The Merdel Genesis [3]


"You did it? If you're talking about breaking the heart of a woman who had been hopeful, betraying a man who had done nothing to you, and hurting a family that knows nothing of black magic, then fucking yes, Nymeriah.

"You have once again proven to be the dumbest little shit in Udrad. If this triggers a war, then trust me, sister I will have your head on a silver platter," Criselda warned angrily as she slammed the door and made her way out.

She knew that the chaos was coming, because when she stood out there, she could see the dark clouds gathering. It was summer in Udrad and everyone knew that summer was never rainy. But then it suddenly began outpouring and there were loads of lightning strikes.

It was almost like the fates were angry with them. It was something that couldn't be undone and Criselfa knew that when she saw that the rain was hitting hard, on just one compound.

The Merdel compound.