If I Were You, I'd Pray


"Fine. Pull back, everyone! Pull back!" Unar said to his warriors who looked at her like their king was out of his mind, and maybe Unar Stitt had finally gone bonkers. Hell, even Zuhair Merdel was looking at him wondering what the fuck was going on with the king. 

However, Unar was insistent. He had given his order and his warriors had no other option but to follow his instructions. He knew that this was by far the most laughable state he was in, but he preferred to be ridiculed than to go back home with no one at his side, right?

"Sire—" Zafik began and Unar just signaled him to stay shut for a moment. 

Zhurielle, who had been there with him, also looked at their king like he was insane. Pulling back everyone for the battlefield was chaotic enough and it was worse than what Zuhair would have planned for them, but what if Unar had other plans too?