
The world will forever be around, holding so many things such as danger and beauty. So vast the sky was with the sun perfectly perched within the ocean of light blue with clouds. Everything was in order just like the food chain which has been around for millions of years. All living things know their place while others fight against it, for they wanted to change their own fate.

"Look there!" spoke a large predator who was a rex, for Lesion's party could see the community within their sights. So long have they traveled to get this far, traversing through countless sights and lands while keeping on guard for danger.

Lesion looked at the community in great surprise and excitement, for he would soon be reuniting with his family. The only one that he has ever known. "The moment we reach there, I want you all to rest and regain your energy."

"Yes leader!" swiftly replied the small party of rexes who had been following him, for their leaders voice was that of top priority. Lesion nodded to them showing them his gratitude, and they responded with a nod of their own.

This party was well equipped for their armor on their large bodies gave it away, they were also trained to fight once the blind was to show themselves from the shadows of the trees. The blind were always not to far behind, for they had been known to show up undetected and ambush those who were not ready.

Lesion who was up front led his small party to the community as they got closer to it. The walls of the community look to be strong, with countless of bone spikes sticking out of the ground in front of them. As they got closer did they take notice of the door being pushed open, and to greet them was a familiar face. Well to Lesion anyway. "Grim!"

Grim blinked at the voice and it took him a bit to recognize Lesion, for he had the trike skull upon his cranium. Which signifies the high rank of a leader from his clan. It didn't take long for the behemoth to say something though, for it was definitely Lesion. Just by looking at him, Lesion has grown up rather well which made Grim feel very proud. "Well I'll be! You look good as a leader?"

Lesion smiled which showed all of his fangs that were within his mouth. "Thanks! I honestly hope that the others will like how far I have grown! Plus I can't wait to tell my dad everything!"

Grim smirked as he shifted his large head to the side which was his way of saying that Lesion and his party could come in. But his eyes lowered, due to Lesion speaking about his father. Lesion was not aware of what had happened to his father, and he knew that the news would tore him up inside. It was a normal response however, to lose those who were in a family. The pain of heartache was a horrible thing, for it took a long time to get over. "The others will be happy to see you. I know it."

Lesion nodded with his smile still evident, but his head tilted some to when Grim lowered his gaze. Something must of happened for him to look like that. "Is something wrong?", he of course asked him.

Grim looked at him silently before nodding. "Yeah. Can we talk alone for a bit?"

"Of course!" nodded Lesion before looking at the small party of rexes who had came here with him. "You guys go ahead in and wait for me.", he said this with a smile and respect to them. He then watched them nod and follow his orders, for they walked inside of the community without question.

Grim's expression was quite proud looking, for it was like he was feeling it from Bloodmaw. Even though he was no longer there with them. "Well how do I say this respectfully?"

Lesion looked at Grim curiously before smiling. "Just say it! Oh, I also have news as well!"

"Oh yeah?" blinked Grim who looked at Lesion with a small smile. "From the size of that smile it be good news?"

Lesion laughed while grinning, for he looked a tad bit embarrassed. Though he was wearing the skull on his head, it was hard to see if he was embarrassed. The only thing that gave it away however was his eyes. "It is good news! I am going to be a father real soon!"

Grim's expression was quite humorous upon hearing the news. "My word! You mean to tell me that there will be miniature Lesions running about?"

"You make it sound like it is a bad thing?", laughed Lesion in faint embarrassment. "I assure you that my offspring will not be that bad!"

Grim chuckled a bit at the reaction that he had got from Lesion. This was wonderful news to be sharing, and Grim was honestly happy for him. Unfortunately however the news that he had to share with Lesion was not good news. Which pained him greatly, for he hated to have to tell him the news of his father's death. But he needed to know, he had the right to know.

Besides if he didn't tell him, someone else will. "That is great news. But the news I have to share with you is not so good."

Lesion looked at Grim with a surprised look on his face, but he nodded as if knowing about it. "I heard about what happened to the first community. That was awful that it happened!"

Grim nodded in agreement without saying anything, for he was trying to think about the words he was going to say. His response made Lesion feel a little uncomfortable, for Grim was looking down at the ground with little to no eye contact. Lesion felt bad for some reason, for Grim was not one to do this. The beast who was Grim was a confident warrior, who hardly looked upset about something. Not to mention that he was not good in showing some emotions. "Lesion we lost your father at the first community."

Lesion blinked as his smile quivered, his gaze shook in a different variety of emotions. "What do you mean lost? You mean he got separated?"

Grim's expression became a painful one, and as he looked at Lesion right now. He could see that he was trying to not believe his words. Damn! He hated to do this but it must be done. "No, your father was killed not long before the raid happened. We had a burial for him as well. I am honestly sorry."

"That can't be...! He couldn't of!" painfully spoke Lesion whose eyes were very watery looking in appearance. The words from Grim were starting to sink in, though his mind was having trouble to process it. "He couldn't of died yet! I wanted to show him what a good leader I was! Dad can't be dead!"

Grim's face was clouded over in sadness, as he watched Lesion speak to himself. "I don't doubt that he knew what a good leader you would be. He was always proud of both you and Jr with the entirety of his breath."

