
The community was successful in defending their home from the raiders this time, which no doubt increased their morale and made them feel more confident. Which was good. Just feeling these feelings would help them, and make them stronger. They needed to be stronger, for the raiders would be back. Ripper of course knew that they would be back, and he had a feeling that their leader will be making themselves known. Why did he think that?, well he was certain that he had seen the leader not to long ago. That leader whoever they were, watched what went down. They watched what the community did against this so called, 'attack'.

By watching them, the leader learned their ways so to speak. And Ripper didn't doubt in the slightest that the leader would be changing their tactics in the next attack. But this attack would be far worse than the last. Ripper just had that feeling as he stood there, and continued to watch the outside of the community, while the others supposedly celebrated their victory.

Shifting his attention to Razzak's unit now, did Ripper move toward Razzak. For he had a serious topic to discuss with him.

"Razzak, a word?" spoke Ripper once he was standing in front of him.

"What is it?", asked Razzak with a frim look on his features. Though there was a faint smirk upon his bloody maw, and it was probably cause he felt good about winning against the raiders. However this talk that they will soon be discussing, would no doubt ruin that joy.

"I think we need to prepare for the next attack." suggested Ripper with a serious looking expression. "I believe that I have seen the leader of the raiders not to long ago."

Razzak's smirk was quick to vanish as he listened to Ripper and what he was saying. These words that he was speaking, made him feel uncomfortable. Of course that discomfort went away and was replaced with aggression as he growled out. "Are you certain that you saw their leader?"

"Yes." frowned Ripper as he nodded. "They were large and wore some kind of skull with many horns? I am sure of it.", Ripper's words were honest. After all his sharp eyes were quick to pick up on the many horns that were attached to what looked like a skull. A skull similar to that of a rex, though its size was somewhat larger than that of a normal rex. Sadly, that was the only thing that he took notice of that was on the silhouette that stood in the distance. The skull wasn't the only thing that he saw either, for he saw red glowing eyes as well.

Razzak's eyes were narrowed into a sharp glare now as he turned his head toward the distant woods, the woods that the raiders fled to. "We definitely will prepare for their next attack then.", snarled Razzak who meant business.

"Good.", replied Ripper as he walked back toward the community. Though he stopped and looked back at Razzak as he said. "Make sure that everyone that is within your unit is aware of what we talked about."

"Right." snorted Razzak as he looked at his unit now. His blood covered maw was shivering to show his anger.

Ripper merely watched Razzak for a moment longer, as he watched Razzak call his unit over to speak with them. After seeing them gather up around Razzak, did Ripper walk toward the community and enter it silently. Much like Razzak talking to his unit about what they had talked about, Ripper would be doing the same thing.

"Everyone! Gather up this is important!" called out Ripper once he was in the center of the community. He watched as all of the residents began to walk toward him with both interest and concern.

Scarface was walking over definitely curious, but he had a haunch as to what would be discussed, just like Jr and Lesion. Cripple and Scalpmuzzle were quick to run over, due to them wanting to know what was going on. Gullet of course was right behind Cripple, and stopped at her side once she had stopped. Swiftscale and Ebony were slowly approaching, along with Ruby, Harmony, and Nina. Devokus was with Loa, but blinked to Zorah who rushed over to Ripper without a second thought. Eden and Enyo were with their mother, for they looked scared.

Belle was beside Ahnyx, and right behind them was Gambit and Wraith as they walked over to hear what was going to be said.

Goong and Helm were also there, as they stood behind Scarface.

Everyone within the community was now before Ripper, as they stood there. Even Skyfall, who has landed on the ground now, and looked at Ripper with interest. This topic was going to be a serious one, due to Ripper having a serious look upon his face. Even his eyes showed how serious this matter was.

Ripper didn't waste anytime, as he said, "Let me be first to say that we were successful in stopping this attack from the raiders, and I want to thank you all for your hard work as well as teamwork." His words were genuine, as he allowed a small smile to appear on his maw as he watched everyone nod and some what thank him. But it went away as he continued. "But I want you all to be aware that the raiders will be back, and when they return will this attack be far worse than this one."

Scarface blinked to his words before frowning, due to him agreeing with Ripper. Jr's face showed light concern but it went away as Lesion gave him a smile, in hopes of comforting his brother.

