The Dance of The Soft King


"Drop your weapons, and bend the fucking knee, for your king, if you want to leave with your lives," Unar said to Zuhair's misfit warriors, who were sure that the young king had no effect on them. 

But then they had all forgotten that as long as they were lycans, as long as they lived and breathed, Unar would always have the final say over them. 

Unar was their king, and that meant that he was the king of their lycans too, and there wasn't a lycan alive that could defy the commands of their king, save for the Merdels. That was also the reason Unar was busy smirking at Zuhair who was staring at him like he had gone bonkers.

"Sorry mistress," the warriors said to Zuhair, even Bukhari as they dropped their weapons beside them in a uniform fashion and went down on her knees for their king. It was not what they had expected, but then it was the life they had to live, right?