Christopher (p.ov)
When I saw Erika holding that tree branch like a baby monkey I couldn't stop smiling, she looked so cute but when I saw that snake under the tree, all the air went out of my lungs with fear because it's the most dangerous snake in this forest. if it bites a person they would die on the spot, my mind went blank for a moment but I have dealt with situations like this before so I told Erika to stay calm and went to get a stick.
I sprayed some ammonia on the stick and took the snake from the tree with it, there is a chance that the snake might not get affected by the spray and bite me but I didn't care at that moment. I just wanted to get that snake away from Erika, luckily the snake went numb and I threw it away.
When I climbed the tree Erika immediately held me by locking her legs around my waist, I am a man after all so when she hugged me like that I kinda felt turned on, then I saw her cute innocent face shivering with fear like a small kid, I chuckled a little and climbed down with her.
She is really adorable when she forgets everything and acts like a child, what if she stays with me like this forever!!, that thought alone brought a smile to my face, and I wanted to tease her more, "For how long are you gonna choke me??" I whispered in her ear, she slowly opened her beautiful eyes and looked at me.
She stared into my eyes for a few seconds, binding me with the magic of her beautiful eyes, I just felt like staying like that forever "have we met before Mr.Stone??" she asked me nervously, did she find out that I was the one who saved her from the accident that day??
For some reason, I didn't feel like telling her the truth and wanted to tease her for some days " I don't meet people with your IQ" I said teasing her, she shook her head and looked down pouting, this girl doesn't even know what she does to people, if I hold her like this for a few more seconds I don't know what I would do.
"Are you feeling comfortable like this or should I carry you in my arms?" I said to tease her more, and she immediately left me and got down, I immediately missed the warmth of her body, meanwhile, Stephen came running with some ropes.
"What happened?? why did you scream Erika ?? are you ok?? " Stephen asked with concern, this idiot left her alone and have the nerve to ask if she is okay??" where the hell were you?? why did you leave her alone?? she would have died if that snake bit her" I asked him angrily.
"What snake?? I just went to get a rope, I thought she would be okay. I am sorry Erika, are you ok??" he asked and she shook her and said"I am ok was my mistake to climb the tree, please don't say sorry" my blood boiled when she called him by his name when did they get so close huhh...
"Stephen huhh...why are you calling him by his name ?? and why did you climb that goddamn tree?? you are here to help us not to waste our time by getting yourself into trouble," I asked her angrily grabbing her arm, I am losing my mind seeing her talking to Stephen like that, she pushed me away and went to pick her bag.
Why is she walking away when I am talking to her, I didn't like it when she ignored me, so I went to her and took the bag from her and said "Do not walk away when I am talking to you...answer me ...why are..." I stopped when some apricots fell from her bag. she picked them slowly and said"I..I..I thought to make some apricot tarts for you" she said looking down nervously.
My heart melted at that moment and words didn't come out of my mouth, she risked so much just to make my favorite dessert for me, why did I get angry with her?? I regretted speaking harshly with her, every time I get angry with her I regret it.
"Oh no...Eri..did you scratch your hands while climbing the tree?? " Stephen asked her checking her hands at which she shook her head," It's nothing .. I am fine, umm..if you are done tieing the firewood lets go, we don't want Daniel to start cooking, do we?? " she said trying to lighten up the awkward atmosphere.
I saw her hands with small scratches, huhh...I didn't notice that she was in pain and yelled at her like an asshole I thought and quickly picked her up without thinking much and started walking towards our camp, she asked me to put her down but I didn't and took her to the camp.
She suddenly got down once we entered the camp like she didn't want anyone to see us like that, then I saw Daniel walking towards us. He spoke to her something and took her into his tent, so she didn't want him to see us like that huhh...I guess Richard was right about Daniel, he looked really concerned about Erika every time she is in trouble I thought.
Caroline saw me and ran towards me, she was wearing less clothes for a field trip, is fashion more important than her health?? sometimes I really want to open her head and see what's inside." Mr.stone where were you?? I need your help with the equipment" she said trying to sound sweet, I really hope she stops doing these foolish acts I thought.
