
Razzak looked outside for the longest time after Scarface had left, with a firm expression upon his face. He did not trust these new comers, due to their shadiness. The fact that they stayed away from them as they watched them, meant that they were planning something.

There was just something off about them with how they acted, and how that one male from before was looking over the community in such a way, bothered him to no end.

He didn't trust them, as far as he could throw them.

Narrowing his eyes sharply, did he decide to stay outside of the community with his unit. He was going to make sure that nothing bad happens, and if something does happen would he put a stop to it. Once and for all.

Time slowly went by, after the encounter with that one brute.

Scarface who was inside of the community now, was quite worried about what had happened. He honestly didn't know what was going to happen tonight, after all that brute wants to talk to them again.

For what purpose? To lower their guard?

Were they thinking to attack the community once they were distracted!

"Is everything okay?" asked Ruby who was quick to stand and look at Scarface who was returning. Her eyes showed her concern, as she laced her clawed fingers together.

"There are some who are conscious outside of the community." replied Scarface as he looked at Ruby. "They wish to talk to us again on the next night?"

"That is alarming." frowned Lesion as he laid with those who were his family. Even his small party of rexes who traveled there with him, showed great displeasure to this news.

"I thought something was up?" spoke Ahnyx as he looked at the front of the community. "Razzak definitely seemed upset about something? So I guess that is why?"

Cripple looked at Scarface quite seriously. "Do they look untrustworthy to you?"

Scarface somewhat nodded, which made Cripple frown more. "The brute who talked with us seemed very shady? He even looked at the community wall as if sizing it up."

Jr looked at the wall of the community, his gaze shifted all around it. "The wall goes all around and covers so much land? So if they do attack..."

Lesion nodded as he looked at the wall as well. "Which side would be attacked first?"

"They won't attack now but you never know?" frowned Scarface.

Cripple didn't like this not one bit, and she wasn't the only one. Everyone here who was sitting together showed the same expression as she was.

Grim merely snorted, with his gaze locked on the community door. "Just be prepared for anything. If they do attack, they will do it when we least expect it."

"True." sighed Scarface. "We just have to keep our guard up."

Gambit shook his head with his eyes closed, but he blinked abruptly to Wraith who was getting up. He didn't even get a chance to say anything to her as she walked off.

Belle watched her leave before looking at Gambit in her curiosity. "Where is she going?"

"How the hell do I know!" groaned Gambit. "She does whatever she wants!"

"Maybe she is checking around the wall?" asked Belle curiously.

"Maybe?" sighed Gambit as he shrugged his shoulders with his eyes closed. "I wouldn't worry about it?"

Belle couldn't help but nod to him, while she lays beside Devokus and Loa. She smiled at them as they slept, before looking at the door of the community. Belle was worried about Devastate since he was guarding the wall for tonight. Hopefully nothing bad does happen, but there was that chance that something might happen. For right now all that she can do is pray.

Harmony who was sitting beside Nina, looked at the front of the community as well with her own thoughts. Her thoughts were on Lockjaw, and how he worked himself to death just to keep them safe.

She didn't doubt that he would be fine, but the news of untrustworthy new comers made her feel uneasy. Shifting her gaze to her two daughters who were asleep at her side, made her softly smile. But only for a moment.

"I will be right back. I need to let both Ripper and Amberhide know." nodded Scarface to Ruby.

"Okay!" smiled Ruby with a stunning smile as she watched Scarface walk off.

Giving her a smile in response, Scarface walked away in the direction where Ripper was.

It was clear that many were feeling uncomfortable right now, and that feeling was quick to grow. Due to how serious Razzak looked. If he had a bad feeling about something, then that meant that trouble was not to far behind.

Furthermore, he had to get a lot of his unit together just to guard the community wall just for tonight. Though there was some of his unit who were still inside of the community, but that was cause they would be taking turns, as they guarded the wall.

"Well let's try to get some sleep, it is best to get enough rest in a event that something does occur?" suggested Ahnyx.

"Yeah I agree!" smiled Cripple to Ahnyx. "Goodnight guys!"

"See you bright and early!" replied Scalpmuzzle who was more than ready to go to sleep. After all they had been through so much the last couple of days, and were ready to rest.

With that being decided, did they all turn in for the night. Though there were still a few of them who were awake, but that was due to both worry and bothersome thoughts.

