Don't Push Me Away, Please


"Don't go, at least not yet," the warrior said, hugging Gideon from the back. He had to be high on something because right now, everything was confusing Gideon, and this warrior was right at the center of it.

However, Gideon knew what to do. He may have felt what the warrior was feeling, but this was going to be for them both. He had already made his decision, and it couldn't be delayed, no matter how beautiful the man behind him was.

"Should I come with you? I don't mind living among the witches, as long as it's with you, or close to you. Don't leave me here, please," the warrior said, his words making Gideon feel something different.

The witch wasn't sure what it was, but he knew this would hurt so bad. Once again, he reminded himself to always listen to Criselda, because listening to Criselda would always save him heartbreaks and awkward situations like this one.

"No, you can't," Gideon said, his voice coming off a little too harsher than he had wanted to, but the damage had already been done. Gently, he turned to look at the beautiful warrior holding onto him for dear life.

He wanted to wipe off the frown on his face, but that would be too costly for both of them. the sparks in their bodies didn't even help the situation, especially with Gideon's great desire to eat him up.

"Are you rejecting me?" the wolf said softly like he was already regretting holding onto Gideon and stopping him from walking away from him.

Gideon lifted the wolf's head up, leaving a soft kiss on his lips, an assurance that this wasn't what he had in mind. It was like a reminder that no matter what happened, the warrior could always count on Gideon.

The warrior wanted to deepen the kiss, but Gideon pulled back, knowing so well his words would have a lasting effect on this beautiful man staring at him with eyes he wanted to drown in. Maybe this was the best idea, because eat least he would get to finally see his reactions.

"I don't want to, little wolf, but this is something I have to do."

"Something you have to do? Are you fucking serious right now?" The wolf asked angrily, but Gideon pulled him into a hug. the warrior tried fighting Gideon but he later gave up, giving in to their pulls and desires.

He felt good being here with Gideon and leaning on him like this, maybe they could rethink everything, but was that ever possible at this moment?

"My life and yours are completely different, little wolf," Gideon tried explaining to the warrior. It was a truth they both had to agree with. Technically them being of different races was never a reason for rejection but just like Gideon had told him, their lives were different.

One was peaceful and the other was motivated by anger.

Sure, they were the perfect combo, but Gideon didn't want this wolf to always have to deal with his anger. He knew he would be worn out and while the wolf probably wouldn't have to complain, he would be hurting.

"Why? Is it because I'm a werewolf, and you're a witch? the goddess doesn't care about that, which is why she paired us together," the warrior insisted.

"You don't understand," Gideon insisted.

"Make me understand—" the warrior began but he could tell that there was no way out of this that did hurt.

"Fine, if you don't want me, then you can at least reject me to my face," he said, pulling himself out of Gideon's grasp. The hurt in his eyes made Gifdeoj flinch, but the witch composed himself a little too fast.

"If you so wish," Gideon said and the wolf whimpered. Gideon wanted to soothe him, but how the fuck was he supposed to do that when he was the very reason the warrior was in pain? How was he supposed to make him feel better when here and now, it was all on him?

"Please understand, my little wolf, I didn't want to hurt you, but you have a mate. I know I am yours too, but I am a complicated mate. My life is hell enough as it is, and as much as I want to love and adore you, I can't.

"I desperately want t take you with me, but there are things I have to fix, issues I have to sort and a group of people I need to punish. Having you as mine will put you in danger, love. Having you in my life will ruin you, and I can't do that to you.

"I can't introduce you to a pain I don't even know how long it will last. You will get your werewolf mate, I know that because my kind never really gets mates. We choose our mates, young wolf. I know this will hurt because you can feel the bond between us.

"But this is a bod I must reject, little wolf. This is one I can't let blossom, because it will hurt you in the future, and I can't have that. I promise you, you will find another mate, a good mate. One without so much baggage or even a terrible history like me.

"You will find someone who will love you for who you are, someone who will cherish you. As much as I want to be that person for you, I simply cannot be. I am terrible for you, and bad for your heart I—" Gideon rented, but his mate wasn't letting him off easy.

"What if I'm also bad? We're both warriors of our factions. We're both strong, and have accumulated enemies, we have ghosts haunting us. Surely we can live with that, we can fight our battles. I'll show up for you just like I know you will show up for me,

"Why can't we just give it a try, Gideon? What is it that you are afraid of? What is it that is making you take a step back from all of this? I can hear your heartbeats. You want this. I can smell your desire for me, just like I am certain you can smell mine.

"We are both in this together, why do you want to push me away, because—"

"How do you know I can smell your desire for me?" Gideon asked, cutting the werewolf short.

"I am your mate, Gideon. Of course, I can tell if I affect you, just the same way I already know that you're not a witch. I saw what Criselda did back there when you attacked King Eddy. I don't know what he did, but for even Criselda, the advocate of peace to join, it must have been terrible.

"I can tell you're running from something, and you don't want me in the middle, at least that much has been clear from the first day. But what if I can help, please let me in, Gideon," the warrior pleaded.