
Many individuals within the community began the long task of preparations against the raiders, who will without a doubt return in another attack. The entire community knew that they would, and were now preparing for it to the best of their abilities. Hawkeye who was the one to increase the quantity of armor protection for everyone had help, thanks to Reza, Savagejaw, and Skyfall. Who were gathering materials to make more armor for all those who were living inside of the community. And they were not the only ones, for others even pitched in to help them as well.

Since the last time that they all had last talked as a community, were they now doing their jobs while also keeping on guard for the raiders. Due to them being outside of the community walls. Razzak and his unit were guarding the wall very well now, and they had been doing so for more than a week now.

A solid week has passed by, and nothing has happened to them yet. But they knew that it will happen any day now.

During this week long reprieve, a lot of things had been done. Along with it, was the community wearing armor that Hawkeye has made them. Which meant that they were protected from harm, and who knows it may save their lives when the raiders do finally attack them again. So at least they had increased their defenses now, and hopefully they can fend off the raiders second attack extremely well when it does finally happen.

Ripper who was now on high alert as the community prepared, was waiting and listening for anything strange. Anything that was unnatural would get his attention no matter how large or small. Not to mention that he would get Skyfall to tell him what he sees outside of the community, as he helps Reza and Savagejaw look for materials to be used for armor.

This whole process had to be done and be maintained, for if they let their guard down for even a moment then many would pay the price. That was something that Ripper wanted to avoid.

"It's been a whole week now, do you believe that they are still regrouping?" asked Jaeger who stood beside Ripper now as the morning washed over the community in a comforting warmth. His eyes were even focused on the community door, as he waited for Ripper to reply.

"Probably? They lost quite a few members when they first attacked." replied Ripper now with his eyes narrowed in thought.

Jaeger was silent now as he allowed Ripper's words to sink in, his eyes soon shifted to look toward Hawkeye with interest and curiosity. For he saw the herbivore put more bark than normal upon the trikes in the community. Seeing this did he tilt his head in question. Of course he was aware that the herbivores simply refused to use bones in armor. Due to them wanting to respect the dead.

It was a little silly when he thought about it more, but he probably thought that way cause he wasn't a herbivore. After all he was a carnivore. Plus herbivores saw the world in such a different way than that of carnivores, for they believed that the world will provide them with all that they need. Which was why all herbivores never showed any kind of selfish behavior.

All herbivores were selfless when it concerns the ones that they love or care for. Then there was that herd mentality that they all had. In their eyes all of the herd was equal, and thus they never leave any of their own behind.

"I see that he refuses to use bones?", Finally spoke Jaeger now as he continues to watch Hawkeye work on the armor. "Now thinking about it? They absolutely despise using bones don't they?"

Ripper's gaze was slow as he shifted to look at Jaeger, but he was quick to look at Hawkeye as Jaeger finished. His eyes were fixed on the herbivore who was making sure the trike was comfortable with the additional armor upon his being. "They do. It is probably cause it was once a living thing? That and they believe that it will cause bad luck to disrespect the dead."

"Is that so?" Sort of laughed Jaeger, for he hadn't heard that one before. "So do they believe that for all bones?", asked Jaeger who looked at Ripper curiously.

"Hm I don't know?" was the swift response of Ripper as he tapped his lower jaw with his right middle claw. Even his features showed him thinking seriously about this matter. "I am not a herbivore, so you should ask him?"

Jaeger merely snorted out a laugh before looking back at Hawkeye in deep thought now. His eyes were quick to narrow as he spoke. "Regardless, don't you think that using bark is not the strongest material to use for armor?"

Ripper was quick to pick up on what he was talking about as he looked at Hawkeye now. His sharp eyes were fixed on the bark which was heavily covering the triceratops. "Now that you mention it? Tree bark is tough but not durable."

"Exactly." Frowned Jaeger now with a look of concern. "If the raiders were to attack again, many of our residents who are herbivores will no doubt pay the price."

Ripper felt a eerie chill go through his entire being, at the thought of losing every herbivore within the community due to a poor choice of material in which they used for armor. Such a thought definitely placed a bad taste in his mouth. "Hm."

Jaeger having heard Ripper make a sound, shifted his attention onto him. He then tilted his head lightly as he spoke. "You agree with me don't you?"

Nodding his head, Ripper made his way over to Hawkeye. "I do. I'll be right back."

Watching him go in silence, Jaeger remained where he was as he watched what would happen between Ripper and Hawkeye. Hopefully it would go well, but their was that chance that it might not. The only reason why there was still that chance, was cause it was something that the herbivores simply refused to use. And that thing that they refused to use in armor, was the bones of the dead. "Hopefully it goes well." sighed Jaeger to himself as he kept his attention on both Ripper and Hawkeye.

Approaching the herbivore, Ripper merely waited for Hawkeye to finish what he was doing. Once he was done with the trike, did he fully stand before Hawkeye. "A word?", asked Ripper as he looked at Hawkeye who was quick to take notice of him now.

"Yes?" was the cool response of Hawkeye as he looked at Ripper with his head tilted.

"I will first say this. I thank you for taking your time to make armor for everyone within the community. It is greatly appreciated." Ripper's words were sincere and rather honest as he spoke to Hawkeye who was a little surprised by his words of gratitude. It probably was cause he has never heard a carnivore thank him before.

Very quickly, Hawkeye spoke with his head lightly lowered in a type of bow. "Oh! You are welcome!"

Ripper simply smirked at the humbled words of the herbivore who was quite surprised by his words. That he merely waved his right clawed hand to him in a way of saying that it was alright. "It is true. But I say this first cause I don't want you to think that I am being disrespectful to you or your beliefs. Especially since I am going to say something now and I hope you won't take it the wrong way?"

"Oh?" Hawkeye was quick to look at Ripper's face now with his lone eye rather wide in size. "I see?, well let me hear it then?" He finally added as he stared at Ripper rather curiously.

"It has come to my attention that you don't use bones in the armor that you are making. Why is that?", asked Ripper as he stared at Hawkeye and his features.

Hawkeye was silent for a little bit of time as he allowed Ripper's words to be the main focus of his thoughts. Shifting his head to look at his right lightly, did he actually look a little upset. "Cause it would be disrespectful to the dead. Nor did they give us permission to use them after they have passed on. It isn't right."

"I see. I don't want you to think that I am judging you or anything. I somewhat understand where you are coming from, but don't you think it would be best to use bones? Especially since it would better protect you and the others within our community?" Ripper said this carefully as he looked at every creature within the walls which was their home. "I don't want to lose our home, nor do I want to see everyone die either in armor which wasn't at its best."

Hawkeye's face showed a bit of surprise as he blinked his lone eye a few times in silence. He soon looked at each individual creature who lived in the same place as himself. His attention was then shifted to the other herbivores within the community. "..."

Ripper watched Hawkeye closely, and in a way he kind of figured out what Hawkeye was thinking about. The herbivore was thinking about the other herbivores and their safety. "I hope that you understand where I am coming from?"

"I see..." frowned Hawkeye as he looked at Ripper now with a troubled expression. "You are saying this cause you are aware of the problems that I am apparently blind to?"

"It is not completely that. You have good ideas, it is just you are not using the strongest of materials for the armor." Carefully added Ripper. "We are all in this community as one group, kind of similar to that of a herd. We need to survive together, or else we all die."

Hawkeye nodded to him slowly before frowning more to himself. The mere thought of touching bones that were once inside of a living thing, made his skin crawl. "I will try to use the bones then...?"

Ripper could sense his discomfort, at the mere thought of using bones. He blinked his eyes at what him and Jaeger were talking about before approaching the herbivore. "I also want to ask? Do you not use any of the bones laying around, or does that only apply to other herbivore bones?"

"Huh?" was the sudden reply from Hawkeye now, for that question took him by surprise. Then it dawned on him, that he was talking to a carnivore and they do not understand how herbivores do things. Once he had figured it out did he allow a small laugh to finally escape him. "Oh right. I should of known, my apologies."

