Flashbacks Part 2

Tsi Yi's mind filled with the memory of the next time he woke up again:

[His arms were tied.

He knew this even before his eyes opened. Tsi Yi was lying on a white cot, a gray stone ceiling above him. His wrists were bound above his stomach; above him was a smooth gray stone ceiling.

He was inside an elaborately decorated bedroom; ornate wooden-framed-paper windows on all four walls, a water bamboo dripper on a polished table keeping time, porcelain vases filled with pale pink chrysanthemums, and much more as far as furnishings went. Everything perfectly matching and meticulously complementing each other.

But the room only made Tsi Yi's blood run cold. His abductor had taken him here.

Tsi Yi sat up, frightened out of his mind. He moved to get off the bed but the instant his feet touched the ground, something painfully shocked his soles; blue electric-looking waves pulsed and rippled from where his feet landed and spread across the rest of the room.

Tsi Yi immediately retracted back onto the bed, hugging his knees tight to his chest to alleviate the pain of being shocked -a second before the doors to the room were pushed open.

And there was his kidnapper again, looking just as menacing and beautiful as when he'd last seen him. Except his expression was contorted in even more rage this time.

The man's right hand was tightened into a fist and visibly shaking against his leg. Was he…really angry about something?

Tsi Yi gulped as the man advanced towards the bed. "D-don't come any closer!"

As soon as these words were spoken, Tsi Yi found himself pinned on his back, his bound hands unable to push him away as ferocious lips devoured his own; the man's tongue ravaged every corner of his mouth once again.

Barely able to breathe, Tsi Yi could only inhale desperately through his fine nose, pounding uselessly against his abductor's head as he continued kissing him -his abductor's smell completely filling his senses.

What…why…did this scent feel so familiar?

This train of thought completely vacated Tsi Yi's mind as the man straight tore open his outer robes, and then a second later did the same to his inner ones, baring his upper torso completely.


As soon as his attacker's hands landed on Tsi Yi's soft tender skin, the man's actions became ten times more desperate, as if he'd just found the best delicacy in the world.

Tsi Yi's scream got utterly muted by his attacking kiss, as his legs were forced open so that the man could situate himself in between them. The man's left palm fiercely rubbed against Tsi Yi's pectorals, alternating between right and left while his other hand yanked loose his belt.


Fragments of 'why' 'are' 'you' 'do-' '-ing' 'this!' escaped Tsi Yi in between kisses but his attacker behaved like he hadn't heard him, only continuing to molest and yank at his clothes.

Tsi Yi had only his inner pants still on when he finally managed to bite onto the man's lower lip, teeth sinking down as hard as he could into the flesh-

His wanna-be-rapist finally separated, lifting himself minimally so that he could keep Tsi Yi still pinned while one hand flew to his bleeding lip.

"You dare bite me?!" the man raged with a seething glare.

Through swollen lips, Tsi Yi heaved in oxygen through desperate amounts; his cheeks were flushed red from the assault and deep embarrassment. He'd never done anything of this sort before in his lifetime! Tears lined the sides of his eyes once again.

Tsi Yi wanted to scream, wanted to yell, wanted to eviscerate or beat this man to a living pulp!


-one look at the man's terrifying, horrific, crazed outlook made any degree of courage sink back inside of himself.


His words were suddenly cut off by a fierce grip on his chin. His attacker's furious eyes locking with his tremulous green ones as he whispered above his lips:

"Call me Han Xing Yue."

The way he said it felt…weird…almost like he was angry he had to say it.

"H-Han Xing Yue…, wh-why a-are y-you do-doing this?"

He tried asking in a brave tone but it only came out in scared pathetic fragments.

Tsi Yi didn't really expect to get the answer that he got; he hadn't expected really any answer -only wanting to distract the man for as long as he could.

"Because while you were away there wasn't one moment where I could stop thinking about you."

Tsi Yi's lips parted slightly, shocked.