Ripper watched everyone talk to each other in small voices, for his words definitely made them feel unsafe. So that was why he said his next words, and these words were coming from that of a confident leader. "That is why I want us to prepare for that attack. I want us to work together like how we did before, and show them what we are made of!"

His words made made many nod, while some were expressing their agreement and joy. They felt pride and strength from his words.

Jaeger who was the second in command merely smirked as he looked at Ripper. Even Amberhide showed a smile, for Ripper's words were perfect.

Ripper could see it in all of the residents eyes, for they felt empowered by his words. In truth, even he felt strength from his own words. He nodded to them all with a smile, and it wasn't long until he blinked as he looked down to see Zorah at his feet. The little trike was looking up at him with a tough looking smile on her face as she wagged her small tail. Ripper smirked at her as he patted her head, which she giggled to though she tried to hide it. He knew that Zorah was always worrying about him, and so seeing that he was okay must of made her feel tons better.

After patting Zorah's head did he look at everyone as he said, "So let's prepare! They will not take this community from us!"

"Damn right!" snorted Zorah toughly in reply with her eyes closed and a smile. After her words did everyone nod, while some cheered in agreement.

Scarface chuckled before grunting, the moment that Ruby ran over and hugged him. She must of noticed him and couldn't stop herself from giving him a bear hug. His eyes were quick to close as he blushed lightly as Ruby petted the top of his head. "Don't worry sugar! I'll protect you!~"

"Gee thanks...", replied Scarface with a look of embarrassment.

Jr smiled at the both of them, and even Lesion was laughing at them.

Gambit had his eyes closed with a smile on his face while shrugging, as he made his way back to where the herbalist work at with his arms behind his head. "Well let's get to work yeah?"

Wraith merely followed him with her eyes narrowed at Gambit, "Surprising coming from you? You hardly work, you complainer."

"HEY!?!" jumped Gambit as he looked at her as if insulted. "I work sometimes!?!"

Belle watched the both of them with a smile while Ahnyx chuckled lightly at them. However he stopped laughing and lightly blushed, as he looked at Cripple who was now walking over to them, with Gullet and Scalpmuzzle right behind her.

"Do you need help with anything?" asked Cripple curiously to Ahnyx with a smile. "I can go out a get more herbs or some water if you need it?"

Ahnyx was somewhat nervous now as he fidgeted with his long clawed fingers, "O-Oh no we are quite alright!"

Belle looked at Ahnyx and giggled at him, and the face that he was making. Belle wasn't the only one, for Scalpmuzzle was laughing as well though tried to fight it.

"Are you sure?" asked Cripple as she tilted her head at him. Though she looked at Scalpmuzzle with a raised eyebow. "Are you alright there?"

Scalpmuzzle merely nodded to her while fighting back more laughter, though he was failing. The faces that the herbivore made always seemed to tickle him.

Ahnyx nodded as he tried to calm himself down, "I'm sure! T-Thank you for asking!" Afterwards did he look away with his right hand covering his face, in hopes of hiding the flustered face that he was making.

Cripple looked at Ahnyx now and laughed at him as she nodded, "Okay! Let me know if you need help!" She then walked away as she looked back at Scalpmuzzle questioningly, with Gullet whining at Scalpmuzzle with his head tilted. It would seem that Gullet was concerned for Scalpmuzzle due to him fighting back his laughter. It was probably cause Scalpmuzzle was snorting after each laugh that had escaped him. Belle waved as they left, and then she looked at Ahnyx with a friendly smile. "Shall we?"

"Ah! Yes! Of course!", replied Ahnyx who jumped and looked at her fast.

Belle's smile became a grin as she giggled at him, she then walked after Gambit and Wraith with Ahnyx right behind her.

As everyone was returning to do their work within the community, as well as prepare for the next raider attack. Hawkeye was returning to the back of the community with Rain right behind him.

Hawkeye's attention was on his work now, for he had more ideas to improve the armor of the herbivores. However he looked at Reza who was now approaching him, so he tilted his head to her. "Yes?"

Reza smiled respectfully to him as she looked at him. "I have to say that you are skilled in armor making. Is it possible that you could do that to everyone's armor?"

"Everyone?" blinked Hawkeye. "I haven't thought about it?"

"Why not? That could probably help everyone out?" suggested Reza as she looked at everyone who was within the community. "Not only that but it would keep many safe?"