"It is fine. I just figured I would ask?" replied Ripper now once Hawkeye had finished laughing. "If the thought of using herbivore bones upsets you? Why not use the bones of carnivores?"

"Then that would be vengeful yes?" implied Hawkeye. "We herbivores like to stay away from such thoughts or feelings. Due to it clouding our good judgment." Hawkeye would soon shake his head the moment that Ripper was about to say something. And so he continued, "But I appreciate that you want to ease my discomfort about the topic of using bones. The thing is though is that all herds and herbivores are different in our views in wanting to use bones. A major majority of them will not use bones for it is greatly frowned upon, plus it brings bad luck or so is the belief?"

Ripper was silently listening to Hawkeye as he spoke, and his features looked a little annoyed. Probably cause he thought of herbivores as being stubborn. Which in many cases, they were. He was ready to say something again. Up until Hawkeye added. "But you are right about one thing though. This community in someways is my herd now, and I must do everything in my power to protect it. So I will put my beliefs on using bones aside. I must do it now to ensure my herds survival. Thank you for opening my eyes, though I only have one?"

"Heh it is alright! Keep up the good work! I will help assist you with putting bones onto the armor you have made?" suggested Ripper who had a smirk on his maw. His smirking face became a small smile as Hawkeye nodded, being very appreciative of Ripper wanting to help aid him. "Thank you, Ripper."

With that discussion over with and ending in a good way, did Ripper help Hawkeye with the armor. Jaeger seeing this looked very happy, for that meant that the talk went well. After watching them work together for a little bit, did he also join in to help them. Teamwork was necessary right now and he knew it, after all the raiders could attack at any time.

Though little did they know at that time, that an attack was happening now in a different place and would soon be making itself known again at the community. In the very same day, but at night.


The clan of Sharpclaw and Smaug were under a vicious attack, by a massively large clan. Unbeknownst to Sharpclaw, these were the raiders who had attacked the community not even that long ago. Since the first rise of dawn they had been trying their hardest to fend off the attack, to little avail. The numbers that they had were large, and they meant business of the cruelest kinds. Sharpclaw knew that this was going to be a long process, but he wasn't aware that he was outnumbered. As well as he was out matched in strength, for the raiders were following two brutes, and one of their leaders were here directing the attacks on his clan. For what reason were they attacking?, that they didn't know. All that Sharpclaw did know was that he was going to try and defend his home and family with everything that he has. Even at the cost of his own life.

"PROTECT THE YOUNG ONES NO MATTER WHAT!?!", ordered a familiar spinosaurus who was no other than Sharpclaw as he roared out orders to his clan who was viciously being attacked by a massive assault of nothing but carnivores from literally all sides now, and these carnivores were unlike anything he has ever faced before due to them being mutants. It was like they were a flood, and they kept coming at every second. These attackers wore light armor of various vines, with hidden durable armor underneath it. His eyes were constantly scanning all around him as his clan tries their hardest to fend off the attack, though many were falling due to the brutal attacks of their opponents. These brutes who were attacking his clan, did not care what they did to those who he saw as his family. And this alone made him angry. But anger has a way of clouding one's judgment.

"YOU BASTARDS WILL NOT GET THE JOY OF KILLING US!?!" hissed Sharpclaw loudly as he charged forward to help aid one of his clan mates who was viciously struck by one of the heartless fiends. His clan which was nothing but fish eaters, were showing their strength well and it was thanks to both Sharpclaw and Smaug's guidance. Though Smaug was not there now, for he was still with the community at this very moment.

"FATHER!?!" screamed Cobalt all of a sudden for she saw something much larger behind him, with gleaming red eyes in the shadows of the destruction which was their own clan. "WATCH OUT!?!"

"HUH!?!" the moment that Sharpclaw turned around was he smacked hard in the face by thick claws. Blood splattered suddenly onto the ground at that moment after the surprise attack, which frightened Cobalt to the core the moment she had seen it. "FATHER!?! NOOOO!?!" screamed a heartbroken Cobalt as she was about to run over, but she froze up immediately to the commanding tone of her father's voice. "..!"

"STAY BACK!?!" yelled Sharpclaw at the top of his lungs to Cobalt who was looking at him with tears falling from her eyes. Sharpclaw saw the look on her face and he smirked at her, in hopes of showing that he was okay. Though there was three deep wounds that spilled blood from his left shoulder, much like the deep wound which was also between his eyes. "I GOT THIS!?!" he scoffed out in a stubborn laugh to Cobalt. However his eyes were quick to glare the moment that he heard a voice behind him. A loud voice which was full of mockery and malice to him acting so tough. "You got nothing against me. I will make sure to end you right here, and you better believe that she is going to watch me rip the very life out of your carcass!"

"BRING IT!?! YOU PUNK!?!" snarled Sharpclaw who was quick to turn around but alas he was not quick enough in his attempt to attack his opponent. "...URK!?!"

"FATHER!?! NOOO!?! PLEASE STOP IT!?! DON'T KILL HIM!?!" pleaded Cobalt pitifully as she ran over the moment that she saw her father being harshly smacked again. Her eyes were full of tears and they grew in ferocity as the large looming shadow of white stomped cruelly on the back of her father's throat. The sight of blood being coughed out from her father's wheezing mouth made her run frantically over, though she was knocked down roughly to the ground by a large beast. The beast who hit her, was a clan member of the attackers who were stealing her home and father from her. "N-No...!?!" wheezed Cobalt for there was pain in her lower jaw for she was bleeding from her mouth. She had been kicked hard by the mutant who had knocked her over, and that same mutant was towering over her with a sickening sneer.

"C-Cobalt...! Look at me! It will be okay...!" soothed Sharpclaw who was looking up at Cobalt who was looking at him now. Her eyes shook violently at the sight of blood and trauma that was covering her father's body at this moment. "S-Smaug will keep you safe! I know he will after all he is my son...! URK!?!" groaned Sharpclaw loudly who was stomped very hard in his back now. The sound of snapping bones erupted into the air around them, for it was his spine being crushed from such a vicious yet powerful stomp.

"PLEASE!!! STOP IT!?!" screamed Cobalt painfully now with her eyes closed and shaking her head frantically, as hot tears escaped her tightly closed eyelids. The sounds of her clan and home were all around her, for many were dying and she could do nothing to stop it. She was helpless. A feeling that she hated to feel. "DON'T DO THIS!?!"

"Heh! I don't know what is more enjoyable? Beating her father to a bloody pulp or hearing her scream so pitifully?" scoffed the tyrant with a sinister looking smile. His eyes of red glew in both joy and predation at the sight of Sharpclaw trying in vain to sooth his terrified daughter. It wasn't long until that smile vanished at the feeling of pain in his right leg, for the stubborn spinosaurus had kicked him there hard.

"FATHER!?!" gasped Cobalt with faint hope as she watched her father stand up or rather tried to for his balance was a mess. The top and middle of his spine was badly bent, and was bleeding profusely as he stood before his attacker.

"Heh you ugly bastard..." scoffed Sharpclaw with a stubborn smirk but his legs shook as he stood on them. The sound of dripping blood hitting the ground below him, appeared to be louder than that of the loudest of waterfalls. His injuries were that severe, and many were within his body. "You forget that I'm a stubborn brute!?!" roared Sharpclaw as he rushed him in his desperation to tackle him. However it failed for he was grabbed with great precision, and then picked up with surprising ease, and in that moment did his eyes look at Cobalt who was looking at him in shock. Everything was in slow motion for him now, as he went up in the air and saw the large destruction of his clan. All of its members were being dealt with like vermin, and his daughter would soon suffer the same fate. Just knowing that, made his eyes fill up with tears. Those very same tears fell with him as he looked back at Cobalt again slowly, and then at that moment he tried his hardest to give his best loving smile to her. He knew at that horrible moment that this would be the last time he would be seeing his daughter, alive.

He was greatly outmatched and that realization was the worst things to ever exist. No amount of stubbornness that resides within him, would save him now.