Lesion closed his eyes very tightly as extremely hot tears spilled from his eyes, his heart ached so painfully to this news. The burning in his throat only made his heart hurt more, as he lowered his cranium. It honestly seemed like yesterday that he saw his father, when they went their separate ways. "Was it a good burial...?"

Grim nodded at him, for Lesion asked this in a painful way. Seeing the tears that Lesion spilled out for his father, made him feel incredibly sad. "It was. Many looked up to him, and wished for him to rest peacefully."

Lesion looked at him once he lifted his head, he allowed a small smile to appear on his maw. "I'm glad. Dad was always so respectful to others, it didn't matter who or what they were..."

"He was and I can see him in you quite strongly. You managed to fix a clan of rexes who lost their way, and you showed them the same respect that your father had.", replied Grim as he looked at Lesion rather proudly. "Your father is in both you and your brother now."

Lesion was surprised by Grim's words and he smiled before asking as stray tears escaped his eyes. "Grim would you join me and my clan?"

Grim looked at him faintly stunned before staring at Lesion in silence. Lesion probably asked this to him, only cause him and his father were very close to each other. It was clear that he wanted Grim to be with him, so that he could have something similar to his father nearby for guidance. Lesion probably needed him more than anything else at this moment. How could he possibly say no to him. "Of course. I need to talk to Razzak about it though?"

Lesion looked relieved as he nodded, he even smiled with his tear soaked eyes which were closed. "Okay. Thank you!"

Grim nodded with a bit of a smirk, he then turned around to walk inside of the community. "Come on in, I am sure everyone will want to see you again."

Lesion nodded quickly while shaking his head in order to discard some tears from his eyes. He was going to see the others who were a family to him, and the last thing he wanted them to see was him crying. "Right!", after speaking did he follow Grim inside.

Looking back at him, Grim smirked a bit more before stopping and looking back which gained Lesion's attention. "Grim?"

Grim glanced back at him before turning to face the community door, for others were approaching. Those who were coming however were Cripple and the others, with Skyfall flying over them. "Welcome back.", welcomed Grim.

"Thanks." replied Devastate who blinked at a familiar face for Lesion walked up in great happiness.

"Hey guys long time no see!" smiled Lesion as he looked at them. His eyes warmed up to Scarface who ran over grinning, "Whoa look at you! Nice looking skull you got there!"

Lesion laughed at Scarface who was looking him over like a proud family member. Even Devastate was smiling at Lesion and how much he has grown. Cripple smiled at them for she was happy to see them looking so pleased, she even shared her smile with Ahnyx, who of course smiled back. Scalpmuzzle was beside Gullet as they watched everyone interact with one another. For the vibe was very welcoming and happy.

"I am a leader now!", smiled Lesion as he looked at Scarface who stood at his side. "I am here visiting! I also hope to form an alliance with you all?"

Smaug walked up and stopped as he watched them silently, his eyes soon shifted to look at Skyfall who flew over them and entered the community without them.

Reza who was behind them merely stopped and looked back, for she was looking for anything suspicious. After all there was a certain beast who was still out there, and that beast was Hunter. She knew that he was not going to give up on her, and just knowing that made her feel very uncomfortable.

Grim merely snorted out a faint laugh for Lesion was still a chatterbox. "You all can talk more inside, it be safer anyway."

With that said, Grim led everyone else back inside and once they were in, did he push the community door shut behind them.

Lesion was happy to be with those who were his family again, but his eyes soon looked over the inside of the community quite impressed. For all of the hard work really pulled off, and now the community looked to be in excellent condition. Many of those within the community were doing their jobs as well, and they were doing it well. "Wow!?!"

Scarface smiled at Lesion, for he could see that he was blown away by what was before him. "It took a while to get done but we managed to do it in the..."

Before the allosaurus could finish his words was he grabbed all of a sudden by a worried Ruby. "Thank goodness you are okay!?!"

"R-Ruby!?!" stammered Scarface who was very flustered about being hugged all of a sudden. His reaction made many laugh, for his face was seriously humorous.

Scalpmuzzle snickered as Ruby refused to let him go, while nuzzling him, and poor Scarface had to accept it in the end. Lesion couldn't help but laugh for both Ruby and Scarface were the same as always. It really made him happy.

"Devastate!" called out Belle who was running up to him in great relief. She was very happy that he was back home. "I was so worried about you!"

Devastate blinked at her and glared lightly at Smaug who was giving him a teasing look. The behemoth merely ignored the smirking spinosaurus as he approached Belle with a kind look. "I am alright."

Belle smiled up at him before taking notice of Lesion which made her smile. "It is good to see you again!"

Lesion nodded to her very happy, for he really did feel like he was home again. "Likewise!"

Grim watched as many others were now approaching, for they recognized Lesion's voice from anywhere. Jr was however quickly running over with great energy, for he was able to see his brother again. "Lesion!?!"

Lesion taking notice of him was quick to grin at him as he approached him as well, both brothers looked to be incredibly happy to see one another again. This experience was a warming one, for all of them were happy to see Lesion again.

