
Scarface looked serious, "I will go out to find her." His eyes shifted to look at Scalpmuzzle who also nodded. "I'm going to!"

Ripper looked at them silently before nodding, "Alright, this also means that we need new hunters to hunt while you are gone."

His words were of that of a true leader, he was caring about one as well as the whole community. "Go bring her back.", Ripper nodded looking serious.

Scarface nodded at him before turning around and Scalpmuzzle was right behind him, his face showed great concern for a friend who would soon be in trouble.

As Scarface walked did he blink to Ruby who was walking over. "Did something happen?"

"Yeah, Cripple went off on her own somewhere and well I am going to get her back.", replied Scarface. "She is a friend and is apart of our family, I got to try right?"

Ruby really wanted to say something but she couldn't, after all he was doing this for a friend so she could not really stop him. "Be careful okay?"

Scarface nodded and looked a little embarrassed as she pressed her forehead against his cheek. Scalpmuzzle watched the exchange and looked down awkwardly while trying not to laugh outright at the face Scarface was making.

Ruby smiled afterwards as she walked away while humming, and Scarface shook his head trying to get rid of his flushed face. He looked at Scalpmuzzle curiously and frowned a bit in annoyance for he looked like he was about die from holding his breath. "Really?", he snorted.

"S-sorry! It's just the face you make and...!", replied Scalpmuzzle who looked around frantically.

"Let's go!", huffed Scarface as he walked toward the opening of the community.

Scarface blinked much like Scalpmuzzle as a panicked voice called out to the both of them. It was Ahnyx who was running over, and from the looks of his face did he look greatly concerned.

"Did I hear right!?! Cripple is gone!?!", Ahnyx sounded so worried.

Scarface nodded, "Yeah, she ran off while we were hunting."

Ahnyx's fingers were fidgeting with each other as he stopped before them, his eyes looked pained. "W-Why would she...?"

Scarface shook his head, "I don't know why but what I do know is that I am going after her."

Scalpmuzzle nodded strongly as well, "Same! I am going with him!"

"I-In that case I am going too!", exclaimed Ahnyx whose voice became a little different halfway through his words. At first he sounded not sure and nervous but that quickly went away and was replaced with a new found firmness.

"Are you sure?", asked Scarface. "You are a lead herbalist right? Won't they need you here?"

"Gambit will be fine without me! Besides, I cannot just stand around when there is a chance that Cripple is getting hurt or worst! I must go!"

Scarface looked at Scalpmuzzle in surprise while Ahnyx held his head high with his eyes closed. It was so strange to see this side of him.

"Alright then.", smirked Scarface.

Ahnyx blinked a little embarrassed realizing how he must of sounded, "I-I'm sorry I...!" His posture and face changed back to his nervous yet polite self.

"It is okay! It means you care!", smiled Scalpmuzzle.

Scarface nodded in agreement before looking over in the direction they came from. He was merely just waiting there just in case another individual wanted to come along.

This journey would be difficult but it was something that they were getting use too. Every single day was like this, and with the blind roaming around did it make it even more difficult as well as dangerous. This was how life was, and they couldn't give up just because it was hard. There was a future waiting for them and they had to work hard to see it.

Cripple was out there alone as well and they had to do something fast or else she will die.

Scarface looked at the outside world seriously for it was before him, the community walls were safe but the outside was not. They would be going into a dangerous territory again in order to save their friend, wherever she was. Hopefully, they could get to her in time before something bad was to happen to her.

It didn't take much longer, for Razzak walked up giving Scarface the go ahead. It would be Scarface, Scalpmuzzle, and Ahnyx who would be going after her along with Skyfall. Many more would of went but it was best that a small group was to go after her. If any more were to join them, it would only slow them down. In order to reach her in time, they needed a small rescue party and Scarface knew this more than any other beast.

"Let's go!", firmly spoke Scarface as he ran outside of the community wall. Scalpmuzzle and Ahnyx were right behind him as well as they moved into the vast world which held many dangers as well as beauty. Skyfall was flying above them, his eyes keen on the ground below.

Adder and Grim watched them go along with Lockjaw.

Smaug also watched them leave, and his eyes shifted slowly to look at the others defending the community wall. His claws twitched eagerly and he moved away, by walking around behind the community wall did he run into the brush so he wouldn't be seen by the others. This would be another chance for him to go out and fight so he followed them from the distance, and if he was going to get stronger do to this would he be able to defeat Devastate in combat.

Scarface was tracking Cripples tracks and since he was a good hunter and tracker did he find them quickly. "This way!"

Scalpmuzzle looked around while following Scarface, for he was also looking around for any signs of Gullet who disappeared along with Cripple. He looked at Ahnyx in a glance, for the herbivore looked majorly scared. "Why would she do this all of a sudden? It is just not like her?"

"I don't know either? I guess there was something on her mind? Something that she had to do on her own?", replied Scarface who was following the tracks that she left behind.

