Another Failed Goodbye


As he ran back into Acrod, Gideon thought of how he would begin the conversation. He hadn't ever had to say goodbye to anyone that was alive, so this was pretty weird for him. The fact that he even considered it was insane, maybe he had really gone bonkers.

Emotions had a way of making things complicated and right now, Gideon was thinking of going back to Criselda and ignoring the nudge in his heart to go after the werewolf warrior. He wondered if the warrior would have come after him if he didn't rush to say goodbye.

But then he also knew that he had pushed the warrior away last night, so there were very slim chances of the warrior coming to him.

He knew where to find the warrior, because he knew his scent, or rather was addicted to his scent. Gideon coming to look for a warrior was already suspicious enough so if he asked around on where to find the warrior, he would be causing trouble.

Werewolves had mates, and no one had ever heard of a bond like the one Gideon had with the wolf, so maybe that was why he had come back to say goodbye. Maybe he needed to ensure there were no rumors before he left.

So he walked around, sniffing like he was trying to find a distinct scent that belonged to a beautiful black-eyed werewolf. It didn't take long for him to find him.

'Goddess, you look so perfect,' Gideon thought to himself as he stopped in his tracks. The warrior was with his friends, but it seemed like he caught a whiff of a familiar scent, judging by the way his head turned towards where Gideon was standing.

The witch of Greroth was hiding behind a wall, but even then, he could be seen, well, at least by the one he was looking for.

'This will suck,' Gideon reprimanded himself, before walking away from the warrior. Coming back here was apparently not a good idea. He needed to let go and focus on his missions as a witch protege of Greroth.

'Goodbye,' he said as he hurried down the long highways, trying to find the easiest way out, as if he even knew Acrod that well.

"If you are leaving, you're going in the wrong direction. The exit is this way," the warrior said, his tone soft, like he was a fragile warrior that needed Gideon to survive.

"I know where I was headed," Gideon said stubbornly making the warrior scoff. This witch was something else. he was directionally challenged and he wasn't even going to admit it, besides it wasn't like the warrior would tell a would anyway.

"Okay, well, I'll see you around, Gideon of Greroth," the warrior said as he walked back to where he had been. He was hoping that he could hear more from Gideon, but if the witch wasn't even willing to initiate a discussion with him, what was the guarantee that they would even talk to each other anyway?

"Hey, we need to talk," Gideon said to no one in particular, but the warrior heard him and paused. Maybe that was meant for him, but maybe it wasn't.

After a few minutes of silence, he figured that Gideon wasn't probably talking to him, so he walked away again.

"Wait, I— I kinda need to talk to you," Gideon said, his voice growing quieter with each word that came out of his lips. He seemed so unsure that even the warrior could feel it. Maybe this was a mistake, maybe they just needed to ignore their bonds.

"What do you want, Gideon?" The warrior asked and it took every ounce of Gideon's willpower to not smile at how beautifully his name sounded on the warrior's lips. he wished he could hear it more times.

"I just needed to talk to you, one last time," Gideon responded as he walked towards the warrior who hadn't even made an effort to move away. He had turned back and was staring at Gideon, glaring at him, like it was something he had been waiting to do.

Maybe this was him expressing himself, or maybe this was just him bored of waiting and holding on to things that didn't matter. But then was twelve hours really a long wait? Or was the warrior just being a dramatic piece of shit?

"So you really are leaving, huh?"

"You know I have to leave, young werewolf," Gideon said and the wolf just let out a sad laugh.

"I guess I'm privileged to have the great Gideon of Greroth coming to bid me goodbye. This is a privilege, right? Or what should I call it, oh wait, the kiss me one more time privilege? Anyway, you can say your goodbyes quick, I have things to attend to here."

Gideon looked at the warrior, endure of what he expected. This man was different from the man he had met last night, but then so many things always changed when the sun was high up in the sky. Maybe this was just one of them.

"Ah— Yeah, Umm, goodbye, young werewolf. I guess I'll see you around, right. In one of the meetings that your king may let you tag along. Fuck I'm rambling. Anyway, goodbye, friend."

And with that, Gideon walked towards the warrior, quietly passing the man his heart was currently hammering for.

Criselda had been right, he shouldn't have come here. He wanted to high the wolf and feel his body against his one last time. he wanted to be there for him, even for a few more seconds. he wanted to tell the warrior that everything would be okay.

However, he couldn't.

He had been late, or maybe the wolf was protecting them both from getting hurt. but if that was so, why the fuck did it hurt so bad? Why did he want to let out a cry on this highway? Why did he desperately want to bang his head on the stone walls?

Gideon was done for. He knew he shouldn't have come back. He had listened to his heart, and now, he was hurting. Maybe this was just another failed goodbye.

He seemed to be blessed with those anyway.

"Gideon," The warrior said when the man was barely a few feet away from him. He could see how devastated Gideon was, by their brief goodbye and he just wanted to make sure the man was okay.

The warrior was smart. He knew that him and Gideon had no chance of being together, but he also had to admit, that the witch of Greroth coming back to Acrod just to say goodbye to him, that was so heartfelt and nice.

"You don't have to. Come now little wolf, there are responsibilities waiting for us both, yeah?" Gideon said, hurrying away for the young werewolf, but he stopped when he suddenly felt sparks on his body, making him lose focus for a moment there.

What the fuck had just happened?