Mission Level... Impossible


"You have a brother?" Unar asked, the hurt in his voice showing.

King Unar looked like he had just found out something that he hadn't been expecting, something that threw him off-guard. Anyone who knew him and Alanor well, would be able to tell that it wasn't complicated. 

Was the young king hurt because Alanor had withheld that kind of information from him, or was he hurt because he had just learned that he was sticking Udrad in a thicker mud the longer he attempted to hurt the mate he had rejected? 

Oh, but it was hard to know what ur was thinking at the moment anyway.

"It's not your business. Anyway, I called you here to tell you that I burnt your father's chambers, because you burnt down my family house. It's only fair that I do that, don't you think?" Alanor said and this time it was Zuhair's turn to look at Alanor like he was unhinged.