It was then that time went against him as he fell quickly down as if fast forwarding, as a loud sickening crack filled the destroyed clan, which was once full of his family and clan. Sharpclaw's back made contact with a strong knee bending him over like a skinny twig thus breaking him, and the feeling of his ribs all but shattered upon contact. "ARGHHHHH!?!" screamed Sharpclaw in agony at such a blow. Blood was quick to escape his mouth again, as well as his nose in steady streams.

"NOOOOO!?!" screamed Cobalt in horror as she tried to get up to go to him but was pinned down harshly by a foot. "FATHER!?! FATHER!!!!"

Loudly his body hit the ground which caused the ground to splinter underneath him, as Sharpclaw laid there on his side with tears falling from his eyes nonstop. He was going in a out of consciousness, and the sound of his daughter's voice literally kept him awake. "C-Cob...alt...?" hoarsely groaned Sharpclaw now. His body shivered as he tried to move, he wanted to be near his daughter. "D-Dad..dy's h-here don't...c-cry..." whimpered Sharpclaw weakly for in his mind he saw a crying baryoynx child. That child was his daughter, and he wanted to put her tears to rest.

"Well how about that he is still alive!" scoffed the fiend in a laugh who was looming over Sharpclaw who was struggling to move. Of course he couldn't move at all anymore, for his spine had been completely destroyed after such a devastating blow.

"PLEASE!?! LET ME GO TO HIM!?! PLEASE!?!" weeped Cobalt in agony now as she looked at her father who could no longer move. Her eyes were so full of tears, she could barely see through them. Cobalt has never seen her father like this, and she knew that she wanted to be with him. No, she had to be with him, for he was literally dying right before her very eyes!

"Get her and put her with the others.", spat the leader of this horrible attack as he looked at the pitiful shape of Sharpclaw with a nasty smirk. The leader knew of a scent of a certain spinosaurus. He knew Smaug from a ways back, after all how could he forget him. He was the one who ruined his plans when he led a clan the first time, that clan being the one he had gotten thanks to Devastate's help. Oh yes, he remembered it all. Baldur was back, and he was back with a nasty vengeance unlike anything ever seen before. "I'm going to enjoy this, Smaug! I'm coming for you too!"

"NOOOO!?! PLEASE!!! NOOOOO!?!" panicked a grieving Cobalt as she was being moved away from the sight of her father who was still trying to move to her, even though he couldn't. The only thing that he could move was his eyes, even if they were slowly fading in color now. They still stared in the direction of Cobalt's voice, as regretful tears left from his fading eyes. "FATHER!?! FATHERRRR!!!!" shrieked Cobalt in the worst pains in her life as she reached out to him. Her father was still alive, though barely. Sharpclaw who was still alive obviously could see her desperately reaching for him, while Cobalt didn't want to see him in such a state. For she wanted to say goodbye to him properly. To her, he deserved that much. But sadly she wouldn't get that chance. These cruel beasts simply kept them apart.

Baldur was smirking big while evilly laughing as he lifted up his right foot over Sharpclaw's head, and he smiled big as he stomped on his head powerfully as he felt his skull crush beneath his foot. A loud crunching sound filled the warm air, as blood flowed out freely from such a powerful blow. Removing his foot, Baldur laughed at the sight of one of Sharpclaw's legs which were twitching much like the rest of his body. Once he was dealt with, Baldur turned his attention on those in his clan for they were gathering things of use. Those who were being spared death would be used for mere sport or food. Whatever comes first. "We are returning to camp! Bring whatever you want and let's go!"

Shifting his eyes to Sharpclaw's body did he smirk darkly at an idea, as he took a hold of one of Sharpclaw's arms and he picked up his carcass upon his back. "May as well bring him, it would be wrong not to! Oh I hope Smaug enjoys my little gift? Hehahahaha!?!", laughed Baldur as he walked out of the ruined clan, which was full of destruction and death.

Right behind him was his large clan who was taking whatever they wanted from the ruined territory. Food, herbs, bones, and simply anything that caught interest was taken.

And nothing else was left, besides the countless bodies of the dead.


"Alright, all of the armor has been properly adjusted and made." Nodded Hawkeye now as he looked over his hard work, for many of the residents of the community were wearing very strong looking armor now. Plus he mixed up the materials upon the armor, to give it extra durability and provide the perfect protection. Or so he thought.

Ripper allowed a smile to emerge on his lips now, for he felt better about how the armor looked. Plus he was glad that Hawkeye put aside his beliefs for now to ensure the community's survival.

Jaeger who had been helping them this entire time, was now approaching Reza for he had things to discuss with her. Of course Ripper knew what they were talking about. They were discussing a back up plan, just in case something bad was to happen. This little plan was also to be used to protect the youth, for they were the future of the community.

"Ripper?" asked Hawkeye now in curiosity. "I am going to adjust the armor of the trikes."

"Very well!" nodded Ripper in reply before adding, "Be sure to go to Wraith after you are done. That paralyzing powder that was used the first time really did well! So may as well use it again!"

"Of course.", replied Hawkeye as he walked away now and he smiled seeing Rain run over to him now. For she wanted to happily help him in any way that she could.

Watching them go did Ripper look at Jaeger and Reza for a moment as they conversed, before turning his attention onto the large walls protecting their home. His eyes were looking at certain parts of the walls, as he finally moved over to look at the walls better.

Shifting his head upward to look at the top of the wall did he see that it was way past noon now, for they had been working all morning long. To be honest, he was pleased with the progress that they have made this week. Every single creature did their part, and it definitely shows.

Ripper merely smiled a bit, for he felt good which said a lot. This joy would remain up until he heard footsteps behind him, and he was alert as he turned around. "Yes?"

Right behind him was Scarface, who was looking at the wall as well before speaking. "Do you want me to do anything?"

"No, it is alright." replied Ripper who nodded toward him with his smile still evident. "We have everything that we can need, so all that we can do is wait."

"But is that wise?", asked Scarface who walked to him and stood beside him. "Wouldn't we be exposed if we were to wait for them to attack?"

Listening to Scarface, did he lower his eyes to the earthy ground with his smile now a frown. "Hm.", his eyes remained where they were before looking up at the curious allosaurus. Who was very concerned, for it showed within his eyes. "I see? In that case, why don't you walk along the walls?"

"Okay!" strongly nodded Scarface who was very happy to help out. "I will get my hunting unit together and make sure that we are watching the inside of the walls on the clock!"

Ripper merely smiled a bit more before laughing a bit. "Alright. Let me know if you see anything weird or out of place."

"Yes sir!", was the eager reply from Scarface who ran away to do the task that was given to him.

Ripper merely laughed a bit more, as he watched Scarface leave to get his hunting unit together. He then turned his attention onto the wall before him again, as he narrowed his eyes in thought. That was cause there was so many spots that could be taken advantage of. He then wondered if they would have time to strengthen their walls. Thinking that, did he walk to the front of the community with plans to share this information with Razzak and his unit outside.

As he did this, were their others who were putting plans together as well.

Swiftscale and Ebony was talking to each other while also watching the young ones, who they were happy to teach and take care of. Along with them was Harmony, Nina, and Ruby who was also sharing some ideas. Speaking of the young ones, Eden and Enyo was happily playing together. While Devokus was being a good big brother who was actively watching Loa, who wanted to explore literally everything around her. Though Devokus wouldn't let her go far away from him for long.

Then there was the stubborn little trike known as Zorah, who was laying there looking absolutely miserable and bored as the adults talked. She hated to be away from Ripper, no matter how long it was. The moment that she would be excused, would she hightail it to Ripper. Without much thought or hesitation.

"Do you think it would be a good idea to go to the very back of the community again when the attack happens?", asked Harmony curiously.

"Probably?" was the reply of Swiftscale. "Hawkeye said that the trikes in the back will protect the young ones as well as ourselves?"

"What if they attack behind us?" frowned Nina as her eyes stared at the very back wall of the community.

Ruby's face showed worry, while Ebony looked greatly troubled as she said, "That is a little concerning?"

