet who was looking at her now with his head tilted. He definitely could sense that there was something wrong with her.

Cripple looked at him and gave him a smile, in which made Gullet purr toward her. Just the sound alone from Gullet, eased her mind quite a bit. There was no mistaking it, for she actually did care for him much like a mother would for her offspring.

"There they are!", whispered out Scalpmuzzle as he lowered himself down behind the countless cover of the trees and bushes.

In front of them was a blind herd of hadrosaurs, which were feasting on the greens that was all around them. The herd was rather large, and quite comfortable which meant that they hadn't sensed them yet.

Scarface looked at them closely as he hid, his eyes sharp and active as he looks at the herd. Since his eyes were active, he was looking for a weak herd member.

Goong was also hidden as he watched the herd move about, the fact that they were so calm led them to believe that there was no sign of any threat nearby which meant no blind. Even if there was no blind, they always had a way of showing up when they least expect it.

While they were focused on the herd, Cripple some what moved away from the group in a slow fashion. Her mind was literally on the warpath right now, for her thoughts were against doing this.

Even her heart was against it, but she pushed her thoughts aside, for she had to do this. She honestly could not rest until that giant monster was killed. This was important to her, and though it was crazy she had to do this. If she didn't do it, she will always be haunted by her dreams. She would also never rest either.

She had made up her mind, and this was something that she had to do on her own. Though, others would say differently.

Cripple closed her eyes once she was far away and she turned around and ran thus leaving her friends behind. Her feet moved very fast toward the way of the old community, and she made sure that she was not followed for she would look behind herself constantly.

She had left her home and friends behind for now, but she was certain that she would return to them. After all she was confident in herself about killing the giant who took her father away from her.

Unaware of Cripple leaving them, Scarface led the group in onto the blind herd in a great ambushing move. Surprisingly, the hunt went well and it was thanks to every single member in the group. They were able to catch quite a few of the herd, in which they would work together to carry back to the community.

However, Gullet was restless as he looked around for something or rather for someone.

"What's wrong?", asked Scalpmuzzle as he looked at the teenager who looked at him with a lonely gaze.

Goong looked at them as he had a large dead herbivore on his back, "Something must be wrong if he is acting like that?"

Scarface frowned as he looked around now, "Where's Cripple?"

Scalpmuzzle blinked and looked around also, quite quickly in fact. "Huh!?!"

Scarface frowned seriously, "Let's get these bodies to the community, then we can get help to search for her."

Scalpmuzzle nodded but jumped as Gullet immediately dashed into the darkness of the trees. "H-Hey!?!"

Scarface was surprised as well before looking at the two of them. "Let's hurry!"

With that, the three of them were quick to pick up the bodies from the blind herd that they had caught. Quickly, they rushed back to the community together while fearing for Cripple and her safety. Just why on earth would she leave suddenly? It just didn't make sense?

Scarface felt better when he saw the community before him, and he didn't waste time. "We have a situation!"

Devastate blinked looking at him now with a serious gaze, "What is it!"

"Cripple is gone!", yelled out Scalpmuzzle. "Gullet too!"

Devastate looked surprised before looking at Smaug who glared. "Where did they go?"

Scarface was thinking about it, his expression was very different from before. It was cause a friend could easily be in trouble and be in a dangerous situation. "I don't know? It was during the hunt and afterwards she was gone. I honestly don't know where she went, but we got to find her!"

Clade looked surprised as he walked up, Rigor looked concerned while Lockjaw glared firmly. As expected, she was up to something but he just didn't know what it was. All that he had to go off of was that she wanted to sneak out on her own, but why?

"Hurry up inside.", growled the behemoth as he led them inside of the community.

Adder looked at Grim concerned while Grim frowned upon hearing the news.

Once inside the community and dropping off the bodies that they got from the hunt, did they go to Ripper to tell him the news that had happened. Ripper once he heard it, frowned. "I see?"

Razzak huffed out, "She was up early this morning, she even asked me questions about fighting."

"Why though?", asked Scalpmuzzle who looked down. "It just doesn't make sense?"

Ripper looked at him and then at Scarface, "Did she say anything to you? Or acted in a way?"

Before Scarface could say anything, Lockjaw's voice was quick to speak up. "I saw her trying to sneak out, but I was there to stop her from doing so."

Scarface looked at him in light surprise, he looked at Ripper who looked down as he processed the information that he was given. "So she wanted to sneak out, but where would she go?"

Scalpmuzzle looked down as he thought, much like Scarface.

"She did freeze up that one time against that giant monster, perhaps it has something to do with that?", asked Smaug as he recalled what had happened at the first community.

Just him saying this got a lot of attention from everyone who was present there. Razzak snorted, "So you think she went back to kill that bastard because of her fear?"

Scalpmuzzle looked down, he blinked once remembering that she did freeze up when she looked at the giant. But Ahnyx had mentioned something, and even he knew about her father who left them when they first made it to when the first community was being built. His eyes shivered some as he said, "It maybe more than just fear, for I believe that she is probably going after the giant for revenge."

Ripper, Scarface, Razzak, Devastate, and Smaug looked at him now with a bit of surprise on their faces.

Goong looked at Scalpmuzzle, "I take it you know more about her?"

Scalpmuzzle nodded, "Yeah, she had a father who left when we made it to the first community. He didn't go in with us though?"

Ripper looked serious, "We will need a small group to get her back before she does something she may regret."