
Cripple and Reza were walking back together to where the giant was last seen, and though they were feeling confident there was still that cold feeling following them. Always when a battle was to start, there is that feeling that lingers on behind them. It hangs over one like the whole entire world was about to crash upon them at any second, and they not know when it was going to descend on to them completely.

It was times like these that make fighting in battles terrifying. No one knows the outcome, and death could happen to anyone at any given time. It doesn't matter if one is strong or smart? One can have it all to survive, only then to die so suddenly and violently.

This was the time as always in battle where the blood runs cold as the once warm air begins to change becoming colder as it stings the nerves, for fear changes how everything looks. Every living thing has experience with such fear at least once in their life time, for fear effects everything and makes it into a goddamn nightmare. It matters not how big or how small one is. Those who are familiar with such fears are those who are known as herbivores. All their lives as blind they have been tormented and haunted by those who feast on their flesh. They feast on it with so much greed and reckless abandon.

Of course, that was the common thing about their lives not that they knew it when they were blind. Every living thing wants to live and survive and the blind will do whatever it takes to live, and sometimes that selfishness alone can lead to many others dying while one coward runs away. Not at all caring if they had caused so many deaths. The blind herbivores do this often from what we have seen, and always it is the herd that suffers at times.

We the conscious fear death much like we fear the blind that torments our very lives. The blind are oblivious to such things when it comes to feelings and so they react, viciously in fact? Death to the blind are viewed differently to us who can think, and feel. We don't want to die where as the blind just accept it, though they fight violently with what strength they have left to stay alive.

Which view is better between the two? Fear death completely but think smart? Or not think at all and viciously fight to stay alive? Then again when we think about it further, we are oddly so much alike to them for we fight until the very end. Death is final, that much we knew and so we have to fight, to stay alive.

We were once blind, but we are not. We are not blind anymore. The world is changing around us now and we have to adapt to it, even though we don't want too. What's important now is to stay alive with those who we are close to and live on with them into the future. We fight for that future and we fight for them.

"It is just a bit further.", spoke Reza as she released a strong breath from her nostrils. The scents around her were familiar to her for she was closing in on where she had seen the giant last.

"Okay.", responded Cripple as she remained close to Reza who was a good bit taller and bigger than her. Cripple looked around as the sounds of distant cries of life went on around them.

The sounds of life was all around them and yet the sounds of each breath from the two of them seemed much louder than the other sounds that went on around them now. Cripple took notice of it, and she looked at Reza who was now looking at her. Both of their eyes soon shifted to the trees ahead of them, as footsteps closed in. Each step was abnormally louder than the last, and Cripple and Reza were highly on guard now.

They were expecting the giant but what they saw made Reza glare harshly. It was another rex, one who she recognized immediately. "Hunter!", snarled Reza for she knew who he was and she did not like him. Not at all.

"Hunter?", asked Cripple as her eyes remained on the brute before them.

Reza's glare was fierce and unforgiving, she didn't like him nor did she trust him and Cripple was aware of that as she looked at Reza after asking his name. Hunter smirked toward them, his gaze was cold and rather manipulative. "You don't look to happy to see me, that almost hurts my feelings."

Cripple soon glared at him for his voice and eyes sent uncomfortable chills down her spine. Just how he talked didn't sit well with her.

"I don't give a damn about your feelings! I hate you and you can rot in hell!", snarled Reza as her voice became a strong hiss.

Cripple watched as the brute's maw twisted into a coy looking sneer. She glared harder and bared her own fangs.

Hunter had been following Reza since day one, that she already knew for the brute fancied her strongly. It mattered not if she was already married to Crusher, Hunter would always try to do things with her. Things that made her greatly uncomfortable. Crusher detested him and his actions which was why Hunter was kicked out and permanently banished from the clan. This didn't stop Hunter though, for he was a persistent bastard.

This brute she knew would stop at nothing to claim her, even if it means doing the most unthinkable things imaginable.

"How can you say something so horrible? You know how much I care about you don't you?", Hunter slowly closed in and he showed no interest in Cripple for his eyes were locked on Reza and only her. It was like the world around them vanished, and it was just Reza and him who existed.

This was a scary thing to have happen, and Cripple being the only one to notice looked away from the two for only a second before slowly returning her gaze on something much bigger and stronger than Hunter. Her eyes went wide as the familiar size of the giant was well behind Hunter. Slowly stalking up toward them, Cripple could feel her heart sink into her belly.

Low the breathing sound was as it danced along the air, around all three of them now. Reza took notice of it as her eyes snapped open, and even Hunter whose body froze as that coy sneer left his maw.

The giant was now looking at the three of them with a sickening smirk on its own maw, its claws twitched in anticipation of being coated in blood once again. Cripple's eyes were shaking as her breathing became fast as her eyes frantically scanned the beasts hide that stood before them. Those scars that it wore were the only thing left to remember of her father, her father who it killed.

Chilly the air became as the three of them slowly looked up at the giant who was ready to partake in another bloody battle. As its smirk became a nasty demonic grin, both eyes narrowed in the delight of killing again.