"Scarface?" blinked Ripper as he looked at the approaching allosaurus.

Jaeger nodded toward Scarface the moment he had walked up, and Scarface smiled returning the gesture right back.

"I just came to tell you that there is a pack outside of the community. They seem rather strange as well?" finally spoke Scarface once he had finished nodding to Jaeger.

Ripper was quick to frown at this news, "Is that so?"

"Yeah." frowned Scarface. "Razzak is staying outside just to keep an eye on things."

Jaeger sighed closing his eyes. "If he is staying outside, then that means one thing?"

"They are not friendly." glared Ripper. "Plus the community might be targeted now."

Scarface looked at the both of them silently before adding, "One of them even approached us, and said something about talking to us again on the next night."

"How many are there?" asked Jaeger.

"I am not sure?" replied Scarface truthfully. "But they were wearing vines which they use for camouflage?"

"Really!?!" blinked Ripper in his surprise. He has never heard of such a thing, such as vines being used as camouflage. This really was a shocking thing to him.

"Yeah." nodded Scarface honestly.

Ripper stared at him for sometime as he let this information sink in, before looking at Jaeger. "Since they use vines as camouflage, this just makes things more dangerous."

"Indeed it does." replied Jaeger. "This pack knows what they are doing."

Scarface could see that the both of them were taking this very seriously, which made him feel good deep down. He was even glad that they saw this pack as an immediate threat. Nodding his head at them, did he add. "I am also supposed to tell Amberhide about this as well."

"I will tell him for you." replied Jaeger who smiled toward him. "You should go ahead and get some rest?"

"I guess so? Let me know if you need anything?" asked Scarface now with a smile.

"Of course." nodded Jaeger. "Good work today."

"Thanks!" smirked Scarface as he looked at Jaeger before nodding at Ripper respectfully. After doing these gestures, did he walk back to the others.

As Scarface left, did Ripper look at Jaeger with a serious look in his eyes. "A pack of conscious who use vines as camouflage, I don't know if I should be scared or impressed?"

"Heh, I agree." smirked Jaeger with his eyes closed.

His eyes soon opened after a moment of thought, with his head down. "But if they are smart enough to camouflage themselves, this just means that we are in serious trouble if they were to attack."

"They won't." glared Ripper. "I will attack them first."

At Ripper's words, did Jaeger look at him with his eyes somewhat wide. "We don't even know how many of them are there? Are you sure you want to do that?"

Ripper responded quickly with a nod, "I have to think about the community first before anything else."

"I know but isn't that a little reckless?" asked Jaeger now. "Yes the community is important, but we need a plan before we even think about attacking?"

Ripper tapped his right claw upon his lower lip, his gaze was fixed on the starry sky that hung over them. "Go ahead and make a plan then if you want?, I will think about what to do next."

"Alright." nodded Jaeger as he watched Ripper think to himself. He just hoped that things would work out for them, but that wasn't always the case.

After all a plan could easily fail, if your opponent was one step ahead of you.

Would it be wise to attack?

What if it backfires?

That was the only thing that crept up within his mind, and so now all that he could do was wait. Who knows? Ripper may come up with a good plan in the end, which in turn will send that pack running.

Jaeger smirked as he shifted to walk away now, with his eyes still on Ripper. "I am going to tell Amberhide."

"Alright." replied Ripper with his gaze still fixed on the stars. His eyes were narrowed sharply, due to him thinking extremely hard. The words earlier from Jaeger definitely made him think. Making a plan would probably be a good idea, rather than running blindly into a fight.

Departing from Ripper in a calm gait for a short time, did Jaeger leave him to his thoughts.

"Skyfall!" curtly called Ripper. His head remained looking upward at the night sky, before his cranium lowered.

"Yes!" chirped the pteranodon accordingly, his wings made a distinct whooshing sound. The moment he landed on the ground, and stood before Ripper. Skyfall then tilted his head afterwards, while waiting for him to speak.

Hearing the sound of the flyers wings cutting through the air and soon landing, did Ripper face him. "I need you to keep an eye on that pack."

"Oh okay! For how long?" asked Skyfall curiously.

Ripper stared at him silently, before replying. "For the whole day."

Skyfall nodded as he kicked himself up into the air, his powerful wings keeping him afloat. "The whole day! Got it!"