"We just have to be ready for anything." sighed Swiftscale now as he looked at the back wall as well. "Just be ready in case that does happen."

Nodding to him, did they agree with him. They would have to be on guard at all times, for they would have to be ready to protect the young ones. No matter what. As they continued to talk about it, were they interrupted by someone. Though that individual was Helm. "Hey guys..."

"Helm!" smiled Ebony happily at the sight of him, she was already quick to move to him and welcome him in a way a sister would do to their brother. "How are you?"

"I am alright. I just wanted to see you guys and the young ones..." lightly smiled Helm who was looking at the little ones as they played or talked to one another. His eyes became softer at the sight of them, for he remembered Dingo and how much he loved offspring of all kinds.

"Oh we are okay and so are they!" laughed Ebony kindly with her eyes closed. Though her heart ached for him, after all he lost Dingo. Who was pretty much the love of his life. The two of them were tied to the hip after all, for they were a perfect couple.

"That's good." chuckled Helm who then looked at Loa curiously. His expression became kinder as he carefully approached the little young raptor, and laid beside her. He then smiled to Devokus who was more than happy to lay next to him. "How about I tell you kids some interesting stories?"

Ebony watched him with a warm smile with Swiftscale beside her with a grin, much like Harmony, Ruby, and Nina as they watched him interact with the offspring. Like a family member would, to their own family would he share his experiences by dramatic storytelling. Helm was doing this with love and understanding, as well as sharing pleasing tales to the young curious ones which came from his husband, Dingo. Who was no longer here. By sharing these crazy stories, Dingo was still alive. That's what Helm believed, much like every other creature here.

"Boring...!" whined Zorah dramatically with her eyes closed while laying on her belly. Unlike her, the other young ones were laying next to Helm with great interest and wonder.

Helm merely laughed at Zorah and how she looked that he calmly looked at Devokus who smiled up at him. "Well I guess you don't want to hear of the story of the sky raining stars?"

"Really!", hopped up Zorah on all four feet immediately to his words though she shook her head and looked tough again with a snort. Her eyes were closed as she huffed out with her nose and tail in the air. "I mean! Is that all?"

Helm laughed at her lightly much like the other kids as he said, "What if I told you that you can find these fallen stars?"

At that moment Zorah rushed over to him with great curiosity, as she sat down before him. "Oh!?! Yes tell me! I can probably find one for Ripper!?!"

Ebony couldn't help but laugh at what she saw, much like Swiftscale who knew that Helm was excellent with kids. But then he felt that pain deep within his chest, for he was reminded that there was another who loved kids. But unfortunately, he wasn't here.

In truth, they lost a few of their own which was quite heartbreaking in itself. For they were a family, and it would always hurt to lose a family member. And that pain would not get any better as time went by.

Ruby was giggling at the cute sight before her, along with Harmony who was watching her daughters who were listening intently on the story which was being told by Helm. These stories that Helm were sharing with the young ones, were the type of stories that had so many things going on within them. Even though some of the stories were over the top with imagination. But of course they were always like that, for Dingo sure had a crazy imagination. To maintain that wild imagination, Helm would say the story exactly how Dingo would share it, and would even do those dramatic pauses. That way the little ones would beg him to continue talking, which he would with a friendly smile upon his maw.

"It's good to see him spending time with the little ones." smiled Ebony softly as she watched Helm talk to the offspring. "I am so happy, that he is happy again."

"Same. I was kind of worried about him after what had happened...", frowned Swiftscale quietly in reply as he looked at Ebony.

"I know, I was worried about him as well. I have never seen him go quiet for so long before?" sighed Ebony softly now as she looked at Swiftscale. "But it shouldn't be a surprise?, that is cause he lost his mate. That kind of pain I kind of understand you know..? It hurts so bad when you realize they are gone, it is like your heart is in shreds."

"Y-Yeah?", nodded Swiftscale carefully with his eyes lowered. Swiftscale would always remember when Ebony lost her first mate, and how upset she was when she finally learned the truth of his death. He would then lifted his eyes up slowly as he looked at Helm, while talking quietly to Ebony still. "Now thinking about it? Helm was the one to tell me to go out with you. Even told me that he supported it."

"Oh yeah?" somewhat giggled Ebony in response to Swiftscale as she smiled at Helm. "Helm has always been a good judge of creatures. He always has been. That is probably why he is so well liked by many?"

Swiftscale laughed a bit as he looked at Ebony now with a rather affectionate gaze. "Yeah and I believe that his ways has rubbed off on you as well?"

Ebony's face showed a bit of surprise to his words, before smiling at Swiftscale with a warm smile. "Aw! I hope so!"

Swiftscale couldn't hide the blush from appearing on his face as she looked at him. Allowing a grin to come across his features, did he lean his head to hers a little shyly. Adding much to his joy, did she return the gesture with a warm smile of her own. The both of them were happy and they had Helm to thank for that. Truthfully they had everyone within the community to thank, for they all had a home and a family. This home and family was worth fighting for.


As such they were going to fight for their home, and would go against all hell to protect it.

After all their experiences and skills as one unit, would see them through to the future in the distant horizon; for that was their goal. Along with that did they have other things, that were majorly important as well. Definitely in a fight.

Communication, teamwork, preparations, and leadership were all of the things that they had. If they were to use them to the best of their ability, then they could face anything and triumph. They honestly believed that to their very core.

With great offense and defense, the community had a strong system of health as well. Which was thanks to the herbalists, who have done their jobs well since day one. All of them have worked hard, they really have.

Speaking of the herbalists, they were doing their jobs well at their stations. After the first attack from the raiders, they were on top of things as they treated the wounded. Those who were wounded were doing well now, and many of them were completely healed. Thanks to the herbalists and their hard work.

Ahnyx who was checking the herbs, merely nodded with a cool smile. "Things are in order!"

"That's good!" happily smiled Belle as she looked at him now. "Everyone here has a clean bill of health! Good job everyone!", was the ecstatic voice of Belle who was looking at both Gambit and Wraith now with a happy go lucky smile.

"Yep, which means I can finally take a break!" heaved Gambit smiling as he was getting ready to sit down. "OW!?!", however it was interrupted by Wraith who smack the back of his head suddenly before he could fully sit. "What was that for!?!"

"You are so lazy!", scoffed Wraith who rolled her eyes with her arms crossed. "Do you think illnesses and wounds take breaks?"

"That's not fair!", whined Gambit comedically to her while still holding his head. "You seriously want me to work my ass to the ground!?!"

Wraith was very fast to click her teeth and narrow her eyes at him while pointing her right long claw to him now, which made Gambit flinch a bit. "Yes! You're a lead herbalist! Start acting like it!"

Belle watched as the two of them argued with each other with a bit of a funny smile. She giggled at the thought that the two of them were adorably perfect for one another. Hearing a bit of laughter behind her, did she see that she wasn't the only one who was laughing at Gambit and Wraith. Ahnyx was also laughing a bit at them too.

Belle was happy to smile to him as she approaches Ahnyx. "So what now?"

"Hm, just making sure that we are topped off with herbs.", replied Ahnyx who looked comfortable. "If you want, you can take a break now?"

"I am okay! I actually want to say something to you though?" hummed Belle with her eyes looking upward in innocent thought. The sight of the pretty blue sky, made her smile.

Ahnyx couldn't help but to chuckle at her face, as he glanced over to look at her for a bit while he sorted the herbs. "Oh, what is it?"

"When are you going to tell Cripple how you feel?", asked Belle sweetly innocent with a harmless smile. Her eyes were closed but only for a second, and after that second did her eyes go wide at Ahnyx's reaction. To put it simply, the herbivore sounded like he had swallowed something horribly wrong. Plus his face was beyond flustered, for it was like all of his blood was gathering into his head.

"N-n-now why did...WOULD you say that...!!!" scrambled Ahnyx with his words as he covered his face with both of his long clawed fingers.

