
The thing was?

Attacks were always common in such a harsh reality like ours, and it showed that we were use to it, as sad as that was. The blind beast who stalk the lands were everywhere, and they were always up to something. Then there was those who were conscious, who had a knack for following their own selfish beliefs.

These beasts who were like us in thought, didn't share the same ideas as others. Even going out of their way to prove that their way was best, and if rejected by us do they retaliate.

It has and will always happen in our lifetime, so we must be strong and ready for when it finally shows itself.

Clade was quick to look for Razzak, since he was told to by Lockjaw. If something was about to happen then they must be prepared for it. As his form left to go into the community, did it only leave Lockjaw to stand and watch.

Lockjaw stood his ground as the lands were beginning to take on a darker tone. Night was surely approaching, and soon the sun will disappear completely behind the vast mountains in the distance. Strongly he stared out, as his nostrils flared with each breath. The aroma of blood was so overwhelming, it could almost burn the eyes.

Whatever was happening out there, it was not good. Honestly it brought a foul taste in his mouth, and made his stomach turn in a painful way. Lockjaw seriously didn't want anything to happen to his family, for that was all that the brute cared about. If anything was to happen to them, then he may as well just die with them.

Sharply he heard a large branch snap in the distance, his massive cranium was quick to look in that direction. Lockjaw's maw shook in great aggression, as he showed his fangs. Ready to use them.

He had such a strong impulse to walk out there, and deal with the threat himself. The mere thought of just standing there while he did nothing. Infuriated him beyond belief.

"Lockjaw!" firmly called out Razzak as he ran to him with Clade behind him. "What's going on!"

Lockjaw firmly shifted his gaze to look at Razzak as he stopped at his side. Clade was looking out there with Rigor, who looked to be restless.

"I believe there is an attack happening out there. I also feel like we are not alone." growled Lockjaw in reply as his hardened gaze turned to where he had heard the branch snap.

Razzak stood tall while strongly sniffing the air, and the moment that he smelt the blood did he glare. In just a small amount of time for Razzak to do this. Another snap immediately happened, making all heads turn in that direction. That was when they noticed, that it was utterly quiet.

Normally the insects make their calls along with the blind beast roaring over them, once nightfall occurs. The fact that there was no sound besides the wind and their breathing, made things incredibly tense.

"Something doesn't feel right..." shook Rigor in great discomfort. "Why is it so damn quiet!"

"Hush!" hissed Razzak without removing his gaze from the slowly darkening woods. Rigor was quick to flinch after being reprimanded by Razzak.

Lockjaw's eyes were looking all over in his desperate attempt to pick up on anything out of the ordinary. He was seeing nothing and that frustrated him, for anything could happen now. It was anyone's guess to when something was going to happen. Just that feeling right now was utterly terrifying.

Clade's claws flexed silently as he was looking side to side, he was just overcome with a sense of dread. They were literally being watched by something, while not being able to see their opponents. In a sense they were vulnerable which was not a good thing.

"This is a time where we need to be on full alert." glared Razzak after a moment of listening and waiting. "Which also means be prepared for anything."

Clade simply nodded much like Rigor, who was feeling so many chills go down his spine right now. Lockjaw looked at him while hearing all that Razzak had to say as he remained silent. Words were not needed now, what was needed was action.

Razzak begrudgingly moved away from Lockjaw, with his own maw displaying his teeth. "I will gather the others. We need the eyes."

As he slowly left did it leave the three brutes on watch, and they could feel the sharp piercing eyes of their well camouflaged enemies. Rigor shivered again as the chills within his body grew, "Damn it! Just who or what is watching us!"

Clade frowned right away as he looked at Rigor, it was clear that he was uncomfortable as well. "I don't know but who or what doesn't matter. What matters is that they are a threat."

Lockjaw snorted loudly which was his way of agreeing with him. "That's right! All threats to us must die!"

Rigor looked at them silently now, he even lowered his head in thought. He looked at Lockjaw as he cautiously asked, "But what if they need help?"

His question made Lockjaw cruelly laugh, and his eyes showed great judgement. "Oh so what? Are we supposed to immediately help them? Throw our lives away for those we don't fucking know?"

Rigor frowned as Clade tried to join in, and it was cause he didn't like where this conversation was going. "Hey guys..."

