
The sounds of each thud was extremely loud and hard to ignore, as the giant fell from the steep slope. Hunter was also mixed up in it, as he tumbled down with the large blood thirsty beast.

It was a very nauseating experience for neither of them knew which was up and which was down. Pain was another thing that added to the nausea, for falls like this can easily break a limb or two. It wouldn't be that surprising if the both of them had broken bones at this moment.

The first to stop falling was Hunter, for he managed to get some kind of friction to stop his fall. His head was spinning as a hot searing pain exploded in his cranium suddenly.

"Ugh damn...!", he snarled through his teeth which were bared. Hunter had his right eye open while his left eye was closed, a warm trickling feeling slowly oozed down from both sides of his large head.

Shaking his head he could not ignore the pain that pulsed every time he moved. His eyes soon were open but only lightly as he looked after the giant which was still falling due to its massive size. Size was a blessing and a curse, though the beast had strength along with size. However, gravity was unforgiving to those of massive size.

Brontosaurus and other long necked herbivores knew about gravity all to well. Which was why they were very cautious when walking around, but at times their fear would get the better of them. Especially if chased by a large predator, when that happens they tend to panic. When that happened more times than not, the poor herbivore would meet a very sad fate when traversing. They would fall and in absolute fear with broken legs, for they would be soon eaten alive.

Loudly the giant monstrosity roared as a massive thud was heard, even the earth all around vibrated and shook. A good indication that the giant had reached its end of falling, and now it was time to see if this giant predator had suffered any injuries from the fall.

Hunter shifted his aching head to Cripple and Reza as they carefully tried going down the slope. It was very tricky, but the both of them were taking their time. Which was probably a smart idea.

"Is it dead?", asked Cripple while looking down further where the giant was.

"Not sure?", groaned Hunter who was having a hard time getting over the splitting headache he had.

"Let's see if it is dead.", was the words out of Reza's maw. She carefully continued forward, leading the duo downward.

Not far from them, Skyfall was quick to return to Scarface, Scalpmuzzle, and Ahnyx. He was quickly pointing them into the right direction. "Over here!"

"I really hope that Cripple is okay!", exclaimed Ahnyx who was worried for her as he followed his small party forward.

"I believe she is fine! We are almost there!", assured Scarface who was thinking positive.

It was usually a good thing to remain positive, but at times that was difficult. After all, this life wasn't easy and it had a way of breaking ones spirit.

Scalpmuzzle was feeling all kinds of emotions, but the major one he was feeling was fear. He honestly didn't want to lose a friend, and he was also worried about Gullet. Just where did that teen rex get too?

As they closed in, Hunter finally reached the bottom of the slope. Behind him was Reza and Cripple who were very weary of the giant beast before them. Their eyes were focused on the giant body that laid on its side, its breathing was definitely easy to pick up.

"Damn! It ain't dead yet!", snorted Hunter in utter annoyance. From what he could tell, he had a head injury from the fall. There was no proof if he had more injuries than that, for his body must be full of adrenaline right now.

"Of course it couldn't be that easy.", huffed Reza. She honestly wanted to put a end to this monster, but she had to be cautious. Though it seemed to be out cold, there was a chance that it was faking it.

Easily they could all attack at once, but that was risky and may cause them more harm than good. As the three of them watched the giant predator closely, the sounds of rushing feet really threw their instincts into over drive. Reza, Cripple, and Hunter all looked back quickly thinking it was the blind but what they saw really made them sigh in relief.

"Ahnyx!?!", exclaimed Cripple in surprise.

"Oh thank god you are alright!", sighed a relieved Ahnyx who couldn't resist coming closer to her which startled her some. Before she could say anything, was she carefully hugged by the herbivore.

"A-Ahnyx!?!", gasped Cripple stunned by the gesture.

"Oh! I am so very sorry!?!", quickly apologized Ahnyx who pulled away and backed off shyly while looking down and covering his face with both clawed hands.

Reza blinked a few times at what she just saw, while Scalpmuzzle some what laughed. Scarface sort of smiled, for he knew how worked up the herbivore was. When he had found out that Cripple was gone missing, he was quick to help. There clearly was some feelings that Ahnyx had for Cripple. This moment showed that very well.

"A herbivore and a carnivore...? What in the actual name of god is going on here!?!", scoffed Hunter in disgust. This comment made Cripple and Ahnyx go faintly red.

Of course there talk was cut short as the giant predator moved, this made them all tense up and look at the monster before them. The giant was still able to stand, though its left arm dangled in a limp manner. Rough looking sores and opened wounds covered its massive body, as it glared viciously at them. Blood seeped out of its mouth, for a few fangs were chipped and broken from the fall.

"It's not over yet!", hissed Reza.

"IT IS JUST GETTING STARTED!?!", roared a new voice that took them all by surprise. Scarface blinked in surprise as Smaug slide down the slope rather skillfully as he slammed his right clawed hand against the side of the giants head. The power and speed of the attack, managed to knock the giant down onto its side again.

"KNOCK OUT!?!", cheered Skyfall who flew over head.

"You followed us!", exclaimed Scarface in surprise. Smaug smirked at him as he replied, "Sorry! I just couldn't resist!"

Reza gave a confident smile, "I think we all can take him!"

Hunter glared, "Definitely!"