"Cause! You need to tell her!", asserted Belle with a serious face. Even though her serious face was quite funny and cute more than it was serious. "Remember what you told me before? You told me to tell Devastate my feelings! Well I am giving it back to you! Go tell her your feelings, Ahnyx! I support you all the way!"

"...!?!", Ahnyx was absolutely silent as he looked at Belle for he was completely petrified. It honestly was like he has became a rock, though his face was beyond red now while his entire being shivered like crazy.

"HAHAHA!?!", erupted the sudden laughter from Gambit who had heard Belle completely through his argument with Wraith. His laughter was so bad, that he was letting out wheezes every now and then.

"Heh! I think she killed him?", somewhat laughed Wraith as she looked at Ahnyx and his frozen posture.

"COME ON GUYS!" waved Belle's arms to both Gambit and Wraith frantically as she pouted cutely at them. "We need to encourage him and help him! Not laugh at him! He needs our support if he is going to ever tell Cripple how he feels!?!"

"What about me?", asked Cripple curiously now with her head tilted.

"AAAAAAHHHH!?! C-C-CRIPPLE!?!", panicked Ahnyx who has returned to the realm of the living as he spoke loudly in a horribly cracking voice. "W-W-WhAt ArE yOu DoInG HERE!?!"

"Oh..." was the shy response from Belle who looked at Cripple and then Ahnyx. As she did this, was there more laughter from behind them which were coming from Gambit and Wraith both.

"I came to check to see if you need help with anything? But it would seem that someone is keeping something from me?" Sort of snickered Cripple as she smiled at Ahnyx. "Is it true? Do you like me?"

"U-U-Uh!!!", replied Ahnyx in a flustered stammering tone. Even his body was fidgeting like crazy as Cripple came closer to his face. "I-I-I-I...!?!"

"He does!" firmly spoke Belle in the world's strongest voice as she stood beside her embarrassed friend. "He adores you! Please give him a chance!"

"M-M-MMM!!!!", loudly whimpered Ahnyx who literally was close to tears as he stared into Cripple's alluring eyes. Never would he thought that Belle would help him get his feelings across to Cripple. Plus was this really happening right now! He felt like he was dreaming, though he knew from the pain from his chest that he wasn't.

"Aw!!!" laughed Cripple softly with her eyes closed, though she was blushing so very much due to how cute Ahnyx was looking right now. "Of course I will give him a chance!"

"You will!?! YAY!?!" happily cheered Belle as she jumped up and down in excitement.

"Congrats you two!", teased a snickering Gambit as he shook his head.

"Pfft! I half expected him to explode?" scoffed Wraith in a bit of laughter as she looked at Gambit who was still somewhat laughing.

"Heh, he probably was clo-"

"REALLY!?!", shouted Ahnyx over Gambit in shock. Even the look on the herbivores face showed how utterly surprised he was that this was legitimately happening right now. While Gambit shook his head, to how loud Ahnyx was.

"Took you long enough?~" teased Cripple now which made Ahnyx flinch cutely with his head down to her.

Belle was grinning ear to ear at what was happening, that and finally seeing one of her good friends being with someone they love definitely made her feel overwhelmingly happy. "Be happy and proper!", happily smiled Belle to Cripple and Ahnyx. Though she took notice of Gullet, who was catching up to Cripple. And not far behind him, was Scalpmuzzle who was right on Gullet's heels.

"Hey there! Anything happen?", asked Scalpmuzzle curiously with a smile but his eyes went wide to Belle happily saying. "Cripple and Ahnyx are together now!"

"Oh did he finally fess up!" laughed Scalpmuzzle with his eyes closed.

"N-no...", replied Ahnyx in an embarrassed tone as he covers his face again.

Seeing this reaction made Scalpmuzzle laugh more as he raised an eyebrow. "Okay, so did Cripple confess then?"

"Nope! I helped!" beamed Belle with the most purest of smiles to ever exist. "I am so glad that I could help one of my good friends! You know he's loved her for so long! He always said nice things about her! Oh and he would always stare at her when she wasn't looking!"

"Aw how sweet!", giggled Cripple now as she tries to look at the face of the flustered therizinosaurus, and she smiled big to Ahnyx who was now sitting down onto the ground as his embarrassment grew. If one was to look closely, they may even see smoke coming out of his head.

Laughter was all over the herbalists station, and they had Ahnyx to thank for making them all laugh. Who knew that a herbivore could make so many funny faces and sounds?

Belle kept smiling as her and Cripple giggled at each other, while Scalpmuzzle chuckled at Ahnyx who was shaking his head with his right hand over his face. Gullet on the other hand, whined up at Ahnyx as if in concern. That was probably cause he didn't understand what was going on, or why the herbivore acted so stressed.

"I kind of had a feeling that he liked me? After all he came running when I went after the giant monstrosity all by myself who had killed my father!" teased Cripple as she eyed Ahnyx, who all of a sudden flinched and looked at her fast.

"I-I was worried about you and your safety!", was the cracked reply of an embarrassed creature who was looking from side to side fast. It was then that he fidgeted cutely to Cripple who merely replied with a "Mm-hm?~" sound. For she knew of his feelings, plus he made it painfully obvious.

"Congratulations you two!" Laughed Scalpmuzzle with his eyes closed and a smile as he looked at both Cripple and Ahnyx now. "May you two be happy together!"

"Hehe thanks!" giggled Cripple in reply. "I am sure that we will be just fine!"

Belle was smiling big at every other creature there now, for she was out of this world happy. Just witnessing them all having fun was one of the best feelings to experience. Especially now, for all things were looking up for them. She was thankful and blessed to have such good friends who were basically her family. A family she was happy to have.


As things were looking up for both the herbalists and the residents now, there was a bunch of creatures who were guarding the wall of the community. This unit was under the watchful eyes of Razzak, who was a fierce and powerful creature who was quite strict with his rules. Though these rules of his, were never questioned. Due to the respect of those who follow his commands.

Speaking of Razzak, he was currently talking to Ripper which left his unit to continue their firm task of watching the wall.

Devastate was one who was in Razzak's unit, much like Grim, Adder, Smaug, Clade, and Rigor. Along with Lockjaw who took his job very seriously. That was only cause, he simply refused to take a day off from guarding the wall. The reason for him to take this job so literal and be so committed to it? His family was behind the wall in which he was protecting, and so he would never leave it. If he did however leave it, then his family would suffer and that was something that he wanted to avoid. At all costs.

"Things seem to be in order huh?" smiled Rigor with his eyes closed, "Plus no more weird creatures coming out of the dark to talk to us! Thank god!"

"Remain vigilant.", grumbled Grim in reply to Rigor who jumped to his words immediately. "Even if things seem good, you got to remain on guard. One wrong move and you kill the clan."

"Right...right!" nervously laughed Rigor to him. "Nothing will happen to the clan! I seriously mean it!"

"Hmph you better. The last thing I need is you to lose your touch when I finally leave with Lesion." frowned the dark brooding rex known as Grim.

"Are you really leaving?", asked Clade as he looked at him curiously.

Grim's eyes were quick to look at the curious spinosaurus. Nodding his head did he allow a small smirk to appear. "Aye."

"Hopefully it is a safe travel for you then!" smiled Rigor carefully who flinched a little as Grim looked at him curtly. Though his expression eased as Grim nodded to him, which was his way of showing his thankfulness to such words.

Clade smiled a bit as he continued walking alongside the wall, and Rigor was right on his heels much like Grim.

The three of them continued their talk, much like all of the members who were defending the wall at this time. As they all talked and did their jobs, was there a certain duo who was also walking along the wall. "How long are you going to remain here?", asked Devastate who was right behind Smaug who was focused on doing his job.

Right at the heels of Smaug, was his baryonyx pet. This blind beast has always been close to Smaug, or would sometimes hide until it was called by its master.

"I will probably stick around another day or two?", replied Smaug who stopped now and turned around to look at Devastate with a confident look and smile. "Why you trying to chase me away?"

"Heh, no." smirked Devastate now. "I was just wondering? Besides we dealt with the large beast a while ago. There is no point to stay now, unless you want to keep an eye on me?"