While we were heading towards the tent with the equipment I saw Daniel applying ointment on Erika's hands, unconsciously I gripped the keys in my hands almost hurting my hands"huhh .. don't they look good with each other?? I mean Erika should seize this chance and date him, I don't think she would find anyone better than Daniel" Caroline said making me angrier than I already was.
"Why don't you just shut up and mind your own business Ms.King," I said and went to my tent to check on the equipment, I should seriously do something about this Daniel guy I thought, meanwhile Stephen entered the tent and said, "what was that Chris?? I never saw you concerned about anyone like that" at which I shook my head in annoyance.
"She was hurt because of our ignorance, that's why I helped her, what's the big deal" I told him, but deep down I knew the truth, he chuckled a little and said, "I really hope that's the case because it didn't look like that" with that he went outside.
Erika (p.ov)
Finally, the moment I have been waiting impatiently has arrived, darkness descended on the thick forest and the atmosphere turned really cold, I wore a black jacket over my T-shirt unable to bear the cold climate and went outside excitedly.
Daniel was right about the lake. It really looked so beautiful when the moonlight fell on the water, the plants inside the lake glowed in a greenish golden hue making the scenery looking magical. I just couldn't stop but stare in amazement at the beautiful scenery before me.
Mr.King appeared in a full-body swimsuit and Mr.Stone in his usual cargo shorts and black vest with a jean jacket, he looked handsome in his natural tan color and huge well-built body. Caroline appeared in some white-hot shorts and a black sports bra with a black jacket on it, she looked stunning as usual.
"ok guys, so tonight we are gonna collect these bioluminescent plants and collect samples from them, Mr.King will get these plants out of the lake, you guys get ready to collect the samples, I do not want any mistakes," Mr.Stone said addressing the three of us and turned to Stephen.
"ok Stephen are you ready, did you take your dive light and navigation compass," Mr. Stone asked Stephen to which Stephen nodded in a yes "I am good to go brother," he said and put on the oxygen mask and waited for Mr.Stone's signal.
Mr.Stone checked his watch and counted to three and signaled Stephen to jump into the water, Stephen jumped into the water making a loud splash, there was a communication setup with a monitor in a tent to communicate with Stephen when he is underwater.
Mr.Stone sat before the monitor with headphones on and started observing Stephen's movements, "ok guys observe carefully, these are the bio lumniscent plants which we are gonna require for our experiment" he said showing the plants on the screen.
"Are they glowing naturally Mr.Stone??" Daniel asked observing the monitor carefully at which Mr.Stone shook his head in a no "nope..actually they absorb a rare bacteria from the mud under the lake and combine it with sugar in the stem tissue and emit light" he explained and started taking some recordings.
"So why don't we just extract the bacteria from the mud sir??" I asked curiously, he stopped observing the monitor and looked at me, "That's because we are gonna research the combined system of bacteria and algae, the bacteria reprograms the tissue once it combines with the tissue, that's my theory but I have to do careful analysis at the laboratory once we get the samples" he explained and went back to take the readings.
The books I have read at Mr. stone's library really helped me in understanding Mr.Stone's theory this time. Mr.Stone started giving instructions to Stephen, the process took nearly four long hours, during this time Mr.Stone explained so many things and theories to us that are not even available in books. At that moment I felt that the struggle I have gone through to work with him really worth it.
After four long hours of working, Stephen came out of the lake with the plants we needed, daniel and I immediately wore the gloves and started taking wet samples in blotting papers and dry samples in plastic bags, we have collected the fluid using acetone from the stem cell and carefully placed them in small plastic bottles
Caroline entered the tent angrily and started cutting the leaves unevenly, I didn't understand what she was doing "umm...Caroline... I am afraid we will waste the samples if we cut them like that" I told her hesitatingly because I didn't wanna offend her again.
