
Loud was the sounds of rushing feet, as this attacking clan closed in upon the community. Their numbers were indeed very large, but the community had many numbers on their side as well. After all they had time to regroup and gather themselves, as time slowly went by after they had lost the first community, to an unfortunate attack by the giant beast along with the blind. Both sides had numbers as well as teamwork, and now it all depended on which side had the most teamwork.

To determine who would win this fight.

Ripper was quick to stand up as he listened to the alarm from Skyfall, and from where he stood could he see the pteranodon within the sky. His eyes were quick to narrow as he moved into action, his words were very stern yet serious. "Everyone gather up now! Do not give them any openings! Fight together as one!?!"

His voice was alive, as it flowed from one creature to another upon the air. Each individual beast no matter who they were looked in his direction before nodding, as they followed his command. This fight was going to be a serious one, for no one wanted to lose this community which was their home.

Hawkeye stood tall and proud, as he heard the call from Ripper. His lone eye showed his seriousness as he delivered his call, a call to all herbivores who were nearby. "Stand together!?! Prevent them from entering!?!"

All the herbivores who worked alongside him moved into action. As they stopped what they were doing, did they move forward, and ran to the front door of the community.

The herbivores that could fight stood their ground, and would act as a second door. While the others within the community, would have to be extra vigilant as they watch the community walls. After all this attacking clan would force themselves in, if they couldn't get past the strong defenses from both herbivores and predators, that were outside of the walls.

Ahnyx and Belle showed their concern, as they listened to the sounds outside of the community wall. These sounds that they were hearing were definitely overwhelming.

"Hopefully everyone will be okay?" Softly asked Belle as she stood beside Ahnyx who was looking at all of the residents who were moving into action.

"I believe they will be." Nodded Ahnyx as he shifted his gaze to look at Belle, his features were very kind. "I just have that feeling."

His voice and words, made Belle feel so much better that she couldn't help but smile to him and nod. She knew that all of those who were living in the community, would not let it fall again. Every single creature and beast will fight their hardest, just to protect their home.

Gambit was walking over to Ahnyx and Belle, as he watched everything that was happening. His sharp eyes watched all of the trikes who were within the community, move to the front door of the community like literal tanks of nature. Their large muscular bodies were covered with layers of bones mixed with log like armor. Even their horns had sharp bones tied to them, which in turn would double their damage if they were to charge.

Hawkeye was the one who decided to do this with all of the trikes that they had, as an extra measure of security. Not only that but it made the trikes look very intimidating.

Gambit couldn't deny that he was impressed with Hawkeye, for he knew what he was doing. Plus all of the herbivores respected him and his guidance. Sure, there was Ripper who led all of the community, but Hawkeye was like the head of all of the herbivores in a way. Due to how they moved quickly into action after Hawkeye gave the order, without delay. He looked at Hawkeye with a bit of a smile, as he watched the herbivore work with what he had.

Scarface who was the leader of the hunting group, was also showing some fine qualities of leadership. As he walked toward the walls of community, was he followed by those who were within it as well.

Cripple looked at the wall curiously before looking at Gullet who was right by her side. Scalpmuzzle and Goong were also there along with Helm. Jr and Lesion were joining them, along with his party of rexes who were from his clan.

"I don't doubt that the enemy clan will try to force their way into the community! We need to make sure that doesn't happen!" Firmly spoke Scarface as he looked at the wall for a time before shifting his eyes away from it. "The community is counting on us to help! So we will!"

Helm nodded toward him, as he looked along each side of the walls. "I will gather some more residents to help with that."

Scarface nodded to him as he watched Helm run off, his head then looked at Cripple as she asked. "How do you want to do this?"

"Hm." Frowned Scarface as he thought of an idea on how to do this. "We form teams!"

Jr nodded at him and smiled at Lesion who looked ready to fight alongside his brother. Even his words showed it. "Those guys won't know what hit them! We will not be stopped!"

"Damn right!" Laughed Jr to his brother with a smile. His smile of course grew to a grin at Scarface who nodded strongly with a smile of his own.

Scarface could see the strength that all of them had, and he felt empowered by it. "We won't be stopped! They will not take our home away!"

Goong nodded and smiled at Scalpmuzzle and Cripple, who both nodded in agreement with smiles on their faces. Then there was Gullet who was wagging his tail and letting out a loud whine, which was his way in joining in with them. He may not understand what they were saying, but he knew how Cripple felt and so expressed the same energy as her.

Scarface smiled more than ever before, for he was happy to see that everyone felt the same as him. He however looked at the community wall with a strong look upon his features, as he bared his fangs slightly from his mouth. The intent to keeping the community safe, was so strong that it burned within his heart. He was not going to lose another home, not again.