"What's wrong with wanting to watch your rival?" chuckled Smaug toughly as he popped his right clawed fingers before the rex. "I mean I don't want you getting too strong, to the point that you somehow beat me?"

Devastate merely shook his head as he laughed a bit at the spinosaurus, who was an equal match to him. "Someone's paranoid?"

"Paranoid? No. More like wanting to make sure that I am still above you.", replied Smaug with his smile becoming more confident. "You won't beat me. I won't allow it."

Devastate could only laugh as he gave Smaug a very serious look. Though he was smiling toughly at the spinosaurus, who stood before him. "Likewise."

The both of them stared at one another now with such strong confidence in each other's skills. Even if they were looking at each other in hopes of intimidating the other, many of the residents within the community knew that they were very serious rivals who had a strange friendship. Though that friendship came to be, due to the both of them respecting each other's strength and skill.

"I can't wait to finally settle the score between us." grinned Smaug as if looking forward to that day.

"Same.", smirked Devastate. "Oh here is an idea? How about we fight again after we settle it with the raiders?"

Smaug's eyes were glowing in excitement to that suggestion as he smiled big. All of his teeth were visible from his mouth as he fully grinned. "Alright!"

Devastate nodded at him afterwards and Smaug returned the gesture, as the both of them gave the other their strongest smile. But of course Smaug laughed as he walked forward with his pet following him. "But first I got to make sure that you don't go dying to them raiders! After all I want to be the one to put you in your place!"

"Heh, please like that is possible? I should be saying that to you!" scoffed Devastate who followed him now with a large smirk upon his maw.

"Bullshit!", laughed Smaug in reply. "Like I am going to let those weaklings beat me!"

Devastate's laughter was light as he listened to Smaug, and his tough guy banter of overpowering him somehow. And he knew that Smaug was doing that in hopes of scaring him a bit as they walked along the wall together. These two were going to be life long rivals. Not that it was a bad thing entirely. If anything, it made life more interesting for the two of them.

Smaug and Devastate continued their conversation, up until Devastate was finally called by Razzak with Ripper standing beside him. "Devastate! Come here!"

Looking over at Razzak curiously, did Devastate shift his attention onto the large mutant who was the leader of defense and protection. His eyes soon narrowed as he walked over, which left Smaug alone to watch him in interest.

"What is it?", asked Devastate once he was standing in front of Razzak.

"Ripper wants to strengthen the wall before the raiders were to come again." snorted Razzak as he looked along the wall before returning his gaze onto Devastate. "I want you to gather a few of the unit and strengthen the wall. Right away!"

"Of course.", replied Devastate. "I will get on that right away."

"I suppose I will help as well?" smirked Smaug who had heard what was said, and he wasn't the only one for Adder stepped up to help as well. "Count me in too!"

Razzak's expression showed pride as he smirked at the three of them. "Alright! Get to work right now!"

"Yes sir!", was the conjoined voices of three strong creatures who were ready to do the job well. After saying their words, did the three of them get to work right away which made both Razzak and Ripper happy.

However time was not on their side unfortunately, not that they knew it yet. Considering that they believed that they had more time, which was not the case. For the raiders would attack, that very night.


As the day slowly became darker upon the community, and with it the humidity seemed to increase for it was the warm season. Devastate, Adder, and Smaug were still adding defenses to the wall. The three of them had been doing this for hours, ever since the moment that Razzak told them too which was that afternoon. A bit or so after.

Though the three of them had help now, thanks to others within their unit.

Devastate was working diligently on the task which was given to him, much like Adder who was focused on the job as well. Then there was Smaug who was helping, up until he thought that he heard something. A voice that he knew of right away. "Huh?"

"SMAUG!?! HELP ME!?!" cried the distant voice of Cobalt as it echoed within the distant collection of trees in front of the community. Her voice was so faint, and yet it was purely hers. And Smaug knew it.

"What is it?", asked Devastate as he turned his attention onto the spinosaurus who was silently standing there and was keenly listening for something.

Right at Smaug's feet, was his lone pet who was growling violently in a certain direction which gained the attention of Adder now. "What's going on?", spoke Adder in a serious tone as he looked at Smaug and his pet now.

"I think? No, I thought that I heard Cobalt just now?", replied Smaug whose eyes were narrowed sharply as he stared into the early darkening night. His eyes were actually on the distant trees, which looked to be rather ominous in appearance as they stood there in silence. If that wasn't enough, the early night wind blew rather loudly over them. "But it couldn't be her? She should be back at home with her father and our clan?"

Devastate was silently listening now much like Adder and when he didn't hear anything, did he look at Smaug to clarify. "Are you sure it was her?"

"Yes." frowned Smaug now as he felt strong chills go throughout his entire muscular being. "It was her I am sure of...", immediately his voice stopped as he saw a silhouette in the distance. This silhouette was standing there, and looked to be very familiar. "Huh?"

Devastate watched as Smaug was actually walking toward the silhouette. "Smaug? What are you doing!", asked Devastate strongly now with his voice in a growl now. Even Adder picked up on the uncomfortable signs, for it was eerily quiet. "Smaug get back here!", snapped Adder.

Not that long afterwards did both Devastate and Adder hear Smaug speak. It was cause they knew of the name that came out of Smaug's mouth, "Sharpclaw? What are you doing here alone? Where's Cobalt and the clan?"

Devastate felt horrible chills coarse through his entire being as Smaug was quickly moving over to the non moving form of Sharpclaw. Which appeared to be leaning against a tree, the only thing was Smaug was moving farther away from the community as well as the unit.

"SMAUG!?! WHERE ARE YOU GOING...!?!" roared Razzak who has now taken notice of the voices of Devastate and Adder. But his booming voice was interrupted by a loud creaking boom, which happened in the very back of the community. Seconds later, four more booming noises erupted into the air. "WHAT WAS THAT!?! EVERYONE MOVE NOW!?!"

The moment that Razzak had ordered this, did the sounds of countless noises and screams occur as all of those who were not inside of the community wall could feel the ground violently shake. Its power was so strong, it felt like an earthquake.

"EVERYONE IN THE UNIT!?! GO INSIDE AND HELP THE OTHERS!?!", roared Razzak in a very aggressive tone. "WE NEED TO PROTECT THE RESIDENTS!?!"

Before he could fully turn around to run inside to help the residents, did Razzak see a frightening sight coming toward him. The forest in the distance in front of the community, had suddenly came alive in such brutality and fierceness. It was something that he has never seen before.

Sure he has seen a stampede of nothing but herbivores, but this was different. What he saw was a stampede of nothing but mutants and herbivores unlike anything of this world. For none of their attackers, looked to be normal.

"SMAUG!?!" roared Devastate at the moment that he saw Smaug get tackled by five large mutant carnivores who wore light armor with a new type of armor underneath. Unfortunately for Devastate, he couldn't stand there long for the large numbers were closing in on him and he would have to stand his ground. The entire unit had to, or else they lose their lives right then and there. This was an all out attack, and their foes were not holding anything back.

"WHAT THE!?! GET OFF OF ME!?!", spat Smaug in great aggression as he was tackled away from Sharpclaw. As he fought them off with excellent skill and precision did he look over at Sharpclaw again. But as he looked toward the stubborn spinosaurus, who was like a father to him. Did his eyes go wide in horrid realization. The pure sight of his eyes violently shaking at the sight, was soul crushing. "N-No W-Way..!"

That was when he saw it, the carcass of Sharpclaw which was actually tied to the tree by blood covered vines. "SHARPCLAW!!!!", roared Smaug in agony and bitter rage at the dead body that dangled cruelly from a tree as if on horrid display for only him to see. The body was of someone who he looked up to and respected with the entirety of his being. "NOOOO!?!" screamed Smaug violently as searing hot tears ran down his face uncontrollably. "I AM GOING TO KILL EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU BASTARDS!!!!"

Smaug's voice sounded so unlike himself, no he wasn't himself, not anymore. For he was so overcome with rage, it was like all natural reason and restraint was gone. He had snapped. Literally.