She rolled her eyes at that "That's none of your business, why don't you go and arrange food for us, we are all starving" she said and continued cutting the samples recklessly.
Daniel took the clinical scissor from her hand "Can you please stop behaving like a celebrity for once?? you can throw tantrums anytime but not now because Mr.Stone and Stephen had put a lot of effort to get these samples, if you don't know what to do, at least stay out of it and save us the trouble" he said angrily.
But it was already late for dinner and we are almost done collecting the samples so I got up "She is right Daniel... it's already late for dinner, everyone must be hungry after a long day, I will go and warm up the dishes, please wrap this up for me" I told him and left the tent.
Daniel sighed and nodded, Caroline rolled her eyes and went back to her cutting, I came out of the tent and saw Mr.Stone and Stephen sitting by the campfire and discussing something seriously, I slowly went to the tent where our food was stored.
I took the chicken pieces which we have marinated before and prepared the skewers, daniel came after some time and helped me with the remaining process. we all sat around the campfire and started eating the food I prepared.
Richard also joined us during the dinner, "whoa...your cooking is really delicious Eri...I can see why Chris hired you as his personal cook, brother... can I take her back home. I happen to need a personal cook these days" Stephen asked Mr.Stone and winked.
"I am sure you don't lack food back home Stephen I heard Mrs.King is an excellent cook or should I call and ask her to arrange a special cook for you," Mr. Stone said smirking, Stephen looked a little scared at the mention of his mom, and coughed.
Richard gave Stephen a water bottle and patted his back, "Are you ok Mr.King?? you look pale" he asked looking worried, Caroline laughed looking at him and said"He is fine Richard, it's just that he is afraid of our mom".
"Is your mom that strict Stephen??" Daniel asked at which Stephen laughed awkwardly " strict but she is a little overprotective of us, isn't she Caroline?" he asked Caroline. She rolled her eyes and said "'s overprotective of you not me, she knows that I would never do stupid things like you".
"what about you Erika?? how're your parents like??" Stephen asked me, everyone looked at me expectantly including Mr.Stone ." mom died when I was a baby, so my father raised me alone, he is not at all strict ..he is very caring and sweet and I miss him everyday" I said sadly remembering my dad.
Caroline scoffed "how old are you dear?? do you want your father to read you bedtime stories now?? you should not have signed up for this project if you are so weak-minded," she said and Daniel got angry and said"Mind your words, Caroline, there's nothing wrong with missing your loved ones, that doesn't make her weak".
I held his hand and shook my head, making him sit back beside me. I did not want him to fight with Caroline and spoil everyone's mood. Caroline scoffed and shook her head looking bored.
"I agree with Caroline on this, people with weak minds are not fit for this field, so it's better if they do not waste my time signing up for my projects" Mr. Stone said staring seriously at me and Daniel, Mr.stone never leaves an opportunity to insult me I guess...
"whoa..whoa...chill guys ...that's enough, let's not get into serious stuff and spoil our moods. it's already late and I am tired, let's call it a day, we have a lot of work tomorrow " Stephen said and got up, with that everyone got up and went to their tents.
I have made my bed and checked my bag for moisturizer, I saw Mr.stone's blanket in my bag which I forgot to give him earlier, so I took the blanket and went to his tent and stood outside.
"Mr.Stone...I ..I forgot to give you your blanket in the morning, can I come in" I asked nervously, after a few seconds he asked me to get in, when I went inside he was only in his shorts without wearing a shirt.
His body looked strong and well built with eight pack, his shoulders are broad and wide, he kind of reminded me of Khal Drago from the game of thrones, I must say any girl would die to touch those abs, "if you are done staring, make my bed I am tired" Mr.Stone said snapping me out of my dirty thoughts.
I immediately looked away in embarrassment and started making his bed, while I was adjusting the pillows, I suddenly felt like all my muscles got paralyzed and I couldn't move and fell on the ground and I saw Mr.Stone on the ground in the same state as mine. He was also struggling to get up but couldn't, later I fell unconscious and everything went black.