
Though, unaware of what happened to his father.

Lesion had accomplished so many things in such a short amount of time after he separated from his clan, a small clan that was like a family to him. He honestly thought just like his father, and in doing so did he become a successful leader that his family would be proud of.

The clan of only rexes were so much stronger than ever due to his leadership, and Lesion told them the importance of both hard work and teamwork. As he worked in repairing the clan, he realized that they had no one to follow. No leader that could lead them down the right path. Truth be told, he was nervous and scared. Lesion didn't even know if they would follow him or not.

The more he worked with them, and talked to them as if they were his equals did he see a great change. A change that would lead them to greater heights in their future.

Hard work with teamwork was a nice combo for the leaderless clan, and the more he talked with them did he see their strength and loyalty. The day he was made leader was the day that he asked all of the clan, what were they fighting for. All of them shared such similar things with him that it made him happy.

All of these rexes wanted a new start, and fight for what was important to them. Families, love, and friendship were all that they spoke of. They knew that he was a good leader deep down, much better than the last one who was so focused on ruling lands and conquering with an army. Dreadtooth was a horrible leader, and would sacrifice anything to have his way. Even starting a war to prove that he had some kind of power.

Lesion didn't want to be like him, he wanted to be a good leader just like his father. In such a short time, he became what he wanted to be. He honestly couldn't be happier. Since he was a leader he had his wife Fiala who was second in charge. She became the voice of reason and showed every single rex in the clan respect.

The both of them were working so very hard to make this clan the best that it could be. That was for damn sure, for the clan noticed it right away.

Since Lesion and Fiala were working their best for the clan, they had another who was doing their all for the clan and that was Vallun. The three of them were working together, as well as making the necessary changes to help improve the clan which was being repaired. Without them, the clan wouldn't of done so well.

While working on repairing the clan, Lesion has been keeping in touch with the community through messages. It was quite startling as well that the first community has fallen due to a blind attack. His worries immediately went away however when he discovered that they made another community, which was stronger than ever.

He even made the decision to travel there and form an alliance with them, and while doing so seeing his family again. Lesion made up his mind, and would travel there once the repairs were just about done. After all he didn't want to leave the clan in a weakened state.

That day quickly came, sooner than expected for him however.

"Alright Fiala I am heading off.", smiled Lesion who looked at his wife who was smiling at him.

"Please be careful, I don't want you getting hurt or worse! After all the babies will be here before you know it!", replied Fiala who nuzzled her nose with his own.

The both of them stared at one another, for it was clear that their bond was strong. Very strong.

"I will not leave you alone to raise our children! You have my word.", was Lesion's earnest reply.

"Good.", giggled Fiala very happy. Since she was happy, he was happy as well.

Lesion moved slowly away from her with a caring smile, and he nodded while wearing his triceratops skull on his head. The skull was extra plated with extra bones for protection. He was even wearing a lot of armor on his body and tail, due to Fiala worrying so much about him. She honestly didn't want to lose him and besides he didn't mind, after all he looked like a badass.

Fiala watched him go, with a smile. She was even glad that he took a small party of rexes with him on his journey to the community. If he was safe then she could rest easy.

Vallun walked up to her while watching Lesion and his party leave. "Don't worry, he will be fine."

"I know.", replied Fiala with her smile still on her maw. "I just can't help but worry about him, seeing that we will soon be parents?"

"Ah, don't wanna be a single mom huh?", harmlessly teased Vallun.

Fiala laughed a bit, "Of course not!"

Vallun nodded with a little smile. "I get it. It will be fine, this I know."

"Oh yeah?", smiled Fiala. "How do you know?"

Vallun laughed while walking by her, "I just feel it!"

Fiala shook her head while laughing at him, she soon followed him to check on the clan and how they were doing.

As she was busy doing that and seeing to the clan with Vallun, Lesion was busy with his small party who were on the move toward the new community. The fact that he was heading there, excited him deep down. His only family was there and he would be seeing them again after sometime. The excitement was not on his features, but it was clear within his eyes.

