The Merdel Genesis [2]


"Before you send me away, I was sent by Zorro Merdel to help him get a child," Darius said and Nymeriah looked at him like she was checking if the man was high.

It was impossible that the couple that had been in pain for so long suddenly decided to trust Darius with the problem. It all just wasn't clear and right now, Nymeriah was so close to calling it bull, but there was a chance that Darius wasn't lying.

'I'm going to let you in, but you had better be out of this house by midday or I will tell your mama you went to the taverns again," Nymeriah threatened and Darius just sighed. He couldn't believe he had such a cruel cousin, but then that was also part of life no? 

"Thanks, I guess," Darius said and Nymeriah contemplated locking the door but then she realized that there was no harm in letting him in.