Being so overwhelmed with this rage and pain, did he attack all who ran toward him. But what he didn't expect was to be roughly tackled down by someone much larger, as they hit his side. "!?!"

As he looked up after landing onto the ground, did a large club tail strike his stomach. Which made his vision go black.


"Stay with us!" firmly spoke Swiftscale as he made sure that the youth were with him and the trikes who formed a protective wall around them.

"There is so many!" gasped Ruby in fear as the raiders flooded in from a large hole in the back. "I can't..!", her voice was caught off as all at once three more holes erupted from all sides of the community. The large logs that made up the walls as they fell, made ear-piercing creaks as they slammed into the ground. After the impact of such large debris, did large dirt clouds erupt into the hot night air.

"Stay together!?!", ordered Ebony as she glared at the massive numbers of their opponents who were now flooding in nonstop. Her eyes went wide at the sight of many residents being attacked and cruelly killed around them.

"I suggest those who can still fight give up, or else be killed harshly by my judgment.", was the calm voice of one large brute. Of course his form was covered thanks to the dirt cloud.

"Who..!", gasped Nina as she struggles to see where that calming voice was coming from. The dirt cloud that was around the community, made it hard for anyone to see through it. Her eyes were narrowed sharply before going wide at the sight of Harmony being dragged away from her by something. "NO!", yelled Nina in reply before she froze up at the sight of many unrecognizable silhouettes behind and around her.

The sheer number of raiders who were there, put their numbers to shame. "..!"

Swiftscale was frozen in place, much like Ruby and Ebony as they saw the size of members within this clan of raiders. The size that their community had, was easily tripled by the size of their foes. And the fact that they flooded in so quickly, put a disgusting taste within their mouths.

"SUBMIT OR ELSE!?!" harshly ordered a powerful voice that echoed out in the ruins of their community which was still covered in a massive cloud of dirt. Their home and safe haven, was all but ruins now. These raiders had complete control over everything now.

"N-No way..." hissed Swiftscale as the dirt cloud was beginning to subside now.

Once the dirt cloud fully dissolved finally, did they see many of the residents who were part of their home. Some were dead on the floor, while many were pinned to the ground by countless mutants, and strange looking herbivores. If you would call them, herbivores.

Ruby felt cold as she shivered at the sight before her, whereas Ebony was completely terrified by the sight. They were honestly the only ones standing, as they stood behind the protective wall of trikes.

These raiders were so fast and coordinated, that they had already tore through their defenses as well as offenses. What were they to do now?

Swiftscale's eyes were looking all over, and he was quick to see Scarface who was pinned. Much like the rest of his hunting unit. "..!", he didn't stop there as he saw the herbalists station. For they too were pinned.

"SUBMIT TO ME! NOW!?!", snapped a cold powerful voice of a much larger predator. This beast was so different from any other creature on earth. Swiftscale could see him, just like the survivors of the community who were all pinned down to the earthy ground against their wills.

A large rex skull, was upon his face. Though it was covered with various horns of different sizes and shapes from different creatures. Seething hot, red glowing eyes. Large fangs, protruding from his lower jaw with sharp fangs visible from both sides of his maw. This brutes size and bulk looked like a rex, and yet he had what looked like long arms from a spinosaurus upon his chest. Though the middle clawed finger was replaced with a long sharp therizinosaurus claw. Then there was his tail, that had a mix of spikes from both a stegosaurus and kentrosaurus.

Lastly, black in color was this raider leader who had burns of different kinds covering his body from head to tail. it wasn't burns. Was that hardened magma rock!

Flinching at the sound of his booming voice, Ruby and the others could only watch as he roared viciously at Amberhide's face. Speaking of Amberhide, he was badly battered and bruised on the ground, before the strange looking tyrant. Who was treating him like dirt. No, he was treating him much worser than that. All of them could see it, as well as feel it.

"W-We submit to no one...!", hoarsely replied Amberhide as he tried to stand his ground. Poor Amberhide, for he was trying so hard to glare back at the raider leader.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE!?!", roared Razzak who was badly beaten up from where he lay. As he tried to get up to assist Amberhide, was he cruelly kicked then his face was pinned by a much larger mutant who evilly laughed at his weakened state.

How? Just how did the raiders beat them so fast! They just kept coming and flooded the place, in a instant!

"Heh, then I judge you here and now." smirked the sadistic tyrant as he flicked his large cranium. As if on cue, one of Amberhide's legs were ripped off. Which made many flinch, and scream in terror.

"ARGHHHHH!!!!", screamed Amberhide in pure agony as he was pinned to the ground as they coyly did this to him.

Ruby's eyes were quick to be filled with tears, much like Belle who watched what was happening to him. Everyone who was watching this happen, felt terrible. Even though Ripper was feeling this pain the worst. Why? Well, this is one of Amberhide's back-up ideas. If the worst thing was to happen and the raiders were to get the upper hand, then he would put this plan in motion.

Amberhide knew that the leader of the community would be killed in front of everyone, and in order to protect the leader who was actually Ripper. Would he pretend to be the leader. This way, the community would still have their rightful leader to lead them.

Ripper hated this idea, and he hated more as he visibly winced at what they were doing to Amberhide.

"Tear off his other leg. That may change his tune?" chuckled the brute with a evil smile. Even his features held some kind of resemblance to that of a demon as he watched Amberhide be tortured before him. However, the sound of a small cry caught his attention.

Slowly he turned his head to look over his right shoulder to look at the small protective wall of trikes, which defended Swiftscale, Ebony, Nina, and Ruby. As well as the young ones. "What this? Some who still wish to defy me?", asked the dry voice of the leader who smiled darkly in his humor. "Beat them!", he curtly ordered in a cruel laugh.

"NO! WAIT..!?!", before Swiftscale could finish his words did he see a terrifying ankylosaurus charge forward.

"WATCH OUT!?!" yelled Ebony as she moved the young ones behind her to shield them. The moment she lifted her eyes, did she see two trikes be completely decapitated by the sharp looking club tail. "..!"

"EBONY!?!", screamed Swiftscale as she was pushed hard to the ground by the ankylosaurus while more raiders moved in to finish off all of the trikes that tried to defend the young ones. "N-NO!" yelled Harmony in a panic when her daughters as well as the other young ones were finally exposed.

Ruby was harshly pinned down to the ground while Nina was thrown down harshly which sparked aggression from Adder the moment that he had seen it. Though he was smacked by a mutant rather hard, that they pinned him down to the ground like everyone else.

"I see? Hiding such pure souls?" smirked the raider leader as he approached the youth who were cowering before him. Though Devokus was in front of his little sister looking very protective over her. He wasn't the only one for even Zorah was guarding Eden and Enyo with her body.

"NO!?! Leave them alone!!!" yelled Amberhide painfully on the ground as he looked at the brute who stopped to his voice. "This is between you and me!?!"

"Heh. I don't think so?" coldly chuckled the leader as he looked back at Amberhide with his red eyes narrowed wickedly. "I, Skulnar have already settled it."

Ripper's eyes were very fast to widen to what would happen next, as well as all of the community survivors. In just a second after the brute known as Skulnar had finished talking, did one of his lackeys pinned Amberhide down by his back. While another took a hold of Amberhide's head by his nose, and heartlessly ripped it clean off of his shoulders while he was still alive. To such a grave wound, did blood pour freely from the open hole as it dyed the earthy ground red.

Screams of horror and rage could be heard from the survivors of the community. While those who were pure of heart, cried in absolute heartache at what had transpired.

"AMBERHIDE!!!!!" roared Razzak loudly at what he had saw. Even his eyes were beginning to form tears as he closed them tightly. "Tch!?!"

"Heh, now where was I? Oh yes." smiled Skulnar as he closed in on the young offspring. "My next judgment is this! No weak abominations allowed in our new world!"

As he was getting ready to stomp on them did he feel something jump onto his back.

"HELM!?!", yelled Ebony when she saw him from where she was. Her eyes were locked on him as his mouth made contact to the back of Skulnar's throat.

