The Unexpected 'Hero'


"Dammit," Alanor sighed for the hundredth time since he began sleeping and got none of it. He had been trying to get some sleep but the longer he tried, the longer he was unable to. So he figured there was no point in holding on, when he had a prisoner he could chat with excitedly.

"Hey wake up," Alanor said, gently banging Edison's bunker. 

It was almost dawn and Alanor hadn't gotten an ounce of sleep the whole night. He had been watching the damn bunker and the more he watched it, the more he felt like he was losing his sanity.

The man in the bunker had taken everything from him and yet he had the audacity to get some good rest? Granted, Alanor had twisted Edison's neck in Udrad, and forced him in that state, but wasn't he the lycan king?

Wasn't he supposed to be strong enough?