Rigor looked at Lockjaw firmly in the eyes as best as he could, he really wanted to stand up for himself. "No! I am just saying that not everything deserves to die! Don't get me wrong I get it! Killed or be killed! But we are not the only things living you know!?!"

Clade could only watch as Lockjaw snapped aggressively at Rigor, his fangs were fully bared as well. "Everything wants to kill us! Don't you get it! Both blind and conscious are the same! Drill that in your god damn skull!?! They will not hesitate to kill us!?!"

Rigor's head was quick to lower with his gaze showing alarm. "..!"

Lockjaw's rage could be felt entirely from him and Rigor could sense that it was in someway related to the blind. Clade looked at Lockjaw slowly with faint concern, due to how much aggression was being displayed by him. Trying to maintain his composure did he finally say something. "Let's continue this later?"

Rigor actually felt scared of Lockjaw which said a lot, even his eyes showed it. Shifting his gaze to look at Clade cautiously, he could see that he was not alone. The both of them were definitely shook up by the great aggression that Lockjaw shared just now. This snapping aggression was so irrational which was so much like the beasts who didn't hesitate to kill.

Lockjaw snorted curtly as he looked away from them, his full attention was back on the camouflaged threat. The brute didn't even care if he scared them or not, he made up his mind right then and there. What was important was protecting his family and that was it, nothing else mattered.

Clade looked at Rigor and lightly patted his back in hopes of comforting him, and once he had done so did his eyes look behind himself. Razzak was approaching them with others who protect the community wall behind him. Which were Razzak's unit.

"I want full teams watching the wall tonight, and if something looks strange. Dispose of it." ordered Razzak in a stern growl. The pressure of protecting an entire community was starting to crash down upon him. The fall of the last community was heavily on his mind, and he didn't want this community to fall down either. So many lives were dependent on him, and so he would fight violently to protect them.

Clade nodded at his order, and he walked away with Rigor right on his heels. Lockjaw was right behind them, as many different teams were now on alert and watching the community walls. Razzak was standing in front of the door of the community as a guard, his eyes showing great determination. He was going to protect this community with his life, and if a blind beast was to try and take it away.

Razzak will fight like hell to protect it, until his final breath.

The sound of steps behind him gained Razzak's attention, and that was cause he asked for a helping hand. If there was something out there that they couldn't see, then perhaps a trained tracker could help them. "Scarface I thank you for doing this."

Scarface looked at him with a smile, he didn't mind to give assistance when asked. "Don't thank me. This community is my home now so I got to protect it!"

Razzak looked at him sternly yet there was great respect within his eyes. "So do you notice anything?"

Scarface looked out into the woods that were softly blanketed by darkness, his gaze slowly looking along each of the trees. Slowly walking out a bit from Razzak, did he use his experience as a tracker to help him. The silence that he picked up on made him feel greatly uncomfortable. Not even a roar from the blind was horrifying to witness.

Razzak watched him closely, never once did he stray his gaze from Scarface.

A distant sound of a branch falling down within the trees, gained Scarface's full attention as he stood still. His eyes were now locked onto the direction, as he steadied his breathing to make it barely noticeable. This was a skill he picked up on, for he must be completely still and patient. Being reckless and making sound would do little to help him when it came to hunting.

In a brief moment did he see three silhouettes moving underneath the trees, for they were a blur as they ran across. Scarface immediately locked onto them as he saw more, which almost made his heart drop into his stomach. These movements were so well coordinated, which were far from the blinds level. Then again, some blind could be incredibly smart when it came to hunting and ambushing.

"I see what I assume is a pack?" Scarface's voice was very low to pick up on but Razzak heard it well enough. "They seem to be watching us while using the trees as a type of wall to hide themselves."

Razzak was glaring after hearing that news, who or what was watching them were proving to be smart. This automatically didn't sit well with him, not one bit. If they were that intelligent then that meant that they were in deep trouble. Who knows what they could do?

"So what do you think they will do next?" growled Razzak who was staring at the woods in great disgust. "Will they attack?"

Scarface was frowning now as he kept his eyes on them, "Probably? These silhouettes are large so they can cause great damage if they really wanted to?"

Snorting curtly to himself, Razzak kept his glare firmly on the trees in the direction where Scarface was looking. "Do you think they are blind?"

"I honestly don't know?" replied Scarface who narrowed his eyes. There was one lone silhouette which gained his complete attention, due to its posture. Keeping his eyes narrowed for a moment longer, did they go wide in surprise, "Hold on! One of them is coming this way!"