Helm didn't stop there as he tried his best to use all of his claws onto the much larger opponent who stood completely still as he was being attacked. However his eyes were to close as he felt pain on his tail, and as Helm looked did he see Skulnar's mouth clamped down tightly onto it. Even the sight of those long lethal lower fangs going through his tail, made him sick to his stomach.

"ARGH!?!" growled Helm as he was pulled off of his opponent's back and slammed down hard onto the ground by his tail. "UGH!?!", groaned Helm once he felt the ground splinter behind him.

Before Helm could get back up was he pinned down onto his back by a large foot that was pressing down hard onto the center of his stomach.

"You stupid fool. Trying to save the weak? I guess that means that you are weak as well." scoffed Skulnar boredly. Though his red eyes took notice of his nose horn. "It be a shame really? You have such a nice horn. Oh I know I will put it to good use once I dispose of you?"

"ARGHHH-AHHHH!!!", screamed Helm in the worst pains of his life. The foot that was on his stomach was pushing down hard, to the point that he felt two bones break within his ribs. Due to the strong pressure.

Skulnar was smiling big during this that he kicked Helm to the side as if he was a useless carcass. The strength from such a kick, was enough to damage more bones.

"HELM!?! NOO!!!" cried Ebony after he was kicked coldly to the side. Her eyes were wet with tears as she looked at Helm, who laid where he was. But her eyes went wide when she saw movement from Helm. "..!"

"Y-You will not kill those kids!" snarled Helm as he stood to his feet. As he lifted his head, did everyone see the damage upon his lower jaw for it was bent out of shape.


"I love kids!" happily laughed Dingo as he watched Lesion and Jr sleep at his side while Bloodmaw was away. "What about you bo?", asked Dingo curiously as he looked at Helm with a smile.

"Of course! Of course!" chuckled Helm as he smiled at Dingo who purred at him. "But please be quiet! You will wake them up!", whispered Helm as he saw Jr twitch to Dingo's voice.

"Oops!" gasped Dingo in realization now with a comedic funny face while blushing. "Sorry!", he whispered to the two young rexes who he was happy to adopt as his own. Even though the two little rexes already had parents, Dingo couldn't refuse to raise and take care of Lesion and Jr as his own.

These pleasant thoughts were quick to subside from Helm, as he was powerful pushed down by a foot which belonged to Skulnar. Who was now getting annoyed by him getting up again, after being hit two more times before this. "Stay down you piece of shit!"

"No!", replied Helm as he snapped up at Skulnar. "YOU WILL NOT HURT THOSE KIDS!?!"

"Hmph, I find your stubbornness and heroics rather pointless. No, it's a waste of my time!" growled Skulnar as he smacked Helm in the face incredibly hard. That one of Skulnar's claws left a horrible wound over Helm's right eye.

"HELM!?!" yelled Ebony now and she wasn't alone for even Belle said it as well in her own pained voice as she cried, "H-Helm..!"

Belle's eyes were overflowing with tears as she watched Helm defend the young ones. She also knew that Devastate respected him as well, for he was growling very loudly from where he was being pinned. All of those who were fighters, were very angry about what was going on. But sadly they were outnumbered and outmatched by the sheer numbers that the raiders had on their side.

"I am getting bored of you!", Literally spat Skulnar at Helm as he towered over him with his red eyes a serious glare.

"Same here!" groaned Helm rudely who was badly covered in bruises and wounds of various kinds throughout his body.

Skulnar's features became very sinister and scary as he looked down at Helm who was actually glaring back at him. The both of them were still and didn't say anything to each other for a while.

"Sir! The others are returning!" spoke a mutant brute who was looking at the front of the remnants of the community.

"Right.", replied Skulnar in a low sounding growl as he kept his eyes on Helm who was looking up at him with his glare still evident. "Make sure the hostages don't escape. They do. Kill them."

"Yes!", replied the mutant brute as he walked out to meet the others which scared the rest of the community who were all still alive.

Ebony could only watch in bated breath along with Swiftscale as they watched Skulnar turn his head onto the young ones. Though he smirked as he slowly shifted away from Helm, as he approached the young ones again. And like before Helm was quick to move, to defend them. Again, Helm's thoughts strayed to when him and Dingo were together as they watched Lesion and Jr when they were younger.

"Dingo? I think you are spoiling them a bit too much?" lightly laughed Helm as he looked at Bloodmaw's sons who were given a free day of play.

"Aye! Kids need to be spoiled!", replied Dingo in his laughter. "All kids deserve to have fun and feel loved by their family!"

"Heh you are not wrong?" chuckled Helm as he blushed at Dingo who was more than happy to snuggle up beside him. "I-I love you when you are sweet on the know?"

"O-Oh!", replied Dingo who was blushing furiously with his eyes wider than the largest of rocks. Though he grinned as he pressed his nose against Helm's cheek affectionately. "Aye mate! I love you too~!"

All in a instant was he returned back to the living, it was then at that moment did he feel a strong painful pain coarse through the entirety of his being. And yet this pain was nothing to him. No pain could ever beat the pain of seeing his mate torn apart, right before his eyes.

"HELM!?! BROTHER!!!!" was the painful mixed cries from Ebony, Jr, and Lesion. As they saw the heartbreaking sight of Skulnar ripping off Helm's lower jaw which left a nasty wound on his mouth to the end of his neck.

"NOOO!!!" cried Belle and Ruby at such a scene. Just like the young ones who cried for him as well, for they knew he died fighting in order to protect them.

"YOU BASTARDS!!!" roared Razzak in horrible pain.

"Hmph!" snorted Skulnar as he left Helm there to bleed out which didn't take long. For the severity of his wounds, caught up with him after a minute. As he laid there dying, did Helm hear a distant familiar voice calling to him. He knew who it was, for it was Dingo. Tears were slowly appearing in his fading eyes, as he saw Dingo walking to him. Ready to take him to a better place. It was then at that moment, did his breath cease.

Skulnar's red eyes were locked on the young ones now after dealing with Helm, up until he saw the rest of his clan returning. As he saw them approaching, did he know that he would have to deal with the offspring later.

"Smaug!" growled Devastate when he saw an unconscious Smaug being dragged within what was left of the community. But his eyes went wide when he saw Cobalt being forced into the same place along with other hostages from Sharpclaw's clan.

"No way...!" gasped Gambit and Wraith together when they saw one familiar tyrant walking slowly within the mix of raiders, and they were not the only ones. For Devastate glared in his direction, though Belle looked terrified to see him.

Ahnyx, Cripple, Scalpmuzzle, and Gullet were looking at what Gambit and Wraith were looking at. From the looks of their faces, they knew that this brute was one to not be trusted.

"It can't be!" roared Adder in shock. As Hawkeye and Rain looked at Baldur appalled.

Nina was next to Harmony and Ruby as they looked at Baldur in bewilderment, as the young ones were forced to them. For now much to the joy of Lockjaw who was glaring at Skulnar. Right behind him was Rigor, Clade, and Grim who were forced onto the ground. Next to them was Reza, Savagejaw, and Goong. Who were keenly watching Baldur as he comes into completely sight.

Ripper and Jaeger were glaring at Baldur, for it was like can sense the danger coming from him. This brute looked to be as cruel as they come, which was not a good thing. Not at all.

Scarface had a horrified look of surprise just like Swiftscale, all of them were shocked and many could not believe it when Baldur stopped before them with a nasty smile upon his lips. It wasn't long until Scarface yelled out in disbelief, "Baldur's alive!?! How is that even possible!?!"

~ To be continued until the third season!

I hope you guys liked the second season finale! ^^ I honestly hope you did! ;~; I also hope that you didn't cry too much? I know I did!

I want to thank you all for reading the second season! If you liked it then please give it a vote or add it to your reading list and hey share it with your friends! That is if you think they will like it too!

The third season will be coming out soon! I hope to see you then!

Thank you guys for reading, Rise Of A New Age! See you in the next season! <3