This guy was a psycho! He had never met this man before in his life!

Tsi Yi was about to tell him this when he felt the man's right hand reach straight into his pants-

"STOP!" Tsi Yi half shrieked, half wept as he felt Xing Yue gripping him there. With his bound hands still of no use in pushing the man away, Tsi Yi could only try to twist and uproot him -without any success either.

His breaths came out in short pained gasps as Xing Yue's palm agonizingly stroked his length. "St-st-stop…please!"

But Xing Yue didn't stop, he continued, almost like he was punishing him for something.

Tsi Yi's sobs turned violent, his entire body bending and bucking up slightly from cot.


So much pain!

Han Xing Yue in the next moment straight tore off Tsi Yi's lower garments, leaving him utterly naked.

The one good thing with that aggressive action was that Tsi Yi's entire body slid out from under the man afterwards, landing on his hip to the tiled floor with a painful thud.

Tsi Yi quickly scrambled backwards, every movement matched with three to five shuddering fear ridden breaths as Xing Yue stood up from the bed as well, gaze still just as steely and lust driven.

Tsi Yi's back collided with a wall and a tapestry hanging off it; his desperate tugging yanked the material off and he quickly wrapped himself up with it.

Tsi Yi felt deep shame with himself right now, acting and weeping like a helpless maiden against an abductor, terrified that she was about to lose her virtue!

Yet, he couldn't help the way he reacted.

Never having had any physical relationship with anyone before, he'd always been rather shy about showing his body to anyone. Even with the communal washrooms at the Lan Xiu Sect, he'd always wait until everyone was asleep before cleansing himself. To now be so forcibly stripped, molested, on the verge of being raped -Tsi Yi's entire mind was about to explode.

His entire being trembled like crazy as Xing Yue slowly, almost tauntingly, stepped towards him; mocking Tsi Yi with how helpless he was.

Xing Yue knelt down in front of his tear-streaked face and extended a hand out towards him -no doubt to yank the tapestry away- Tsi Yi squeezed his eyes shut, biting his lower lip in the process, ready to be assaulted yet again.

Only for nothing to happen.

He opened his eyes to see his attacker's hand suspended in the air, halfway between them.

Tsi Yi's watery green innocent eyes locked with Xing Yue's and for a second, he could have sworn he saw something on his would-be-rapist's face other than anger and lust. Tsi Yi hadn't been able to fully identify it because it lasted only half a second before being replaced back with anger.

In a second, the man still ended up fiercely ripping the tapestry away from him, throwing the heavy material to the other side of the room like it weighed as much as a twig. Tsi Yi was left cold, vulnerable and shivering not-just-from-the-chill on the ground.

But Xing Yue didn't make another move towards him again.

"Since you're so unwilling to stay on the bed, spend the rest of the day right where you are."

Tsi Yi felt a strange shift in his body in the next moment; it was like…his polarity had changed; Tsi Yi tried standing up but found himself somehow magnetized to the floor.

Han Xing Yue sent him one final hard long stare before departing from the room.

Naked as he was, a frisson of cold wind blew across Tsi Yi from the thin paper windows. He was at least able to hug his knees to his chest to brace the cold, not that that did much for protecting the rest of his body.

Tsi Yi spent the rest of the day like that.

At some point, he must have passed out because when Tsi Yi next woke up, he was back in bed with his tormentor, except this time with a vicious fever and cold.

Shivers raked Tsi Yi's entire body from head to toe; his teeth would not stop clacking as cold sweat soaked his entire self. He was still naked but most importantly, through his hazy consciousness, Tsi Yi realized that Xing Yue was as well.

He was hugging him skin to skin.

But at least the guy didn't seem to have any more immoral intentions right now as he cradled him beneath the covers. Tsi Yi could vaguely discern that Xing Yue was whispering something to him but neither the tone nor content could bypass the fogginess of his mind.]