"Are you looking forward to seeing the community?", asked a rex who was armored at his side. His tone was respectful as well as it was genuinely curious.

Lesion nodded while looking at the brute at his side, he soon looked at the other few who were with him. All of them looked at him like he was apart of their family, and just seeing that made him feel good inside. He would soon be having two families, one being his father's clan and this one clan that he was leading. "Indeed I am. My family clan are there."

The looks on the other rexes looked quite interested, as they smiled. "We will make sure you get there in no time leader!"

Lesion couldn't help but laugh, "We all will get there!"

Him and his traveling party continued to talk among themselves while also keeping their guard. Their appearance with all of them will definitely scare off some blind who were young and inexperienced. The only threat for them were those who were experienced and were in their own pack.

Lesion knew this from some experiences, and he was glad for them. Without them, he wouldn't be where he was now.

As they walked, his excitement only continued to grow.

While one small group was on the move toward the community, there was another group heading toward there as well. After fighting the giant and letting the large predator go, Cripple was with her friends again.

Admittedly, she did a reckless thing and she still felt bad about it. After all she could of almost got herself killed which was a foolish thing. Not only that but her own friends could of died all due to her reckless decision for revenge.

Ahnyx was extremely happy to see that she was alright and that she let the large beast go, along with Scarface and Scalpmuzzle. Devastate and Smaug were also there along with Skyfall who was flying in the air while keeping an eye out for Gullet.

Cripple still couldn't believe that Gullet was out and on his own. She honestly didn't want him to get hurt, wherever he was.

"So when did a herbivore and carnivore become a thing?"

This question was from Hunter, who still looked uncomfortable and disgusted by it. Reza merely gave him a look as she said, "Leave them alone."

Cripple looked to the side a bit shyly while Ahnyx looked upward trying so very hard to not get flustered. The appearance of the two looking away from one another was quite humorous to say the least. It was so funny that Scalpmuzzle struggled to keep down his laughter while Scarface shook his head with his eyes closed. He to was trying to ignore his own laughter.

Hunter looked at them all before looking at Reza, and right away the both of them were glaring at the other. This ceased when Smaug said teasingly, "Like I said someone is jealous?"

"AS IF!?!", snarled Hunter who was glaring at the spinosaurus who was giving him that all to familiar teasing look. "LIKE I WANT A TRICERATOPS FOR A WIFE!?!"

Devastate sighed a bit annoyed while Reza shook her head and looked away from him. It was quite clear that she did not trust Hunter.

Smaug smirked for he clearly liked making Hunter angry, his eyes went wide and flinched though when Skyfall chirped out. "I bet Smaug wants a trike for a wife!~"

In a instant Smaug yelled at Skyfall just like Hunter had done him earlier. "CAN IT BIRD BRAIN OR I'LL KNOCK YOU OUT OF THE SKY!?!"

Just him exploding at Skyfall was enough to make Scalpmuzzle and Scarface lose it as they laughed. Perhaps it was cause his face looked rather priceless while shaking a clawed hand at the flying pteranodon who was not bothered by his threat.

Hunter smirked rather cruelly, "He wants a trike for a wife to poke him every now and then?"

Smaug immediately turned around to face Hunter, "WHAT WAS THAT!?!"

"You heard me long nose!", smirked Hunter ready for a fight.

Both of them stopped walking and were glaring at each other, and Reza spoke up loudly. "Enough!?! Now is not the time for...!"

"Guys I think I see something up ahead!?!", called out Skyfall.

"Is it Gullet!?!", exclaimed Cripple running forward.

All of their attentions were grabbed, as Skyfall replied. "Follow me!?!"

Immediately they all did so, while Cripple was leading them for she was worried for Gullet. Sure, he was blind but he honestly was quite strong and showed quite a bit of loyalty. Of course many other conscious would argue with her saying that he didn't show any of those things, she knew him more than they did. Hell, she practically raised him!

Skyfall's form glided over the trees in a almost soundless way and the only sound was his powerful wings pushing against the wind, as they followed him it was not much longer until they reached their destination.