Just a good ways from where Cripple and Reza were, Savagejaw was leading the group to the new community. His gaze focused ahead, for he was determined to get there and then return to save Reza and Cripple. The faster he moved, the quicker he would be able to return. But his eyes took notice of a few in the distance, as he closed in on them.

Skyfall landed in front of him which made him blink in surprise. He stopped momentarily as he looked down at the large pterosaur.

"Greetings! You haven't seen a lone carno by chance have you?", squawked the pteranodon as he looked at him.

"Yes I have, she was adamant on going after the giant beast? Reza is with her now?", replied Savagejaw who then looked up as those from a distance came running up almost panicked. They soon stopped as the pteranodon turned to them.

"Cripple is going after the giant! She be up ahead!", spoke Skyfall looking at a stunned Scarface and worried Ahnyx. Scalpmuzzle was in disbelief but that changed into a firm mindset. "We got to move then!?!"

"Wait are you all from the community!?!", asked Savagejaw as Skyfall took to the air with Scalpmuzzle and Ahnyx following behind. Scarface looked at him and nodded, he then looked in the direction where the community was. "The community is that way! If you can get there and tell them what is going on, that would help a lot!"

Savagejaw looked to where he was looking, he then nodded strongly as he looked at Scarface who nodded back.

"Don't do anything stupid.", spoke Savagejaw who smirked a bit. "Heh, I will try!", sort of laughed Scarface as he ran after Skyfall and the others. Savagejaw watched him leave before moving toward the community with his group following him.

Communication was a strong thing to have in times such as these. Without it, one couldn't survive.

With help closing in on them, Reza and Cripple were slowly backing away from the giant who was standing tall still grinning at them. It was like the beast knew it had the upper hand of all three of them. Hunter was alongside Cripple which was quite surprising, seeing that just a moment ago he was an enemy to the two of them.

This beast had incredible strength and with its size it could easily take down a diplodocus, it actually had took down two of them without much trouble in the last community which had fallen.

Reza was thinking of a plan while Cripple was feeling a strong bitter rage in her chest. She would never see her father again and it was because of this grinning behemoth who was looking at them now with such hungry looking eyes. It was like it couldn't wait to tear and rip the very life out of them. Just watching them squirm was its amusement.

Hunter looked at the giant with wide eyes, having never seen such a beast before. This just proved that the world was much more dangerous than they once had thought.

Again it was like life and the world enjoyed toying with them, and to keep toying with them would it create such horrid beasts. Then again, this just went to show how difficult life was for all who were conscious. Life will only continue to get harder from here on out.

"I don't really want to team up with you two but it would be better than being killed by this ugly bastard.", spoke Hunter who sort of sneered back at the giant who was now moving toward them.

Reza glared at his words, but she felt the same. She didn't want to die to the giant either. "I guess we can come together in this fight, at least until this monster is dead."

"Agreed.", coldly smirked Hunter as he watched how the beast moved. His smirk changed to that of a serious looking glare as his fangs were made visible. "Let's kill this bastard!"

"Yes!", snarled Cripple whose raged roared from within her chest. All three of them have agreed to work together to bring down the giant who would stop at nothing until all were dead at its feet.

The giant who was moving so slowly all of a sudden charged at them with its mouth wide open as saliva fell from all sides and angles of its mouth. It was displaying how wild and savage it was, that and the thirst for blood made it go crazy until all that it could see was red.

Reza ran forward out of the way, while Hunter used his strong tail to help boost Cripple up. The giants mouth closed loudly with a loud chomping snap having missed Cripple entirely while Hunter lunged away. Cripple was on the back of the giant thanks to the boost given by Hunter, and was viciously biting and clawing at the scars which were left by her father.

Those scars began to quickly bleed and soon they became bigger wounds which sent the giant into an unspeakable rage. Cripple used her mouth and feet accordingly, which would no doubt make her father proud of her. She really was his child.

While this went on, Reza and Hunter worked together surprisingly well for they would attack and distract the giant from Cripple as she continued attacking its back. The beast was making enraged cries for no matter what it couldn't get Cripple off of its back. Cripple was not as large as her father which meant she was more nimble and agile on her feet.

The giant was slashing and biting nonstop at all three targets, though one was on its back. Reza blinked taking notice of the giant moving to a steep drop of a hill which was hidden by foliage , and Hunter seeing it charged in while the giant looked back at Cripple.

Cripple was able to jump off in time, as Hunter delivered a strong enough push while biting and pulling up the left ankle of the giant. This caused the giant to fall down hard as it rolled, but that didn't stop it from grabbing Hunter at the last moment with its large clawed hand.

"ARGHHHHH!?!", Hunter screamed on the way down as the pained roars of the giant echoed from within the forest it had fallen into.

Reza and Cripple moved to look down the slope, for the drop was further down than the last. The both of them slowly moved downwards after Hunter and the giant. As they did, were they spotted by Skyfall who caught sight of them going down.