Scarface smiled before saying, "You guys catch up! I will be back! Got to make sure to tell Ripper we are back!"

The allosaurus wormed himself away from Ruby who pouted lightly before smiling as she watched him go. She knew how embarrassed he got when she was always around. Plus others laughed at the faces he makes when she hugs him out of no where.

Devastate merely smiled lightly at Belle as she looked up at him happily. "Why don't we rest up for a bit?"

Belle nodded for she was on board with that idea. "Definitely! I bet you all are tired!"

Lesion smiled for he couldn't wait to talk with all of his family again, it honestly felt like forever since they had last talked. "A good rest sounds like a good idea!"

With that decided, did they all move to rest together and talk again, just like old times. It took sometime for them to rest, for many residents were still doing their jobs for the day. Once the evening approached, did many of those who were working were finally able to rest.

As they all finally got settled in after a successful days work, did the clan of Bloodmaw lay together as they talked with Lesion. For he really wanted to chat with everyone again, for he missed them greatly.

Lesion was laying beside his brother, who was very eager to talk to him again. Jr really wanted to know how his clan was doing as well, for that clan of rexes had definitely lost their way after the loss of that no good clan leader, Dreadtooth.

Swiftscale was beside Ebony, while Harmony was laying with Eden and Enyo who were already asleep.

Gambit was sitting among them with Wraith, who was listening while also keeping an eye on Loa. For the little raptor was resting well with Devokus, as the both of them were asleep at Devastate's side. Belle was very happy to see the both of them looking completely comfortable with both her and Devastate. They really were a family, and it didn't matter if they were related or not.

"It was a challenge but I managed to fix the clan, I honestly see them as my family as well?" smiled Lesion as he talked to everyone who was in the clan of his father, plus there were others who were new but were apart of the family.

Helm was happy to see Lesion doing so well, for he looked just like his father. Still though it pained him still about the death of Dingo, for Dingo would of been happy to have seen Lesion again. Perhaps him and Bloodmaw were talking to one another in the afterlife about this proud moment. Helm felt happy once he had thought such thoughts.

Scarface smiled while Ruby laid at his side, as he nodded to Lesion. "Looks like you will have three families huh?"

Jr smiled as Lesion laughed as he nodded in agreement, this honestly was a good thing to have happened to them. For they were enjoying each other's company. Nina was with Harmony while Adder was with Reza, more or less talking something's over.

Swiftscale smiled at Lesion as he asked, "Did you ever imagine that you would be a leader one day?"

Gambit sort of laughed. "If I remember correctly he was upset about Jr wanting to fight, while he wanted to play?"

Lesion laughed at Gambit remembering that moment all to well, and even Jr chimed in. "Oh I remember him looking at me devastated and going all, you ain't my brother!"

That gained some wonderful laughter for Cripple looked at him curiously with a smile. "Did he really do that!"

Scalpmuzzle snickered while Ahnyx pictured that within his head, for young siblings were funny like that.

Jr nodded while Lesion smiled in light embarrassment. This only increased the laughter among themselves. As they all laughed, Grim was approaching Razzak however who was making his normal rounds within the community. "I need to speak with you if that be alright?"

Razzak turned to look at him curiously, though he still held his stern posture. "What is it?"

Grim looked at him silently before continuing, "I have been asked to join a clan of Bloodmaw's son, and I wanted to ask if it would be okay for me to do so?"

Razzak looked at him before shifting his gaze on the laughter that went on, his eyes landed on Lesion as he spoke. "That be a shame, you are a good warrior."

Grim nodded firmly with his eyes closed. "I know but I figure he wants me nearby, for I was really close to his father?"

Razzak frowned at the mentioning of Bloodmaw, for he lowered his gaze. "Bloodmaw was a good beast. It really hurt when we lost him."

"Indeed.", replied Grim who felt a faint pain in his chest. He missed Bloodmaw greatly, for he really was like a father to him in some ways. "So I take it that I can join his clan?"

Razzak nodded while looking away from him and walking as he continued to do his rounds. "You may."

Grim nodded at him respectfully. "Thank you." After saying these words did he walk to where the others were, and where the laughter was the purest.

So much was happening in the community, for so many creatures were working extremely hard to make it work. Ripper was talking with Amberhide and at his heels was Zorah, for the young trike would always return to him after finishing the teaching session with Swiftscale. Jaeger was also there, for he took the rank given to him well.

Ripper was actually pleased that Scarface and the others returned safe and sound, furthermore he had talked with Lesion about forming an alliance with a large clan of nothing but rexes. All of this was good news for Ripper as well as the community. They would be able to help each other if something bad was to happen.

While things were steadily looking up, there was something brewing in the woods outside of the community. Lockjaw and Clade who were watching the clan wall took notice of some strange sounds in the distance. These sounds held both pain and fear, as the stale stench of blood wafted through the air.

"Something be going on out there?" frowned Clade as he looked at Lockjaw.

Lockjaw frowned not liking what was going on. "There is an attack happening out there."

"What should we do?" asked Clade whose claws flexed silently in the evening air.

"Go tell Razzak and be sure to get a few others out here just in case, I will keep watch." replied Lockjaw who was clearly ready for something to happen.