Ripper watched him as Skyfall repeated the words to himself a few more times, and once he had gotten it down, took off.

"What a scatterbrain!" snorted Zorah. The little trike even turned up her nose, to show her annoyance.

"Pfft!" smirked Ripper as he looked down at her. "Shouldn't you be going to bed? Ain't it past your bedtime?"

"Nope! I don't need sleep!" sternly spoke Zorah with both her head and tail up. "I am not weak! Like some creatures!"

Ripper's smirk was now a smile, as he looked at her in a humorous way. He was definitely teasing the little triceratops now. "You calling me weak then? I sleep you know?"

"HUH!!!" gasped Zorah with a look of terror now, to his words did she think that she had offended him in some way. Shaking her head very fast did she hastily reply, "I DIDN'T MEAN YOU!?!"

Chuckling at her and her faces, Ripper patted her head. "It is okay. Let's go to sleep then?"

"Hmph fine...." grumbled Zorah now in reply. Her eyes looked at him kindly, despite the stubborn face she was making.

At her words and how she acts around him, Ripper knows exactly how Zorah feels about him. This little trike sees him as her hero, and he pretty much was. She favors him, and would do anything that he asks of her.

Just seeing these qualities from her now, would make her into a strong triceratops in the future. He honestly couldn't wait for that day.

Who would of thought that he would be taking care of a little triceratops now?

Life sure did have its surprises.

Ripper smirked at the little trike as he got ready to turn in for the night, his gaze was locked onto her as she laid down beside him. As he watched her get comfortable, did he begin to think of a plan.

A plan that would solve all of their problems as they deal with these pack of strangers, who were outside of their walls.

As time slowly went by for those sleeping in the community, were there others who were not asleep at all. Those who were not asleep were the ones guarding the wall of the community with Razzak.

The constant sounds of footsteps were very loud right now, and it was the only sound that went on throughout the night.

It still was unbelievably quiet, which made things very tense and uncomfortable.

Razzak was still guarding the front door of the community, while the majority of his unit did rounds.

Lockjaw, Clade, and Rigor were walking around the wall much like the others who were outside with them. Adder was also outside after finishing his talk with his mother, but he was walking alongside Devastate now.

"I don't like this." frowned Adder whose eyes were focused on the dense forestry and the pack. That pack was still out there as they watched every single thing that they did. Those distant silhouettes of that pack, would soundlessly move every time, as they inched closer.

"Me neither." growled Devastate in reply. "That pack is up to something."

Adder looked at Devastate but he stopped once Devastate stopped. He knew that Devastate must of noticed something. "What is it?", asked Adder now in a low voice.

Devastate glanced back at Adder in reply, his large cranium motioned toward someone which Adder picked up on. The both of them had their eyes on a familiar form now, which was Smaug.

Smaug was eyeing that pack from the start, and each time they got closer did he actually move toward them.

Something was about to happen, and when it does will all hell break loose.

"Go tell Razzak." glared Devastate.

"Right!" nodded Adder strongly.

The moment that Adder moved away from Devastate, was like the final straw. That pack who was watching them oh so very diligently, immediately reacted.

"THEY ARE ATTACKING!?!" roared Lockjaw.

"DO NOT LET THEM IN!!!" aggressively ordered Razzak. "WE MUST PROTECT THE COMMUNITY!?!"

The pack was rushing toward the community now in such a haste, the numbers that they had were quite astounding, as form after form came barreling out of the woods.

This was not a simple pack, but this was an actual clan!

"THEY ARE ATTACKING!?!" yelled Skyfall as he flew over the community quickly to deliver the alarm. The pteranodon could even see the numbers that their foes had, from where he was.

His alarm throughout the community made many wake up and stand to their feet. Swiftscale was quick to gather the still tired youth, and with Ebony's help was he able to get them all.

Scarface showed his shock to this attack, before glaring. He was going to protect this community, with every fiber of his being. "Let's help Razzak and his unit!"

"Right!" nodded Jr.

"Let's protect our allies!" ordered Lesion confidently to his party of rexes who nodded to his words. His words made Jr smile. It was good to see two brothers coming together again, and fighting alongside each other.

Not only would the brothers fight alongside each other, but the rest of the community was going to fight as well.

This clan was not going to take their home away.

Not by a long shot!