1. The Beginning...

My mind was blank when I opened my eyes to meet a dark view of the night, I couldn't figure out anything especially the part to why am covered in red paint in the middle of a street,

a cool breeze made me shiver to my realization that i had no clothes on in exception of my undergarmets, I came back to my senses after I felt someone's touch on my shoulder,i turned to meet a total stranger in his late 20's with fury in his eyes,

"Are you insane! For christ sake Elizabeth what do you think your doing here like that" I remained puzzled causing a moment of silence, he proceed

"Answer me!" Still not able to process my brain correctly

" I guess you wont tell me then, am calling your parents right now"He muttered as he took out his phone from the jeans,with the thought of parents I stood fast enough to shock him

"Parents!?"That's all my brain could process, he remained quite for sometime looking at me as if I was insane,

a lot of questions were now crossing my mind like what the hell am I doing here?where's this place?who is this guy?

"Why...Are you too suprised me calling your parents" okay, I really have to ask

"Who are you?" The look in his face sayed how shocked he was with the question

"I...you are asking who I am, seriously!" He gave out a forced chuckle then cleared whatever he was about to say as he picked up his phone

"Hello.. yes I'm here with her....it's okay aunt.. okay" he then turned back to where i was

"Your parents will be here in a few minutes"

It did not take long for a black Range rover to park on the highway, a man with well shaved blonde hair I could say in his late 50's and a woman in her early opened the door simultaneously

The woman had a nice tailored dress and a light makeup on her face, her eyes were swollen but not enough to be noticed easily, her black hair fell straight behind her back that gave her a fancy look, she was about to speak when the man cleared his throat

"Elizabeth Norman what do you think you are doing in the public like that, don't you feel ashamed"

He pointed his index finger to the woman without breaking the gaze his throwing at me

"Your mother was searching for you day and night" he sighted in frustration before continuing

"This has to stop, it's getting out of hand, Hilda..this girl has to move" he finalized as he stormed back to the car

Hilda moved closer to where I was, she looked at me then turned to face the stranger who called them

"Sebastian...thanks for looking after my daughter, you can go home now..pass greetings to your mama"

"Okay aunt, have a good night" sebastian looked at me with his eyes full of disappointment then went to take a cab and went off

I stared at the road hoping in a blink of an eye i will get to understand everything, finally she initiated the conversation

"Sweetheart, my baby.,." She cuped my cheeks with her warm hands

"Why is this always happening to you?The last time you went missing you ended up trying to commit suicide, I don't understand you honey, what should I do" tears started flowing from her eyes, she took a handkerchief from her hand bag and wiped lightly the tears

"Take this!" She extended me her cloth to put on, after getting inside the dress we heard a horn coming from the range rover,

The man impatiently yelled

"Lets get going!"

Mom looked at me one last time before gesturing

"Let's go home then we'll talk everything out"

At that very moment I had no choice but to follow them.

The drive was too quite, I took my time checking the views by the window, the night was so bright, there were a lot of lights, you could confuse them with stars.

The car came to its halt infront of the magnificent gates, as they open, i saw the glass house covered with curtains from the inside, the building was too good to be true,the garden on its sides had blossomed flowers that even at night you could feel their freshness and aroma.

After slowly getting inside the house with fabulous living room full of artistic paintings on the wall and Chandeliers on the roof, mr Williams broke the silence,

"So honey lets go to our room and Elizabeth, you better try not to get lost in the middle of the night,we have important issues to deal with than knowing where your ass is sitting all the time"

I looked down not knowing what to say

"Honey..it's enough, she's my daughter that I care about so don't act like that" she spoke out sincerely holding his arm

" okay...let me go and rest am too exhausted to start an argument right now"

Without adding another word , he marched to his room and all that we heard was a big bang of the door closed, i could feel the house shaking

It was in the moment of silence when mom decided to talk

"you can check the food in the fridge, I'll be back in a minute"

As she departed I took my time surveying the house, I had no appetite, I did not even touch the fridge

After a moment I heard her footsteps towards where I was, I just stood uncomfortably waiting for the guidelines

" did you take your meal? " she looked at me observantly

"Aaah yeah the meal! Am kinda full, thanks for asking " I touched my stomach gesturing

"lets go talk to your room"

I followed her step by step hoping she wont notice I dont know the room, luck was on my side cause she lead me into it and moved to the closet coming out holding pink pj's in her hands.

She sat on the bed and gestured me to sit as well right beside her, after I took my seat she looked at me for a while like she was arranging what her next words could be, she gulped whatever she had in her throat then took my palms into hers

"I know it's been hard for you ever since your dad passed away, but life goes on sweety, I am here for you and I love you so dearly"

She took me in her arms and hugged me tightly enough to make my ribs hurt, I coughed lightly from the effect

"so sorry I didn't mean to hurt you" she said in clear panick

"It's okay mama" she lazily smiled then added

"okay you have to rest... you have school tomorrow I hope you'll get better when you see your friend from the Simpton family...what's her name again ...Mi..." I cut her short as quick as I could

"I guess I'll be just fine mama, you look very tired you need some rest too" frankly speaking she looks so tired that her eyes were half opened half closed,she gave me the pjs

"here are your pajamas, they look good on you, dont forget to shower the paint off" she said dragging the words

"I wont forget that mama" she kissed me goodnight then stood up and left

I took my time observing the room, it was so classic with girly paints on the walls, the floor was covered in a smooth carpet giving my feet some warmth, I saw a phone in a floral case on the drawer near my bed, I switched it on it projected a photo of two girls having fun on in the beach, I smiled at those beautiful faces I couldn't recognize then went directly to the bathroom.

The first thing I saw was my image still covered in paint, some people really know how to waste their talents, the broken heart dripping blood on my left cheek really was some art work anyone would pay for, all I was praying for is for it to wash away very soon.

After taking a long shower full of adventures, I stood infront of the mirror and thought

'Will I get to understand this sooner!'