"Let's do this!" Strongly nodded Scarface and he smiled at the others behind him, who nodded with him. It was like they were feeling the same thing as he was.

As Scarface and the others formed teams to protect the inside of the walls, was there many more who were trying to prepare for when things become so serious as well as bad. With the attacking clan closing in, they all knew how dangerous things were going to get.

Swiftscale and Ebony were busy gathering the young ones who were within their care as of now. They were not alone either, for Nina and Harmony was there along with Ruby. Eden and Enyo were with their mother, while Devokus was keeping an eye on Loa.

"I think that is everyone? Oh!" Blinked Swiftscale as he took notice of Ripper who was walking over.

"No!?! I can help!" Yelled Zorah loudly in defiance. All four of her feet were kicking about, as she tried to escape Ripper's grasp. "PUT ME DOWN!?!"

"I am sorry but you are to young!" Firmly scolded Ripper with a strong look as he looked at the rebelling trike within his claws. "I don't want you getting hurt! So it is best for you to stay here with Swiftscale and the others!"

Zorah looked at Ripper with a stubborn face, but her eyes shook violently due to her being on the verge of tears.

Ripper's expression changed to a caring one as he looked at the upset little trike. "Be a good girl and wait for me."

Swiftscale smiled as he was handed Zorah, who was looking at Ripper with a saddened expression. "We will take care of her."

"Please do.", replied Ripper as he gave a smile back to the baryonyx.

Swiftscale nodded to him before blinking lightly to Ruby who scooped the little trike within her arms. He however smiled as he saw Zorah break down within Ruby's arms, and watched Ripper who of course patted her head softly. The look that Ripper had upon his face was that of a creature who cares about another.

After patting Zorah's head did he look at Swiftscale with a serious look that belonged to a leader. "I need you all to move in the very back of the community. Hawkeye and a few of our strongest residents will keep you all safe."

"Right." Nodded Swiftscale as he softly coaxed Devokus and Loa to be in front of him.

Ebony smiled at Ripper before following Swiftscale, and right behind her was Nina. Harmony was following after Nina as well, as she made sure that her two daughters were at her side.

Ripper watched as they left toward Hawkeye and the few others who were in the back. He also saw Reza who was back there along with a brute who was called Savagejaw. Ripper soon shifted his gaze to the front door of the community, before looking up at Skyfall. "Keep us posted! We need to know if they will be attacking the walls!?!"

Skyfall was quick to chirp out in reply as he looked down at Ripper. "Will do!?!"

Ripper stared at him before nodding, he then walked to the front of the community in a strong gait. Once there, would he help all of those who were acting as a second door to the community. As the residents within the community prepared for the oncoming assault from the attacking clan.

There was those who were outside of the community walls, for it was their job to protect the community with their very lives.

Razzak was outside of the community along with his unit, as they watched this clan rush in. Their numbers that they had were indeed very impressive, but they were all made up of nothing but carnivores. Which told more about them more than just words, for this clan prioritized power. That and they chose predators over herbivores.

"DO NOT LET THEM IN!?!" Ordered Razzak furiously as he showed off all of the fangs within his mouth.

Lockjaw was quick to nod, much like Clade and Rigor to Razzak's command.

Devastate along with Smaug stood their ground, just like all of the residents who were tasked to protecting the community and its many residents. This battle was going to be a long one, and they all knew it.

There was no turning back now, for all that they can do now is fight.

In a matter of a few seconds, the clan rushed in closer and no longer than that did the scent of blood emerge. The moment that the two sides collided.

Smaug was the one to deliver the first blow to his opponent's face, due to him never turning away from a fight. After hitting his mark, was he quick to attack again by sinking his claws into the lower jaw of the attacking raider.

Not long after Smaug attacked his foe, Devastate attacked his opponent and so on. For Razzak's unit was facing the raiders head on now, and with it did the smell of blood grew.

The raiders who they were all facing now wore the same exact thing, for they all wore some type of camouflage. While others wore both camouflage and bone armor, which gave them a new exotic look. There really was no doubt, for these raiders knew what they were doing which in turn made them very dangerous. So dangerous in fact, that no one dared to let their guard down. Not even for a second.

If they were to let their guard down, then the community would be compromised and many lives would be lost.

Adder grabbed a strong hold of his opponent by the throat, and was swift to crush his jaws upon his windpipe. Once he had killed one, did he move to the next. He was also quick to help out anyone who needed it, which definitely helped greatly to turn the odds in their favor. Just like Adder, the others who were in Razzak's unit followed his example.

They all had each other's backs.

Devastate put an end to his foe by crushing their neck by giving it a cruel stomp, before looking up at Smaug and to his voice. "Heads up!"

The moment he looked up did he see an enemy rex thrown his way by Smaug, and he glared before turning swiftly and delivering a hard tail strike to the side of this rex. His attack was so strong, the sound of a few ribs breaking erupted out afterwards.

