The Fantastic Old Darius [1]


[Four Days Ago]

"Are you fucking crazy right now? You are running away? Oh, for fucks sake, what the fuck is wrong with you? And why the hell are you here? Had enough of Udrad? You left your son in the middle of the chaos, and your mate you wanker! 

"What the fuck is wrong with you?"Old Darius said as he looked at the man staring at him. 

He looked like he had taken a hundred days to get through the Udrad tunnels just to get out of the demon kingdom, and well clearly, old Darius was pissed as hell, from the incompetence of the man standing before him.

"I'm still the lycan king—" Edison said as he looked at Old Darius who was looking at him like the king had gone bonkers.

"Do I look like I give a fuck about your position? Alright then, son. You're the king of the lycans, no? Then what in the seven fucking hells are you doing here?!! Does my underground bunker look like Udrad to you?