Cripple was surprised by the attack from the spinosaurus, she soon smiled for she will be able to avenge her father, once and for all.

Ahnyx backed off a bit for he was a expert healer, that was what he was good at. Scalpmuzzle also stood beside the herbivore, for the giant predator was greatly intimidating.

Scarface looked ready for a fight as he stood among his allies, as they all stared at the giant who was quick to glance at all who stood before it. It soon glared viciously at them as its limp arm dangled on its chest. There was even a bit of a limp on the giant predator, though weakened. It still wanted to fight.

"Whatever you all do, don't hold back!", spoke Smaug firmly with a serious glow in his eyes. The thrill of battle was already making his blood boil, that and if he defeats this giant beast, he could finally be one step higher than Devastate.

"Right!", replied Reza and Cripple.

Scarface nodded as he repeated what was said, "No, holding back!"

"Let's kill the ugly bastard!", roared Hunter as he ran forward with Smaug.

The giant predator glared in such a way as they all charged in, it was like its eyes glew as bright as a forest fire. Its anger was what pushed the beast on, the fact that they were taking it on made the predator all the more serious.

Smaug lunged in with a upward strike, which created a thin slash wound on the giants side. As the beast turned its head at him, did Hunter slam a hard bite onto the right side of its face while it focused on Smaug.

Blood was quick to enter Hunter's mouth, and the giant roared loudly that it shook the ground around them. Pterosaurs were even seen fleeing from their perches nearby, for battle scared them. Skyfall was even scared as he watched the battle commence, for he feared for all those who were fighting this giant brute.

Reza was quick to do the same on the other side, as Reza and Hunter held the beast in place just long enough for Cripple to jump onto the back of the giant again. Once she was on, was Hunter swiped at by the only arm the giant had.

"ARGHH!?!", roared Hunter in pain as two large gashes appeared on his neck. After being dealt the blow, he was shoved away onto his back by the giant who even shook Reza off with a harsh head slam. Dirt would kick up after every hit the giant did, due to its massive size. Cripple was on its back, biting and clawing which made the brute enter into a violent relentless rage. Smaug was even hit in the jaw by the reckless attacking from the giant. Scarface, somehow managed to dodge the attacks and climbed up onto the giants side. He hopes to aid Cripple as best as he could.

This only made the beast madder, so much was happening to it. Though weakened from the fall, it still had the strength and determination to keep on fighting. Just like all living creatures who want to stay alive.

Scarface at some point lost his footing and was violently thrown to the ground. He glared after the hit, but managed to get back on his feet before he was stepped on by the tyrant.

Smaug had a cut on his chin that leaked blood, his eyes glared sharply at the beast who was trying to get Cripple off of its back. Saliva would come out of its bloody maw, every time it roared in its rage. Cripple was skillfully moving on its back but she gasped and slipped.

"CRIPPLE!?!", yelled Ahnyx seeing her fall off and land hard onto her side. The giant realizing she fell off, looked at her with a wicked look. Full of animosity and anger. The giant was seething in its rage, and it blamed Cripple for it.

"Damn!", hissed Smaug charging in once the giant lifted up its large clawed hand at Cripple. She looked at the beast head on, her eyes wide at the sight before her.

"NOOO!?!", yelled Ahnyx as he reckless ran in which surprised Smaug and Scalpmuzzle.

Suddenly there was a loud slicing sound of flesh, Cripple had wide eyes as Ahnyx ran in rather recklessly to aid Cripple. The herbivore delivered a powerful swipe on the left side of the giants head. Blood gushed out from the three deep gashes, which were from his long sword like claws.

A deep hissing roar erupted from the giant as it looked at Ahynx sharply. "AHNYX!?!", screamed a fearful Cripple.

"MOVE!?!", snarled Smaug charging in, and before Ahnyx was attacked was he pushed out of the side while holding the giants mouth open. "Seriously you're so reckless!!!", hissed Smaug who was glaring at the giant who was also glaring back in a venomous way.

Ahnyx moved out of the way, as Smaug kept the giants mouth open with both of his clawed hands. At this rate, they would not be able to defeat the giant. It was possible but reckless actions like that could not happen again, or else someone or another dies.

Being reckless was same as a gambling, nine times out of ten one suffers. Sure, it seems right to do it at the time but one could die and leave so much behind. Other cases, one loses more than their home or worse their life.

"Damn you...!", hissed Smaug glaring at the brute who was returning the hatred right back.

Cripple moved out of the way as Smaug held the beast back, blood was running down his clawed hands for the giant had a deadly collection of teeth still within its maw.

Ahnyx was quick to look over Cripple while looking over at Hunter who was laying on his side due to his wounds. Reza was also near them with Scarface, who showed great respect to Smaug and his timing. If he hadn't of followed them when he had, there would be no doubt two deaths right now.

Skyfall showed his concern but in a instant it changed when he saw one silhouette running in. It would seem that Smaug was not the only one who went after them. "Guys help has arrived!"

Smaug blinked hearing what the birdbrain said, there was no point in looking for a mouth chomped down on the side of the giants throat.

"DEVASTATE!?!", cheered Scalpmuzzle.

"Heh!, I should of known!", teased Smaug as he looked at Devastate who narrowed his eyes at him.

What Smaug said was true, the battle was just now starting. With Devastate there to help, they will surely be able to put the brute in its place.