"But that's dangerous! If she had just asked we would of helped her!", retorted Ahnyx which surprised Scalpmuzzle.

"Hey when we find her you can give her a earful!", smirked Scarface who was trying to remain positive.

"Oh I will!", replied Ahnyx who looked serious all of a sudden which made Scalpmuzzle laugh a bit. The herbivore looked like a overprotective father who was about to scold his daughter, which was why it was funny to Scalpmuzzle.

"Skyfall do you see anything!", called out Scarface who looked upward.

"No I don't see her! I will keep looking though!", chirped Skyfall who was focused on his search.

As Scarface leads his small party in the direction to find Cripple, did Cripple began to desperately search for the one beast who took her father away from her.

"Where is that ugly monstrosity!", snarled Cripple. "You'd think I'd find the large lard of meat by now!"

Cripple made a lot of ground on her own, her eyes were aware of her surroundings for she knew that she was not the only one living in the woods. As she took a deep breath that made her nostrils flare, did she blink smelling a group of creatures. Walking closer to the many scents did she see that they were conscious, much like her.

"Excuse me?", asked Cripple walking closer to them.

Cripple took notice seeing a familiar rex, one she saw at the first community before it was destroyed.

"Oh my god so you are alive!", quickly spoke out Reza who saw Cripple. "Where are the others!"

"They are back that way.", replied Cripple who smiled politely. Reza looked greatly relieved. "Thank god, I knew they had to of made it out!"

"If you go that way, you will find them and the new community.", nodded Cripple who smiled.

Reza smiled at Savagejaw who looked pleased about the news, even the whole group following them looked happy. "Wait why are you out here on your own and not with the others?", asked Reza curiously.

"There is something I have to do on my own.", curtly replied Cripple as she moved to walk by her but Reza stopped her.

"I think that is the wrong call.", replied Reza. "You will be safer with us."

Cripple looked a little upset. "I have to do this alright so don't try to stop me!"

Reza looked at Cripple surprised, while Savagejaw frowned. "Just what exactly do you have to do?"

"I have to do this on my own. I have to kill the giant who killed my father.", replied Cripple with a face that showed it all. Her pain, her anger, her determination. All of these feelings flowed from her eyes and voice, for she made up her mind about it.

"What!?!", sharply yelled Reza and Savagejaw at the same time. Even the group behind them showed their fear.

"You can't kill that beast on your own! That's suicide!", snapped Reza. "I faced that beast and was lucky that my idea worked on him!"

"Yeah! That beast is not something you can easily kill alone!", firmly snarled Savagejaw. "What we need to do is go back to the community and make a plan!"

"I already have a plan! That disgusting animal will not stop until it kills us all! I for one won't let it take away someone else I love!", growled Cripple. "I'm going to kill it with or without help!"

Reza took notice of her pain, and she knew her heart was in the right place but still it was reckless wasn't it?

Cripple closed her eyes before turning away, she began walking in the direction that Reza and her group came from. Reza silently watched her go and she looked at Savagejaw, "Take the group to the community."

"What about you?", asked Savagejaw.

"I will be fine.", nodded Reza. "Go ahead and tell the community where we are."

Savagejaw looked down silently before nodding for he obeyed her, he looked at the group and began leading them in the direction Cripple came from. Reza watched him and the group go, before looking at Cripple silently before following after her.

Cripple took notice of her following her and she looked back at her. "What are you doing?", she asked.

"I'm helping.", replied Reza which made Cripple stop and look at her fully in surprise. "Really?"

Reza nodded walking up to her now, "Yeah besides I got to make sure nothing bad happens to you."

Cripple sort of laughed, "You don't have to do this?"

"You're right I don't, but I would never forgive myself if I let you die. I can clearly help you.", smiled Reza in a understanding way. "And I also know that you are going to do it regardless of what I say right?"

Cripple nodded with a smile, "Right!"

Reza looked in the direction where she faced off the giant, though it was a good ways back. "Two against one."

Cripple nodded seriously, "Two against one until the others make it back."

Reza walked forward with Cripple beside her, the both of them were walking to where the giant was last seen. Were they scared? No, and that was cause they had each other.

"So how are we going to do this?", asked Cripple.

"You and I are much faster than the giant is, if we use our speed against him then we may have a chance at winning.", replied Reza as she recalls her fight against the giant. "But that beast clearly hits hard, so we can't take much hits from it."

Cripple was listening to Reza seriously, and as she does so does she feel heart race in a mixture of different emotions. "How long will it take for the others to get back?"

Reza frowned, "Depends. Seeing how far the community is, it may take them a while to return."

Cripple nodded. "We will be okay!"

Reza looked at her with a small smile, for Cripple had a strong heart. "Of course we will. By working together we can overcome anything."

Cripple looked at her with a smile of her own, as the both of them continued to make their way back to where the giant was at. Reza began thinking about the giant, she knew that the giant would be awake by now which meant they were in for a serious yet scary battle.