Hawkeye was silently thinking about it for he was looking down in thought, he then looked at Reza. "I probably could?, but I need more things to make more armor?"

"Consider it done.", nodded Reza in reply with a smile. "I'll tell Ripper."

Hawkeye merely smiled lightly, as he nodded to her. "Thanks."

Nodding again, Reza was now walking away to tell Ripper about Hawkeye improving everyone's armor who was inside of the community. She knew that if everyone had more defense that was on their armor, then it would lessen the death count.

Rain who was standing there and was listening to them, smiled at Hawkeye now. "That's great! Someone actually likes your ideas!"

"It is and who would of thought that it was a carnivore?" chuckled Hawkeye as he looks at her.

"I like her!" smiled Rain who looked at Reza now.

"Yeah, she isn't to bad." nodded Hawkeye in agreement. He then began walking again, "Well let's get to work."

"Yes sir!", replied Rain as she followed Hawkeye obediently.

As everyone was getting ready for the next big attack, there were others who were wanting to help others out. After all there were some who were wounded after the attack mere moments ago from the raiders. Those who were wounded would be treated by the herbalists, and with any luck they would recover before the next attack was to happen. Luckily their injuries were not life threatening, and no one died. Hopefully the next attack would be the same as this one, but that was hard to say. Besides luck has been known to run out, when one least expects it.

Reza who was close to Ripper now, spoke up. "Ripper?"

Ripper hearing her voice looked at her curiously, and right at his feet was Zorah who was looking up at Reza as well. "Reza I presume?"

"Yes.", replied Reza who nodded to him. "I just got done talking with Hawkeye, and he said that he would improve the armor of everyone within the community. But he needs more materials in order to do so?"

"I see?" blinked Ripper with his eyes somewhat wide. He didn't even think about that, for that was a good idea. If they were to improve everyone's armor, then the raiders wouldn't stand a chance. Not only that, but everyone would be a lot safer when fighting. However, the only downside was that with more armor it may limit ones mobility somewhat. "I will see about getting him the necessary materials to improve all of the residents armor."

"Savagejaw and I could help you get the materials?" offered Reza with a smile now.

"Thank you.", replied Ripper who nodded to her with a smile in return. His sharp eyes looked over at Skyfall who was now in the air, after seeing him in the sky did he look at Reza. "Skyfall could probably help as well? At least he can point out the materials that you need?"

"Right!" nodded Reza to Ripper. She then looked up at Skyfall as she calls out to him. "We need your help on finding somethings!"

"I will gladly help!" chirped Skyfall happily as he flew closer to Reza and Ripper. "Skyfall will happily assist you!"

"Thank you." smiled Reza to Skyfall as she walks toward Savagejaw now, who was actually talking to Hawkeye.

Ripper watched her go and his eyes looked up in a glance as he watched Skyfall follow her, his eyes then looked back at Jaeger and Amberhide who were now walking over to him. He sort of smiled at Amberhide, who looked very happy as he said. "You're a good leader! Very thoughtful as well!"

"Pft thanks.", replied Ripper. Amberhide's words without a doubt made him feel good about himself. After all he wanted to be a good leader, due to him making a promise to Bloodmaw's grave. He was going to keep that promise to Bloodmaw, and he will never forgive himself if he can't uphold it.

"Do you really think that the raiders will be back?" asked Jaeger seriously as he tilted his head.

"I believe they will be." nodded Ripper to him. "I don't doubt that in the slightest."

Jaeger frowned some to his words, before saying. "What are your thoughts on the attack?"

Ripper frowned in response to his words, "What do you mean?"

"I find it odd that they didn't do more in this attack? Aren't you?" continued Jaeger now as he looked toward the community door with his eyes narrowed.

Ripper merely nodded before looking at the door as well, "Yes. No doubt that they attacked to see what we would do. So I bet you anything that the next attack will be worst."

"That's worrying." frowned Amberhide.

"It is, but I believe in our community. We will stop them, no matter what." reassured Ripper as he looked at Amberhide.

"Yes!" nodded Amberhide with a smile. "I know that we can face anything and rise! We've done it before!"

Jaeger smirked as he nodded in agreement, he then looked at Ripper as he looked at the both of them now. "We prepare and we fight." firmly spoke Ripper with a serious look on his features. "We will not lose our home! Not again!"