"What!?!" hissed Razzak as Scarface took a step back in his surprise. "Come here this instant!", he immediately growled at him displaying great protectiveness.

Scarface was quick to follow the order as he ran to stand beside Razzak. The two of them watched as that lone silhouette got closer in such a comfortable gait. This beast showed nothing out of the ordinary, due to how calm they were. Just by how they walked, they weren't scared of anything.

The moonlight was slowly touching the lands in its light now, and the silhouette was almost carefully touched by it. Razzak watched the approaching form with a territorial gaze, and that was cause he didn't know if they were friend or foe. Scarface who was at his side, showed great concern. To him, they appeared to be so relaxed which didn't sit well with him in the slightest.

"Greetings." spoke the eerily calm silhouette who was much closer now. Their size was rather large, quite a bit larger to a rex. But their head looked so incredibly similar to a metriacanthosaurus. It could be possible that another mutant was talking to them now.

Not to mention that they were a male, for his voice sounded so overly polite and friendly. From how he sounded, it was like he knew them all of his life. Which was not true.

Scarface felt a twinge of dread from this brute, and his battle scarred appearance. His whole entire form was covered in heavily damaged bones, with what look like vines covering them. These vines were being used as some kind of camouflage, and it terrified him. Due to it working so well. In truth he was lucky that he had seen the movement when he did.

That dread only continued to grow, for he reeked of blood. The very same blood that they had been smelling from earlier. It was so thick and overpowering, it could almost make anything retch.

"Who are you." spoke Razzak in a firm tone. It was clear that he was taking this brute very seriously, and wasn't falling for his friendly bullshit.

Slowly the moonlight ran over the brute which made Scarface's eyes go wide. He could see the full severity of his scars and how heavy they lay upon his form. Scarface glanced behind himself slowly seeing that Razzak's unit were indeed watching them, which made him feel so much safer.

"I am your friendly neighbor." replied the brute in a kinder tone. He even closed his garnet mixed orange eyes and gave a smile, but that smile was very haunting.

"Neighbor? Are you alone?" asked Scarface once he felt that he was able to. Glancing at Razzak did he see that he was not buying anything that he was saying. Truthfully he didn't buy it either.

"Oh no I am not alone." the brute looked behind himself as he looked toward the woods in the distance. "There be a few others with me. Would you like to meet them?", eerily asked the brute to Scarface as he smiled.

Seeing that smile made Scarface feel sick, and it was not that long for him to place the smell of this brute. He reeked of rotten flesh, probably even worse than that. "No thanks."

"Aw that is to bad? You see we made a pretty big kill earlier and was hoping to share it with you all." sighed the brute who looked greatly saddened.

"We don't need it. We got enough." glared Razzak now whose maw quivered. He was trying so hard to stay civil and not attack this brute. Especially when he has others who follow his orders, and were watching them.

"I see so is this perhaps?" asked the brute now as he looked at the walls of the community in a way similar to scanning. His eyes shifted to look at all of Razzak's unit who were watching him as well.

Scarface didn't like how he was looking at everything, it was like he was sizing it up. Just that gesture alone, proved that he was a threat. Despite his friendly facade. Razzak was quick to notice this as well without much effort, and he was glad that he did.

"What do you want?" asked Rigor which gained the attention of the brute. Scarface was quick to look at Rigor much like Razzak, they definitely didn't expect this.

"I don't want anything but thank you for asking." chuckled the brute who again smiled. He then glanced at the community door before turning around and leaving. Stopping to look back did he say, "See you all again tomorrow night."

Razzak glared sharply but didn't say anything, while Scarface watched him go with a tense expression. Even his eyes shook showing great concern.

Why would he come back?, unless he definitely wanted something after all?

"Keep a firm watch of the community walls." firmly ordered Razzak once the brute was out of range to hear him. Though he didn't doubt that they were still being watched by him and those who follow him.

Scarface kept his eyes on the brute, as Razzak talked to his unit. He blinked abruptly though to Razzak saying his name. "Scarface?"

"Yeah?" responded Scarface who looked at Razzak now. He blinked a few times which made Razzak sigh while closing his eyes, "Go back inside and tell Amberhide everything that has happened. We need to let Ripper know of this as well."

Scarface was quick to nod as he walked inside the community, and as he does he couldn't help but look back. Due to Razzak standing firmly in front of the community door, with a firm glare that meant business.