The Lycan King of Ruins


"Someone said the king is back. Is Edison really back home?" Ileus asked, when Unar walked into the librarian's chambers in the Udrad palace.

The young prince had given Ileus and Leroy, not to mention Fahima new homes in the palace and so far, they had been doing great. Nothing was out of the ordinary, save for the instant shift in the atmosphere when the portal was opened.

"Yeah, we heard that he and Nymeriah came back, which doesn't even make sense, because they hate each other's guts," Leroy added as he and Fahima settled in Ileus's room, ready to listen to what Unar had to say. 

The young prince was conflicted in so many ways and wished that there was something he could have done, but frankly, right now he just needed to be with his friends.

Thinking about Edison would give him a headache he didn't even know he had been experiencing for the past month.