"GULLET!?!", yelled Cripple when she saw Gullet who was cornered by a pack of blind rexes.

There was four of them, and each rex was so much larger than Gullet who stood his ground before them. However, his head perked up to the sound of Cripple's voice. He even let out a roaring call to her, very excited to see her.

Smaug glared when the blind beasts took notice of them, their eyes were so full of aggression and hostility. The air around them reeked of it.

Devastate looked at Cripple, and being reassuring he said. "Don't worry, we got this."

Cripple blinked and nodded very much grateful to him. "Thank you!"

Devastate nodded before looking over at the blind with a serious look, both Smaug and him were ready for a fight. They were both rivals and so of course they were going to fight and keep doing so. Perhaps even some day, the both of them will settle the score to which one was the strongest. It was inevitable, and it may happen sometime in their future.

"Come on you bastards!?!", charged Smaug with a fire in his eyes. "I need something to take my anger out on!?!"

Devastate was right behind, his eyes focused on one rex who was closing in on him.

A strong slashing smack erupted once Smaug gave a powerful uppercut to a blind rex who had went to bite him. Blood spewed out from the wound, for Smaug ripped off its lower jaw. Not much longer did a strong chomping sound soon followed after Smaug dealt a heavy wound to the beast. Devastate had chomped down hard onto the head of the blind rex, a loud almost satisfying crack was heard when he sharply twisted the head in his mouth.

As the both of them fought, Gullet rushed over to reunite with Cripple, their attention then returned to the fight that Smaug and Devastate were fighting.

Scarface looked happy to have found Gullet, and even Scalpmuzzle couldn't help but pat his back. Ahnyx was greatly happy for he knew how much Cripple cared for him.

Hunter was silently watching the both of them fight, but his eyes were narrowed as he watched Smaug. His blood was boiling, and it was probably cause he didn't like him. Not at all.

Smaug took hold of the blind rex with both of his clawed hands, he powerfully snapped its neck without any remorse. After the large beast fell to the ground did he look at Devastate, who ripped the jugular out of the other rex once it had charged at him. Dodging the attack in time, allowed him to counter the wild animals attack.

"Not bad.", smirked Smaug.

Devastate smirked at him briefly before looking back at the sight of Gullet and Cripple who were finally reunited. Skyfall was quick to cheer, "Mission accomplished! I even helped!?!"

Smaug rolled his eyes at the happily tweeting bird brain, and Devastate shook his head while returning to the others.

Reza smiled at Devastate and Smaug, her eyes then looked back at Hunter who was actually leaving. This left a bad taste in her mouth.

"Whoa where are you going!?!", squawked Skyfall.

"I'm leaving. This group ain't for me.", coldly replied Hunter.

Smaug frowned upon hearing his words, and Cripple looked at Reza with a bit of concern. Hunter continued to walk away, never once looking back at them.

Scarface looked uneasy and it only grew when Hunter said, "I will see you all again. I guarantee it."

With his words finally finished he disappeared into the trees, while the others watched him leave. Out of all of them however, Reza was the most uncomfortable. She knew that he would be back to try and obtain her, just that thought infuriated her.

"Hm, he is up to no good.", sourly frowned Smaug.

Reza looked at him, her eyes as sharp as a fang. "I know."

Her words made Smaug glare after Hunter, while Devastate frowned.

Silence soon fell over them for a little bit, it was lifted when Cripple looked at Devastate and Smaug. "Thank you." Her head lifted up to Skyfall as she smiled, "Same goes to you, bird brain!?!"

"HEY!?!", squawked Skyfall who about fell from the sky for he made a funny pose. "Not you too!?!"

Smaug out right laughed, "Yes!?!"

Devastate shook his head with a smirk, "Come on, let's return to the community before anything else happens."

Scarface laughed a bit, "Agreed!"

With that said, they all began returning on their way to return to their home. Finally they were able to find Gullet, and now they can focus on returning to safety which was the community. As they all walked and conversed with themselves, there was one distant silhouette who was following close behind.