"Nice!" Smiled Smaug as he grabbed another raider by their lower jaw. "Don't want you getting too soft!?!"

"Hmph! That is never going to happen!" Retorted Devastate with a smirk of his own.

Smaug smirked more at Devastate's reply as he lifted up the brute by his throat and slammed him back down onto the ground extremely hard. The sound of the earth splintering was quick to surface after he had done so. Afterwards did he look down at the downed raider, and smirked seeing that he couldn't get back up. It was clear that their back was broken, after such an attack.

Devastate's smirk remained on his maw for a little while before going way, as more opponents rushed in. He looked at Smaug and saw that he went running in, and so Devastate followed after him as his smirk returned onto his face.

"I see more coming!" Chirped Skyfall who was in the sky still. His keen eyes were locked on the fight that was going on around the wall.

This news made Ripper glare, as he stood with the herbivores who were guarding the front door. He looked back up at Skyfall before getting an idea, and he looked at each trike that wore the heavy defenses that Hawkeye made. "I need four trikes!"

Hawkeye nodded at him and he directed four trikes to go to Ripper, who was in the back with him.

Amberhide who was curious looked at Ripper in question before looking surprised. After all the look on Ripper's face said a lot. "I need someone who can grind me something!"

Ahnyx looked at him in question. "What exactly do you have in mind?"

Ripper smiled as he looked at him. "I am going to show these bastards what we are really made of! I need you or someone to grind up something to put on the trikes!"

Belle looked confused while Gambit tilted his head as he asked. "Like poison?"

Ripper shook his head but his smile remained. "Something that can paralyze?"

"Here." Replied Wraith all of a sudden from behind Ripper.

Gambit looked at her in surprise, for he didn't know that Wraith could make something like that. Though as he looked at the necklace that she wore, he should of expected it. After all Sawtooth was a crazy beast who messed with both herbs as well as the poisonous kind.

Ripper looked at Wraith silently before taking the leaf bundle that held what he was looking for. The moment he took it from her, did he watch her glare at him some before walking away. His eyes remained on her as she walked over to Gambit, who was looking at her silently.

He knew that Wraith didn't like him still, but he was no doubt surprised that she helped him. Closing his eyes did he decide to forget it for now, since they were still in a dangerous situation. Besides he can think about later.

Ripper took careful time to place the paralysis powder onto each of the trikes horns. He also patted the powder onto the armor that they wore. These four trikes were the biggest ones that they had within the community, and he knew that this would help them in the long run. If this works out, then the raiders would retreat.

Once he was sure that all trikes had enough of the powder, did he approach the front door of the community with the four trikes behind him. As he pushed the doors open, did he watch the trikes walk outside. Ripper was also keeping a sharp eye on everything that was going on outside, and saw that the raiders didn't expect a thing. Due to them still fighting against Razzak's unit.

Lockjaw just got done killing a raider as their body hit the ground, and the moment that he looked up at another did his eyes go wide. A large giganotosaurus was tackled by one of the heavily armored trikes, and after the hit did the large raider plummet to the ground. His eyes watched this large herbivore move to another one, and then another one.

Just the littlest hit from this trike as well as the others, made the raiders seize up to the point that they can not move. Which was astounding to see, not that Lockjaw knew about the powder that was placed upon these four trikes. He wasn't the only one, for all of those in Razzak's unit showed great surprise. Even Razzak himself looked surprise before smirking and shouting out. "FINISH THEM!?!"

As each raider seized up, the other raiders showed great surprise and fear. Of course their fear doubled as many of the residents who could fight, came rushing out of the community to help dispose of the raiders who couldn't move. Ripper who was the leader of the community was leading the attack, which sealed the deal. Due to a vast amount of raiders fleeing from the battle.

This battle of theirs lasted up until the sun was in the sky, to show that it was morning. Miraculously the community didn't lose any of their residents, though there was some who were definitely wounded which was not a big deal.

Ripper smiled as he watched the last of the raiders flee, for his quick thinking helped seal their victory this time. The many residents couldn't help but feel even more confident after winning this battle. They were successful in keeping their home safe.

This was a big victory to every single beast here, and they knew it. Though there was no doubt that the raiders would return, for Ripper's smile vanished from view as he stood before the community door. A lone silhouette was standing in the distance, among the trees in front of the community.

Ripper stared back at him as he saw two red gleaming eyes from this silhouette from the distance, who must of been the leader of the raider clan. Narrowing his eyes slowly at this figure, he could see that they were rather large in size. Along with their size, it was like this beast had different looking horns on top of their head. This silhouette as quickly as it stood there, it quickly vanished within the darkness of the trees.

This was a telling sign to him that these raiders would return, but with a vengeance.